Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.
Four Parcels of Land on the North and South Sides of Chesnut Lane, Bassingbourn SG8 5JG and Land Lying to the North West and South East of Kneesworth Road, Meldreth, Royston
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Agricultural land and small number of agrilcultural buildings to the north west of the site.
No relevant planning history
Potential residential development of circa 1900 dwellings with associated infrastructure
Need for both market and affordable residential housing with SCDC
Potential for approximately 1,900 dwellings comprising a range of market and affordable housing.
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Existing access to the southern parcel of the site from Kneesworth Road and access to the northern parcel from Chestnut Lane.
No intrusive surveys have been undertaken but the natural topography does not indicate any restrictions to the development.
A very small part of the northern parcel of the site is partially located in Flood Zones 2 and 3.
Provision will need to be made for mains utilities.
Site is in single ownership.
The site is attractive, with a strong housing demand in South Cambridgeshire
Two parcels of land on the north and south sides of Ashwell street, Kneesworth and Land and buildings on the south side of Ashwell Street, Kneesworth
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Vacant agricultural land
No relevant planning history
Potential residential development of approximately 2000 dwellings with associated infrastructure
Site would deliver much-needed open-market and affordable housing within SCDC. Affordable housing could contribute towards local needs.
Potential for approximately 2,000 dwellings comprising a range of market and affordable.
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Existing access to the site from the A505 Baldock Road, Spring Lane and Ashwell Street.
No intrusive surveys have been undertaken, the natural topography does not indicate any restrictions to development.
Edge of north eastern part of the site located in flood zone 3.
Provision for the mains utilities will need to be made.
Current lease in place to HP Solar Limited.
Highly attractive site. Strong housing demand throughout South Cambridgeshire. Bassingbourn-cum Kneesworth has good services and there has been limited development in the village.
Lease in place to HP Solar Limited until 16th June 2040
1 x pair of semi-detatched cottages Mobile Home Site (6 x Pitches) Range of traditional and modern agricultural buildings Range of commercial buildings and parking. Range of Equestrian Buildings, Paddocks and Menage Agricultural Land (Arable)
S/0493/58 S/0032/80/F S/1508/95/F S/1665/85/F S/0227/94/F S/0677/00/F
Residential development Commercial development Relocation of mobile home site Provision of Public Open Space Provision of Recreation and Community Facilities
Provision of additional housing Provision of employment opportunities Improvement of the existing mobile home pitches Provision of Public Open Space Provision of Recreation and Community Facilities Reduction in agricultural traffic passing through the centre of the village.
75 to 100 new residential units 2,500 to 3,000sqm of employment floor space
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The site is currently accessed from High Street, Teversham. It is proposed that the existing access would be improved as part of the scheme. The land necessary to implement the improvement is within the ownership of the applicant.
The site is identified to be within Flood Zone 1.
The site currently benefits from mains water, sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband. As part of the development, new services will be brought into the site from the High Street.
The majority of the site is held with vacant possession and could be redeveloped immediately. The remaining part (the commercial building) could be redeveloped within 5 years).
The site lies in a village with a primary school, restaurants and public transport connecting the village to wider Cambridgeshire.
October 2020 or sooner
June 2024
Land to the rear of 38 Histon Road, Cottenham
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Agricultural land/pasture
Development of 30 dwellings including affordable housing and open space
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Cottenham. Cottenham is largely constrained by the Green Belt and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Cottenham including the school, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate 33 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Histon Road.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Cottenham and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Cottenham, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
1 x pair of semi-detatched cottages Mobile Home Site (6 x Pitches) Range of traditional and modern agricultural buildings Range of commercial buildings and parking Paddocks
S/0493/58 S/0032/80/F S/1508/95/F S/1665/85/F S/0227/94/F S/0677/00/F
Residential development Commercial development Relocation of mobile home site
Provision of additional housing Provision of employment opportunities Improvement of the existing mobile home pitches Reduction in agricultural traffic passing through the centre of the village.
10 new residential units 2500 to 3,000sqm of employment floor space
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The site is currently accessed from High Street, Teversham. It is proposed that the existing access would be improved as part of the scheme. The land necessary to implement the improvement is within the ownership of the applicant.
The site is identified to be within Flood Zone 1.
The site currently benefits from mains water, sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband. As part of the development, new services will be brought into the site from the High Street.
The majority of the site is held with vacant possession and could be redeveloped immediately. The remaining part (the commercial building) could be redeveloped within 5 years).
The site lies in a village with a primary school, restaurants and public transport connecting the village to wider Cambridgeshire.
October 2020 or sooner dependent on Local Plan Adoption
June 2024
Caravan and Camping Site, rough pastureland, storage with existing buildings.
The majority of the site is greenfield. However as part of the site is currently used as a Caravan and Camping Site, this has required the establishment of access roads and ancillary buildings. There are a number of other buildings located on the wider site.
The site is available and suitable for residential development.
The Site is ideally located to meet the identified needs that exist in the current market in terms of private housing, affordable housing, older persons accommodation and key worker accommodation.
A minimum of 400 new dwellings.
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The Site can be accessed via the existing Cabbage Moor road that currently provides access to the site. We are exploring a number of other alternative access arrangements so as not to limit the development potential of the site.
The Site slopes slightly in a South Westerly direction by circa 5m. As this slope is minor it does not prohibit development.
The eastern part of the site is within flood Zone 2, however the residential development will be located to Flood Zone 1.
Water, sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband are available via connection in Cambridge Road.
The Site is available for development subject to the relocation of the Caravan and Camping Club. It can be delivered with 2-3 years post adoption of the Local Plan.
The Site is within a strong residential market area where there is continued demand for a range of house types, sizes and tenures. The Site is located next to the Great Kneighton development and in close proximity to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
2024 onwards, subject to adoption
Parkshire Subdivisional Police Headquarters, Parkside Cambridge
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Operational Police HQ (SUI GENERIS)
Previously developed land
Mixed use for hotel and or housing (including affordable housing and or B1 office - capacity to be determined at design stage
Much needed housing, including affordable housing, in a sustainable location. Potential for high quality office and or hotel facilities and a retained public town-centre presence for the constabulary.
High density, town centre location. Council current allocation anticipates 102 dwellings per hectare on this site, floorspace for B1/C3 and potential mixed uses to be determined at design stage.
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Existing access points onto Warkworth Street
Unaware of any utilities crossing the site
The owners are positively pursuing relocation of the current HQ operational site
Prestige location in Cambridge conservation area - high attractiveness
Timing of relocation from this site was uncertain
Site clearance costs and high quality design for prominent conservation area location likely to be offset by value of development in prime location.
Land at Bourn Airfield, south of Wellington Way
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The site falls within the area that is currently the subject of an outline planning application ref: S/3440/18/OL for a new mixed use village comprising approx. 3,500 dwellings, at Bourn Airfield.
Proposed extension to the new mixed use village at Bourn Airfield to provide additional flexibility to the detailed design, layout and range of uses in the north eastern entrance, including the new expressway, in order to create a high quality attractive gateway into the village. The extended development area not only would provide a less constrained area for development than is currently defined by the Local Plan defined Major Development Site (MDS), but will also provide the opportunity to exercise best practice in master planning and placemaking, without the threat of coalescence with Caldecote/Highfields.
The current extent of the defined Major Development Site as shown on the adopted Policies Map Inset I was drawn on an arbitrary basis without any consideration to a design-led approach including master planning, layout, urban design and overall place-making principles. Policy SS/7 requires such a design-led approach to deliver the new village to a high standard of design and as an example of excellence in sustainable development. The existing MDS boundary in the north east entrance to the site creates a major constraint and unnecessary burden to achieve these policy and high quality place-making objectives. The submitted extension to the designated MDS will not only improve the scope to design a high quality gateway into the new village, but it will also provide a substantial green buffer to separate the new development from Caldecote/Highfields. This buffer could include new footpaths and a cycleway to connect the existing Caldecote/Highfields community with the new facilities, including the expressway, that will be provided as part of the comprehensive Bourn Airfield development.
Depending on the final range of uses, the area could accommodate up to 85 dwellings.
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The current outline planning application for the new village at Bourn Airfield provides details (that are not reserved) of the principal eastern access into the site from the roundabout on St Neots Road, including the first section of the strategic public transport route. The necessary land required to provide these two means of access within the defined MDS leaves very little space for built development. This would result in a narrow band/ribbon for buildings adjacent to the transport routes that is insufficient to create a high quality and appropriate gateway into the new village. To increase the area to sufficient size and proportions to provide a high quality designed gateway.
The current outline planning application and supporting documents demonstrate that there are no constraints to the provision of key utilities to serve the new village. The proposed development of the new village at Bourn Airfield will provide the full range of key utilities to serve the scheme with sufficient additional capacity to allow for a greater amount of development than that currently planned in the outline planning application.
There are no physical or technical constraints to deliver development in the short term, as set out in the Bourn Airfield planning application. The whole of the application site is in single family ownership.
Market attractiveness would be high because of the urgent need for new homes in South Cambridgeshire, the proximity of the site to the City and key centres of employment and the proposed new strategic public transport route/expressway.
No, the site is in single family ownership.
The site is currently allocated in Policy SS/7 of the adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan.
A garden centre and rough pasture land
A garden centre and rough pasture land
The site is currently in the Green Belt and so its designation restricts the land's future development which limits the opportunity for Scotsdales Garden Centre to expand and diversify.
The site's designation within the Green Belt greatly restricts the operational running of the business. If the site was to be released from the Green Belt and included with the development framework it may have greater opportunity to consider further investment that would result in new job creation on the site.
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The Site can be accessed by the existing access from Horningsea Road.
The site is flat.
The site sits within Flood Zone 1. The north and eastern parts of the site lie within the Greenbelt, however the western part of the site sits within the Horningsea development framework (Policy s/7) making it an ideal site to release from the Green Belt in its entirety. The northern part of the site lies within the district wide Conservation Area (Policy NH/14).
Water, sewerage, electricity and broadband are available via connections into the High Street.
The Site is available for development now. It can be delivered within 2 years post the release from the Green Belt.
The Garden Centre is currently constrained by the Green Belt restrictions. If the land was to be released from the Green Belt, the owners would consider alternative investment opportunities to improve the site and create further employment opportunities.
2024 or sooner if the emerging local plan is adopted
Predominantly agricultural
Our vision is for a new community to the north of Cambourne, that is linked to, and complements the existing town. The new community would also be linked to Cambridge via a Park and Ride / Metro station / transport hub in close proximity to the A428 junction. The new community would comprise a number of linked mixed use local centres providing social, leisure and cultural uses (potentially including a new music venue); retail and employment spaces; primary and secondary education provision; and significant accessible green space.
Key benefits are the provision of housing and employment, appropriately located Park and Ride / Metro in the A428 corridor providing sustainable links to Cambridge; the potential for large gains in self-containment, reducing the need to travel to Cambridge; the provision of shared leisure, community, cultural and retail uses that would provide significant benefits to existing Cambourne residents.
About 10,000 homes, and potential for 40,000 sqm employment (to be confirmed)
See attached draft Development Framework, SK09. Existing access points would be augmented with new access onto the A428 junction, including provision for Park and Ride / Metro / transport hub, with Cambourne and Cambridge. This would provide significant mitigation of existing traffic in addition to reducing new traffic.
There are some parts of the site where development would be limited by environmental considerations. Desktop constraints and initial studies have informed the Development Framework attached and associated site capacity assessment. There are opportunities to enhance habitats associated with the Elsworth Wood SSSI and the RSPB Farm as part of the strategic open space.
To be confirmed separately - see attached WSP statement
The site is currently farmed, but could become available immediately, subject to planning consents and lead-in times.
Very attractive
None known
A development of this size will be able to provide significant contributions towards strategic infrastructure, including provision for Park and Ride / Metro / transport hub, and would also be able to attract significant government investment / loans.
Land on the west side of Long Lane, Fowlmere, Royston
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It is understood that land directly to the south of the site is being promoted for development. This site would act as a natural extension and is anticipated that it could deliver approximately 40 to 50 dwellings.
Additional housing will provide affordable housing and public open space to benefit the community.
Approximately 40 to 50 dwellings.
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Access to be provided off Long Lane
Further technical due diligence is required to be carried out to determine the extent of utilities available and whether or not any services will need to be reinforced.
Enquiries have been received from developers.
Land on the west side of London Road/High Street, Fowlmere, Royston
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Mainly Agricultural Northern land parcel contains vacant agricultural barns
All documentation should be stored with South Cambridgeshire District Council. Please contact Rob Hopwood if further copies of the documentation is required.
Northern Land Parcel * The northern land parcel has been previously developed for ancillary uses associated with a former airfield, RAF Fowlmere. Four buildings are present at the site; two single storey wooden former chicken sheds located in the southwestern corner and a Nissen Hut style building and a square brick built single storey structure located in the centre. Elsewhere across the Site are the occasional remains of brick building foundations and concrete connecting paths. Southern Land Parcel * Greenfield
There are two parts of the site, which could come forward in isolation or at the same time as follows: 1. Northern land parcel = 2.432 hectares and could accommodate approximately 50 dwellings. 2. Southern land parcel = 7.6 hectares and could accommodate approximately 150 dwellings.
Additional housing will provide affordable housing and public open space to benefit the community
Between 50 to 200 dwellings, dependent on whether the parcels are to be allocated as a whole or in isolation.
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An existing access is provided from the High Street to the Butts Business Centre. This access is private and owned by the landowners.
The northern land parcel contains vacant agricultural barns. An intrusive Ground Investigation report will determine the contamination risk of the site.
Further technical due diligence is required to be carried out to determine the extent of utilities available and whether or not any services will need to be reinforced.
Enquiries have been received from developers.
Garden, entrance to Garden Centre, grassed area
Part of the site forms the entrance
The site is currently in the Green Belt and so its designation restricts the land's future development which limits the opportunity for Scotsdale Garden Centre to expand and diversify. Scotsdale are keen to consider alternative uses for this land that compliments the garden centre business.
The site's release from the Green Belt and inclusion within the development framework for Great Shelford, would allow Scotsdale to bring forward development uses that compliment the running of the Garden Centre.
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The site would be accessed from the main site access to the Garden Centre off Cambridge Road.
The site is flat
The site is within the Green Belt
Water, sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband are available via connections in Cambridge Road
The Site is available for development now. It can be delivered within 2 years post the release from the Green Belt.
The site lies within a strong residential and employment area. There is demand both from uses within the Garden Centre and from other interested parties to develop the site for both residential or commercial uses.
2024 or sooner if the emerging local plan is adopted.
Greenfield land
No answer given
Multiple planning applications for commercial development related to the commerical park.
Demolition of a garage and potentially dwelling at 96 High Street to provide access and residential development with associated amenity space.
The development will include an area of public open space to the west acting as a buffer between residential development and the wider commercial park. Potential to link a portion of housing to the site as worker dwellings.
No answer given
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Access is proposed via 96 High Street Abington
No answer given
No answer given
No answer given
Foul Drainage: There is an Anglian Water sewer running along the northern boundary of the site. Surface Water Drainage: The site can be drained into soakaways. Electricity: There is an 11kv overhead supply running along the northern boundary of the site. Water: There is a Cambridge Water supply pipe adjacent to the site in land owned by the applicant. Gas: There is GTC low pressure gas main adjacent to the site in land owned by the applicant. Broadband: There are BT and Virgin cable ducts immediately adjacent to the site. Key Infrastructure on the site: There are no existing mains infrastructure crossing the site itself
No answer given
High given sustainable location and links to Granta Park
No answer given
No answer given
Land adjacent to Abington Hall, Great Abington
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Industrial storage
Multiple planning applications for commercial development related to the commercial park.
Mixed greenfield and industrial storage
Residential development on land adjacent to Abington Hall.
Potential to link a portion of housing to the site as worker dwellings. Links to development at adjacent Abington Hall.
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Access is proposed via 96 High Street Abington
Foul Drainage: There is an Anglian Water sewer running along the southern boundary of the site. Surface Water Drainage: The site can be drained into soakaways or into the River Granta which forms the northern boundary. Electricity: There is an 11kv overhead supply running 20m from the southern boundary of the site. Water: There is a Cambridge Water supply pipe adjacent to the site in land owned by the applicant. Gas: There is GTC low pressure gas main immediately adjacent to the site. Broadband: There are BT and Virgin cable ducts immediately adjacent to the site Key Infrastructure on the site: There are no existing mains infrastructure crossing the site itself
High given sustainable location and links to Granta Park
Industrial storage
No relevant planning history
Previously developed
Mix of potential uses including residential development.
Potential to link a portion of housing to the site as worker dwellings. Links to development at adjacent Abington Hall.
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Existing access to Abington Hall.
High given sustainable location and links to Granta Park
Agricultural, arable. There is also a farmhouse and associated buildings on the site.
Employment use. The existing farmhouse and buildings can be demolished or retained as part of the development.
Provide a site for employment use, creating jobs for the local community and business opportunities. Well located off the newly improved and upgraded A14 scheme which will significantly improve the vehicle access into and out of the site.
We believe 55% of the site could be developed. This would create 280,340 sqm of floorspace for a mix of employment uses.
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Current access from Hatton's Road (B1050) from Bar Hill to Longstanton (see blue arrow on the plan). However, the site access will significantly be improved with two new accesses being created as part of the new A14 relief road scheme. The new A14 upgrade will substantially improve access into and out of the site by creating two new accesses.
The site is relatively flat and there are no other physical constraints on the site or public rights of way.
Part of the site is within Flood Zone 2. Open space will be left adjacent to the brook to accommodate the flood risk on the site.
The site has water and an electricity. There is no mains sewerage.
Tenancy allows termination for development under short notice provisions.
Location and access from the new A14 upgrade, and the ability to provide mixed employment use on one site.
See mitigation above
Land Between 135 and 149, Histon Road, Cottenham, Cambs CB24 8UQ
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Pasture land
Has not been developed
Residential development
A range of housing to meet the short and medium needs of the local community
Between 20 and 40 dwellings could be provided on the site, The actual number would be a residual of the size and mix of households to be accommodated for and the density of development considered appropriate.
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Existing agricultural access would need to be widened and improved to adoptable highway standards.
The site comprises a vacant grass field in an existing built up residential area along Histon Road, close to the centre of Cottenham.
Vacant site
The site is situated in a sustainable location in an existing built-up residential area, close to services, employment and other facilities which are all accessible by foot, cycle and public transport.
Football club and associated uses
Erection of club office and shop following demolition of old premises (15/0165/FUL) Approved 24th April 2015 Single Storey rear extensions to hospitality suites behind the main stand (14/0670/FUL) Approved 25th June 2014 Alterations and extensions to create a 10,000 capacity all seater Football stadium; proposals to include change of use of allotment land; demolition of existing north stand, south terrace and supporters club; relocation of playing surface; erection of new north and south stands; and additional car parking and landscaping (C/99/0492). Approved 19 June 2001
Previously developed land
The proposals to date have involved the proposed redevelopment of the existing Abbey Stadium and the surrounding land to include a completely new stadium, 368 dwellings in a series of apartment buildings, ranging in height from four to eight storeys, and offices on the ground floor of one of the blocks of c 2,133 sqm GIA. An alternative option to is relocate onto a new site and comprehensively develop the existing site with greater numbers of new housing
The long term security of the Football Club is secured in circumstances where redevelopment of the existing site secures a new stadium on site. Such proposals bring forward new housing and an opportunity to secure more jobs on the site An option to relocate the Football Club onto an alternative site should also secure its future whilst new delivering new facilities on that site, as well as bring bringing new jobs and more housing forward on the Newmarket Road site which therefore becomes available for development
The proposals to date have involved the proposed redevelopment of the existing Abbey Stadium and the surrounding land to include a completely new stadium, 368 dwellings in a series of apartment buildings, ranging in height from four to eight storeys, and offices on the ground floor of one of the blocks of c 2,133 sqm GIA. No details are provided in the event that the whole Newmarket Road site becomes available for development in the event that a relocation site can be secured although it must be assumed that it would be greater in numbers than the above paragraph
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In assessing the future of the site in design and layout terms , the perception is that the Stadium needs to be moved from west to east to accommodate reasonable vehicular access to the western part of the site from Newmarket Road (currently too narrow) given that the existing vehicular access via Cutthroat Lane is considered to be inadequate. In addition there are concerns about height issues onto Newmarket Road, particularly on account of the Listed buildings opposite.
Utilities obviously serve the existing site and so it is envisaged that new development would necessarily tie into this development
The Football Club needs to ensure continuity of playing season so requires a relocation site, either short term or medium term having regards to options
Land on the west side of Dubbs Knoll Road, Guilden Morden, SG8 0LA
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It has not been used in it's current ownership - purchased 2003
5 dwellings
As an infill site it could provide much needed housing without significantly altering the shape, boundaries or development framework of the village. As private property, the current scrubland does not provide any amenity to the village nor use for its owners. Housing would be a significantly better use of the area than as an empty patch of unkempt land surrounded by existing dwellings, and a soon to be developed site. The site could provide new access to the countryside for prospective residents and improve the current access for villagers through the improvement of access to pathways and maintenance of borders which run alongside the site. The land is close to the village core so would provide sustainable development, reducing the number of car journeys in comparison to potential developments placed further afield. The development would be undertaken by a Cambridgeshire based company thus providing jobs and a boost to the local economy.
We estimate 5 subject to further evaluation from the Greater Cambridge Partnership. Based on the current formula of approximately 30 dwellings per hectare, it could accommodate up to 13 units, although we feel that the number should be significantly lower due to the low density of development in the area and the classification of Guilden Morden as a Group Village. However, we are happy to work with the Greater Cambridge Partnership on this.
No answer given
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The site has access from a track to the west of the site. It also joins the highway of Dubbs Knoll Road. Another private or adopted road could be created across the front of the site.
The land is slightly uneven, but slopes away from the front of site thus assisting drainage. In conducting a topographical survey, our engineer found no major obstacles to development. Ground surveys and investigations to be undertaken where appropriate.
A recent ecology report concluded: 'The proposed development will not adversely affect any non-statutory designated nature conservation sites. No habitats that occur within the survey area were considered to have high ecological importance on an international, national, regional or county scale.' No major mitigation required. Appropriate surveys have been undertaken.
No answer given
Infrastructure will need to be added, but there are utilities serving the surrounding properties.
It is available now if approved.
Its location and potential attraction to buyers make it a viable proposition. The site is available immediately, a number of background surveys and work have already been done, and therefore it could be developed quickly. As an infill site it is also very attractive to buyers. It is within the current village core of Guilden Morden and is well served by local amenities. It is less than 150 metres from bus services, approximately 100 metres from the local primary school and under 400 metres from the recreation ground. This site could provide a sustainable and popular development.
Comfort Cafe, Four Wentways, Little Abington, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
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Vacant café site (A3 use class)
A3 use of the site ceased between 2016 and present.
Reference: S/0894/11 Type: Full Planning (Small Major) Description: Renewal of planning Application: S/0265/04/F for the erection of a 60 bedroom hotel incorporating business centre and extensions to existing café. Decision: Approved Decision Date: 29/07/2011 N.B. Unimplemented and now expired. Reference: S/0265/04/F Type: Full Planning Application Description: Erection of 60 bedroom hotel building incorporating business centre. Alterations and extensions to existing café. Decision: Approved Decision Date: 8/5/2006 Reference: S/2261/02/F Type: Full Planning Application Description: Erection of 60 Bedroom Hotel Building Incorporating Small Business Centre. Alterations and Extensions to Existing Café. Decision: Refused Decision Date: 01/07/2003 Reference: S/1788/99/F Type: Full Planning Application Description: Extensions and change of use of store to chapel Decision: Approved Decision Date: 31/08/2000 Reference: S/1904/98/F Type: Full Planning Application Description: Extensions to café, conservatory, garden service point, garden store, bedroom accommodation and drive through takeaway Decision: Withdrawn Decision Date: 21/12/1998 Reference: S/0649/97/F Type: Full Planning Application Description: Extensions to cage, garden service/waiter station and garden store Decision: Refused Decision Date: 17/11/1997 Reference: S/0526/91/F Type: Full Planning Application Description: Extension to car park Decision: Approved Decision Date: 01/07/1991 Reference: SC/0204/67/D Type: Full Planning Application Description: Café with overnight accommodation to replace existing Decision: Approved Decision Date: 30/6/1967
Previously developed land
Proposed redevelopment of the site to provide laboratory space for start up business (B1 business use). It is envisaged that a two storey building will be proposed on the application site, with a Gross Internal Floor Area of approximately 1600 sqm.
The proposed development would provide important start-up units for laboratory based businesses, which would complement existing nearby employment in the District including at the nearby Granta Park and Babraham Research Campus. The provision of small laboratory spaces for start up businesses will enable businesses to invest and expand over time. Approximately 150 people will be employed on site, providing significant opportunities for employment growth. The proposed building will be constructed to a high standard, using sustainable building technology. The site is currently developed, however, any trees will be retained to the boundaries as screening where possible and the site landscaped to enhance it and encourage biodiversity gains. It is in a sustainable location, close to Cambridge with good access to the road network including the A1207 and A11. The site is located only 0.87km from the bus stops on Cambridge Road, which provide stops for the Haverhill - Linton - Abington - Cambridge bus services (services 13A/B/C/X13), which run regularly through the day Monday - Saturday. It is possible to walk from Little Abington on a paved footpath alongside the A1307 and Bourn Bridge. It would return to use a vacant brownfield site, which s strongly supported in the NPPF. The use would complement neighbouring uses of Four Wentways.
A draft plan has been prepared by MCW. It enables 23 laboratory spaces ranging bin size between 95 and 290 sqm. This plan also provides 15 small offices to complement the laboratory spaces, also ranging in size between 96 and 290 sqm. The design would enable a communal area and onsite café for staff employed on site.
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Access is proposed to be via the existing point on the western boundary with Newmarket Road.
The site benefits from being relatively flat.
Full background surveys will be undertaken prior to the submission of the planning application. The site is located within Flood Zone 1.
The site has access to the key utilities.
The site is vacant.
Paragon are committed to development of the site and are intending to submit a planning application for the site's redevelopment. It is fully deliverable in this regard.
Busters Farm, 32 St Peters Street, Duxford Cambridge
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Bungalow Built circa 1979/1980
Sale of land for development
More housing
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Access via driveway
Paddock, scrub
Residential development, primary school, care home, and associated open space and landscaping
Development of the site would assist in supporting the existing services and facilities in Bar Hill. Furthermore, the provision of a primary school and care home would assist in meeting the current respective education and elderly accommodation shortfalls in the locality.
Residential development of up to 430 dwellings and a 200-bed care home. This is based on a density of 40dph, the allocation of 2 hectares for the care home, 1 hectare for the primary school, and the remaining land for open space and landscaping.
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Access is currently provided off High Street, Dry Drayton, but would need to be upgraded to an adoptable standard. Further access points could be achieved off Crafts Way/Saxon Way, Bar Hill, subject to successful negotiations held with the landowners who own the adjoining land between the highway and the proposed development site.
The site slopes down from approximately 40 metres above sea level in the south-east to approximately 25 metres in the north-west. Any proposed layout will therefore be sympathetic to the site's contours, in order to reduce any amenity issues e.g. overlooking. Landscape buffering will also assist in reducing the visual impact in terms of long views into and out of the site.
The north-west portion of the site is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3. This flood zone, however, is largely concentrated along an existing drainage channel which bounds the site along its western border. Should negotiations with the adjacent landowner prove successful and thus the site be developed, it is anticipated that extensive upgrades to the existing drainage system would be made, therefore resulting in the risk of flooding on-site being reduced. Consequently, this may culminate in the downgrading of the on-site flood zone to levels 2 or 1. There is no known contamination on the site. Any future planning application would be accompanied by a Phase 1 Contamination Assessment, which would assess the likelihood of contamination and recommend mitigation measures (if necessary). It is unknown as to whether protected species are present on-site. Any future planning application would be accompanied by a Phase 1 Ecology Assessment, which would asses the likelihood of protected species being present on-site. Should there be a likelihood of protected species on-site, then further surveys would be undertaken and mitigation measures would be proposed e.g. the provision of bat/bird boxes. A Public Right of Way bounds the site to the west (REF: 66/1). In addition, considering the adjoining woodland between the site and the public highway, there is an opportunity to create a pedestrianised greenway and thus encourage future occupiers to access the surrounding countryside.
All services available to serve site. A 15 metre high telecommunications monopole is located in the south-east corner of the site.
The landowner is keen to develop the site and has received enquiries. However, the site is not available immediately as negotiations need to be held with the adjacent landowner in order to secure further points of access for the site.
Proximity to existing and regional transport links (upgrading of A14); available in the short term (on the basis of successful negotiations with adjacent landowner); and all constraints are considered to be minor and/or easily overcome.
Yes - the adjoining woodland between the site and the public highway in Bar Hill is under different ownership. Successful discussions with the adjoining landowner would enable additional access points to be created off Crafts Way/Saxon Way and thus bring significant benefits for the existing local community through the development of the site.
See suitability - site features and constraints
Grange Field, Church Street, Great Shelford
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Horse Grazing
S/0574/98/F Change of Use to extension of recreation ground, Granted 4/6/98. No other relevant applications in the last 30 years.
The land is in a central village location and suitable for a variety of housing uses including market housing, affordable housing or housing for people with disabilities or receiving care. Any scheme would also offer the potential to offer land for recreation and open space as an extension to the adjoining Recreation Ground. Site capacity c.40 dwellings.
Part of the site would be dedicated to the Parish Council for an extension to the adjoining recreation ground. The site is sustainable as it is very close to the commercial centre of the village (Woollards Lane) and to the railway station.
Based on development of around 1.3ha on the northern half of the site with around 1.2ha to be dedicated as recreation area. The exact balance of uses is to be agreed.
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Access is shared with the adjoining Peacocks development with rights to improve the vehicular access to the field.
Around 20m of the frontage to the River Cam, on the southern boundary, is within Flood Risk Zone 2 or 3. The land falls within the Great Shelford Conservation Area. The strip of woodland along the eastern boundary, together with certain individual trees within the site, are protected by TPOs. The land is currently within the Green Belt. Flood Risk plan attached. Development would not extend into this area. Any scheme proposed would be designed to protect heritage assets and enhance the general setting.
Whilst a full survey has not been completed, we assume suitable utilities are readily available in this central village location.
The site is undeveloped and subject to a short term, terminable, grazing licence.
The site would form an easily deliverable extension to the village with expansion bounded by the river. The site is highly sustainable due to its very close proximity to the commercial centre of the village and to public transport.
Rough pasture
Rough pasture
Residential development
The site can deliver circa 50 new homes, 40% of which would be affordable. The development would provide on-site open space.
The site will provide a policy compliant density of 30 dwelling per hectare as stipulated within the Adopted Local Plan. Circa 50 dwellings would therefore be appropriate for the site.
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The Site benefits from a single access point from Hinton Road. Discussions are currently ongoing with adjoining landowners to secure an alternative access or widen the existing access.
The site is within flood zone 1 and there are no other environmental constraints that we are aware of that would restrict the development of this site.
Water, sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband are available via connections in Hinton Road.
The Site is available for development now. It can be delivered within 2 years post the adoption of the Local Plan.
The site lies in a village with excellent access to jobs, primary and secondary school, day-to-day convenience shopping, restaurants/pubs, recreation facilities, public transport, and where demand for housing is strong
2024 or earlier should the emerging local plan be adopted.
Land west of Broadway/South of Beaufort Road, Cambourne
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Agricultural part and informal open space
Not developed
Part subject to S/1371/92/O
Residential development
Market and affordable housing and associated Public Open Space.
TBC - Site subject to a current technical appraisal
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Multiple access arrangements available. Technical appraisal ongoing to establish suitability.
Further investigation required to confirm absence of these constraints.
Further investigation required.
Further investigation required.
Taylor Wimpey are in contact with the landowners in order to bring the site forward as soon as possible.
Cambourne as a location is an area of significant interest to Taylor Wimpey.
TBC - Further investigation required
Part of the site is subject to a S106 agreement and allocated as a golf course.
The golf course designation remains unimplemented and is not a viable land use. Seek a change of use to residential development land.
Land South of School Lane, East of A1198, Cambourne
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Agricultural Part and Informal Open Space
Not developed
Part subject to S/1371/92/O
Residential development
Market and affordable housing and associated Public Open Space.
TBC - Site subject to a current technical appraisal
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Multiple access arrangements available. Technical appraisal ongoing to establish suitability.
Further investigation required to confirm absence of these constraints.
Further investigation required.
Further investigation required.
Taylor Wimpey are in contact with the landowners in order to bring the site forward as soon as possible.
Cambourne as a location is an area of significant interest to Taylor Wimpey.
TBC - Further investigation required
Part of the site is subject to a S106 agreement.
Land on North Side of Station Road, Cambridge
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Residential (Use Class C3) Retail (Use Class A1 and A3/A4) Office (Use Class B1(a)) School, Tutorial College and Language School (Use Class D1)
A number of applications have been granted planning permission on the site since the 1970s up to the present day which relate to various change of use proposals, although these are relatively minor
The site comprises entirely previously developed land
The site owners are keen to work collaboratively with officers from the Councils and other stakeholders as part of this process to establish the development potential for the site.
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Existing access via Station Road
The site is previously developed and has no known physical constraints
The Site is located within the New Town and Glisson Road Common Conservation Area. None of the buildings within the Site are listed, however they are all identified as Buildings of Local Interest (51-53 Hills Road and the Station Mews are excluded from this list). In addition, they are identified as ‘Buildings of Positive Townscape Value’ in the New Town and Glisson Road Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2012), (51-53 Hills Road and the Station Mews are excluded from this list). As such, the existing buildings are considered to be “non designated heritage assets”. In light of the above, the landowners recognise that it is important to understand the relative merits of the existing buildings and land in the context of these designations and the relevant legislation and policy framework. The landownershave therefore instructed an Initial Significance Assessment to understand the historic interest of the existing properties and this is enclosed with my letter. The findings from the Initial Significance Assessment are that the site could accommodate some form of development within its heritage contexts.
The site is previously developed and has no known constraints
The landowner's intention is to investigate options for the site in the near future.
The CB1 development has created a recognisable and distinct CBD that has been missing previously and it has attracted a number of significant pre-lets, a sign of its desirability. Land on the north side of Station Road provides a further development opportunity to continue the successful transformation of this part of the city and provide additional capacity to support the further clustering around the Station or simply very well-located development opportunities. The site is within single ownership and capable of delivering a well-designed, high quality development that could make efficient use of a brownfield site, in a sustainable location, whilst also being able to respect the significance of the heritage assets. The site’s proximity to Cambridge railway station, links to the Chisholm trail and the transport interchange at the Station also enables opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes. The landowners are at an early stage in considering potential development options for the site but consider that a range of different uses could be accommodated on the site and look forward to working with the Council, stakeholders and local community to refine the proposals further.
The site is within one ownership and there are no covenants
The wider site is mixed use in nature comprising employment uses in the base of the former quarry and leisure and hotel uses on the northern side of the railway line. Residential uses border the eastern landfill areas and the south east. Existing employment areas are located on the northern side of Coldhams Lane with land bordering the former the subject of a major new housing allocation referred to as Land North of Cherry Hinton. The potential development areas with the AoMC south of Coldhams Lane are former landfill sites which were ceased use in 1969 and 1974
Area for proposed housing and commercial development is focussed on those areas of former landfill .
Not relevant to potential development areas
Potential sites are previously developed
Proposing a mixed development comprising c.420 dwellings and c. 9200 sqm of commercial floorspace together with new urban country park and opening up of lakes to public use
Bringing back previously developed land in a sustainable location into productive use for housing and employment, the creation of a new urban country park and the opening up of the lakes south of railway line for informal recreation and leisure
c. 420 dwellings and c. 9200 sq m of commercial floorspace on Areas A shown in Figure 3.4 of the Adopted Local Plan