Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.

Showing forms 571 to 600 of 710
Form ID: 47879
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land off Hall Lane, Great Chishill SG8 8SJ

Land south of Hall Lane – 0.69 Ha; Land at Bull Meadow – 2.1 Ha; and land at Wright’s Meadow – 3.4 Ha

Site 47879 map

Agricultural land




The form and content of the promoted development has not been determined at this stage. The sites could provide market and affordable housing, housing for older people, and potentially self-build plots, a new village hall/community facility, and a convenience store/village shop for the village. The land could also accommodate green infrastructure including open space and ecological enhancements. The land south of Hall Lane is suitable for market and affordable housing, housing for older people and self-build plots. A part of the land at Bull Meadow could accommodate a village hall/community facility and convenience store/village shop, with the remainder used an extension to the existing recreation area and open space. The land at Wright’s Meadow could be used as an area for ecological enhancement or as an informal recreation area.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Retail

The form and content of the promoted development has not been determined at this stage. The sites could accommodate the following uses: market and affordable housing, self-build plots or housing for older people (land south of Hall Lane); housing for older people, a new village hall/community facility, and a convenience store/village shop and recreation area and open space (land at Bull Meadow); and green infrastructure, ecological enhancement and informal recreation area for local community (land at Wright’s Meadow). It would provide affordable housing to meet local needs of the village; in 2018 there was an identified need for 10 affordable dwellings in Great/Little Chishill for those with a local connection to the village – see South Cambridgeshire District Council's 'Housing Statistical Information Leaflet' (December 2018).

Not determined at this stage.

Not Specified

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Yes (Please give details)

There are existing agricultural access to the sites off Hall Lane. The access arrangements would need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development, but sufficient land is available to accommodate a safe vehicular and pedestrian access with suitable visibility splays. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken.


Not Specified.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the sites will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the village and so new connections will be possible.

Yes (Please give details)

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the village and so new connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.

Enquiries received

It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market. There has been initial interest from land promoters. There is demand for development sites from developers and housebuilders in other villages close to Cambridge. There is a need for affordable housing in Great Chishill.










Form ID: 47889
Respondent: Hill Residential Limited

Land Off High Street, Harston, Cambridge, CB22 7PZ


Site 47889 map

The current site consists of an existing residential unit, a couple of out buildings with the remiander consisting of an extended garden.


No relevant planning history in the last 5 years.

The current site consists of an existing residential unit, a couple of out buildings with the remiander consisting of an extended garden. Around a quarter of the site is within the Sand and Gravel Mineral Safeguarding Area.

Residential Development for 34 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, infrastructure of POS.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

The site can deliver approximately 34 new homes, 40% of which would be affordable. The development would provide on-site open space.

34 residential units have been assumed on site to maximise the development in an area which is outside of the Greenbelt, with a number of coach and bus services running through the village. Although this is above the 8-15 dwellings stated in Policy S/10 it would make efficient use of land; provide affordable housing close to Cambridge, meet affordable housing needs at Harston without needing to remove land from the Green Belt.

Not Specified

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Yes (Please give details)

The site currently is accessed of the High Street, but will need to be widened to support the development.

Yes (please give details)

Around a quarter of the site is within the Sand and Gravel Mineral Safeguarding Area.

Yes (Please give details)

The whole of the site sits within Flood Zone 1, meaning it is 'low risk' of flooding.

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

Water, sewerage, electricity, gas and broadband are available via connections in the surrounding area.

Available now

Developer is already involved in promoting the property.

Don't know

The site lies in a village with excellent access to jobs, primary school, day-to-day convenience shopping, restaurants/pubs, recreation facilities, public transport, and where demand is strong for housing.








No answer given


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Form ID: 47890
Respondent: Hawkswren Ltd
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land off Leaden Hill, Orwell SG8 5QH


Site 47890 map

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Agricultural paddock land


There was an application for a single dwelling at the site in the 1970’s.


The site could accommodate 13 dwellings with open space. An Illustrative Site Layout Plan is submitted with this response. The quantum of development has been determined by the edge of village location.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing for Orwell. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The trees and hedgerows at the boundary of the site would be retained as part of the proposed development. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Orwell including the village store, public house, mobile library, and bus service.

The site could accommodate 13 dwellings, which is based on the character of the site and surroundings and the edge of village location.

Not Specified.

Yes (Please give details)

The access to the proposed development would be via the existing access from Leaden Hill.


Not specified.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. The site contains a number of trees and hedgerows, most of which are located at the site boundary. The orchard at the southern boundary of the site would be retained within the proposed development. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The proposed development will seek to retain as many of the trees as possible. The proposed development would provide additional landscape planting in order to create an attractive landscape setting for the proposed dwellings. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development. The proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures within the landscape strategy. The site does not fall within the setting of any heritage assets.

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner and developer and is deliverable for development. However, the site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.

Site is under option by a developer

It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Orwell have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.


Not specified.








Form ID: 47901
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Taylors Lane, Swavesey, CB24 4QN


Site 47901 map

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Builders yard comprising workshops and storage buildings.


There were planning applications in the 1990's relating to the current builders yard use. Pre-application advice was sought in 2016 for demolition of existing barns and erection of two dwellings buildings and erection of two dwellings (Ref. PRE/0138/16). A part of the land to the north of the site has planning permission for tennis courts and and a changing room/club room (Ref. S/1531/83/F). This development for tennis courts and club has started but is not complete; the Council confirmed, following a site inspection, in June 2014 that this development had started (letter ref. OLD/14/982 dated 5th June 2014). As set out below the landowner would consider, in conjunction with development at the promoted site, either agree to not complete the tennis court and club development or transfer it to community use if required.

Previously developed land.

The proposed development would provide 8 dwellings with parking provided in carports. The development would have an agricultural/barn style character, with the dwellings set around a courtyard. As part of the proposed development the landowner would consider permitting public access to the land to the north for community use and/or for ecological enhancement. The land to the north is designated as a Scheduled Monument - Castle Hill Earthworks. The landowner would, in conjunction with development on the land at Taylor's Lane, support archaeological investigations of the earthworks to provide additional information on this heritage asset.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

Please describe any benefits to the local area that the development could provide: The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Swavesey. A part of the land to the north of the site has planning permission for tennis courts and and a changing room/club room (Ref. S/1531/83/F); this development for tennis courts and club has started but is not complete. The landowner would consider, in conjunction with development at the land at Taylor's Lane, either agree to not complete the tennis court and club development or transfer it to community use if required. It is considered that there would be heritage and community benefits if the tennis courts/club development was not implemented. The landowner owns the land to the north of Taylor's Lane.The land to the north is designated as a Scheduled Monument - Castle Hill Earthworks. The landowner would consider, in conjunction with development on the land at Taylor's Lane, support archaeological investigations of the earthworks. It is considered that those investigations would provide for the recording and preservation of this heritage asset and enable a better understanding of it by the local community and heritage advisors. As part of the proposed development the landowner would consider permitting public access to the land to the north for community use and/or for ecological enhancement. If required the land to the north could be used as an alternative site for net biodiversity gain for other development sites in Swavesey. The landowner intends to discuss all these potential benefits with Swavesey Parish Council.

The site could accommodate 8 dwellings. The developable area is 0.26Ha. The proposed density would be approximately 30 dwellings per hectare, which reflects the edge of village location and the Conservation Area. A indicative layout plan is submitted with this response to demonstrate that the proposed quantum of development can be accommodated at the site.

Not specified.

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Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing access off Taylor's Lane.


There are existing barns on the site, which would need to be demolished as part of the proposed development, but this is not a constraint to development.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flooding. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken because there are trees, hedgerows and existing barns at the site. The proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include mitigation measures and ecological enhancement measures within the landscape strategy. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken because there are trees and hedgerows at the site boundary. It is likely that the trees and hedgerows would need to be managed and subject to pruning as part of the proposed development. The site is located within Swavesey Conservation Area. The design of the proposed development will be important in order to protect and enhance this heritage asset. The proposed development would have an agricultural/barn style character, which would be consistent with the Conservation Area.

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.

Yes (Please give details)

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and it is both available and deliverable for development. The site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan, and the timetable for this has informed the assessment of when the site is available.

Enquiries received

It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Swavesey have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.








The proposed development would provide 8 dwellings with parking provided in carports. The development would have an agricultural/barn style character, with the dwellings set around a courtyard. It is considered that this approach would be consistent with the character of the site, the surrounding area and the village. The landowner will seek to ensure that the proposed development is sustainable in terms of materials, energy efficiency, and the use of resources. A layout feasibility plan is submitted with this call for sites response. The site is located immediately adjacent to the development framework boundary for the village The site is not located within the Green Belt. The adopted development strategy for South Cambridgeshire seeks to direct development to locations in the following order of preference; sites in the edge of Cambridge, within the new settlements, and at Rural Centres and Minor Rural Centres. Swavesey is designated as a Minor Rural Centre. Swavesey contains a good range of services and facilities, reflecting its status as a Minor Rural Centre. For example it contains a variety of convenience stores, a post office, a primary school (Swavesey Primary School) and a secondary school (Swavesey Village College), doctor's surgery and pharmacy, public houses and restaurants. Swavesey is accessible by walking, cycling and public transport, and is well-related to the Cambridge Guided Busway stop to the north of the village.


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Form ID: 47903
Respondent: Wallace Land Investments
Agent: Wallace Land Investments

Land south of Cambridge Road, Melbourn


Site 47903 map

Agricultural Land




The site is being proposed for housing development.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

For Public Open Space/ Community Facilities/ Recreation and Leisure - Yes if required / appropriate as part of wider housing led proposals. There is an identified housing need which this site would help to meet. The site is suitable and available for housing; affordable housing would also be provided. The development would support employment opportunities during construction (and therefore potentially local expenditure to benefit of local economy) and in the longer term from new residents. New housing would support existing facilities and infrastructure.

The site has capacity to accommodate approximately 250 new homes, including 40% affordable housing.

Not Specified.

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The site would be accessed via a new priority junction onto Cambridge Road.


The site is not located within a coal mining consultation area.


Through the masterplanning process, the site layout and open space provision will generate a net gain in biodiversity

It is understood that utility access is available; the site is immediately adjacent to an existing settlement. There are a small number of small pylons (running south east to north west) which cross the site.

Yes (Please give details)

It is understood that utility access is available; the site is immediately adjacent to an existing settlement. There are a small number of small pylons (running south east to north west) which cross the site. The existing pylons would be undergrounded and diverted to take account of the site masterplan.

Available now

There are no ownership or other constraints that would delay the availability of the site.

Site is under option by a developer

There is an identified need for housing in the Cambridge and South Cambridge District; this site is available for development immediately. There are no constraints to development.




Year 1 (from adoption/allocation of site in Plan)

Year 5

Year 5


No known issues at this time.


Form ID: 47904
Respondent: Keymer Cavendish

Land South of Church Road, Hauxton, CB22 5HS

2-3 Ha

Site 47904 map

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Failing tree nursery

See above. Please note the landowner owns all the woodland east of the proposed housing site

No previous planning applications known of.

A failing tree nursery.

Mainly "high end" housing at low density, with some affordable close to the village Possible residential care home if supported locally.

Market and affordable housing , Residential care home

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

Education Contributions will be made. Possible access to fishing and open space. Possible site for new Village Hall.

To be discussed. Some local employment might be appropriate viz Cambridge Farm Machinery already nearby. A residential care home would greatly increase bed spaces.

We are not aware of any such constraints. Much of the adjoining sire was former mineral workings. No land fill has taken place.

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Yes (Please give details)

The current site access can be moved west towards the A10, but not so close as to hinder the effective operation of the Church Rd/A10 junction.


No answer given.


No answer given.



No answer given.

Next 5 years

This timetable allows time for the Local Plan Review.

Site owned by a developer

In this case I class the land owner as a promoter, not a developer Once allocated, the site will be viable and highly marketable.


No answers given.

Not applicable.




Nothing chosen

No answer given.


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Form ID: 47905
Respondent: E W Pepper Ltd
Agent: Bidwells

Land South of Church Street, East of High Street, Guilden Morden


Site 47905 map

The site comprises agricultural land.


Reference:SC/0340/72/O Description: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Refused 05-07-1972 Reference:SC/0339/71/O Description: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Refused 02-08-1971 Reference:SC/0033/69/O Description: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Refused 10-03-1969


No answer given

Market and affordable housing

Public open space , Recreation and leisure , Retail

Schools and education No - anticipated S106 contribution towards this Public open space Yes - a significant area of the site is proposed to be offered as a village green Community facilities No - anticipated S106 contribution towards this Recreation and leisure Yes - it is anticipated that play space will be associated with the village green Healthcare No - anticipated S106 contribution towards this Retail A small village shop is proposed The development would offer a number of affordable housing units and market housing units which would contribute towards meeting local housing local needs. The development would also bring new residents into the village which will help to support the vitality of local infrastructure, including public transport, schools etc. This will ensure the ongoing sustainability of the village. The development presents the opportunity to create new public open space in the village in the form of a village green, alongside an opportunity to enhance the ecological value of the site.

The Proposed Site Plan shows how up to 40 dwellings could be accommodated on the site alongside new village green and community orchard. This represents efficient use of land and maintains a density which is appropriate to the village.

Not specified

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There is not an existing access which connects to the public highway. It is anticipated that access to the site will be achievable off the High Street. The Transport Note prepared by M-EC confirms that a safe and suitable access can be achieved for the proposed quantum of development. Please see Transport Note provided by M-EC


Detailed topographical work will be undertaken at application stage. However, the site is flat with no significant level changes, and therefore it is not anticipated that levels will cause problems for this site.


There are no known contamination risks on the site. There are no local wildlife or historical designations on the site and there are no listed buildings on the site. 3no. grade 2 listed buildings are located to the north of the site (i.e. 32 Church Street) but it is considered that development on this site will not adversely affect these buildings. An appropriate heritage assessment would be undertaken at any future planning application stage. The site is not located within the Green Belt. Please see Flood Risk and Drainage Note provided by M-EC and Ecology Report prepared by Applied Ecology. The site is capable of providing a net gain in biodiversity.

The site is adjacent to a residential area which is served by a full range of utilities. As such, it is anticipated that the development will be able to connect to the necessary infrastructure. A utilities assessment would be carried out at application stage to confirm this.

Yes (Please give details)

The site is adjacent to a residential area which is served by a full range of utilities. As such, it is anticipated that the development will be able to connect to the necessary infrastructure. A utilities assessment would be carried out at application stage to confirm this.

Available now

The site has been put forward for development by the landowner. The landowner has already undertaken pre-application discussions in relation to the site with the Council which explicitly shows an interest in developing the site and its immediate availability.

Site owned by a developer

The site is located in a sustainable location in a desirable area of South Cambridgeshire outside of the designated Green Belt.


There are no known legal or land ownership constraints.




1-2 Years




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Form ID: 47907
Respondent: Bloor Homes Eastern
Agent: Pegasus Group

Land south of Fen Drayton Road, north of Swavesey Village College, CB24 4AF


Site 47907 map

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On land immediately adjacent to the rear gardens of dwellings fronting Gibraltar Lane a planning application for change of use from agricultural to residential garden land was submitted in 1979 (S/0314/79/F). The Council’s online portal does not provide a decision or any documentation relating to this application. Immediately to the north of the site planning permission was granted for 99 dwellings (Ref: S/1027/16/OL). This site is now being built out by Bloor Homes and is referred to as the ‘Phase 1’ site in this form.


Residential development of up to 50 dwellings, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The site could provide new market housing and a policy compliant provision of affordable housing in a district where there is a pressing and rising housing need. Any scheme would also make provision for accessible open space and landscaping to serve residents of the scheme and the wider community. As shown by the submitted Framework Plan the Phase 2 scheme would directly connect into the Phase 1 scheme (currently under construction), to the north. The Phase 2 scheme would deliver new pedestrian and cycle links through to Gibraltar Lane, to the east. These new connections would also benefit residents of the Phase 1 scheme and residents of existing dwellings on Fen Drayton Road. This would be a quicker and more direct route through to Gibraltar Lane and Swavesey Village College. Subject to compliance with CIL Regulations at the planning application stage any development may also provide planning appropriate obligations towards improving local infrastructure e.g. public transport facilities (including facilities at the Cambridge Guided Busway Stop), schools, GPs and other community facilities.

The dwelling estimate is informed by the submitted Framework Plan which shows an indicative layout and indicative development parcels. The Framework Plan and these forms have been completed based on our client’s knowledge of site conditions/constraints and knowledge of the site conditions/constraints associated with the Phase 1 scheme which they are building out.

Not specified.

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Yes (Please give details)

Vehicular access to the site would be provided by connecting into the Phase 1 scheme, to the north, which is currently under construction. The submitted Framework Plan indicates the locations where the Phase 1 and Phase 2 schemes can connect. Pedestrians and cyclists will also be able to utilise an access to Gibraltar Lane, to the east.




Details: According to GOV.UK mapping, in respect of surface water flooding the vast majority is designated as ‘very low’ risk (less than 0.1% chance of a flood). A slither of land along the site’s southern boundary falls within a ‘low risk’ area (0.1-1% chances of a flood). Accordingly to GOV.UK mapping, in respect of flood risk from rivers, the site falls within an area of ‘very low risk’ (less than 0.1% chance of a flood). Based on the GOV.UK mapping the on-site flood risk is very limited. Any planning application would still be supported by a robust Flood Risk Assessment which would detail drainage proposals and the method of surface water disposal from the site; taking into account the need to not increase flood risk elsewhere in the area. Historic England’s online mapping confirms that there are no listed buildings or Scheduled Monuments in the vicinity of the site. There are no built heritage constraints associated with this site, indeed, this was confirmed by the Council in the determination of the Phase 1 planning application. There are no known archaeological constraints on-site, indeed, there were no archaeological constraints which precluding the development of the Phase 1 site. Any planning application for the Phase 2 site would be supported by an Archaeological Desk Based Assessment. The land is currently used for agriculture, as was the Phase 1 site, and is not known to be contaminated. Any planning application would be supported by a site assessment in this regard. In respect of ecological matters, any scheme at the site would deliver biodiversity enhancements and net gains through the delivery of new public open space, planting and a comprehensive landscaping scheme. Indeed, the Phase 1 scheme was approved and has similar site conditions to the Phase 2 site. Any planning application would be supported by a full Habitat Survey. The site is not affected by any statutory ecological designations. There are no known environmental constraints to the development of the site. If constraints were identified through the preparation of a planning application, it is anticipated that adequate mitigation measures can be provided. Indeed, this proved to be the case in respect of the approved Phase 1 site, to the north, which is currently being built out.

It is envisaged that any scheme would be served by the full range of utilities required to serve a residential development of this scale. Indeed, this has been the case for the Phase 1 scheme which is currently being built out. At the planning application stage, technical work would confirm the capacity of local infrastructure and the applicant would work with providers to establish a robust solution to serve the scheme without having a detrimental impact on the existing community.

Yes (Please give details)

It is envisaged that any scheme would be served by the full range of utilities required to serve a residential development of this scale. Indeed, this has been the case for the Phase 1 scheme which is currently being built out. At the planning application stage, technical work would confirm the capacity of local infrastructure and the applicant would work with providers to establish a robust solution to serve the scheme without having a detrimental impact on the existing community.

Available now

Also said available next 5 years. The site is available for development now and is under option by a housebuilder. Subject to the completion of the Phase 1 scheme (scheduled for 2021), achieving a site allocation in the Local Plan and all the necessary permissions development would be able to commence.

Site is under option by a developer

Bloor Homes (Eastern) are a housebuilder and are promoting the land, as such, the market attractiveness of the site has been established.


The land is currently subject to a covenant which restricts development. Bloor Homes (Eastern) will instigate a process to remove this covenant to ensure residential development can be delivered to achieve the timeframes set out in this form.


Assuming that the site is allocated for residential development in the adopted GCLP bu the end of 2023 (the current LDS Timetable), it is anticipated all the necessary planning consents could be achieved by the end of 2024. On this basis, delivery would likely begin in 2025.


18 months




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Form ID: 47934
Respondent: Turley
Agent: Turley

Land South of Ickleton Road, Great Chesterford, CB10 1NX


Site 47934 map

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Vacant Agricultural Land




Redevelopment of all of the promoted site area to provide residential use. Approximately 100 new homes net.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

Increased accessibility from the site to Great Chesterford rail station. Increased accessibility to attractive landscape within and around site. Opportunity to unlock greater land potential in direct vicinity of the rail station.

Approximately 100 new homes

Not specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

A new access can be provided directly south of Ickleton Road.


No answer given


None known.

Electricity, water and sewage disposal all currently available in proximity to the Site.

Yes (Please give details)

Electricity, water and sewage disposal all currently available in proximity to the Site.

Available now

The site is available immediately, is achievable and deliverable.

Enquiries received

Very high: This is a highly desirable village location, extremely close to major transport facilities and a mainline train station which can be easily reached in minutes by cycle or on foot.





2026 - Assumes new Plan adoption by 2033

No answer given




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Form ID: 47943
Respondent: U+I Group PLC
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land South of Milton, North of A14


Site 47943 map

Offices, welfare facility and materials/plant storage for A14 improvement works.


S/1097/05 LDC


Mixed use – part of the site being used to support accommodation for the homeless; the remainder of the site being used for industrial development (potentially linked to the homeless accommodation scheme e.g. providing training and employment), and/or to support relocation of existing industrial uses from Cowley Road Industrial Park or Nuffield Road Industrial Park as part of the wider North East Cambridge regeneration.

Market and affordable housing , Other forms of housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial

Nothing chosen

Market and Affordable Housing - Yes – accommodation for the homeless, but would also consider an element of market housing too (possibly to cross subsidise the cost of accommodation for the homeless). Other Forms of Housing - Yes – accommodation for the homeless, but would also consider an element of market housing too (possibly to cross subsidise the cost of accommodation for the homeless). Employment Uses - Yes – to support relocation of existing uses from North East Cambridge. U+I have begun early discussions with a local charity for the homeless – It Takes A City – about the possibility of creating approximately 20 homes for the homeless. Homelessness is a significant issue in Cambridgeshire and charities such as It Takes A City are actively seeking opportunities to help address this challenge. An example of a smaller scheme can be found on Newmarket Road, on the Holy Cross site, which has consent for 6no. modular units for the homeless. A similar, albeit larger scheme, is considered for this site.

Not known at this stage, but will be the subject of further feasibility, viability and site testing for the next consultation stage of the Local Plan.

Not Specified

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Yes (Please give details)

Access via Cambridge Road, Milton



Yes (Please give details)

Potential noise and air quality issues from the adjacent A14 and nearby Waste Water Treatment Plant, although opportunities for mitigation through design – and removal of odour constraint once the Waste Water Treatment Plant is decommissioned.

It is understood that the site has access to key utilities, although further assessment will be required.

Yes (Please give details)

It is understood that the site has access to key utilities, although further assessment will be required.

Available now

Site is expected to be vacated shortly.

Site is under option by a developer

There is a strong need for homeless accommodation; and it is considered likely that there will be a demand for industrial uses if existing occupiers are relocated from Cowley Road and Nuffield Road Industrial Estates as part of the NEC AAP process.


We don’t believe so.

Not specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Homeless accommodation: within a year of receiving planning permission; Industrial development: 1-2 years following receipt of planning permission;


Not Specified.


Form ID: 47945
Respondent: Abbey Properties Cambridgeshire Limited
Agent: Abbey Properties Cambridgeshire Limited

Land to the east of Caxton Gibbet Services


Site 47945 map

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Vacant Land




Commercial use to complement the approved employment land to the south and the existing services to the west. This could comprise a mixture of B and/or D Use Class Land Uses. Abbey retain ownership of the roadside services site to the west.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Healthcare , Hotel , Retail

Employment generation.

Employment space of c. 2,500sqm.

No Specified.

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Yes (Please give details)

Road access from the north.





Utilities are available from existing connections to the west serving the roadside services site.

Yes (Please give details)

Utilities are available from existing connections to the west serving the roadside services site.

Available now

No constraints.

Site owned by a developer

Very attractive owing to the location of the site relative to transport links and new proposed housing to the south.










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Form ID: 48052
Respondent: Mr Ben Pridgeon

Land to the north of Park Lane, Histon, CB24 9LZ


Site 48052 map

Agricultural/amenity land


S/3598/19/FL (Creation of new agricultural access).


Erection of up to 40 dwellings and associated infrastructure, with access to be taken to/from Park Lane

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

See Statement.

See Statement.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

To/from Park Lane





See Statement.


See Statement.

Available now

The site is within the ownership of a Trust which is actively promoting it for residential development.

Enquiries received

See Statement.


None Known.

None known.



2 Years




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Form ID: 48053
Respondent: Mr Ben Pridgeon

Land to the west of Croft Close, Histon


Site 48053 map

Agricultural/amenity land


No recent applications


Dwellings comprising a maximum of 92 dwellings and associated access, landscaping and open space.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

Potentially yes for Community facilities and Recreation and Leisure. See Statement.

See Statement.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

To/from Croft Close See Statement.




See Statement.

See Statement.


See Statement.

Available now

The site is within the ownership of a Trust which is actively promoting it for residential development.

Enquiries received

See Statement.


None known.

None known.







No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 48054
Respondent: Rebecca Cox - Peter Cox Farms Ltd
Agent: - C/O Agent

Land at Vine Farm and to the south of Caxton, Caxton, Cambs, CB23 3PL


Site 48054 map





Sustainable, residential led development, which includes provision of associated infrastructure, community facilities, educational facilities and open green space and landscaping. Vehicular access points (utilising existing farm accesses) onto A1198 and Gransden Road.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Hotel , Retail , Other

Other forms of Housing - Modular Employment Other - Yes – new business space for retail units, start-up units and ‘work from home’ units. All uses considered, subject to a compatible use with wider residential use in area. The proposed development is on existing agricultural land which has no significant planning constraints or environment designations and lies outside of the Green Belt. The site is well connected via the existing road network, with excellent connectivity to the A428, a major road network and the town of Cambourne. The site would provide excellent connections to the proposed new east-west rail station at Cambourne and the Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro (CAM) linking Cambourne to Cambridge City Centre. The development would be of a sufficient scale to support public transport provision, provide local shops and services on site. The site could provide new market and affordable housing to contribute to meeting the significant national and local housing need. Additionally, it could also provide business employment land to create opportunities to significantly reduce car travel and reduce carbon emissions.

The proposed site area (outlined in red in the included plan) extends to approximately 121 hectares. In light of South Camb's adopted Local Plan, Policy H/8 proposes a density of 40 dwellings per hectare in new settlements. Therefore, as the site is relatively unconstrained, we have assumed 70% of the site is deliverable, allowing for green infrastructure, public open space, infrastructure provision and education, the site has the potential to deliver approximately 3,800 residential dwellings. If approximately 6-7 hectares were provided, this would reduce the residential element to approximately 3,120 dwellings. The site is subject to a current technical appraisal to confirm the above numbers and provision of employment land.

Not Specified

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Indicative access points are shown on the attached plan marked with a yellow star. Where possible, the existing farm accesses will be improved to provide site access. There is an existing access spur off the southern Caxton bypass roundabout into the site, which could be utilised and upgraded. The exact location and type of junctions required to serve the proposed development will be subject to advice from highways consultants and detailed discussions with the Highways Authority.


The site is relatively unconstrained and level ground although the eastern parcel does slope down. The ground is stable and there are no known constraints or physical constraints to the development.


There are no known constraints. The Bourn Brook runs through the middle of the eastern parcel, however this has not been known to overflow onto this land. The majority of the land is within Flood Zone 1. The site is well drained.

All mains utilities would need to be connected to the site to serve the proposed development. There is an electricity pylon running across the site, marked on the map in black.


All mains utilities would need to be connected to the site to serve the proposed development. There is an electricity pylon running across the site, marked on the map in black.

Next 5 years

Also next 6-10 years and 10+ years. If the site is allocated for development, we assume it would taken some time from adoption of the plan to prepare a strategic masterplan for the site, an outline planning application and subsequent reserved matters application. Work on a strategic masterplan would be undertaken during the preparation of the Local Plan to demonstrate the site is available, suitable and deliverable, whilst identifying the site’s capacities in housing numbers to help meet the Local Plan’s growing requirement to deliver the housing needs. The site is owned by one landowner, which indicates deliverability and helps to bring the land and housing forward in the plan period.


This area is of particular interest in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc and it is strategically located next to the sustainable settlement of Cambourne, already providing existing employment and infrastructure connectivity. Additionally, the site is located next to the proposed eastwest rail link and the proposed new station at Cambourne. Pedestrian and cycle links could be provided to the new train station. The site can be delivered as a whole as it is in a single ownership


No legal or land ownership constraints.








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Form ID: 48055
Respondent: Stirling Kimkeran

Land to the south of Vermuyden way, Fen Drayton Cambridge


Site 48055 map

No uploaded files for public display

Unused Agricultural Land




Has road and utilities access, adjacent to a small development of houses.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Not specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Not specified.


No answer given


Not to my current knowledge.

Adjacent to existing housing development.

Yes (Please give details)

Adjacent to existing housing development.

Available now

Not specified.

Enquiries received

Location and adjacent to existing development.


Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.


Not specified.


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 48056
Respondent: Mr Paul Beskeen

Park Farm, Broadway, Bourn, Cambs CB23 2TA


Site 48056 map

Disused agricultural buildings and garden.

Ceased in 1999, storage of furniture.

S/1468/93/F S/0001/97/F

Previously developed.

Small housing development of market or affordable housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Additional housing.

Depends on determination on final use, but if used for affordable or low-cost housing the regular dimensions of the plot would allow for up to 6-8 semi-detached dwellings, in keeping with the standard 30DPH rural density.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Existing double farm gates at entrance should provide adequate width for access, but surface would need to be upgraded to tarmac to allow for additional traffic movements.


Not Specified.


Not Specified.

Site has existing mains electric, water, sewerage and high-speed FTTP internet access.

Yes (Please give details)

Site has existing mains electric, water, sewerage and high-speed FTTP internet access.

Available now

Site is immediately available to develop and can be easily segregated from existing dwelling area with provision for shared access to both.


High attractiveness due to proximity to amenities in Bourn, Cambourne and Bourn Airfield development, and benefiting from associated expansion of local travel infrastructure.



Not previously allocated.





Not Specified.


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Form ID: 48057
Respondent: S Sullivan

Land between 12a and 14 Primrose Hill, Lt Gransden


Site 48057 map

The land has been used for horsegrazing for more than 35 years.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

It would make sense for this area to be included within the village framework because: Little Gransden is an infill only village, and virtually all available land has been built upon – it therefore makes sense to include the area between 12a and 14 Primrose Hill within the framework. The site could have been developed when numbers 14–26 Primrose Hill were built shortly after the year 2000. Housing developments in Primrose Hill and more recently six new houses in The Drift (numbers 5, 7, 9, 11, 22, 24) have radically altered the character of the area. Potential development of the identified small area within the current heart of the village would give a unique and exciting opportunity for the Parish Council and the community to have a meaningful influence on the best way to meet village housing needs at some point in the future

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display


Not Specified yes or no above.


Not Specified yes or no above.


Not Specified yes or no above.

Not Specified yes or no above.


Not Specified yes or no above.

10+ years

I believe the site should be included within the village framework, but have no wish to develop it at the present time.

Enquiries received

Not specified.


Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.

Nothing chosen

Not specified.

Nothing chosen

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 48058
Respondent: Optimis Consulting Ltd
Agent: Optimis Consulting Ltd

Land to the west of Searles Meadow, Dry Drayton, CB23 8BW


Site 48058 map

The site is currently in use as a paddock with buildings for storage consisting of three semi-derelict agricultural outbuildings.

Not applicable.

Noe found.

The site is a mixture of greenfield and developed land.

Residential development of up to 20 homes, including affordable housing, publicly accessible open space, and the potential for additional community facilities.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space , Community facilities

Custom or self-build housing - Yes, if a policy requirement Please describe any benefits to the local area that the development could provide: This development has the potential to deliver numerous benefits including: • Publicly accessible open space • Contribution to community facilities • Provision of play facilities • Affordable housing • Provision of Bungalows

Optimis have taken the gross area of 1ha and assumed a net developable area of sixty percent. An illustrative layout has not yet been drawn up, but at a density of 30 dwellings per hectare Optimis propose that the site can deliver approximately 10-20 dwellings.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Please refer to supporting document.


Please refer to supporting document.


Please refer to supporting document.

As far as we are aware the site has no infrastructure constraints or overhead powerlines and there is no major infrastructure that would inhibit development. At this stage an underground utilities and services survey has not been undertaken.

Yes (Please give details)

As far as we are aware the site has no infrastructure constraints or overhead powerlines and there is no major infrastructure that would inhibit development. At this stage an underground utilities and services survey has not been undertaken.

Available now

Subject to positive promotion it is intended that a residential planning application will be submitted as soon as the plan is adopted.

Enquiries received

In Optimis’ opinion this site located in the centre of Dry Drayton is a highly desirable location for residential development.


None known.

Not applicable.

2023 adoption of Local Plan




Not applicable.


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Form ID: 48059
Respondent: Castlefield International Ltd
Agent: Barton Willmore

Land at Teversham Road, Fulbourn


Site 48059 map


Not Specified.

S/0202/17/OL and S/3290/19/RM (see attached letter for details).


Residential development for 110 dwellings.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The site will provide 110 dwellings on a site with excellent links to Cambridge. It will provide highway upgrades and open up a large area of public space.

110 dwellings as per the approved Outline application.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access details have been approved through the outline application.


The approved outline demonstrates there is no constraints to development.


The approved outline demonstrates there is no constraints to development.

The approved outline demonstrates there is no constraints to development.


The approved outline demonstrates there is no constraints to development.

Available now

The site already benefits from outline permission.

Site owned by a developer




The site has outline permission and is currently subject to a reserved matters application. See attached letter.





The site has been subject to a viability appraisal supported by SCDC.


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 48063
Respondent: Nick Denton

The Davey Field, Cambridge Rd, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5JU


Site 48063 map

The current site consists of a number of sports pitches along with a sports club and associated parking.


No relevant planning applications in the last 10 years.

The current site consists of a number of sports pitches along with a sports club and associated parking. The whole site is within the Green Belt.

Residential Development.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The site can deliver approximately 72 to 87 new homes, 40% of which would be affordable. The development would provide on-site open space.

72 to 87 residential units has been assumed on the basis of Great Shelford being a Rural Centre in accordance with Policy S/9 of the South Cambs 2018 adopted Local Plan. Policy H/8 provides a guide of an average net density of 30 dwellings per hectare in Minor Rural Centres. However, due to the sustainable location and nature of the site a higher density of up to 40 dwellings per hectare would be appropriate.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site currently has a single track means of accessing part of the site. The proposal is to allow a sufficient vehicular access into the site.


Not Specified.

Yes (Please give details)

The whole of the site has been identified to be within Flood Zone 1 meaning it is of 'low risk' of flooding. Some of the trees across the site may need to be felled. No trees within the site are subject to TPO's.

Water, sewerage, electricty, gas and broadband are available via connections in the surrounding area.

Yes (Please give details)

Water, sewerage, electricty, gas and broadband are available via connections in the surrounding area.

Next 6-10 years

Site located in Green Belt and will therefore need to be released through the Local Plan. Assuming the Local Plan is adopted in 2024, the rugby club will need to be relocated.

Don't know

The site lies in a village with excellent access to jobs, primary and secondary school, day-to-day convenience shopping, restaurants/pubs, recreation facilities, public transport, and where demand is strong for housing.




2026 dependant on Local Plan Adoption.

2030 subject to the the Adoption of the Local Plan.



Undertake negotiations in relation to finding a replacement site for the Shelford Rugby Club.


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Form ID: 48064
Respondent: Mr Ben Pridgeon
Agent: Mr Ben Pridgeon

Land to the south of Shelford Road and Cambridge Road

Up to 8 Hectares

Site 48064 map

Agricultural land.


None known.


Residential development. Please see attached statement

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Please see Statement.

Please see statement.

There are no significant constraints at the site, which could prevent residential development at the site being delivered. We have outlined other constraints which may need to be considered when developing the site.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access to/from the site would be taken from Shelford Road or Cambridge Road (to the north) or Babraham Road (to the east).


The site is flat. There are no slopes, significant changes in ground levels or unstable ground on the site which could constrain its development in whole or part.


The site is in Flood Zone 1, which is at the lowest risk of flooding. As such, residential development is appropriate in this location. Any planning application would be accompanied by a Drainage Strategy which would outline how surface and foul water would be managed. The site comprises greenfield land, which is unlikely to be contaminated. The site is an arable field and does not appear to have any biodiversity value. This would be subject to an assessment as part of any planning application and any development at the site would have the potential to enhance biodiversity at and adjacent to the site. The site is not located adjacent to any heritage assets, including Listed buildings or conservation areas, which could restrict the scope and extent of development at the site. Any development at the site may need to be accompanied by an archaeological assessment, but there is no reason to believe that this would limit or prevent development at the site. The site is located adjacent to the existing development framework for Fulbourn and it is considered that connections can be made to existing services – including electricity, gas, sewerage, telecommunications and water. There are some electricity poles which pass over the site, but these could easily be relocated and/or diverted. There are no public rights of way across or adjacent to the site. Given the above there are no environmental constraints at or adjacent to the site which could constrain development at the site, in whole or part.

The site is located adjacent to the existing development framework for Fulbourn and it is considered that connections can be made to existing services – including electricity, gas, sewerage, telecommunications and water. There are some electricity poles which pass over the site, but these could easily be relocated and/or diverted.

Yes (Please give details)

The site is located adjacent to the existing development framework for Fulbourn and it is considered that connections can be made to existing services – including electricity, gas, sewerage, telecommunications and water. There are some electricity poles which pass over the site, but these could easily be relocated and/or diverted.

Available now

The site is not subject to a lease or tenancy and the owner is promoting it in the call for sites process now, with a view to development.

Enquiries received

We consider that Fulbourn is an attractive place to live and has a buoyant housing market. As such, we consider that a developer could easily be found to deliver the site.


None known.

Not applicable.



Not specified


Not applicable.


Form ID: 48066
Respondent: Turley
Agent: Turley

Clare College Sports Ground, Bentley Road, Cambridge CB2 8AW


Site 48066 map

College sports ground and supporting facilities including pavilion with 1 residential unit.

Not Specified.

Various applications relating to ancillary buildings for sports field use


Redevelopment of all or part of the sports ground to provide residential use.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

Increased accessibility from site and adjacent streets to guided busway / cycle tracks / footpaths to station. Increased accessibility to attractive landscape within and around site.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing access from Bentley Road. This may need to be widened depending on extent of development but this is easily achieved.


Not Specified.

Yes (Please give details)

Northern part of site at medium risk from surface water flooding (partly due to impermeable hard surfaces for sports use). This is considered to be capable of being overcome in a sensitive development Site is currently protected open space due to its use as a College sports ground. This use could remain in any partial redevelopment of facilities relocated elsewhere and shared with other Colleges. Site is currently in ‘Green Belt’ but in line with Q39 in ‘Issues and Options’ consultation, the site is promoted for release due to highly sustainable location.

Electricity and water currently available.


Electricity and water currently available.

Available now

To allow time for relocation of existing facilities, necessary planning permissions and marketing etc.


Extremely high: This is a highly desirable location, secluded but extremely close to major transport facilities including the train station which can be reached in minutes by cycle or on foot.


Not Specified.

Not Specified.





Not Specified.


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 48068
Respondent: Deloitte LLP
Agent: Deloitte LLP

Clifton Road Industrial Park


Site 48068 map

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

The Site is currently allocated in the Cambridge Local Plan (2018) under Policy 21 (Site M2) for mixed-use development including employment uses, leisure-related uses, residential use (with a maximum capacity of 550 dwellings) and open spaces. USS is preparing a strategy for the delivery of this site but in the meantime would encourage the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan to continue to allocate the Site for development.

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display


Not Specified.


Not Specified.


Not Specified.

Not Specified.


Not Specified.

Available now

Not Specified.

Don't know

Not Specified.


Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Not Specified.

Nothing chosen

Not Specified.

Nothing chosen

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 48095
Respondent: Anita J.Littlewood
Agent: No Agent N/A

Land at Beach Road, Cottenham, CB24 8RG


Site 48095 map

Agricultural Land




Mixed Residential Development.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

See Letter

10 Dwellings

Not specified

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Shared access via Farmland. This would need improving.


No answer given


No answer given

Key utilities would be accessed via Beach Road.


Key utilities would be accessed via Beach Road.

Next 5 years

Dependant upon Planning.

Enquiries received

Viable as part of a larger development.


Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.

Not specified.



Not specified.


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 48096
Respondent: Mactaggart & Mickel
Agent: Rapleys LLP

Land at Crow’s Nest Farm, Papworth Everard


Site 48096 map

No uploaded files for public display





Mixed use development to include residential, retail, community uses, rural travel hub, employment, public open space and associated infrastructure.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Retail

Market and affordable housing; rural travel hub connecting Papworth Everard to Cambourne and beyond; off-road cycle path connecting to Cambourne; community facilities; extensive green infrastructure incl. sports pitches, allotments, areas of play.

1,500 units and Employment uses and floorspaces to be confirmed.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Suitable access into the site can be gained from Ermine Street/ the existing roundabout. Please refer to Vision Document (February 2020) https://rapleys.sharefile .com/ds37827bb5c114917a.


Please refer to Vision Document (February 2020) https://rapleys.sharefile .com/ds37827bb5c114917a.

Yes (Please give details)

The entire site lies within Flood Zone 1. Surface water flooding cross the site and can be accommodated within the masterplan for the site. Please refer to Vision Document (February 2020) https://rapleys.sharefile .com/ds37827bb5c114917a.

Pylons traverse the far northern part of the site and can be retained in situ within the green infrastructure proposals. Please refer to Vision Document (February 2020) https://rapleys.sharefile .com/ds37827bb5c114917a.

Yes (Please give details)

Pylons traverse the far northern part of the site and can be retained in situ within the green infrastructure proposals. Please refer to Vision Document (February 2020) https://rapleys.sharefile .com/ds37827bb5c114917a.

Available now

Site is controlled by Mactaggart and Mickel Homes (homebuilder and land promoter) under a promotion agreement.

Site is under option by a developer

The site is adjacent to a popular settlement and is within a strong housing market area. Site is located along strategic growth corridor and is suitable for development. Site has a promotion agreement.






4-5 Years




Form ID: 48148
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Ditton Lane at junction with High Ditch Road, Fen Ditton


Site 48148 map

No uploaded files for public display





The site is located within Fen Ditton Conservation Area, and the site frontage is currently protected as an Important Countryside Frontage. It is likely that housing would be located on part of the site to reflect the current policy designations at the site. The form and content of the promoted development has not been determined at this stage. The site could provide housing and affordable housing and potentially self-build plots. The land could also accommodate green infrastructure including open space and ecological enhancements in conjunction with development.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide affordable housing to meet local needs of the village; in 2018 there was an identified need for 12 affordable dwellings in Fen Ditton for those with a local connection to the village – see South Cambridgeshire District Council's 'Housing Statistical Information Leaflet' (December 2018). The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Fen Ditton. The proposed development could include open space with public access, and ecological enhancement.

Not determined at this stage.

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing access to the paddock at the junction of Ditton Lane and High Ditch Road. A new vehicular access would need to be provided to accommodate the proposed development, but sufficient land is available to accommodate a safe vehicular and pedestrian access with suitable visibility splays. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken.


Not Specified.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flooding. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include mitigation measures and ecological enhancement measures within the design and layout. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken because there are trees and hedgerows at the site boundary. The existing trees are protected because they are located in the Conservation Area. The trees and hedgerows could be retained as part of the proposed development. The site is located within Fen Ditton Conservation Area. The design of the proposed development will be important in order to protect and enhance this heritage asset. No.6 High Ditch Road (Thatched Cottage) is a Grade II Listed Building, and its setting will need to be protected and enhanced by development at the site. It would be possible to locate the proposed dwellings at the site to avoid the setting of this heritage asset.

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.

Yes (Please give details)

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and it is both available and deliverable for development. The site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan, and the timetable for this has informed the assessment of when the site is available.

Enquiries received

It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Fen Ditton have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.







Nothing chosen



Form ID: 48150
Respondent: Bryant Land & Property
Agent: Bryant Land & Property

Land at Elsworth Road, Conington, CB23 4LW


Site 48150 map

No uploaded files for public display



C/0776/64 application for residential development –refused S/0108/86/D application for bungalow and garage-approved S/4482/17/FL erection of new live work unit following demolition of barn-Withdrawn


A Sustainable residential development in greenspace setting with community orchard, pond and creation of village green next to White Swan pub. Woodland planting Mix of open market housing, Affordable housing to meet needs of village needs survey, Live works units, self build units and small business hub as part of Conington community

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

Introduction of hub for whole village, village green and community orchard and open space.

20 units in total Affordable housing to meet village survey needs say 4

Not Specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access is available from the High Street and the Elsworth road as shown on attached plan.


Not Specified.


The site is outside the small area of zone 2&3 flood risk in Conington.

All mains services including water, electricity and sewage located adjacent in the main road.

Yes (Please give details)

All mains services including water, electricity and sewage located adjacent in the main road.

Available now

The land is available now subject to planning. There are no constraints to development. The scheme proposed would bring sustainable benefits to the village.


The site is central to the village and would bring benefits to the existing community with a popular public house. There is a daily bus service to St Ives and Cambridge.


Not Known








Form ID: 48151
Respondent: Pegasus Group
Agent: Pegasus Group

Land at Rockery Farm, The Broadway, Bourn, CB23 2TA


Site 48151 map

No uploaded files for public display



None that are relevant to housing.

Mixture, some paddock land and other previously developed land in the farmyard.

Residential development, with the potential for some commercial use. See attached promotion document.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development

Nothing chosen

B1a and B1b - Yes to Part of the site. See site promotion document.

See site promotion document.

Not specified.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

See site promotion document.



Yes (Please give details)

Proximity to sewage treatment plant - See site promotion document.

The site is adjacent to existing housing and could easily be served by existing infrastructure that serves these houses.

Yes (Please give details)

The site is adjacent to existing housing and could easily be served by existing infrastructure that serves these houses.

Available now

Our client is keen to see the development of their site at the earliest opportunity. Although they would have to leave their property and relocate their business this is not a constraint to the timing of the site coming forward.

Enquiries received

Bourn is a very popular village and the site will deliver new homes to the services and facilities of Cambourne and Bourn Airfield new village. All these factors are likely to make the site attractive to developers and people looking for new homes.








The site has no known abnormal cost factors that would prevent it from delivering new homes and all the necessary infrastructure and levels of affordable housing as part of a policy compliant development.


Form ID: 48740
Respondent: Bryant Land & Property
Agent: Bryant Land & Property