Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.
Land west of 20 Station Road Willingham Cambridgeshire
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It currently forms residential curtilage to 22 Station Road and was formerly garden to other dwellings on Station Road.
It is not developed
Proposed residential development.
The proposed site would provide a residential site with connectivity with the approved housing development to the south (off Hadens Way) and the approved housing development to the north (off of Over Road) and allow pedestrians to easier access the facilities within the village of Willingham, whilst providing a broad mix of housing.
The site could accommodate a minimum of 10 dwellings but would be discussed with SCDC to ensure that the density reflects the location but could accommodate up to 20 dwellings.
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There is a vehicular access from 22 Station Road (one of the landowners) and there is a retained right of way alongside 20 Station Road. An additional access would be required to access this site and it is expected that this would come from the north, via the approved residential development from Over Road.
According to the Environment Agency's flood maps for planning, part of the site is within flood zones 2 and 3 but that could be mitigated in the same way as the approved scheme as Aspinalls Yard to the north and the approved outline planning application north of this site for 26 dwellings off of Over Road. There is the opportunity to mitigate flood risk from surface water by the use of SUDS. No know contamination on the site. There is a badger set on the site, which is currently located in dense bramble and appropriate mitigation would be sought if development is approved.
There are overhead electricity lines nearby and the proposed approved development to the north would allow for key utilities to be provided to the site boundary including water supply, main sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband.
The site could be delivered for housing at the earliest opportunity
We believe that the site has a high market attractiveness as the site is wedged between two approved housing developments and provides a natural pedestrian access potential to connect the scheme to the south with the centre of Willingham
Potentially 2020
Potentially 2020
Land behind Low Close, 52 Harlton Road, Little Eversden Cambridge
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Continually used for agricultural purpose
A portion of this field was released for the erection of 10 affordable houses. Planning ref. S/0629/08/F. Decision date 20-11-2008.
As the intention would be to provide a mix of market and affordable housing, low paid individuals to have an opportunity to benefit from rural housing. The site would also lend itself to the provision of public open space.
Based upon the site at Low Close, a minimum of 10 units would be feasible.
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Two access locations from High Street, Little Eversden are indicated by yellow dots. Two further access locations from Harlton Road, Little Eversden are also indicated by yellow dots.
The site has access to all the key utilities with the exception of gas.
The site would be available in September 2019
The site is in the same location as a previous affordable housing scheme, which was extremely popular and there has been support for additional projects.
Autumn 2019
Spring 2021
Haelan Feld Farm Twenty Pence Road, Cottenham Cambs
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Agricultural/horticultural smallholding
S/0115/19/OL - Registration Date:10-Jan-2019 - ongoing HAELAN FELD FARM, TWENTY PENCE ROAD, COTTENHAM, CAMBRIDGE, CB24 8PS Outline planning permission for the erection of 2 dwelllings with all matters reserved. S/3578/18/PA - Registration Date: 26-Sep-2018 Decision Date: 23-Nov-2018 - Approved Application Type: Prior Approval Barns to Dwellings Main Location: Haelan Feld, Twenty Pence Road, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8PS Full Description: Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated operational development
Agricultural/horticultural land plus barns
My curent application is for 2 bunglalows but the site could accomodate more. Due to the size of the field at the rear of the property, it would be ideal for custom selfbuilders who wish to keep animals.
A small development that would employ local tradespeople and support the local economy of Cottenham.
The site could accomodate upto 5 selfbuild properties with land to the rear.
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Drive way highlighted on map
the site covers flood zones 1,2 and a small section in zone 3. However the barn conversion was passed as acceptable in Zone 2. Flood report attached.
Mains water and electricity have been connected in the past but not currently. No mains sewerage or gas.
Currently waiting for planning pernission with an aim to sell.
A semi-rural site that is in need of development on the outskirts of Cottenham. A site of this size is not rearly available in this location.
Currently in the proccess of trying to obtain planning permission.
Land south and south-east of Ryecroft, Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire
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Paddocks and amenity land to Ryecroft
S/3167/17/FL, S/2102/18/OL, S/4679/18/RM
Proposed residential development and/or including some B1 use.
Additional local housing close to the guided busway with good public transport links to Cambridge and easy access to the A14. An alternative location to large site of mass housing at Northstowe
Residential development of up to 100 houses and/or small area of startup office units.
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A new access would be provided onto Station Road to meet CCC Highway Standards and necessary visibility splays.
Overhead electricity lines for part of the site. Most utilities are available in Station Road.
Other than the necessary planning application, the site is owned and controlled by one landowner, so could be available as soon as possible.
A very attractive site, close to the guided busway at Longstanton (access to Cambridge), close to the mixed-use development at Northstowe. Good access to the A14, which is under major re-development.
Land east side of Highfields Road, Highfields Caldecote Cambridge
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The site could deliver market housing to meet identified need and 40% affordable housing. The site is sustainable and would link to existing public rights of way. There are no significant adverse impacts in developing this site.
The development is within walking and cycling distance of the new village at Bourn and provides significant economic support for the vitality and viability of the village. The location of the site allows for a choice of modes of transport to access local facilities and services in Cambridge and beyond including London.
Residential development of 140 units with associated open space and landscaping and new infrastructure landscaping. Upgrade existing PROW to expand circular walk.
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Full access is available to site with connection rights to services.
It allows sensetive integration between the new development and this site.
The land is unrestricted.
Never previously considered.
Land On The North-East Side Of Long Lane Long Lane
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Agricultural field low grade
NA as site currently used for low grade agricultural
Residential Development 30 dwellings per hectare gross with play area
We will provide local facilities such as allotments, open space, play area as well as an entire range of housing such as traditional housing but also bungalows, custom build, various types of affordable housing including rent, shared ownership and starter homes
158 total residential dwellings indicative. Affordable Housing 40%-64 units Private Housing mix of 2 storey/ bungalows/ self build- 94 units
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The two black crosses illustrate the two access points. Site lines have been checked and are sufficient for residential development
The site we have included within the call for sites is outside the flood zone. We have excluded the flood zone from our call for sites submission as this area is un-developable. The site we have included has no constraints
As above we excluded the area that flooded from our call for sites, the 5.29HA is all outside of the flood zone. The landowner has explained the land has not flooded for circa 40 years and a drain was inserted to mitigate flooding, though we've excluded this area we will be working with the Environment Agency to amend the flood maps too.
We have access to all utilities and capacity. No utility constraints
Land is available now
Very strong housing market. This settlement is desperate for new housing with a good mix of various housing such as affordable/ bungalows/ custom self build. We are in discussions with the South Cambs self build leader Mr Laurence Castle to discuss a portion of our site for this use too
No legal issues all confirmed okay by solicitors
December 2020
December 2022
3 years
No issues
Arable Land
• Reference S/3405/17/OL Type: Outline Planning (Small Major) Location: Land south of Horseheath Road, Linton Description: Outline planning application with all matters reserved for up to 42 dwellings and not less than 0.4ha of allotments, with associated open space and sustainable drainage Decision: Decision Date: ________________________________________ • Reference:S/1969/15/OL Type: Outline Planning (Small Major) Location: Horseheath Road, Linton, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4JT Description: Outline planning application with all matters reserved for up to 50 dwellings and allotments (not less than 0.45 hectares) Decision: Refused Decision Date: 13-06-2016 ________________________________________ • Reference:S/2553/16/OL Type: Outline Planning (Small Major) Location: Horseheath Road, Linton, Linton, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4JT Description: Outline planning application with all matters reserved for up to 50 dwellings and allotments (not less than 0.45 hectares) Decision: Refused Decision Date: 28-03-2017
The site is arable land.
The site could provide for housing for local resident and an attractive gateway to the built environment of the village. If it were deemed appropriate it could be developed out at the same time of the adjacent development thus causing the minimum disruption for Linton residents. There is also benefits in considering this development at this time in terms of provisions of footpaths into the village centre and amenities and to the East to the main transport links.
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The site has access to all key utilities through an agreement with the developers of the adjacent site. The arrangement with the developers of the adjacent site has made allowances for the increase in capacity that would be required for this potential development. There are national grid electricity poles running down the eastern boundary of this site.
The site is part of a larger land parcel which has been granted permission for residential development. Our interest in this field whilst it is accessible to the public highway it does not represent a viable arable field since it would now be too small for modern agricultural operations.
Two similar sites have recently been sold in linton with permission for residential development. Croudace are about to start developing the rest of the site, there is no clearly defined boundary between the two sites
Oakington Road Oakington Road Cambridgeshire
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Residential dwelling, garden, existing garage/former packing shed and siting of former greenhouses
RC/0241/59/ Erection of dwelling house and garage
Mixture of residential dwelling, garden land, existing garage/former packing shed and siting of former greenhouses
Provision of additional residential dwellings will provide employment for construction and associated services in the short term and future occupiers will support local services.
The site measures 0.524ha. Using a similar density as surrounding sites this could accommodate up to 14 dwellings.
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There are two existing access points. Either of these would need modest improvements to enable the development
1. Mains water, electric and sewers are in the verge or road across the frontage of the site 2. We understand that gas is being brought to the housing development site at the rear of this site and this is likely to be in the road/verge across the frontage of this site 3. Telephone / broadband is available 4. The site is not crossed or adjacent to a pipeline and/or pylon
Discussions with the owners indicate that the site could be made available within the next 5 years.
The site is surrounded on three sides by residential development land - land to the north-east is under construction and land to the north-west/south-west is recently had the reserved matters approved.
Land fronting onto Church Road, Little Wilbraham, CB21 5LE
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grass land sheltered by hedges and trees
None known
Use for residential purposes
The development would assist in connecting the 2 distinct and separate areas of the Village of Little Wilbraham
6 Detached houses with gardens to be served by a private road with a new access onto Church Rd.
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The new access road would be in the approx centre of the site.
All the services are available in Church Rd.
Land west of New Farm, Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire
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paddocks and farmland
Proposed residential development with consideration given to an area of employment to create a viable development
Sustainable housing development, close to good public transport and the improved A14. Useable public open space S106 contributions/CIL to the local area Potential to provide a mixed use development with housing and employment. Alternative housing location to Northstowe.
Potential to offer approximately 100 dwellings with necessary public open space, sustainable drainage solutions and some employment if deemed suitable to allow residents to work close to home. Alternative housing opportunities could be explored, subject to further discussions and suitable viability.
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The existing access is identified on Drawing Number CH19/LBA/503/CFS-1-100 and would need to be improved or re-located along the site frontage to suit development on the site. Good visibility splays are achievable in both directions.
There are overhead electricity cable running from across Station Road to New Farm. This could be moved underground as part of development proposals. There is a BT overhead line on the southern boundary of the site. This could be moved underground as part of development proposals. Other services are provided in Station Road.
If the site was approved for development then apart from the necessary documents and drawings to form an application then the site has no time constraints or legal constraints.
The site has a good level of market attractiveness, with the close proximity of the guided busway and the on-going improvements to the A14 and close proximity of Cambridge. It also has the opportunity to offer a better quality/alternative of housing to Northstowe.
None that we have been made aware of.
We would not expect there to be any abnormal costs, which a developer would not expect to fin on this type of site.
Land east side of Highfields Road Highfields Caldecote, Cambridge
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The site could deliver market housing to meet identified need and 40% semi-sheltered affordable housing with different (non-market) housing tenures to create a mixed and balanced community. The site is sustainable and would link to existing public rights of way. There are no significant adverse impacts in developing this site. Village has infrastructure required to support housing delivery. The site would be close to proposed transit systems on the A428 into Cambridge. Site is within walking/cycling distance of new employment opportunities proposed at the village of Bourn and Cambourne.
The development is within walking and cycling distance of the new village of Bourn and will provide significant economic support for the vitality and viability for the village of Caldecote. The location of the site allows for the choice of modes of transport to access local facilities and services in Cambridge and beyond including London.
Residential development of 180 units with associated open space and landscaping and new infrastructure landscaping. Upgrade existing PROW to expand circular walk/bridleway.
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The land to the west of this site was in the same ownership as the subject land. This land now has planning and has since been sold to Linden Homes. In the deal there is a provision that Linden provide access to the subject land from the Highway. Since the original representations were made to South Cambs, a deal has now been done to Linden Homes and they now have an option over the subject land.
Linden Homes have to provide all services to the boundary of the subject land. This will include all major services and fibre. The site is not crossed by any utilities either pipelines or pylons.
It allows sensitive integration between the recently consented development and this site.
The land is unrestricted.
Never previously considered.
North Cambridge Academy, Arbury Road, CB4 2JF Cambridge Cambridgeshire
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The land is used for over spill car parking which can be relocated, some of the area has Bellerbys Cambridge College on which lease is coming to and end and the building is be looked at for this type of development and the final part is landscaping for the Academy this is not used for sports or PE.
The lease for Bellerbys Cambridge College expires next year and is on land owned by NCA/CMAT.
Housing for key worker or other, to use the income to support to developing the Academy site to increase both the site itself and community use facilities.
Improvement to Community facilities, housing for key workers or such like and and improvement to the Academy for Education.
We believe there is the enough for at least 15-20 residential units.
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The site can be access directly off Arbury Road - this will need to be reviewed and expanded. Currently this give access to a car park from the main road.
The site is located on the Academy site, so has access to all utilities. This may need reviewing.
Lease on Bellerbys building finishes next year.
Location is ideal for key worker housing with the development of the area. The Academy will need to increase in capacity meaning a more staffing opportunities.
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Housing development . Houses with space for gardens . Mixed housing , for first time buyers , or families , special houses for older people , some larger houses and a village hall for recreation of existing villagers and new houses .
Mixed size houses as one would find in a village setting.
80 to 120 at 4 to 6 per acre - reduced appropriately for any open space and village hall.
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Farm access at point marked X on map , on a stretch of straight road . A wider access would be needed for this development,
Gentle slope.
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Utilities would have to be installed.
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Little while under current planning constraints.
1. Footpaths. 2. Farm Business Tenancy. 3.Pre-emption rights to adjoining house-owner.
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No answer given
Site adjacent to Walnut Tree Close on East side of North End, Bassingbourn North End, Bassingbourn Heets
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Agricultural land
No previous planning applications made
Residential development within village envelope of affordable and market housing
Development can provide public open space (e.g. playground), affordable housing for local people, possible accommodation for older residents and/or key worker housing
Estimate realistic of 45 housing units including public open space
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Site fronts onto public highway. Road junction required as part of build
Site has access to sewerage, water, electricity, broadband internet. Note that Bassingbourn not on national gas network CLH PS pipeline runs diagonally across site from west to east.
Site is arable farmland and previously identified for development by SCDC
Proposal from developers and promoters such as Orchestra Land
Not applicable
Land opposite New Close, Litlington Bassingbourn Rd, Litlington, Royston Herts
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Arable farmland
Not applicable
Greenfield farmland on the edge of Litlington village opposite New Close, 1950's housing development
Mixed development of 50 market and affordable housing plus parking for houses on Bassingbourn Rd who have insufficient offstreet parking which causes a nuisance for other residents by double parking
Landowner would like to offer parking spaces to residents of New Close who currently have insufficient offstreet parking and are forced to double park on Bassingbourn Rd causing a nuisance
50 houses of mixed market and affordable houses. Given the development at New Cambridge House of offices and a logistics centre, would also consider light industrial use
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Site fronts onto Bassingbourn Rd. Would require new junction being built to give vehicle access
Site has access to sewerage, electricity, water and broadband internet. No other services cross this land
Site is arable farmland and can be developed at any time
Developers such as Orchestra Land have offered to promote this site for residential development
Land at 16 High Street (Yew Tree Farm) Harlton Cambridgeshire
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Redundant grain store and associated buildings and grassland with trees
Grain storage
A mixture of previously developed land and greenfield.
Proposed residential development
The proposed site would see the removal of the redundant grain store and associated buildings, which would provide a much improved appearance in the village, together with additional housing in the village to suit demand. Where possible existing trees would be retained and a much improved 'Countryside Frontage' would be proposed.
Overall housing numbers would be negotiated with SCDC but would reflect the immediate context and not look to over-develop the site but the site could see a development between 10-20 dwellings.
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There is an existing vehicular access from the High Street, which would need to be improved to serve the development. The existing access has been used by heavy goods vehicles and heavy machinery associated with the grain store.
There is a slope form the southern boundary to the northern boundary. The site is currently within the Harlton Conservation Area.
No abnormal issues known of. There are trees on the site. The site is currently within the Harlton Conservation Area.
There are services immediately available in footpaths and roads including mains drainage, water and electricity.
If the site is considered acceptable for development, then the site could become available immediately, with the existing grain store being demolished as necessary.
The site has a high market attactiveness, with its location in the centre of the village and good transport links to Cambridge and other service centres and would suit both small and medium sized developers as well as self-build.
There is the demolition of the existing grain stores and buildings to consider but subject to an appropriate contamination review, some of the materials could be used as hardcore etc in the building process. Existing steel columns/portal frames could be salvaged and re-used.
The site is a mixture of industrial buildings, 90% of them empty as the original industrial activity is no longer taking place on the site. There is a small number of office employees who will be relocated.
The site is developed, the last industrial activity occurred over 2 years ago.
A planning application was previously submitted to develop the site for residential purposes. S/1213/16/OL
Previously developed, brownfield.
The site would be changed to residential housing, with a total of 45 units. The site would also include an office building of 2,198 sq ft at the entrance to the site for upto 20 people. This may be suitable for Welding Alloys existing administrative personnel.
The development will provide access to public open green spaces and a children's play area. The additional population will help sustain the local pubs and restaurants in the village.
45 residential units, based on housing density guidelines for the development area - a gross density of 21 units per hectare. A full scheme has already been developed for the entire site. Office unit of 2,198 sq ft to accommodate upto 20 people.
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Vehicular access into the site exists at present (The Way) and this adequately serves the existing industrial site. Following a request from the Local Highway Authority (Cambridgeshire County Council) it is proposed to modify the existing access slightly in order to provide an enhancement to visibility for users. A Transport Statement submitted to the Council demonstrate that the development of up to 45 residential units and office space can be safely accommodated by the proposed access and that it should not result in a detrimental impact on the existing operation of the highway network in this location.
A detailed Flood Risk Assessment (which includes the results of detailed hydraulic modelling of the nearby watercourse) supports the planning application and demonstrates that the proposed development will not be at significant risk of flooding and that neither will it significantly increase the risk of flooding elsewhere.
The site is supplied with all the key utilities of mains water, mains sewerage, electricity and broadband internet. There is no mains gas in the village of Fowlmere.
The personnel currently employed on the site are able to move to another office location at short notice.
Low. The buildings are all of different ages, and different construction types and some are in need of repairs. The buildings were built and designed around the very specific needs of the manufacture of cored welding wire, a specialised industrial activity, as well as the welding services of heavy industrial plant and machinery.
The soil on the site will need to be tested to ensure there is no soil contamination from previous industrial activity. To date the results have returned no findings of soil contamination. The old buildings will need to be demolished and all asbestos roofing removed by a specialist contractor. The site will need some groundworks to level the ground.
Land south of Whitehall Farm Arrington Cambridgeshire
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Proposed employment use
Provide an employment site in the district with good immediate road connections
The overall size of the units would be subject to further discussions with the Local Authority and number of units would be influenced by various reports including transport statements etc.
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A new access road would be created from the B1042 into the site ensuring suitable visibility splays were provided.
Nearby utilities are available and appropriate provision would be made for key utilities to serve the development.
The land is currently farmed but is available to change to development land immediately.
The site offers a good opportunity for employment use, close to major roads serving the wider context and still relatively close to large built up areas including Royston (4 1/2 miles), Biggleswade (9 miles) and Cambridge (10 miles)
Grass, Cattle grazing.
Increased number of clientele for the local pubs, restaurant and church and more students for the primary school.
5 or 6 self build dwellings.
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driveways onto Eversden road
overhead power cable passes over site.
we own the site and own & control the business that has the tenancy of the site.
We have been asked for self build sites on our land.
Lan east of Leetes Lane Little Eversden Cambridgeshire
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Proposed residential development
Provision of residential dwellings in the village offering a mixture of sizes and tenures with the opportunity to provide some open space and integration with the public footpath 24 and 25.
Number of dwellings would be subject of further discussions with the Local Authority.
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Vehicular and pedestrian access already exists from Leetes Lane and this will have an impact on the overall number of dwellings
The site has access to key utilities but a thorough investigation of utilities and capacities would be carried out, should the site move forward.
Existing farmland, which could be stopped to allow for residential development.
The site offers a very good location in a village close to Cambridge, with the opportunity to provide a mixed range of housing to suit local need.
Existing public footpaths 24 and 25 cross the site, but could be integrated/re-routed in the site with the opportunity of new housing offering passive surveillance with active frontages.
Land south of Wimpole Road Great Eversden Cambridgeshire
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The proposed development could provide much needed housing to the village and additional community benefits by the provision of open space and S106 contributions as required.
The number of dwellings would form part of future discussions with the Local Authority to ensure a density commensurate with the location.
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Existing vehicular and pedestrian access from Wimpole Road. This would need to be either improved or closed off and a new access position provided along the site frontage.
The site slopes from the south-western boundary to the north-eastern boundary.
Access to utilities are available in Wimpole Road, but a full appraisal of utilities and their capacity would be undertaken should the site go forward.
There are no reasons for the site not to come forward as soon as the site can be agreed for development
The site is in a popular village, close to good access to Cambridge and other service centres
Land west of Church Street Haslingfield Cambridgeshire
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S/0026/82/O S/0974/84/O
Proposed doctor's surgery with five flats above.
The proposed site could provide a new doctor's surgery to suit local demand with low cost housing above to offer a sustainable solution.
Five flats above the surgery. No specific designs have been proposed at this stage and would form part of future discussions with doctor's surgery owners and local authority.
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There is already an access onto Church Street which would need to be improved as part of the works. Visibility splays are achievable in both directions.
All mains services are located in Church Street.
The site is a small piece of farmland, which could be cleared and prepared for the proposed use, allowing the site to be ready should the site go forward.
Very attractive. The site offers a well located position in Haslingfield for a new doctors surgery to cope with local demand.
Land at Sheene Manor, Station Road Meldreth, Royston Cambridgeshire
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Former woodland trees felled with felling licence as due to their age wind blow was making them dangerous, now bareland
Residential development of circa 25- 30 units
Much needed market and affordable homes within easy access to Meldreth Station
Approximately 25-30 dwellings
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There is access from frontage to Station Road
The site is located in Environment Agency Flood Zone 1 an area of low probability of flooding A sound survey has been carried out due to proximity to A10 which confirmed that this need not act as a constraint to development The site is located a short distance from Sheene Manor a listed building but is separated by gardens and grounds and tree belts
The site is on the edge of the Settlement of Meldreth and is anticipated has good connections to existing infrastructure.
The site is vacant and available
Highly attractive- Meldreth is a sought after, well connected village with a number of existing local facilities to service the community. Good access to A10 and further road network. The mainline station of Meldreth is walking and cycling distance from the site and gives good access to Cambridge, Royston and London
Start of 2020-2021 dependent on allocation
2-3 years
Land to the West of Elizabeth Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire
Fallow field.
Market garden. It has been left fallow since 2011.
There is no known past relevant planning application for this particular site.
Previously used as a market garden.
Residential development scheme with associated infrastructure.
Redevelopment of this unused land, utilising the existing adjacent infrastructure, will provide new homes to this part of Gamlingay.
Circa 55 dwellings: 33 market housing for sale and 22 affordable homes.
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The land will be accessed from the adjoining Elizabeth Way. Please see the two "X's" marked on the redline location plan.
The site is located adjacent to Elizabeth Way, all services will be accessed from this road.
The land is immediately available for residential development.
The site is immediately available for development and adjacent to an existing residential development.
Not applicable
Domestic housing
No answer given
S/0804/03/F Extension and 2 Dormer Windows - College Farm, Barrington Road, Foxton, Cambridgeshire; S/1223/98/F Extension to dwelling and conversion of adjacent barn into annexe - College Farm, Barrington Road Foxton, Cambridgeshire; S/1656/94/F Caravan Storage - Collge Farm, Barrington Road, Foxton, Cambridgeshire S/2048/88/O Change of use to caravan storage - Collge Farm, Barringotn Road, Foxton, Cambridgeshire; S/0802/81/F Agricultural Access - Adjacent Collge Farm, Barringotn Road, Foxton, Cambridgeshire; SC/0131/50 College Farm, Foxton, Cambridgeshire
Developed land and brownfield
A mixture of market and affordable housing, including bungalows which have been identified as a priority in the village plan process. The option also exists for using the site for business (B1 and B1b) which a site opposite has recently had a change of use for.
It would meet specific local housing needs as identified in the Village Plan process.
This site could accommodate up to 30 new dwellings according to recent guidelines. A lower density could also be achieved depending on local infrastructure plans. For business use, the 1.1 hectare site could accommodate office space of up to 2500 square metres. The site opposite has similar office spaces and intends to employ up to 70 people (Planning reference: S/4569/17/FL).
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Wide vehicular access is situated on the north east side of the site, directly on to Barrington Road.
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Mains water, mains sewerage and electricity are connected. There is no gas supply currently along Barrington Road. Oil is used by most properties for central heating purposes. There is high speed fibre optic broadband coverage. There are no pipelines or pylons.
The site could become available immediately for development.
A very attractive site within 400yds of Foxton Station where half hourly trains go to/from Cambridge and London King's Cross. There is easy access onto the A10 and the M11 is 8 miles away. Foxton Primary School is 0.9 miles away with the Post Office and local shop 0.7 miles away en route to the school.
Trinity College, Cambridge have a restrictive covenant on the site but we have already negotiated a partial lifting of this.
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Pony Paddock
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The site is considered to primarily be suitable for residential development from 7-40 dwellings depending on how much of the site is developed. It would also be suitable for low impact .employment uses such as B1 and B8
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The site has potential to provide 7 properties along Cinques Road, as shown on the illustrative layout enclosed. There is also scope to develop the additional paddock area behind, highlighted in Blue, which at a medium low density could provide circa 40 dwellings.
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An additional access/s would need to be created as shown on the illustrative layout.
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The site is available and a developer involved.
Strong, it is a relatively unconstrained site in a desirable location.
12 months following allocation
Dependent on scale. Smaller scheme 24 months following allocation
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Grazing of livestock
S/3253/17/FL: 30 Dwellings together with associated garaging, parking, public open space, landscaping, access, highways drainage and infrastructure works.
Circa 30 residential dwellings or employment use.
30 residential dwellings or circa 40,000sqft of employment use.
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See indicative layout
Strong the site is unencumbered and in a desirable location.
12 months following allocation
Dependent on scale. Smaller scheme 36 months following allocation
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Between 144-146 Histon Road Cottenham, Cambridge
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Alpine plant nursery
PRE/0130/17 Prior approval granted S/0763/18/FL Refused S/3003/18/FL Approval granted S/4675/18/OL Refused
Brownfield nursery site covered in glasshouses, polythene tunnels and frames for plant production
Small number of high quality family homes.
High quality family homes.
Maximum 6 detached four bedroom houses.
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Clear access to site from B1049 - Histon Road, Cottenham
Current services - Mains water, three phase electricity, telephone.
Currently used for plant production but could be terminated if alternative use was granted.
Perfect site for housing development within Cottenham village.
September 2020
September 2022
Two years
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Land adjacent to 9 Lowfields Little Eversden Cambridge
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Unused pasture
The land would allow the building of between approximately 5 to 20 properties. The land is surrounded on two sides by existing housing and could be used to provide much needed housing without unduly changing the character of the village. The houses could include low cost and key worker housing with the possibility of self-building as well.
The villages of Great and Little Eversden are close to Cambridge and also the road and rail network to other centres of work including London. The villages currently have very few facilities and it has been suggested if the villages were a little bigger then it would be easier to justify getting additional facilities including bus services. This particular piece of land would blend into the current village envelope and allow the possibility to allow low cost house or residencies for key workers. It would also be an ideal opportunity for self-build. Given the space, it would be possible to blend the housing with some open space to retain it's rural character.
The land lends itself to a number of profiles from 5 to 10 houses with plenty of green communal or public space to a more dense population of 20 houses with a mix of inhabitants.
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There is access directly from Lowfields onto the land. There are also possibilities (subject to other landowners permission) to add further access points, including another paddock adjoining this field that is already within the current village envelope.
Electricity lines supported via poles pass over the property, mains drainage and water is also available from Lowfields.
The land is currently unused and has been for the last 15 years or so, being kept to grass.
We have received interest from two development organisations.
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The site could deliver market housing to meet identified need and 40% semi-sheltered affordable housing with different (non-market) housing tenures to create a mixed and balanced community. The site is sustainable and would link to existing highways and public rights of way. There are no significant adverse impacts in developing this site. Village has infrastructure required to support housing delivery. The site would be close to proposed transit/rail systems all associated with the east-west rail link. Site is within walking/cycling distance of employment opportunities and the centre of the village.