Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.
Land south on Chestnut Lane, Bassingbourne Cum Kneesworth
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Derelict field
Mostly greenfield and part brownfield
Residential development circa 28 homes
Much needed market and affordable homes and a new footpath along Chestnut Lane would benefit residents of the new and existing dwellings, as well as Hill View Farm shop.
Approximately 28 two storey residential dwellings including 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms as well as single storey bungalows. 40% affordable housing. 0.1 hectares of the site contains non-coniferous trees. This is highlighted in the attached OS map. After excluding this area, approximately 0.95 hectares remains that could provide 28 dwellings using a density of 30 dwellings per hectare.
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Existing vehicle access from Chestnut Lane at the north west site corner. It is possible to create new vehicular access along Chestnut Lane situated away from existing dwellings which are located immediately beyond the north west site boundary.
Site has level topography suitable for residential development.
Approximately 0.1 hectares of the site contains non-coniferous trees which is depicted on the OS map (see the area adjoining the south west site boundary). The site contains non-coniferous trees covering an area of 0.1 hectares. These trees could be retained and enhanced as a green space in the proposed scheme.
Site adjoins the built up area boundary and all utilities are available to connect into. Our research shows there does not appear to be any key utilities which cross the site.
The site is vacant and available and the landowners are willing to develop the site.
The site is situated as part of Kneesworth and less than 5 and 10 minutes drive from Royston and Meldreth train stations respectively. Bus stops on Chestnut Lane and Orchard Close are less than 5 and 10 minute walks from the site. These excellent links to public transport mean that the site is highly sustainable.
Assuming the site secures an allocation in the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan following adoption in 2023 - an application could be progressed immediately and strat to deliver by 2024/25.
No known constraints to development
Agricultural land
Proposed use is Residential and Commercial either exclusively or mixed
6,000 sqm
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None known
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The site is set in a desirable area and would be attractive for developers for employment in this location
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Agricultural land
Residential development. Employment.
Housing including affording affordable housing. Employment.
200 residential dwellings. 500 sqm local facilities
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The site is set in a desirable area and would be attractive for developers to deliver housing in this location.
January 2020
January 2025
Residential development, employment
Housing and affordable housing. Local facilities. Employment.
1130 residential homes. Primary school - 2 hectares. 100,000 sqm employment.
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The site is set in a desirable area and would be attractive for developers to deliver suitable housing in this location. It is also suitable for employment, due to excellent road links.
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Farm buildings
Residential development
Larger homes. Self build homes.
10 large dwellings.
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Free and unencumbered access from Ermine St.
None known
None known
The site is set in a desirable area and would be attractive for developers to deliver housing in this location.
Land to the north, east and south of Six Mile Bottom
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Residential, employment, mixed use (e.g. retail, café, community facility, care home etc.), secondary school, four primary schools, infrastructure, improvements to the A11/A14 junction and railway station. Site area within SCDC 625.57 hectares Site area within ECDC 1146.8 hectares
Development of the site would boost the local economy through the provision of jobs, therefore supporting the high tech cluster to the south and east of Cambridge. The extent of residential development would assist in ensuring that there are enough dwellings in the region to support the District's expected population growth. The proposed infrastructure improvements to the A11/A14 junction would deliver significant highway benefits, including reducing journey times. A potential new railway station would take advantage of the existing under-utilised rail infrastructure to the east of Cambridge (which is on the Cambridge to Ipswich line), and thus provide access to high quality public transport. This provides a significant opportunity to deliver cross-boundary working as required by the NPPF. The areas within which the site is located is outside the greenbelt on the administrative boundary between South Cambridgeshire and East Cambridgeshire District Council.
Approximately 5,000 dwellings initially with potential to grow to circa 10,000 dwellings. It should be noted, however, that the site falls within both the South Cambridgeshire and East Cambridgeshire Districts. It is therefore proposed that approximately 2,000 dwellings will be delivered in South Cambridgeshire. Further land is available as required. Approximately 14.4 hectares of employment land could be made available in South Cambridgeshire.
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A number of vehicular accesses will be improved and proposed in order to access the development. Considering the strategic scale of the development, it is too early to confirm where the proposed accesses will be at this stage. The development is, however, likely to result in improvements to the existing highway network, with a particular focus on an upgrade to the existing A11/A14 junction.
The topography of the land slopes downwards from the south-east to the north-west. Any proposed layout will therefore need to be sympathetic to the site's contours, in order to reduce any amenity issues, e.g. overlooking. Landscape buffering will also assist in reducing the visual impact in terms of long views into and out of the site.
Small portions of the site are located in Flood Zone 3. However, the flood zones are narrow in nature and follow existing drainage channels. Should the site be developed it is anticipated that extensive upgrades to the existing drainage system will be made, therefore resulting in the risk of flooding on-site being reduced, to ensure that all building development is delivered on land within flood zone 1. There is no known contamination on the site. Any future planning application would be accompanied by a Phase 1 Contamination Assessment, which would assess the likelihood of contamination and recommend mitigation measures (if necessary). The northern and south-western portions of the site are located in SSSI Impact Risk Zones. The SSSI's that could be impacted by the development are Fleam Dyke and Newmarket Heath. It is unknown as to whether protected species are present on-site. Any future planning application would be accompanied by a Phase 1 Ecology Assessment, which would assess the likelihood of protected species on-site, then further surveys would be undertaken and mitigation measures would be proposed e.g. the provision of bat/bird boxes. The site comprises three Grade II listed buildings (Barn About 60 Metres West of Westley Lodge; St George's Church; and Milestone to South West of Six Mile Bottom Post Mill at NGR 585 580). Four Schedule Ancient Monuments are located in the northern portion of the site (Three bowl barrows 640m north west of Hare Park Stud; five bowl barrows 270m north of Hare Park Stud; Romano-British settlement 200m west of Allington Hill; and four bowl barrows at Allinton Hill, 420m south west of Allington Hill Farm). In addition to the aforementioned heritage assets, number of Grade II listed buildings are located in close proximity to the site. These include Milestone to South East of Lower Hare Park Farm at NGR 596 593; The Thatches; Milestone 5 Metres East of Spring Hall Farm; Barn at Spring Hall Farm; The Folly; Orchard Cottage; and Barn to North East of Underwood Hall. Two Grade II* listed buildings are also located in close proximity to the site - Six Mile Bottom Windmill; and Parish Church of St Mary The Less, Westley Waterless. Any proposed development of the site will ensure that the character and significance of these heritage assets is respected. This could be achieved through appropriate landscape buffering and setting back development a suitable distance from any heritage assets. A number of Rights of Way are located on site. These include a byway running along the site's southern boundary (REF: 254/19) and traversing across the centre of the site to the east, west and north (REFS 260/11; 260/12; 251/11; 260/10; 30/1; and 250/2), with a further footpath in the northern portion of the site which intersects the A11 (REF: 223/8). A railway line runs through the centre of the site. Any future planning application for development of this part of the site would be accompanied by a Noise Assessment. Whilst it is likely that the built environment would need to be set back from the railway line in order to minimise the impact on residential amenity, should the development result in the provision of an additional railway station then there is an opportunity to provide higher density residential development close to this public transport facility. The northern portion of the site is intersected by the A14/A11 junction. As part of the development, however, an upgrade to this junction could be delivered if necessary. Such a proposal could improve the capacity and safety of the existing highway network.
The landowner is keen to develop the site and is now taking an active role i.e. through appointing a developer.
Proximity to existing regional transport links; relatively low land values despite proximity to Cambridge; available in the short term; and all constraints are considered to be minor and/or easily overcome.
See below
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Proposed residential development of up to 74 dwellings
The proposal will allow a small extension to Coton, benefitting from its location just west of Cambridge. The village will benefit from the Cambourne to Cambridge metrolink and the Hardwick Greenway, encouraging sustainable travel into Cambridge. Services and facilities within the village will also benefit from additional residents.
The site has an area of 3.46 hectares. When providing adequate public open space and ensuring an appropriate relationship with adjacent houses and boundary planting, up to 74 dwellings can be delivered, which equates to a gross density of 21 dwellings per hectare.
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Any application will be accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment to ensure no risk of flooding to residents on the site.
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Utilities can be accessed from the adjacent built form
The site is grassland and is not currently in agricultural use. There are also no tenancy agreements on the land. These representations are made on behalf of a housebuilder, demonstrating their commitment to the site.
The site allows an edge of village location situated just 2 miles from the City of Cambridge, where excellent transport links will ensure sustainable modes of transport are available for future occupiers.
There are no known deliverability issues at the site.
Equestrian/ paddock
S/3824/17/FL - Change of use of land to paddock land and erection of stable block.
The site is suitable for residential and employment uses as part of a consolidated mixed use allocation and/or a component of a wider cluster of research related development in this sustainable location. A planning application by Smithson Hill is currently at appeal for development at Hinxton Grange. This development seeks to provide the UK's first national hub focussed on the advancement of AgriTech and associated businesses. This will provide significant employment alongside sites such as the Genome Campus, the Babraham Campus, Granta Park and Chesterford Research Park. In order to meet housing demand created in the area, the land will allow further employment or residential development as part of a comprehensive allocation in a sustainable location. It could also be included as part of a wider allocation.
Development of the site will assist in meeting demand created by the AgriTech Park and other research facilities in the vicinity, be that residential development, additional research buildings, etc. It will assist in meeting housing need in the area, and could form part of a key national agriculture or science/research hub.
Residential development - approximately 150 dwellings or 8 hectares of employment related land.
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The site would utilise the access provided through the AgriTech infrastructure to ensure a link between land uses. Alternatively, the site benefits from a right of access directly from the south.
The site is flat.
The whole site is within flood zone 1. There are no known constraints to development.
The site would be able to link to the utilities network in the vicinity.
Should the site be allocated for development, it will be immediately available. These representations are made on behalf of the landowner who has control of the site.
The site would provide additional land for employment and residential development to support the proposed AgriTech Park directly adjacent and the wider cluster to research led institutions in the area. It will provide additional land to allow operations related to the Park to expand. It is not considered viable as a standalone agricultural parcel.
Residential housing development for up to 6 units
Small scale housing which will be accessible to the village
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Access requires widening
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University Football Ground, Grange Road Cambridge
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Sports field, club house, fitness suite and groundsman's bungalow
Provision of a modern sports stadium with artificial pitch(s), associated clubhouse, changing rooms, fitness suite and accommodation for employees. The design may incorporate an element of student accommodation.
Access to modern sports facilities
Numbers will depend upon design of the facility and would be secondary to the Sports Stadium requirements.
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Existing access point onto Grange Road
Unaware of any utilities crossing the site
Any development is dependent on funding and working closely with University of Cambridge Sport.
Central Cambridge location close to other University sports facilities
Council offices and open space
Previously developed with open space, parking and circulation. Scheduled Monuments, Castle Mound and Civil War Earthworks are also a part of the site.
The site could be suitable for a number of alternative uses included, offices, hotel, residential, care, student accommodation, specialist housing, retail, visitor attractions and open space, or a mix of some of these uses.
Regeneration of the area and enhancements to the Conservation Area. Increased public access to the area and improvements to the future management of the heritage assets.
The total gross internal floor area for the site is in approximately 11,200 sqm. There is potential for extension of the buildings and/or some new build. Depending on the mix of uses, it could deliver a significant number of residential units or equivalent commercial floor space.
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There are two existing vehicular access points into the site from Castle Street.
There will be the need for archaeological investigations in relation to any new build elements. Part of the site is currently allocated as protected open space. It is not within a Flood Zone and there is not evidence of previous uses that would have caused contamination of the site. The site is within a Conservation Area and there are two listed buildings and a building of local interest on the site. The Council will need to consider amending the open space designation.
The site has access to key utilities. There are no known infrastructure capacity issues. A utilities assessment will be carried out.
The site is in freehold ownership and could be developed within the next 5 years or less.
Enquiries have been received and are being followed up. The marketing has demonstrated strong market demand for a variety of reuse/development proposals for the site.
The proposal is to create a New South Cambridgeshire Village with its own identity, but which supports the surrounding villages of Barrington, Foxton and Shepreth by providing a new transport hub as well as enhanced local services and facilities. The New Village could act as a central hub and provide significant new services, facilities and community benefits. The proposals aim to establish a coherent mix of uses that will bring value and benefit to the local area.
The proposal allows for a number of opportunities to bring benefits to the area and make a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of the existing and future community. The benefits could comprise: - An approach to work collaboratively and shape the proposals with the involvement of the community and stakeholders. - To be part of the green and sustainable agenda, to strive for homes that are built to the highest environmental standards. - A development that is not in the greenbelt. - To fully utilise the opportunity to travel by train - To enhance pedestrian and cycle movement across the A10 and better connect local communities including contribution to the delivery of a new A10 crossing - Increased pedestrian and cycle access into and through countryside - To work with the local community to establish what services and facilities the development could introduce or support; such as open space, play space, sports facilities, community space and education. - Investment into the villages - Development can bring about significant investment into a local area, to enhance the health and wellbeing of the locality. A scale of development that can afford to deliver benefits. - Providing new development adjacent to Foxton in a manner that will respect the existing character and identity of the villages but close enough to provide new facilities for the existing community - Introducing new jobs and adding to the range of jobs available - giving people a better chance of living and working in the same area. An opportunity to travel by train to get to work. - A mix of housing - to be able to provide for a greater range of housing options in the local area; such as smaller, more affordable homes, homes for the elderly and long-term private rented homes.
- Residential (Class C3), which could provide between 900-1800 dwellings at an average density of 30-40 dwellings per hectare including affordable homes; - Public open space, including the creation of an informal amenity area which could include play facilities, ecological habitat creation and public art. - The employment area is likely to be for B1 (office, research and development uses). The employment area is expected to provide for a variety of spaces with different size buildings and different types of spaces with different size buildings and different types of spaces to cater for a wide range of needs and be able to offer space for start-up companies that would need larger buildings and employ more people. The employment area currently earmarked for the development would be an area of 2 hectares, with some 10,000 - 20, 000 sqm of floorspace. The amount and type of employment floorspace will be refined through further masterplan development and stakeholder engagement. - Increased pedestrian/cycling links to better connect the surrounding villages - A transport hub including mixed-use area with parking, cycle facilities, transport information and community uses (class D1) to support the local villages.
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There is an existing farm access to the northern part of the site from Barrington Road. It is proposed to create new accesses from Barrington Road and the A10 to the part of the site to the south. The development of the site would contribute to the implementation of a Foxton level crossing by-pass scheme. Initial discussions with the Greater Cambridge Partnership and Homes England have already taken place to this end.
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The site lies within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore not at risk of flooding. The site lies within a Waste Water Treatment Safeguarding Area and a Minerals Safeguarding Area. Reports are being prepared by Axis to consider the implications of the waste water treatment plant to the north of the site and the feasibility for mineral extraction. There are no other known risks or constraints which could constrain the development of the site.
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Utilities can be accessed from the adjacent streets/built up areas.
The site is available now and all landowners support the proposed allocation.
The site is in a highly attractive location, on one of the key transport corridors into Cambridge with plans for improvements to both road and rail. It is well connected to the city of Cambridge by all modes including the upgraded A10 cycleway.
No answer given
The site is currently in agricultural use.
No relevant, recent applications on the site.
The proposal for the site is a mixed use development comprising the following elements: - Residential development (up to 240 dwellings) with policy compliant level of affordable housing; - A proportion of bungalows in the northern section of the site to address the housing needs of the local older population; - Provision of a new access road from Frog End; - A new pedestrian and cycle route between Meldreth Rad and the site, creating a new connection to the existing public rights of way for local residents and a more direct route by foot or cycle towards the village train station; - Public open space and a new children's play area - An enterprise business centre, providing approximately 36,000 sq ft of employment space.
The proposals at Frog End could secure a number of social, economic and environmental benefits: - Boosting the supply of housing, including for both market and affordable family housing across a range of house types and tenures to meet local needs. A significant proportion (30%) to include for bungalows and alms-house style properties to address the needs of people aged over 65. - Providing high quality housing at an affordable level and in a sustainable location. - Supporting economic growth through supply of employment space to meet local needs. - Boosting the local economy through creation of new jobs - Enhancing the richness and variety of planting and habitat on site in comparison to its current largely arable condition - The landscape provision can also be used to establish a wide landscape buffer between the development edge and the Shepreth SSSI
The site could accommodate up to 240 dwellings, with a proportion of bungalows in the northern section of the site. The business centre could accommodate providing circa 36,000 sq ft of employment space, This estimation includes open space.
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A primary loop road provides vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Frog Lane with secondary roads providing direct access to dwellings. A new footpath and cycle link is proposed between Meldreth Road and the development which would link into the existing Public Rights of Way Network.
The site is relatively flat and comprises agricultural fields.
The site is not subject to any environmental designations and is located within Flood Zone 1, as indicated by the Environment' Agency's Flood maps, and therefore has a 0.1% change (low probability) of flooding.
No answer given
No known constraints.
The site is available now and under an Option Agreement with Scott Properties.
The site is under an Option Agreement with Scott Properties, It is considered that the site has market potential. Expert Residential Agency advice has been sought to ensure that the proposal is deliverable.
The land is in single ownership and there are no restrictive covenants.
Agriculture/Grassland (Hay Crop)
Approximately 48 market and affordable dwellings with associated public open space.
Housing to serve local area plus serving local needs for the duration of the plan period. An element of the site may be appropriate for smaller dwellings to enable downsizing from larger dwellings. Further details to be determined in discussions with Parish Council.
48 homes (to include policy compliant affordable housing)
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Field entrance to the northwest corner of the site. Additional right of way can be provided via land also owned to the east.
Services believed to be available off main highway (A603)
No known constraints on development
Attractive village environment (non-greenbelt site). Good vehicular access. Adjoins village boundary.
Vacant and unused land
The site comprises vacant and unused land. The pitches were removed from the 'outdoor sport' category in the updated 2014 Services and Facilities Study and they are not included within the 2016 Greater Cambridge Playing Pitch Strategy 2015-2031.
No planning applications have been submitted on the site. The site has not previously been submitted as part of SCDCs Call for Sites process undertaken in 2011. Permission was granted at Committee on 7 March 2018 (ref: S/3481/17/FUL) for the demolition of the existing Fulbourn social club and the construction of a 72-bedroom care home on land adjacent to the site, adjacent to the site to the west.
The site comprises mostly greenfield land with some brownfield land in the north western corner of the site including two buildings ('The Yews' and 'The Firs').
R&D and business support services
It is considered that the development proposals could deliver numerous tangible social, economic and environmental benefits to the local area, including: - The opportunity to deliver affordable housing to help meet the needs of Cambridge and Fulbourn; - A landowner who wishes to work the community in order to shape a proposal which meets the needs of and can provider wider benefits to Cambridge, as was achieved in the Fulbourn Care Home scheme adjacent to the site; - Improving the accessibility to the site by providing open space, play and recreation space tat is accessible to residents throughout the village; - Redeveloping part of the site which is brownfield land and therefore in accordance with the councils' sustainability agenda; and - The potential to provide specialist housing such as elderly care accommodation.
The site could accommodate a landscape design-led residential development of approximately 150 residential units, subject to further design work. This would include 40% affordable housing subject to viability, landscaping, vehicular access and formal and informal open space, taking into account the trees around the boundary of the site. The site could also accommodate specialist housing including elderly accommodation or student housing. Alternatively, the site could accommodate a range of potential employment uses including offices, a hotel, or employment floorspace ranging from uses B1, B1b, B1c, Ba or B8.
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The site access is to be taken off a private road along the northern boundary of the site which is indicated on the red line boundary plan.
The site is relatively flat, comprising an unused field with trees along its boundaries. There are no other significant physical constraints on the site such as tree protection orders or public rights of way.
The site is entirely within Flood Zone 1, in a low risk flood area making the site sequentially preferable to land which feature higher risk flood zone areas. The site is within Fulbourn Conservation Area. There are no listed buildings on or near to the site. The site is not protected as Local Green Space (policy NH/12) or as a Protected Village Amenity Area (policy NH/11). The site is within the Green Belt, but is well screened by an existing tree belt along the southern and eastern boundaries. There is a consented scheme adjacent to the site for a care home.
The site has access to nearby utility connections that would nee to be reinforced.
Site is available
The applicant is supported by a professional team including residential development agents who are confident of the site's market attractiveness. It is considered that there is strong market interest in either a residential or commercial development on the site.
Single ownership
Agricultural land/industrial storage units and employment units
No recent or relevant planning history
Mixture of greenfield and agricultural storage/employment
The proposed development has the capacity to accommodate up to 140 dwellings, associated amenity space and improved access. The proposal includes improved access to the site via Station Road and improved links to the wider area of Meldreth and Melbourn. Combined shared services of Meldreth and Melbourn and links to the train station opposite the site make it a sustainable location and well placed opportunity for mixed residential development.
Benefits of the proposed development include improved access and footpaths increasing safety in close proximity to the train station, amenity space to serve the residential area and wider community, provision of a mixture of residential housing types. Development of this site provides an opportunity for improvement of highway pedestrian links to the station.
140 residential units based on 30 dwellings per hectare.
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Site access available via Station Road to the east.
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Access to key utilities but no substantial constraints on site.
The majority of the site is vacant agricultural land with existing access and is therefore available for development.
High given its close proximity to the train station.
No answer given
Previously developed land which has some employment/office/storage in place
No relevant planning history
Development would involve removal of large agri-commercial buildings to make way for new family residential development of up to 200 units on the northern parcel. The southern parcel could accommodate approximately 70 dwellings together with public open space on its southern side which provides recreational area for the development and the village of Melbourn respecting its setting on the northern boundary. The proposed residential development will include mixed housing types, an area of amenity space and an improved footpath to Melbourn village college. A new cycle way is also proposed with appropriate lighting to improve access and security lighting to improve access and security linking Meldreth railway station to Melbourn.
This is a development with potential for improved safety and access off Station Road and improving links to the college and the wider community. Benefits include: - Improved vehicular access serving a family residential development; - A mix of housing types; - A new cycle way and footpath between Meldreth and Melbourn connecting the village, college, train station and public open space. The development serves as a vital link between Meldreth and Melbourn and will ensure that students from across both communities will have a direct, safe and well lit connection to Melbourn village college which is particularly important throughout the winter moths.
Northern parcel - 200 units Southern parcel - 70 units
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Northern parcel - access via Station Road. Southern parcel - new access via new roundabout off Station Road
Access to key utilities but no substantial constraints on site.
High given its close proximity to the train station and sustainable location.
The site is comprised of an existing very successful business park accessed from Denny End Road, with a large central office building and a further office and café building to the eastern edge of the site that houses several small units.
Planning History: Reference: S/0349/14/FL Type: Full Planning Location: Stirling House, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 9PB Description: Alterations to convert four escape turrets into offices, and erection of external spiral staircases to each turret. Decision: Approved Decision Date: 04/04/2014 Reference: S/3165/17/VC Type: Removal or Variation of Condition Location: Stirling House, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 9PB Description: Variation of conditions 5 (Landscape Implementation) and 13 (Scheme of Ecological Enhancement) of planning permission S/0551/14/FL Decision: Refused Decision Date: 27/10/2017 Reference: S/0551/14/FL Type: Full Planning (Small Major) Location: R.E & F Parisi Trading as Paragon Holdings, Stirling House, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 9PB Description: Proposed offices, café/sandwich bar and gymnasium Decision; Approved Decision Date: 02/04/2015
Developed land
Proposed erection of three storey office building approximately 6,000 sqm; two storey office and nursery building of approximately 575 sqm; two storey office building approx. 1,000 sqm and associated parking
The proposed development would provide important units for start-up businesses, which would complement existing successful Cambridge Innovation Park. The provision of small laboratory spaces for start up businesses will enable businesses to invest and expand over time. It will create more employment opportunities and growth on a site that is already developed for businesses class use. The proposed building will be constructed to a high standard, using sustainable building technology. It is in a sustainable location, close to Cambridge with good access to the road network including the A10.
Two storey office building approximately 6,000 sqm. Two storey office and nursery of approximately 575 sqm. Two storey office building of approximately 1,000 sqm. Associated parking.
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Access is proposed to be via the existing point on the southern boundary of Denny End Road.
The site benefits from being relatively flat.
The site is located within a Flood Zone 1. May be a substantial lack of drainage infrastructure, particularly with regards to surface water drainage. A flood risk assessment should be required as part of the proposal.
The site has access to key utilities.
Subject to the creation of the new parking area and realignment of the access road as a first phase of development, the office buildings could then be developed.
The development will form part of an existing employment area in Waterbeach New Town at the Cambridge Innovation Park. The site is in a vicinity of a growth area and designated employment site, north of Denny End Road and east of the A10.
None applicable
Residential development of up to 185 units and potential for any community facilities required to support development.
Much needed market and affordable homes and any community facility required to support development. We understand that there is a problem in the village of no car park being available for the church which causes issues on Church Street. We will investigate the potential to provide a car park for the church. We are also happy to look at the potential for providing public footpaths on the site.
Approximately 185 dwellings
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There is access from Hauxton Road which will require improvement
Site has level topography suitable for residential development
Small area of Flood Zone 2 - no development will take place in small area of Flood Zone 2.
Site adjoins the built-up boundary it is therefore anticipated that the site has good connections to existing infrastructure. A water main crosses the site and will be integrated into the scheme's designs.
The site is vacant and available
The site is under option to a developer who is committed to developing the site without delay.
No known constraints.
Assuming the site secures an allocation in the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan following adoption in 2023, an application could be progressed immediately and could start to deliver in 2024/25
No known constraints to development
Little Shelford, land north of Newton Road
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None applicable
Residential development of circa 40 units
Much needed market and affordable homes
Approximately 40 dwellings
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There is access from Newton Road
Site has level topography suitable for residential development
No known constraints
Site adjoins the built-up area boundary it is therefore anticipated that the site has good connections to existing infrastructure. Following searches there does not appear to be any key utilities which cross the site.
The site is vacant and available
The site is under option by a developer who is committed to developing the site without delay.
No known constraints
Assuming the site secures an allocation in the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan following adoption in 2023 an application could be progressed immediately and could start to deliver 2024/25.
No known constraints to development
Land at Sheep Walk, High Street, Tadlow, Cambs
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No relevant planning history.
Proposed residential development of up to 5 dwellings including car parking and landscaping.
Provide additional housing for local people which would avoid them having to leave the settlement due to lack of housing. The proposal would also support local services. The site is also surrounded by housing on two sites (side and front) and so is not in an isolated location.
Up to 5 - in order to make efficient and effective use of the site.
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The site is accessible from High Street via an existing track. Access spurs off the track will be created to provide access to the dwellings. Access over the existing culvert could be created if required to service the dwellings.
The site is flat.
The site is not within a Flood Zone. The site is within an area of 'Medium' flood risk from surface water drainage. There is no evidence of any previous use which would suggest the site has been contaminated. There are no listed buildings within close proximity to the site and the site is not within a designated wildlife site. Preliminary assessments will be undertaken to determine the condition of the site in terms of contamination, ecology and drainage but there are no significant issues.
The site is located adjacent to existing houses which have access to key utilities. There is a telegraph pole and line that crosses the site which may need to be redirected.
The site is vacant scrubland located at end of a row and opposite existing housing. The site would therefore be an acceptable infill of available land that is not being used for any particularly purpose to delivery much needed housing.
The site is located adjacent to existing dwellings and would provide much needed housing for local people within a desirable location.
Agricultural fields
An urban extension to Duxford Village to provide new homes, employment (General Aviation Centre of Excellence), country park and associated infrastructure.
The proposal at Duxford includes a number of opportunities to bring benefits to the area and make a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of the existing and future community. The benefits could comprise: Excellent connectivity to existing transport infrastructure assets including the M11, A505 and local links, minimising the distance travelled and time spent on the local road network. • Ideally situated to contribute to the substantial development of rail facilities and services at Whittlesford Parkway station. • Well placed to provide a much-needed Green Link between the station, Duxford, the aviation research campus and IWM, helping to connect communities, businesses and amenities throughout the local area. • Further argument for connection to Smart Cambridge’s proposed autonomous mass-transit link serving Cambridge from outlying areas, including Duxford. • Co-location with Duxford village offers the potential to extend local amenity provision and encouraging those living and working in the area to stay local.
The proposal could deliver in the range of 800 new homes and some 110,000 sqm of employment floorspace. A scale of development that can afford to provide and support additional services and facilities in the village.
No answer given
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The proposed site accesses are shown on the red line boundary plan.
The site is relatively flat, comprising open fields. There are no other significant physical constraints on the site such as tree protection orders or public rights of way.
The majority of the site is within an area of low flood risk (Flood Zone 1).
No answer given
No answer given
No answer given
Expert Residential Agency advice has been sought to ensure that the proposal is deliverable
Single ownership
No such previous planning history for the site.
No answer given
Land to the north of the A14; east of Histon/Impington; west of Mere way; south of Milton Road
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Agricultural fields
An expansion of the Cambridge Science Park (CSP) to principally provide for Mid- Tech, being an under provided component of the Science and Technology Cluster around Cambridge. It could provide up to 2,000,000sq ft of floorspace to complement the CSP and the NECAAP area and its aspirations for growth. The expansion will add to the critical mass across NECAAP to help underpin a truly sustainable high quality, rapid, public transport system.
- 5,000 new jobs - Jobs for all. Mid-Tech provides a greater range of job opportunities - Support the delivery of planned infrastructure - Address the growing Mid-Tech need to support the Cambridge Science and Technology cluster - Enhanced ecology, habitats, natural capital and improved public access - Bolster the Cambridge Science Park brand to the benefit of Cambridge's global position in the Science and Technology market place - Help deliver the ambition and aspirations of the North East Cambridge area to be an exceptional place to live, work, play and travel - A brand new strategic scale Country Park available to all - Support the delivery of new, high-quality sustainable transport - Push the boundaries for innovative ways to travel to reduce the use of the private car
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There are currently several existing formal and informal accesses to the site of Madingley Road and Cambridge Road. These could be upgraded or new accesses delivered.
There is one Grade II Listed Building, Moor Barns Farmhouse, Located within the south of the site. It is not considered that this represents a significant constraint to development of the site in whole or part.
There are nearby utilities. Early investigations find there is no reason the site cannot be provided for with all necessary infrastructure.
No existing uses that would prevent development from coming forward. There is market need now of the Mid-Tech space. Programme will be driven by the planning process.
The operation of the CSP and the related conversations with many companies, the involvement in the Science and Technology sector and the associated market research alongside finds an unquestionable need for such floorspace.
Arable land
Residential and commercial development
The site is ideally located to meet the needs of the local residents. Circa 120 new dwellings on the site with policy compliant (40%) levels of affordable housing. Along with associated landscaping, parking and access improvements. The site is in close proximity to Whittlesford Parkway Railway Station allowing easy access to key employment centres in Cambridge and Addenbrooke's Hospital.
A minimum of circa 120 new dwellings. Alternatively the Site could come forward as a Mixed Use development comprising residential development and employment.
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The Site is currently accessed by Station Road East via a single point of access. We consider that the width of access is sufficient to construct a suitable access road.
The Site slopes slightly in a Southernly direction by circa 2m. As this slope is minor it does not prohibit development.
The majority of the Site is within Flood Zone 1. A small section of the northern part of the Site lies within Flood Zone 2. The Site is identified within the Whittlesford Parkway Station Transport Masterplan Stage Two Report, as having potential for residential development.
Water, sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband are available via connection in the main road.
The Site is available for development now. It can be developed within 2 years, post adoption - 2026.
The Site is within a strong residential market area where there is continued demand for a range of house types, sizes and tenures. Whittlesford is a desirable village with access to key public transport. There is strong demand for residential development in this location.
2024, subject to the adoption of the Local Plan
Front green playing field of Former John Falnker Infant School
None for this green
Development of 12 housing units
Better and more effective use of the land to provide much needed private, social housing and other possible uses, including brining a portion of the green in to local or Parish Council ownership for recreational facilities.
In line with size, shape and proportion of nearby housing.
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There is an existing direct Highway adopted access to the site.
From Mill Lane there is ground level change. No ground level changes if access from adopted highway road.
The site has access to the main utilities. Provisional enquiries have been made and approved verbally.
The site is available for development.
The location as a brownfield and the level of the housing need.
March 2020
February 2021
Pre-planning and by co-operation of the Local Authority and the Parish Council.
Cambridge 'D' Telephone Exchange, High Street, Trumpington
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BT Telephone Exchange
Previously developed land
Redevelopment of the site to 50 residential dwellings
Market and affordable housing for the Cambridgeshire area
Approximately 50 residential dwellings
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The Site is accessed from the High Street via a lane between numbers 43 and 45a High Street.
Site is currently occupied by BT but will be available later in the Plan Period.
Good for a mix of residential development
Cherry Hinton Telephone Exchange, 152 Coleridge Road
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Telephone Exchange
Previously developed land
33 residential dwellings (including the Swiss Laundry site to the south)
Residential development to support Greater Cambridgeshire's future housing needs in a sustainable location.
33 dwellings, including Swiss Laundry to the south.
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Vehicular access to the site from Coleridge Road to the east
Site currently a telephone exchange and adjacent to Swiss Laundry site, which has access to key utilities
Site is currently occupied by BT as a telephone exchange
Good for a mix of residential development
Site is currently occupied by BT for telephone exchange
Post Plan Period
Post Plan Period
BT Telephone Exchange and Car Park, Long Road Cambridge
No uploaded files for public display
BT Telephone Exchange
Not relevant
Previously developed land
Residential development
Residential development to support Greater Cambridgeshire's future housing needs
Over 100 dwellings
No uploaded files for public display
Vehicular access from Long Road
Site currently office use so has access to key utilities. There are no constraints on the site.
Site is currently occupied by BT as a telephone exchange
Good for a mix of residential development
Site is currently occupied by BT telephone exchange
Post Plan Period
Post Plan Period
Housing and garden land
S/1082/18/OL - 4 dwellings S/1409/06/O - Bungalow S/1576/94/F - Boundary walls S/1913/90/F - Extension S/0877/79/F - Vehicle Access
Developed land
A residential development not dissimilar to those already approved along Impington Lane
Histon & Impington has struggled to locate new housing development due to the shape of the villages and their encirclement by green belt land. By allowing development of this site the community will gain much needed market and affordable housing whilst putting the site to a more appropriate use. The site is in a sustainable location providing housing within walking distanc