Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.
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Development of approximately 5 homes of cutting edge design and high energy efficiency.
Provide more quality family housing in the area and contribute to the architectural diversity and interest in the area.
Based on the size of the plot, and the type of village where family houses are more suited.
Not Specified.
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Shared driveway from main road.
All utilities are available form Ermine Street which is close by.
No answer given
The land is currently unused.
It is close to the centre of the village but with a peaceful location.
There is a ransom strip that would have to be crossed for access.
No answer given
Maximum 2
No answer given
Existing dwelling at road frontage, amenity land and small wooded/scrub area.
Not developed.
Existing dwelling and greenfield land.
Sustainable residential development.
Healthcare - No, however contributions can be provided through the development. The proposed development is on amenity back land, which has no significant planning constraints or environmental designations and lies outside the Green Belt. The site has excellent access to major road networks, including Junction 28 of the new A14 (approx. 1 mile from the site) and the guided busway station in Swavesey (approx. 1.4 miles from the site), providing sustainable transport links to St Ives and Cambridge. The eastern part of the site, and access from Boxworth End, lie within the development framework of Swavesey. Swavesey is identified in Policy S/9 of the South Cambs adopted Local Plan as a minor rural centre having ‘a greater level (of services and facilities) than most other villages in South Cambridgeshire, and often perform a role in terms of providing services and facilities for a small rural hinterland.’ The proposal could provide new market and affordable housing to contribute to meeting the significant housing need across the District, along with Public Open Space. It could also provide additional employment and business growth in the area. The sustainable nature of the settlement of Swavesey with the Guided Busway, reduces reliance on car travel to reduce carbon emissions.
The site covers an area of 0.87 ha. This includes the existing dwelling and access road. Assuming that 70% of the gross site is deliverable, allowing for green infrastructure, open space and infrastructure provision, and assuming 30 dwellings per hectare, this equates to 18 dwellings on the site.
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To serve the proposed development, it is anticipated the existing dwelling at 86 Boxworth End will need to be demolished to provide vehicular access to the site, along with pedestrian and cycling connectivity. Indicative access is shown on the attached plan. The type of access junction will depend upon advice from highways consultants and on discussions with the Highways Authority.
The site is relatively unconstrained and there are no known physical constraints on the site.
There are no known constraints. There are no known biodiversity, contamination, drainage or heritage constraints on site.
Mains utilities would need to be connected to the site to serve the proposed development.
Mains utilities would need to be connected to the site to serve the proposed development.
If the site is allocated for development, the site can be brought forward as soon as possible. The landowner proposes to work with the Greater Cambridge to deliver residential development on the site.
Swavesey is defined as a minor rural centre in South Cambs District Council Local Plan adopted 2018 and is considered sustainable. The site would be of substantial interested to promoters and developers if considered suitable for allocation.
There are no known legal or land ownership constraints.
Not applicable.
The existing property at 86 Boxworth End would need to be demolished to provide vehicular access. This, however, would not cause a delay to the delivery of the site.
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S/3137/17/FL - Change of use from paddock to amenity green space – Refused 07/02/2019 Adjacent site - S/3170/17/OL - Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for self-build/custom build residential development for up to 9 dwellings – Granted on appeal 23/09/2019
Residential development at the site would form a natural extension to the self-build development approved at the adjacent site and will achieve sustainable development that relates well to the village of Gamlingay, a village with a good level of services and facilities in South Cambridgeshire. The development will provide much needed housing and could contribute to meeting the need for self-build plots. The site is capable of redevelopment and is limited to poor quality grazing paddock which would be put to better use through housing provision. There will be economic benefits through the construction jobs created and owner/occupiers using local services and facilities.
The estimated number of residential units is 5 dwellings which is roughly 10 dwellings per hectare. Given the position of the site on the edge of the village and the surrounding pattern of development, including the approved self-build development adjacent, this is considered to be an appropriate number of dwellings.
Not Specified
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The site benefits from an existing agricultural access. Despite the existing access, it is considered that access to the site could be incorporated into the approved outline scheme on the adjacent land (S/3170/17/OL).
There is a listed building to the west of the site. The land was previously used for landfill. It is considered that adequate planting and appropriate design would ensure the proposed development would not harm the significance or setting of the listed building. A Contamination Report associated with the application at the adjacent site clarified that the previous landfill use need not block the proposed development subject to appropriate control.
All services are available from the highway
All services are available from the highway
The land can be developed immediately, and the landowner is wholly supportive of development at the site. There are no legal or physical constrains to immediate development.
The adjacent self-build plots granted under S/3170/17/OL have attracted a significant amount of interest from prospective buyers, further highlighting the demand for custom build plots across Greater Cambridge. Gamlingay is especially attractive given the range of employment opportunities within the village. Additionally, the site is well connected to nearby towns and villages which offer further employment opportunities and services such as Potton, Sandy, St Neots, Cambourne and Cambridge.
Land South of Church Street, East of High Street, Guilden Morden
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The site comprises agricultural land.
Reference:SC/0340/72/O Description: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Refused 05-07-1972 Reference:SC/0339/71/O Description: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Refused 02-08-1971 Reference:SC/0033/69/O Description: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Refused 10-03-1969
Residential development of circa 40 dwellings and associated infrastructure. The design and layout of the development would respect the surrounding character of the area with regards to appearance and scale.
Schools and education No - anticipated S106 contribution towards this Public open space Yes - a significant area of the site is proposed to be offered as a village green Community facilities No - anticipated S106 contribution towards this Recreation and leisure Yes - it is anticipated that play space will be associated with the village green Healthcare No - anticipated S106 contribution towards this. Retail A small village shop is proposed.
The development would offer a number of affordable housing units and market housing units which would contribute towards meeting local housing local needs. The development would also bring new residents into the village which will help to support the vitality of local infrastructure, including public transport, schools etc. This will ensure the ongoing sustainability of the village. The development presents the opportunity to create new public open space in the village in the form of a village green, alongside an opportunity to enhance the ecological value of the site. The Proposed Site Plan shows how up to 40 dwellings could be accommodated on the site alongside new village green and community orchard. This represents efficient use of land and maintains a density which is appropriate to the village.
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There is not an existing access which connects to the public highway. It is anticipated that access to the site will be achievable off the High Street. The Transport Note prepared by M-EC confirms that a safe and suitable access can be achieved for the proposed quantum of development. Please see Transport Note provided by M-EC
Detailed topographical work will be undertaken at application stage. However, the site is flat with no significant level changes, and therefore it is not anticipated that levels will cause problems for this site.
There are no known contamination risks on the site. There are no local wildlife or historical designations on the site and there are no listed buildings on the site. 3no. grade 2 listed buildings are located to the north of the site (i.e. 32 Church Street) but it is considered that development on this site will not adversely affect these buildings. An appropriate heritage assessment would be undertaken at any future planning application stage. The site is not located within the Green Belt. Please see Flood Risk and Drainage Note provided by M-EC and Ecology Report prepared by Applied Ecology. The site is capable of providing a net gain in biodiversity.
The site is adjacent to a residential area which is served by a full range of utilities. As such, it is anticipated that the development will be able to connect to the necessary infrastructure. A utilities assessment would be carried out at application stage to confirm this.
The site is adjacent to a residential area which is served by a full range of utilities. As such, it is anticipated that the development will be able to connect to the necessary infrastructure. A utilities assessment would be carried out at application stage to confirm this.
The site has been put forward for development by the landowner. The landowner has already undertaken pre-application discussions in relation to the site with the Council which explicitly shows an interest in developing the site and its immediate availability.
The site is located in a sustainable location in a desirable area of South Cambridgeshire outside of the designated Green Belt.
There are no known legal or land ownership constraints.
On adoption of the Local Plan in 2021
1-2 Years
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Agricultural land including agricultural buildings.
Housing – The site could provide up to 450 residential units (Use Class C3) including affordable housing and potentially self-build plots. The land could also accommodate green infrastructure including open space and ecological enhancements in conjunction with development. A new and updated access to serve the development would be provided from the A1307 Cambridge Road.
Please describe any benefits to the local area that the development could provide: The proposed development would provide affordable housing to meet local needs of the village; in 2018 there was an identified need for 81 affordable dwellings in Linton for those with a local connection to the village – see South Cambridgeshire District Council's 'Housing Statistical Information Leaflet' (December 2018). The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Linton. The proposed development could include open space with public access, and ecological enhancement. Subject to compliance with CIL Regulations at the planning application stage any development may also provide planning appropriate obligations towards improving local infrastructure e.g. public transport facilities, schools, GPs and other community facilities.
The dwelling estimate is informed by knowledge of site conditions/characteristics and experience from other sites developed by Bloor Homes within South Cambridgeshire and other districts.
Not Specified.
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A Transport & Highways Access Appraisal has been prepared for the proposed development. A new vehicular access, junction arrangements and traffic signal controls would need to be provided at the site access with the A1307 Cambridge Road to accommodate the proposed development. There is sufficient land available to alter the junction arrangements in order to provide a safe vehicular access with suitable visibility splays and pedestrian/cycle access and routes. The access arrangements would meet current highway standards.
Not Specified.
Details: The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flooding. A Flood Risk Assessment has been prepared for the site. The ground conditions at the site are likely to be suitable for infiltration drainage and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to manage surface water drainage from the proposed development. An initial ecological assessment of the site has confirmed that there would not appear to be any significant ecological constraints that would preclude the development of the site. The proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include mitigation measures and ecological enhancement measures within the design and layout. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment is scheduled to be undertaken because there are trees and hedgerows at the site boundary. The trees and hedgerows could be retained as part of the proposed development. An initial Landscape Analysis has been undertaken of the site and for the proposed development. The design and layout of the proposed development would maintain long distance views across the site and would maintain the open views from public footpaths. There are a number of listed buildings within Little Linton Farmhouse to the north of the site, and buildings at Linton Village College to the east of the site are also listed. The setting of these listed buildings will need to be protected and enhanced by development at the site. It would be possible to locate the proposed dwellings at the site to avoid the setting of these heritage assets. An Initial Noises Assessment has been undertaken for the site, and mitigation measures have been identified to address potential noise impacts on the proposed development. In summary, the Assessment recommends mitigation measures to address noise impacts from traffic movements on the A1307, including a noise buffer and acoustic bunds along the road frontage in order to protect residential amenity. As outlined above a wide range of technical/ site investigation work has either been completed or is currently underway. This information has been incorporated into the accompanying Vision Document with any additional information shared with the Local Planning Authority (LPA) when available. The developer is keen to engage with the LPA and other statutory consultees to discuss both the technical information and to agree a strategy for progressing further with development proposals on the site.
Details: There is an overhead high voltage network passing through the western part of the site, including high voltage cables and a pylon located in the north west corner of the site. The proposed development will need to include an easement from the high voltage cables. boundary. A Utilities Assessment has been prepared for the site. The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.
Details: There is an overhead high voltage network passing through the western part of the site, including high voltage cables and a pylon located in the north west corner of the site. The proposed development will need to include an easement from the high voltage cables. boundary. A Utilities Assessment has been prepared for the site. The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner and is controlled by a housebuilder, and it is both available and deliverable for development. The site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan, and the timetable for this has informed the assessment of when the site is available.
In your opinion, what is the market attractiveness of the site at the current time? It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Linton have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. Key fact- Bloor a developer has placed the site under option. It is considered developable and viable.
Land north-east of Long Lane, Fowlmere, SG8 7TG
Not Specified.
Reference:SC/0370/65/ Type: Full Planning Application Location: Adj Uplands Bungalow Shepreth Road Pt Osp 30 Fowlmere Cambridgeshire Description: ERECTION OF BUNGALOW AND GARAGE, .24 ACRES Decision: Refused Decision Date: 02-08-1965 Reference:SC/0419/61/ Type: Full Planning Application Location: Shepreth Road Fowlmere Cambridgeshire Description: ERECTION OF 6 HOUSES OR BUNGALOWS Decision: Withdrawn Decision Date: 03-10-1961
Residential Development
For Community Facilities, Recreation and Leisure and Healthcare - Potentially, if needed locally. See attached letter
If the whole site (5ha) is developed, 150 dwellings (excludes area of flood zone 3 to rear) If half the site (2.5ha) is developed, 75 dwellings See attached letter
Not Specified
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There is an existing field access at the western end of the site. A new vehicular access would be provided from Long Lane to serve the proposed development.
There is an area of flood zone 3 to the rear of the site. There is a Listed Building opposite the site. The part of the site within flood zone 3 is not proposed for development. All development land is within flood zone 1. The presence of the Listed Building on the opposite side of Long Lane will be a design consideration but does not prevent development.
The site is crossed by low-voltage wires. The site has access to key utilities. The presence of cables across the site can be addressed by detailed design or by running the cables underground.
The site is crossed by low-voltage wires. The site has access to key utilities. The presence of cables across the site can be addressed by detailed design or by running the cables underground.
The site is currently farmed but could be made available for development at short notice.
No answer given
3-4 Years
Martins Farm, 53, Boxworth Road, Elsworth, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 4JQ
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Not Specified.
S/4521/19/FL – 2 dwellings – Withdrawn S/4521/19/FL - 10 dwellings – Pending
Previously developed land.
Provision of new residential development. See enclosed layout plan for further information.
• Biodiversity enhancement • Repair to heritage assets • Visual improvement to the area
Circa 10 dwellings. See enclosed site layout plan showing provision of 10 dwellings (net increase of 9 dwellings) on the site.
Not Specified
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Existing access serving existing dwellinghouse. Scope for provision of additional access to serve new dwellings. Access locations shown with supporting plans and Transport Assessment Attached. Transport Statement.
The Site contains a listed building. See enclosed Heritage Statement. The Site is not ecologically sensitive, see enclosed Ecology Statement. The site is not at risk of flooding and can be appropriately drained. See enclosed FRA and Drainage Strategy. Heritage Statement, Ecology Statement and FRA.
Site has access to key utilities. Site is not crossed or adjacent to a key utility such as a pipeline or by pylons.
Site has access to key utilities. Site is not crossed or adjacent to a key utility such as a pipeline or by pylons.
Site is owned by a developer and proposals for new development on the site are advanced.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Elsworth have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.
No answer given
Arable farmland with small parcel of woodland.
Not aware of any.
To create an non dense development on edge of village setting with community woodland with existing woodland and further planting, pond, village green area, circular public foot path create a sustainable development of quality built houses with strong low carbon footprint and environmental credentials comprising mix of market and affordable housing and self build. Including some single storey housing as required To include some live work units and a community hub to facilitate local working community and reduce travel to work Create new car park for church.
Local need for quality houses in this popular village. Creating new Church car park to save current car parking problems in Church Street.
100-150 units.
Not Specified.
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See plan showing existing access.
No answer given
Green Belt
Mains water and electricity in Hauxton road
Mains water and electricity in Hauxton road
Land arable farmed Could be taken out of production
Location close to village, cycling distance from Cambridge and Stations at Shelford and Whittlesford. On a bus route. Walk into Great Shelford for services
as soon as planning secured say 2022 if rapid planning result possible
4-5 Years
Not Specified.
Land south of Bateman Street, Cambridge, CB2 1LQ
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Bateman House is in B1(a) office use at part first, second, third and fourth floor and A2 use at ground and part first floor. No. 90 Hills Road is in B1(a) office use, 63 Bateman Street is in D1 use and 57-63 Bateman Street is in D1 use
Change of use of part of first floor from A2 to B1(a) use (19/1625/FUL). Granted planning permission on 3 February 2020
Previously developed land
A new Research and Development (R&D), AI and business services cluster has developed around Station Road and Hills Road since 2015. For the R&D, AI and business services sector, the location decisional drivers are access and ability to recruit the right skill sets. Central Cambridge provides this, but the small size of the core central area, the lack of available space and lack of development pipeline puts that resilience at risk and could undermine the growth of the R&D sector. The redevelopment of Land to the south of Bateman Street provides an opportunity to continue the successful transformation of this part of the city and provide additional capacity to support the further clustering around the Station. Trinity Hall are at an early stage in considering potential development concepts for the site and currently consider that a commercial-led scheme would be appropriate. Trinity Hall are however keen to engage with the Council, stakeholders and the local community to refine and discuss the proposals further as part of the ongoing consultation on the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan.
The proposal would provide additional capacity to support the growing office and R&D market, with associated increase in job creation. There is also a lack of Grade A office space in Cambridge. For the R&D and business services sector, the location decisional drivers are access and ability to recruit the right skill sets. Land to the south of Bateman Street provides this, but the lack of available space and lack of development pipeline puts that resilience at risk and could undermine the growth of the R&D sector. Developing Land to the south of Bateman Street can help address the demand and supply imbalance for quality office stock by bringing forward Grade A space in close proximity to an existing transport hub. This area can support the regeneration of the wider site and potentially the new Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro (CAM) system. See attached representations for more detail.
Trinity Hall are at an early stage in considering potential development concepts for the site and currently consider that a commercial-led scheme would be appropriate. Trinity Hall are however keen to engage with the Council, stakeholders and the local community to refine and discuss the proposals further as part of the ongoing consultation on the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan. See attached representations for more detail.
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Cowley Road and Milton Avenue. The site can be accessed via Hills Road and Bateman Street
The site is relatively flat
There are no significant environmental constraints that would constrain development of the site
The site has existing access to key utilities
The site has existing access to key utilities.
Existing use retained in short term
There is a lack of Grade A office space in Cambridge. For the R&D and business services sector, the location decisional drivers are access and ability to recruit the right skill sets. Land to the south of Bateman Street provides this, but the lack of available space and lack of development pipeline puts that resilience at risk and could undermine the growth of the R&D sector. Developing Land to the south of Bateman Street can help address the demand and supply imbalance for quality office stock by bringing forward Grade A space in close proximity to an existing transport hub.
Vacant Brownfield Land
Previously Developed Land
A residential and commercial quarter; a residential mixed-use development providing of between 600- 900 BTR homes, and between 60,000 – 90,000 sqm of commercial buildings, with supporting amenity uses. It is probable that the scheme would come forward as two concurrent applications for the residential and commercial elements respectively.
The NEC AAP is the largest brownfield site in Cambridge and is served by excellent public transport infrastructure. It therefore presents a significant opportunity to transform into a high-quality gateway to the city and act as a catalyst for the regeneration of the wider area. Proposals within the NEC AAP should therefore make optimal and efficient use of the site. The vision for the residential and commercial quarter is to continue the successful transformation of this part of the city and address a specific need for more housing to serve the private rented sector, thus making a significant contribution to meeting housing needs within Greater Cambridge in a manner that would diversify housing choices within the market. The proposal would also provide additional capacity to support the growing office and R&D market, with associated increase in job creation. There is a clear demand for additional housing in Cambridge of a type and tenure that is affordable to the young professional households that make-up a considerable proportion of the population. These are people who often do not meet the criteria for social rented housing but cannot afford to buy their own home. The private rented sector can provide such accommodation. There is also a lack of Grade A office space in Cambridge. For the R&D and business services sector, the location decisional drivers are access and ability to recruit the right skill sets. Land at Cambridge North provides this, but the lack of available space and lack of development pipeline puts that resilience at risk and could undermine the growth of the R&D sector. Developing Land at Cambridge North can help address the demand and supply imbalance for quality office stock by bringing forward Grade A space in close proximity to the new transport hub. A high density development would represent efficient use of land in a sustainable location and create the opportunity for people to live close to where they work. A higher density of people also helps to form a critical mass and sense of place to support the range of ancillary retail uses, services and facilities that would come forward alongside the residential and employment accommodation. This area can support the regeneration of the wider site, the investment made in delivering the Cambridgeshire Guided Bus and potentially the new Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro (CAM) system. See attached representations for more detail.
Between 600- 900 BTR homes, and between 60,000 – 90,000 sqm of commercial buildings. See attached representations for more detail.
Not Specified
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Cowley Road and Milton Avenue. The site can be accessed via Cowley Road and Milton Avenue.
The site is relatively flat.
There are no significant environmental constraints that would constrain development of the site.
The site has access to key utilities and investigations are ongoing with statutory providers to establish the utility reinforcements required.
The site has access to key utilities and investigations are ongoing with statutory providers to establish the utility reinforcements required.
The intention is to submit the residential quarter application in late 2020, followed by the commercial quarter application on determination of the residential quarter. The remaining land north of Cowley Road is proposed to be brought forward within 515 years, subject to the relocation of the railhead and Waste Water Treatment Works.
There is a clear demand for additional housing in Cambridge of a type and tenure that is affordable to the young professional households that make-up a considerable proportion of the population. These are people who often do not meet the criteria for social rented housing but cannot afford to buy their own home. The private rented sector can provide such accommodation. There is also a lack of Grade A office space in Cambridge. For the R&D and business services sector, the location decisional drivers are access and ability to recruit the right skill sets. Land at Cambridge North provides this, but the lack of available space and lack of development pipeline puts that resilience at risk and could undermine the growth of the R&D sector. Developing Land at Cambridge North can help address the demand and supply imbalance for quality office stock by bringing forward Grade A space in close proximity to the new transport hub.
Not Specified.
As with most large brownfield development, there will be a certain level of abnormal costs but these have been factored into initial viability testing for the emerging proposals.
Land to the west of Beach Road, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8RG
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The site is currently in agricultural use.
Not applicable.
See supporting statement.
The site is Greenfield Land.
Residential development of up to 300 homes, including affordable housing, publicly accessible open space, a landscape buffer and the potential for community facilities.
Custom/ Self Build - Yes, if a policy requirement. Please describe any benefits to the local area that the development could provide: This development has the potential to deliver numerous benefits including: • Health care • Upgrading cycle links • Highways improvements on Beach Road, including additional traffic calming measures • Provision of cycle routes • Provision of improved bus facilities, including shelters • Publicly accessible open space • Contribution and provision of community facilities • Provision of play facilities • Affordable housing • Provision of Bungalows • Patronage of local facilities
Optimis have taken the gross area of 13ha and assumed a net developable area of 75%. An illustrative layout has not yet been drawn up, but at a density of 30 dwellings per hectare Optimis assume the site is capable of delivering up to approximately 300 dwellings, including the provision of affordable housing.
Not Specified
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Please refer to supporting document.
Please refer to supporting document.
Please refer to supporting document.
As far as we are aware the site has no infrastructure constraints or overhead powerlines and there is no major infrastructure that would inhibit development. There are telegraph poles running along Beach Road, but these could be moved or grounded. At this stage an underground utilities and services survey has not been undertaken.
As far as we are aware the site has no infrastructure constraints or overhead powerlines and there is no major infrastructure that would inhibit development. There are telegraph poles running along Beach Road, but these could be moved or grounded. At this stage an underground utilities and services survey has not been undertaken. Please see a telegraph pole plan at Appendix 4.
An agent is actively promoting the site. Subject to positive promotion it is intended that a residential planning application will be submitted as soon as the plan is adopted.
In Optimis’ opinion this site is a highly desirable location for residential development.
None known.
Not applicable.
2023 adoption of Local Plan
Not applicable.
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Land on the South West Side of Short Drove, Cottenham, Cambridgshire. CB24 8RW
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Farmland but no tenancy
No answer given
This site could potentially be used for housing due to its close proximity to the local college and other residential houses.
No answer given
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Not Specified
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No answer given
no sight investigation carried, bit not aware of any detrimental Flat site - Topographical survey not carried but visually appears flat
No survey carried however using Government Flood Map there is no indication of risk of flood.
No answer given
On the location map attached, there are nearby key utilities available but none which are already on the site. Therefore capacity will have to be made for the key utilities to be attached to the site.
As the land owner, the site can be made available with immediate effect.
Adjacent School close by, also B road accessible from the site.
None to my knowledge.
None to my knowledge.
No answer given
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No answer given
Land at Croxton
106 hectares within South Cambridgeshire as a standalone scheme or a first phase of a larger settlement
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Please see previous Call for sites 2019 submission. This response seeks to update specific questions to refine the land areas available for development within South Cambridgeshire and other issues such as the potential date for first occupations to link in with the anticipated opening of the A428 Dualling Scheme from Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet.
New Garden Village Community
1,750 on land within South Cambridgeshire
Not Specified
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see supporting Concept Plan
Refer to 2019 Call for Sites submission
Refer to 2019 Call for Sites submission
Refer to 2019 Call for Sites submission
Refer to 2019 Call for Sites submission
The land is available now and the route and General Arrangement of the A428 dualling scheme is now known.
No answer given
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By 2024/2025 to link in with the A428 dualling scheme being operational
14-15 Years
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Not Developed
Residential development
Market and affordable housing and associated Public Open Space.
TBC - Site subject to a current technical appraisal
Not Specified
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Multiple access arrangements available. Technical appraisal ongoing to establish suitability.
Further investigation required to confirm absence of these constraints.
Further investigations required.
Further investigations required.
Further investigations required.
No answer given
Cambourne as a location is an area of significant interest to Taylor Wimpey.
TBC - Further investigation required
No answer given
Whittlesford Railway Village
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Not Specified
Not Specified
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Not Specified
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Not Specified
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Not Specified
Not Specified.
Not Specified.
Not Specified
Not Specified
To Confirm
Not Specified
Not Specified
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No answer given
No answer given
Greenfield Land.
Circa 7.2 hectares of land available for B1c/B2 and B8 uses. The Concept Plan shows how an additional 70,000sq ft of new, purpose-build commercial units could be accommodated on the Site.
The expansion of Wyndmere Farm would allow for the existing local businesses to expand and remain within the local economy. Potential for a new vehicular access to be provided off Station Road. This could alleviate traffic from using the Station Road/Ashwell Road as would provide a more direct access from the A10. A significant landscape buffer could be introduced to screen new development from views from the south and along Station Road. There is also an opportunity to relocate and provide an enhanced allotment provision for the local community, utilising the existing access off Ashwell Road, if the additional land came forward for development.
The Concept Plan shows the provision of around 70,000 sq ft of new employment floorspace, alongside parking and circulation routes. The provides an indication on an upper quantum of new commercial development could be provided on the site.
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The site lies in Flood Zone 1.
The site lies adjacent the existing Wyndmere Park Industrial Estate and has access to key utilities.
The site lies adjacent the existing Wyndmere Park Industrial Estate and has access to key utilities.
There is an immediate local business need for new commercial units. The existing tenants have expressed need for larger or purpose-build units in this location.
Wyndmere Farm is a proven employment location, with strong rental demand for the type of units and location with easy access from the A505.
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Not Specified.
The Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, CB22 3AT
182 Hectares (Proposed Development area for new buildings 16 Hectares)
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Research and Development
S/0987/97/CAC Demolition of Buildings S/0659/03/CAC Demolition of Buildings S/0195/99/O Development of Research Facilities and Infrastructure S/0003/03/F Variation of S/0195/99/O S/1402/06/F Renewal of S/0003/03/F S/1173/04/RM Access Road S/0906/06/RM Access Road and Kiosk S2220/02/RM S/1321/09/RM S/2016/11 Development of four Research Buildings and Infrastructure S/0600/12/RM, S/0616/13/RM, S/2688/13/RM, S/0422/15/RM S/1676/14/OL 10,000sqm R and D Facilities and Infrastructure S/3182/16/RM, S/1500/17/RM, S/0907/17/FL Roads and Infrastructure S/2917/17/RM
Mixture of previously developed and greenfield
Research and Development facilities Supporting Infrastructure
Please see accompanying attached: Supporting Documents 2 and 3 Babraham Research Campus Future Development and Impact Report describing benefits and impact in local and national economy, together with case for further growth. Benefits summary: • Support growth and jobs in Life Sciences economy locally, regionally and nationally • Provide distinct support to early stage companies and address market failure in this area • GVA of campus activities equated to £286m in 2017/18 • Attract high quality private investment to the area • Increase employment in the high skills technology sector • Increase underpinning employment in skills and services • Increase numbers of apprenticeships, PhD and Postdoc opportunities • Attract world leading researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs • Retain global talent • Encourage the development of skills and expertise across the community • Promote skilled employment opportunities across the local and Cambridge wide community • Promote Outreach educational opportunities to the Cambridge area community • Utilise opportunities on the wider campus estate to increase biodiversity • Utilise the opportunities on the wider campus estate to provide community amenity through footpath corridors along and adjacent to the River Granta • Maintain and increase current key worker housing • Utilise the wider estate to provide potential renewable energy opportunities. • Increase use and support of local public transport initiatives being implemented by GCP/CA
Employment floor-space within up to five new build and two replacement R and D buildings for a minimum of 30,000sqm of floor-space to provide R and D facilities for early stage start up and scale up Life Science companies. See accompanying attached Drawing 1 for location of development areas within Campus estate. Replacement and Renovation of existing key worker housing (60 dwellings) in developed area of campus (“The Close”)
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Mature site with entrance to campus off roundabout on A1307. Additional lanes into campus introduced with most recent permitted development (RD2) in 2017/18 Good access to the campus via roundabout on A1307 (constructed in 2007 as part of section 106 agreement in first phase of campus development). New increased main entrance and roadway infrastructure added in 2017 to further improve access and exit from/onto roundabout and allow for any increase in occupancy on campus. All traffic enters/exits campus via the above. Additional cycle access added in 2017 at same time as public multi user path was constructed through campus estate grounds, improving cycle access to campus along Cambridge to Abington Greenway.
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Heritage setting and Flood risk in areas adjacent to River Granta. Previous developments have responded to heritage setting with reference to 1999 Master plan design principles to protect the heritage setting. All developments include flood mitigation as demonstrated in condition discharge from Outline and Reserve Matters planning approvals (see previous section). These include flood run-off areas, SUDS drainage systems, raised height buildings within flood zone, storm water attenuation, aqua cells.
Mains water, gas and electrical supply in place for future development, Broadband communications infrastructure in place for campus and additional development. On campus, sewerage treatment plant in place and Cambridge Water Company local Babraham adopted foul system confirmed to have capacity and capability to connect into.
Mains water, gas and electrical supply in place for future development, Broadband communications infrastructure in place for campus and additional development. On campus, sewerage treatment plant in place and Cambridge Water Company local Babraham adopted foul system confirmed to have capacity and capability to connect into.
Also specified Next 5 years and Next 6-10 years. Identified zones for R and D development have available land plots and infrastructure in place for development and/or can be connected into existing infrastructure. Where not available now require demolition of existing buildings when vacant
See accompanying Supporting Documents 2 and 3 on campus benefits and impact, illustrating the demand for R and D space within Babraham Research Campus and more broadly Cambridge region and UK nationally.
Not Determined
5 – 15 years
Please note that where demolition required this has been factored in to development costs.
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The development will provide sensitively designed dwellings which will enhance the setting of the village along with providing much needed housing. This will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities.
100 dwellings which equates to 24 dwellings per hectare and is appropriate to the village location.
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A new access road can be created off the A1198
The land slopes to the south and there are landscaping bunds along the A1198. Strategic landscaping would be added.
The site is in the setting of Caxton Conservation Area and Grade II listed buildings along Ermine Street. The site can provide sensitively designed houses with a landscape buffer.
Provision can be made for key utilities as part of the development.
Provision can be made for key utilities as part of the development.
The land can be developed immediately.
There is a significant demand for a mix of housing within Caxton given it is well connected to surrounding towns and villages such as Cambourne, Cambridge and Northstowe employment which is greatly needed in the district.
3 Years
Farmland / rough grass
Petrol filling station with associated ancillary uses in connection with proposed Scotland Farm Park and Ride Facility; Employment uses (B1, D2) together with open space and associated infrastructure.
Other - YES – Provision of new Park & Ride facility. Diverse, lower value start-up employment space and related uses close to residential centres and on existing and new lines of communication.
10,000m² of new flexible employment space, east of the Dry Drayton Industrial Park to accommodate demand not being fulfilled in adjoining space which remains fully occupied.
Not Specified.
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Junction and roadway to be improved and can be due to ownership.
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All services are already connected to the adjoining employment business facilities.
All services are already connected to the adjoining employment business facilities.
It is owned freehold and is fully in the owner’s control.
Close to residential areas and good communication, resulting in keen demand for existing space.
Scotland Farm, Dry Drayton, CB23 8AU
Farmland and land associated with existing office use and Scotland Farm storage facilities.
Greenfield and existing recreational use in part.Greenfield and existing recreational use in part.
Employment uses (B1, B2, B8) together with outdoor leisure uses (D2).
Employment use compatible with adjoining uses close to upgraded road network and with associated leisure, parking, recreational and wellbeing uses in the countryside.
We have received enquiries for 500,000ft² for specialist industrial use in this location.
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To be improved to accommodate an increase in space over and above the existing storage facilities.
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All services are connected to the existing facilities on site.
All services are connected to the existing facilities on site.
The landowner wants to develop the site as soon as feasibly possible following recent enquiries.
Proximity to Cambridge and existing and emerging regional transport links; available in the short term; and all constraints are considered to be minor and/or easily overcome.
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Farmland and accommodation land following new road construction.
Residential development, including care village provision, open space and associated infrastructure; Employment uses.
Other - Roadside Services Care village demand is strong, providing employment in a sustainable location. Employment uses close to highway corridors.
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Not Specified.
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Access over owned land to the east, off Oakington Road.
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Full capacity surveys have not been undertaken at this early stage, but we believe the key utilities are in close proximity.
Full capacity surveys have not been undertaken at this early stage, but we believe the key utilities are in close proximity.
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The sheltered location for the care village in a village setting, providing local employment and the ability for elderly seeking to downsize to stay in their environment, yet close to key public transport.
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Not Specified.
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