Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.
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Travis Perkins Builders Merchants, Devonshire Road, Cambridge CB1 2BJ
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Builders Merchants
11/1294/FUL – development of 43 residential units The site also benefits from an existing allocation for residential development in the adopted Local Plan.
Previously developed land
A residential-led mixed-use development comprising residential dwellings (including Build to Rent accommodation), commercial/office floorspace, community uses, open space and landscaping.
The redevelopment of the site allows for a number of opportunities to bring economic, social and environmental benefits to the local area, including: ● Making efficient use of commercial brownfield land in a highly sustainable location to deliver a range of commercial and residential land uses; ● A mixed-use development provides the opportunity to share energy between the commercial and residential uses, which would see significant energy savings across the Site; ● Providing high quality office accommodation in a highly attractive and highly accessible location with close access to major public infrastructure through proximity to the city centre and Cambridge railway station; ● Delivering an identified need for Build to Rent housing that provides purpose built private rented sector accommodation; ● Enhancing and extending the public realm into a site that is currently inaccessible to the public; ● High quality buildings in a key location of the highest architectural quality designed to enhance the conservation area, improving the street scene along Devonshire Road; ● The introduction of active ground floor frontages, creating potential links into the site and respecting the relationship to the surrounding area; ● Introducing new areas of landscaping, boosting biodiversity, and amenity space across/around the site; ● Development that sensitively responds to the heritage context of the adjacent Mill Road Conservation Area; ● Achieving a development that will maximise the Site’s potential as a key site between the railway station and city core that will attract business and the public alike; ● Supporting the local economy by introducing new jobs and adding to the range of jobs available; ● Designed to be open and permeable, with hybrid spaces for the local community to use; and ● A transparent social value framework benefitting existing and future residents for the long term; improving local social, economic and environmental outcomes.
A masterplan feasibility exercise has been undertaken and it is considered that the site can accommodate approximately 190 dwellings and 8,685 sqm of commercial floorspace.
Not Specified
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Existing vehicular access from Devonshire Road.
No answer given
The site is located adjacent to the Mill Road Conservation Area, however this is not a significant constraint on development and will be fully considered throughout the design process. Given the previous use of the site, further surveys and assessments will be undertaken to understand the potential for any contamination and whether remediation works are required.
No answer given
The site is located in an urban environment where utilities connections will be readily available. Any existing connections could be extended to serve the site.
Vacant possession granted.
Site was put on the open market end of 2019 and received several bids.
Currently owned and occupied by Travis Perkins therefore completion can only take place when they vacate.
Vacant possession. Travis Perkins need to locate an alternative site.
Managed Grassland
Managed Grassland
Residential development with associated landscaping and access from Dry Drayton Road
Open Space - Open space delivered in line with policy requirements Delivery of housing within an area of significant growth and demand which contribute valuable numbers towards the needs of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan area, but also the local needs of Oakington
Site quantum is dependent on achieving a deliverable and appropriate residential layout. Approximate numbers are considered to be approximately 25 dwellings.
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Existing field vehicular access to the site with dropped kerb. Junction improvements will be required to ensure adequate vehicular access – it is considered that the layout of Dry Drayton road provides adequate visibility.
Site is undeveloped and greenfield
Site has areas of High flood risk which can be avoided. An informed layout including open space, landscape and sustainable drainage features will contribute towards flood and surface water risk mitigation.
No answer given
It is considered that the site’s position at Oakington will provide adequate access to existing infrastructure and key utilities.
European Property Ventures (Cambridgeshire) own the site in its entirety with no known restrictions to delivery
Oakington is positioned close to Cambridge city which is experiencing unprecedented economic growth and demand, properties at this location are in high demand and will be able to contribute towards meeting the strategic needs of the Plan area.
Peripheral trees and hedgerows and boundaries to be retained and incorporated into landscape strategy. Surface water and fluvial flooding considerations to be responded to via a robust flood risk assessment and sustainable drainage strategy. Using SUDs will also deliver ecological enhancements.
Farmland/ Agricultural
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Mixed Housing/ Residential Development
See Letter
20 Dwellings, Mixed Use Including Affordable.
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Shared Access across Farmland. This would need to be improved.
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Key utilities are along Beach Road.
Key utilities are along Beach Road.
Dependant upon Planning.
Very attractive - Enquiries from developer as part of larger development.
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Residential Mixed Dwellings - 45 units
See Letter
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Via Short Drive
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Could be reached from Beach Road.
Could be reached from Beach Road.
Dependant upon Planning
No answer given
Attractive - Enquiries received from developer as part of a larger development.
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B1a office use
B1a office use
10 Station Road was identified for redevelopment in the Station Area redevelopment masterplan. Full planning permission granted on 15 January 2020 for “The demolition of Jupiter House and the construction of a new office building comprising 5,654 sqm (GIA) of Class B1(a) floorspace including ancillary accommodation/facilities with a single basement of 1,715 sqm (GIA) providing 37 car parking spaces, with associated plant and new sub-station, 193 cycle parking spaces at street level and two options for provision of access to the development and for hard and soft landscaping” (15/2271/FUL).
Previously developed land
The vision is to transform the site, maximising the site’s potential to deliver sustainable development through the densification of a brownfield site, providing mixed use development that is highly connected to sustainable transport links. The proposed development is for a commercial-led development comprising mostly offices with potential for active ground floor frontages comprising flexible public facing retail, restaurant and cafe (Use Class A1, A3 and A4) together with car and cycle parking,
The redevelopment of the site allows for a number of opportunities to bring economic, social and environmental benefits to the local area, including: ● Making efficient use of commercial brownfield land in a highly sustainable location to deliver a range of commercial land uses; ● Providing high quality Class A office accommodation in a highly attractive and highly accessible location with close access to major public infrastructure through proximity to Cambridge railway station; ● Improving the public realm on a site that is currently inaccessible to the public; ● High quality buildings in a key location of the highest architectural quality designed to enhance the conservation area, improve the street scene along Station Road; ● The introduction of active ground floor frontages, creating potential links into the site and respecting the relationship to the surrounding area; ● Introducing new areas of landscaping and amenity space across/around the site; ● Development that sensitively responds to the heritage context of the New Town and Glisson Road Common Conservation Area; ● Achieving a development that will maximise the sites potential as a key site between the railway station and city core that will attract business and the public alike; and ● Supporting the local economy by introducing new jobs and adding to the range of jobs available.
The proposed development is for a commercial-led development comprising mostly offices with potential for active ground floor frontages comprising flexible public facing retail, restaurant and café (Use Class A1, A3 and A4) together with car and cycle parking,
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Existing access from Station Road
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Existing access to key utilities and 10 Station Road has full planning permission for redevelopment (15/2271/FUL)
Also specified Next 6-10 years. Full planning permission granted on 15 January 2020 for the redevelopment of 10 Station Road. Emerging proposals are being developed for Kett House
There is a lack of Grade A office space in Cambridge. For the R&D and business services sector, the location decisional drivers are access and ability to recruit the right skill sets. Kett House and 10 Station Road provides this, but the lack of available space and lack of development pipeline puts that resilience at risk and could undermine the growth of the R&D sector. Developing Kett House and 10 Station Road can help address the demand and supply imbalance for quality office stock by bringing forward Grade A space in close proximity to an existing transport hub.
Not Specified.
As with most brownfield development, there will be a certain level of abnormal costs but these have been factored into initial viability testing for the emerging proposals.
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A new sustainable urban extension to Fulbourn, with the capacity to accommodate around 150 new homes.
The provision of 90 Market and up to 60 Affordable new homes, new areas of public open space, local economic input and stimulation of the long term vitality and viability of Fulbourn. A community orchard and wider public links to the countryside. Please see accompanying statement.
150 Market and Affordable Dwellings at policy compliant levels of provision.
Not Specified.
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The site benefits from an extensive frontage onto Shelford Road.
Overhead low voltage cables are situated within the site, however, can be accommodated within a proposed scheme.
The site is controlled and owned by a single landowner.
The site is in a desirable location which is in strong demand by house builders and future occupiers.
There are no matters which would prevent the site from coming forward early and delivering fully within the first five years of the new plan.
The site is very infrastructure light in relation to preparatory requirements.
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Land to the north of Meadow Road, Willingham CB24 5JL
Agricultural (arable)
This piece of arable land to the north of Meadow Road, Willingham, is owned by four members of the same family. A recent enquiry from a development company has led the family to consider the site’s potential, located as it is next to the recent development at Belsars Farm and across Meadow Road from Willingham Glebe. They would like to see it being used for low density housing, 50% to be affordable, including bungalows suitable for the less able, with priority being given to those with a local connection. They envisage generous gardens, and a central green space or play area.
Affordable housing for local people, including bungalows for disabled people
Low density (20/HA) 2-4 bed houses/bungalows, 50% affordable
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There is a farm gate onto Meadow Road from the field, shown on the site map between two hedges.
The ground is level and stable
The land has never been particularly wet (it was previously used for market gardening), and there are no other known constraints or risks.
It is understood that key utilities pass the site along Meadow Road. There are no pylons nearby, and no pipelines are known to cross the land.
No answer given
The land is currently informally leased for agricultural usage until Autumn 2020.
See above
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As a greenfield site, infrastructure such as roads and sewers will need to be constructed
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Land to the East of Shortacre Works/ Stagwood House Beach Road Cottenham CB24 8FP
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A mixed Economic development including B1 business use, B2 General Industrial, B8 storage and distribution
Development of the site could provide local sustainable employment.
Potential employment floor space depends upon final use possibly 10,000m2. The whole site is 30,300m2
Not Specified
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There is an existing entrance next to the adjacent industrial estate onto the land. This would potentially need to be resurfaced. The entrance is currently within the 40mph zone as is the adjacent industrial site. Marked with x on map
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Key utilities are accessible from the adjacent industrial site, including mains water, electricity, mains sewerage and broadband. Power lines cross the site - see map
Key utilities are accessible from the adjacent site to the west. Power lines marked lll on the map
Also specified Next 6-10 years. Notice required for farming.
There were some enquiries a couple of years ago. The last local Cottenham plan was looking for suitable sites for sustainable employment.
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Flexible depending on planning. Possibly 2 years.
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Grazing Land
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To meet needs based upon Local Needs Survey (Histon and Impington Parish Council) Neighbourhood Plan consultation in 2016. Key findings - 1/2 bed affordable starter homes, facilities for older people (including downsizing homes), 2-3 bedroom 'Growing Family' homes, low cost rental housing
Much needed affordable housing, facilities for older people
The site is large approximately 1.8 acres in central village location, private, well screened with road access on two sides.
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1 x 5 bar gate access from road (in use) 1 x 5 bar gate to opposite road (not in use)
Site is well drained (with surrounding ditch)
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All services are nearby (existing dwelling surrounding)
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Also specified 'Enquiries Received' Central position, well screened Good road access Low impact on neighbouring propeties
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TBC (Developer funding is available)
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Land and buildings at 25 Ashwell Road, Steeple Morden, Royston SG8 0NZ
Agriculture and residential
Residential development for up to 48 dwellings and the associated infrastructure
Additional market and affordable housing to the district bringing the disposal incomes of new residents to the village of Steeple Morden, while increasing the size and diversity of the population. Creating an attractive approach to the village from Ashwell and infilling between the existing residential development on two sides and the employment use on the remaining two sides.
Up to 48 dwellings based on a density of 30 dwellings per hectare, which would be appropriate in this edge of village location
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Existing field access - would need to be upgraded and possibly repositioned to facilitate the development
Nothing out of the ordinary but likely trees, ecology, contamination and archaeology constraints that will need to be considered as part of the development
Services extend to the existing dwelling
Existing services within the village to be extended as necessary
The landowner is keen to deliver the site and enquiries have been received from potential developers
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Land west of 13 Newton Road, Little Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5HL
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Garden Land and Residential
S/1424/86/F – Conversion of stable block to residential unit and erection of replacement porch. Approved 10.09.1986 S/1840/83F – Erection of three dwellings. Refused 16.01.1984 S/1963/80/F – Erection of stables and hay stores. Approved 15.01.1981
Residential development for up to five dwellings, widening of existing access and the associated infrastructure
Additional housing for the district bringing the disposal incomes of new residents to the village of Little Shelford, whilst increasing the size and diversity of the population. Limited infilling between the existing residential development on two sides.
5 metres
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Existing site access would need to be widened to facilitate the development
The site is located within the Green Belt and surrounded by varying trees. The site is partly located in Flood Zone 3 according to the environment agency’s flood map for planning. A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) along with the necessary survey work / mitigation measures would form part of any planning application. A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) would also form part of any application to assess the site’s contribution and the need for a review of the Green Belt to release sustainable sites on the edge of villages where their loss will have no material impact on the purposes of the Green Belt.
The site has access to key utilities.
The site has access to key utilities.
The landowner is keen to deliver the site and a number of enquiries have been received from potential developers.
Good – a desirable location to live that is both sustainable and deliverable.
Land west of Linton, Little Linton, Linton CB21 4JD
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Agricultural/Horse grazing land
No Planning history
Greenfield with one grain store, two attached dwellings and a stable on site
Erection of up to 325 residential dwellings, with associated Park & Ride (and potential new CAM Metro stop), employment site (science/research park), and country park
The residential development could provide much needed housing growth, in a sustainable location. Linton is a large village with an excellent level of services, facilities and employment. In addition, the site adjoins Linton Village College (secondary and primary school) increasing its sustainability due to its proximity to education facilities. The Park & Ride can provide environmental benefits and reduce climate change by hindering car use into Cambridge and utilising the CAM Metro Rapid Transit Link which is potentially proposed south of Linton. In addition, the science/research park can provide much needed employment opportunities for the residents of Linton and surrounding areas.
Residential dwellings: Up to 325 units Employment floorspace: 10,000 to 15,000 sqm
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Site access will be provided onto Little Linton Road to the residential development. Improved highway infrastructure (new roundabout) on Cambridge Road (A1307) here would allow access into the residential site to the north of Cambridge Road and the potential Park & Ride and employment site to the south. This can further benefit the high casualty highway by acting as a traffic calming measure.
The land slopes up northwards from 55 AOD to 40 AOD. The slope is not significant and will not impact upon deliverability of the site.
The majority of the site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk from flooding. The north east of the site is located in a Flood Zone 3; this area of the site is designated as the country park and would not create any negative adverse impacts or harmful risks. The site is of arable use and horse grazing and is of low value in ecological terms. Please refer to illustrative Masterplan that accompanies this submission to view flood zone and country park.
The site is in an appropriate location to have good access to a wide range of key services and utilities within Linton. The overhead power lines and pylons to the west of the site can be viewed on the accompanying illustrative Masterplan.
No answer given
The site is vacant and readily available. This is subject to highway infrastructure works on Cambridge Road.
The site is very attractive in development terms. Linton is an affluent settlement which would benefit from a residential development. The site will also become appealing to commuters due to the future development of the potential new CAM Metro Rapid Transit Link which is proposed south of Linton. This further highlights that the site is sustainable in terms of public transport. In addition, the site includes the development of a country park serving the site and the surrounding area of amenity value and environmental benefits.
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3-5 years
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Driver Training Centre with associated parking and manoeuvring area
The site is developed and currently in use.
S/1089/11 – Change of use from motorcycle testing to Motorcycle Testing and Car License Testing – approved 04/01/2013
Previously developed land
Other - N/A The development will provide sensitively designed dwellings which will enhance the character of the area along with providing much needed housing. It will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities. There will be environmental benefits through additional landscaping which will create a biodiversity net gain.
45 dwellings which equates to 26 dwellings per hectare which is appropriate to the edge of village location.
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There is currently suitable access from St Neots Road.
No answer given
The site is located in the Green Belt. Given the current commercial development on site it is considered replacing this with housing will enhance the openness of the Green Belt.
There is access to key utilities on site.
There is access to key utilities on site.
The land is available
There is significant demand for a mix of housing in Cambridgeshire and the site is in close proximity to the services and facilities in Hardwick. The Cambridge Autonomous Metro proposes a stop along St Neots Road in very close proximity to the site which will provide sustainable transport to access the services and facilities in Cambridge.
Land to the North of the A505 - Site A1 (to the east of Hill Farm Road)
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Agricultural land within the Greenbelt
No answer given
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Residential and economic development (both B1 and B8). Plus any accompanying uses including a hotel.
No answer given
495 homes (based upon 30 dwellings per hectare) or approximately 40,000+ sqm of employment floorspace (based upon B8 sheds being delivered)
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Agricultural access off Hill Farm Road - access will be required to be improved, plus new access off A505 delivered
The site is within the flight approach to Duxford Airbase - to be confirmed
Ecological constraints unknown - to be confirmed
Infrastructure provision will be required
to be confirmed
Land owner is actively promoting site for redevelopment
Attractive to development promoted
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Land at Hoback Farm, south of Cambridge Road, Wimpole
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Agricultural land with Solar Park on part
Not applicable to agricultural land. Solar Park in use but could be relocated in part or as a whole if required to other land in the applicants’ ownership
Construction of solar PV development (Ref S/0155/13/FL), approved 16 Sep 2013 on southern part of the site.
Greenfield plus Solar Park
Sustainable, free-standing residential led development of at least 2,900 new homes, employment space and associated infrastructure, community facilities, educational facilities and green space, with two new potential vehicular access points onto A603, and with potential for green energy provision to serve the new development from solar farm on site.
Employment (Other) - New business space in the form of co-working space or start up units, or live/work units. The proposed development is on agricultural land which has no significant planning constraints or environmental designations, and lies outside the Green Belt. The site has potentially excellent access to the major road network. The development would be of a sufficient scale to support public transport provision and to provide local shops and services on site. The proposal could provide new market and affordable housing to contribute to meeting the significant housing need. It could also provide business employment land to create opportunities to significantly reduce car travel and to reduce carbon emissions. There is a solar farm on site which could potentially be used to provide zero carbon energy to the new development.
The site covers an area of 105 ha. Policy H/8 of the adopted South Cambs Plan proposes a density of 40 dwellings per hectare in new settlements. Assuming that 75% of the site is deliverable, allowing for green infrastructure, open space, education and infrastructure provision, and in light of the fact the site is relatively unconstrained, the site has potential capacity for 3,150 residential units, or 2,900 residential units and 5-6 hectares employment land, (approximately 27,000 sq m B1 floorspace, assuming two storey offices). Some solar PV panels could be relocated to other land owned by my client adjacent to the site, which is annotated on the attached plan. This would enable development of the northern or any other part of the solar farm land.
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To serve the scale of development proposed, it is anticipated that two new vehicular access points would be created onto the A603; these may be in the form of a roundabout and a T junction. Indicative access points are shown on the attached plan, but clearly the exact location and type of junctions will depend advice from highways consultants, and on discussions with the Highways Authority.
The site is relatively level. The north end of the site lies at 27m AOD, the southern end of the site, some 1.6km further south, lies at 17m AOD. The ground is stable and there are no known physical constraints to development.
No known constraints. There is a very narrow area of floodplain along the River Cam, which forms the south western boundary of the site. There are no known biodiversity, contamination, drainage or heritage constraints on site. The western boundary of the site lies some 800m east of The Avenue, which is a registered park or garden. Wimpole Hall is a Grade I listed building which lies 1.8km to the north of the A603, the road which forms the northern boundary of my client’s site.
Gas pipeline which runs from Great Barford to Duxford crosses the site. Map off the pipeline will be provided.
Mains utilities would need to be connected to the site to serve the proposed development. A pipeline crosses the site and underground cables link the solar farm to the grid.
If the site is allocated for development, we assume that it would take some considerable time from adoption of the Plan to prepare a masterplan and outline application for the site, and the for reserved matters to be approved. It is possible that the site may be delivering houses in less than 10 years but in our experience far safer to suggest 10 plus.
The site would be of substantial interest to promoters and developers if considered suitable for an allocation. There is currently no interest purely because the site has not been marketed. However, if the site were allocated, we believe that this site would be very attractive to the market due to: • Large greenfield site with lack of constraints; • Excellent accessibility on A603; • Proximity to Royston and Cambridge; • High quality environment.
No legal or land ownership constraints.
Not applicable.
The above figures are realistic and allow for some delays to the Local Plan and Planning Application and delivery processes and thus may prove to be cautious
Commercial yard. 2 agricultural buildings had permitted development for residential
S/4064/17/OL - Residential Planning application S/4688/18/OL - Residential Planning Application APP/W0530/W/18/3235592 - Appeal of S/4688/18/OL S/0632/16/F - Class Q Permitted Development Approval
Commercial and residential
Open space, Play area
5 - 30 residential dwellings 1,000 m² plus commercial use
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Existing access deemed suitable for residential scheme. Highways Report.
No answer given
No answer given
The site is not crossed by a pipeline or pylons. Yes the site does have access to key utilities.
The site is not crossed by a pipeline or pylons. Yes the site does have access to key utilities.
Currently underused
Yes for current use and business use
No answer given
Class Q residential - was to be incorporated into bigger scheme
Not Known
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No answer given
Land to the north of A505, Duxford - Site A2 (Land to the east of M11 and to the west of Hill Farm Road)
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The site currently has an open Class B1 (offices, light industrial & research & development) use approved by application S/1236/08/F. Part of the site is also in use as a restaurant. The site is located within the greenbelt.
No answer given
The sites open Class B1 (Offices, light industrial & research & development) use was approved by application S/1236/08/F. A large office building was demolished on the site, as approved by S/1867/11.
Economic development (both B1 and B8)
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30,000+ sqm of employment floorspace (based upon B8 sheds being delivered in undeveloped land within the site)
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Existing accesses off Hill Farm Road
No answer given
Ecological constraints unknown - tbc
Site has existing infrastructure provisioin
No answer given
Landowner is actively promoting site for redevelopment
Attractive to economic development
No answer given
No answer given
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Land to the north of A505, Duxford - Site A3 (Land to the west of M11 and to the north of the A505)
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Agricultural land within the greenbelt
No answer given
Application S/1718/95/F, for a dual carriageway bypassing Heathfield to the north, was submitted in December 1995 and subsequently withdrawn in July 1996
Economic development (both B1 and B8), a potential motorway service station & hotel use
Other accompanying use proposed: Motorway service station Enhance the Imperial War Museums operations
30,000+ sqm of employment floorspace (based upon B8 sheds being delivered in undeveloped land within site)
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Existing accesses off Hill Farm Road - to be confirmed
No answer given
Ecological constraints unknown - to be confirmed
To be confirmed
No answer given
Landowner is actively promoting site for redevelopment
Attractive to economic development
No answer given
No answer given
No answer given
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Land to the north of the A505, Duxford - Site A4 (Land to the west of M11 and to the north of the A505)
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Agricultural land within the greenbelt
No answer given
Application S/1718/95/F, for a dual carriageway bypassing Heathfield to the north, was submitted in December 1995 and subsequently withdrawn in July 1996
Residential development
Community, leisure and service uses for Heathfield and potentially a new bypass around Heathfield
300 homes (based upon 30 dwellings per hectare)
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Access off A505 or Junction 10 or M11 required
No answer given
Ecological constraints unknown - to be confirmed
To be confirmed
No answer given
Landowner is actively promoting site for redevelopment, however due to the timescales for delivering a bypass, it's considered this site would be available within the 6-10 year timeframe.
Attractive to residential development
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No answer given
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Land to the north of the A505, Duxford - Site A5 (Land to the north of Heathfield
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Agricultural land within the greenbelt
No answer given
Application S/1718/95/F, for a dual carriageway bypassing Heathfield to the north, was submitted in December 1995 and subsequently withdrawn in July1996
Residential development
A new bypass around Heathfield
The capacity of the site to deliver residential development is dependent on the location of a potential bypass
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The sites suitability is dependent upon the delivery of a potential bypass, creating access for the site
No answer given
Scheduled Ancient Monument (list entry 10067994), part of the site is within Flood Zone 3, ecological constraints unknown - further archaeological work required to assess required mitigation
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No answer given
Landowner is actively promoting site for redevelopment, however due to the timescales for delivering a bypass, its considered this site would be available within the 6-10 year timeframe
Attractive to residential development if bypass comes forward
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No answer given
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Land to the north of A505, Duxford - Site B1 (To the east of Gravel Pit Hill)
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Agricultural land within the greenbelt, plus waste water treatment works
No answer given
Application S/1718/95/F, for a dual carriageway bypassing Heathfield to the north, was submitted in December 1995 and subsequently withdrawn in July 1996
Residential development, plus retail and hotel use and other village services
Significant increase in village services for the residents of Heathfield. Plus potentially a new bypass around Heathfield.
The capacity of the site to deliver residential development is dependent on the location of a potential bypass. Although on the basis that 20 hectares of land comes forward, 600 homes could be delivered.
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Existing agricultural access would have to be improved - to be confirmed
No answer given
Part of the site is within Flood Zone 3, ecological constraints unknown. Half the site is within a Waste Water Treatment Works Safeguarding Area
To be confirmed
No answer given
Landowner is actively promoting site for redevelopment
Attractive to residential development
No answer given
No answer given
No answer given
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Land to the north of A505, Duxford - Site B2 (Land to the north of Heathfield)
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Agricultural land within the greenbelt
No answer given
Application S/1718/95/F, for a dual carriageway bypassing Heathfield to the north, was submitted in December 1995 and subsequently withdrawn in July 1996
Residential development, plus retail use and other village services
Significant increase in village services for the residents of Heathfield. Plus potentially a new bypass around Heathfield.
The capacity of the site to deliver residential development is dependent on the location of a potential bypass. However, in accordance with Policy H/8 South Cambridgeshire Local Plan the 10 hectare site could deliver approximately 300 new homes.
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The sites suitability is dependent upon the delivery of a potential bypass, creating access for the site
No answer given
The site borders Flood Zone 3, ecological constraints unknown. Half the site is within a Waste Water Treatment Works Safeguarding Area
To be confirmed
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Landowner is actively promoting site for redevelopment, however due to the timescales for delivering a bypass, its considered this site would be available within the 6-10 year timescale
Attractive to residential development
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Land to the north of the A505, Duxford - Site B3 (Land to the north of Heathfield and to the east and south of Thriplow)
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Agricultural land within the green belt
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Application S/1718/95/F, for a dual carriageway bypassing Heathfield to the north, was submitted in December 1995 and subsequently withdrawn in July 1996
Residential development subject to bypass coming forward
Delivery of potential new bypass around Heathfield
The capacity of the site to deliver residential development is dependent on the location of a potential bypass
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Existing accesses off Gravel Pit Hill, however new access would be required - the sites suitability is dependent upon the delivery of a potential bypass, creating access for the site
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Parts of the site lie within Flood Zone 3, ecological constraints unknown. Half the site is within a Waste Water Treatment Works Safeguarding Area
To be confirmed
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Landowner is actively promoting site for redevelopment, however due to the timescales for delivering a bypass, it's considered this site would be available within the 6-10 year timeframe
Attractive to residential development subject to bypass coming forward
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Land north and south of Cambridge Rd, Eltisley, PE19 6TR
342 in hectares
Residential-led, mixed use development containing employment land, education and other community infrastructure. Please see attached Reps, dated Feb 2020, for further details.
As with Cambourne, the Site can provide an alternative housing and lifestyle offer to that found within the City and its urban fringes. It lends itself to more affordable levels of housing given its distance from the city centre and to greater levels of family housing.
Approx. 6000 residential units and up to 11.5 ha of employment land
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New accesses would be required to serve the Site, as shown on the attached Plan. See attached Plan.
The site is relatively flat with a slight downslope towards the northern end, near Papworth Everard
There is a small area of Flood Zone 2 and 3 to the northern boundary of the site as shown on the EA flood maps.
The site will require new/improved utilities to serve the development. This will be confirmed in a Utilities Assessment.
The site will require new/improved utilities to serve the development. This will be confirmed in a Utilities Assessment.
Greenfield site with few constraints to development, close to several services and facilities in Papworth Everard and Cambourne. Attractive surroundings and accessible location. Site will in near future benefit from major transport improvements e.g. Cambridge Autonomous Metro, Cambourne Railway Station and Caxton Gibbet roundabout enhancements. Opportunity to masterplan site around potential Cambourne Railway Station location (tbc).
9a Bridge Street, Whaddon, SG8 5SG
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To include the other half of land in line of village.
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We want to include the other half of property in line with village.
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Meadow Land, Pony Grazing
Affordable Housing, housing for rent And Market Housing
Additional needed dwellings in the area of the village and wider Northstowe
10-12 dwellings
Direct vehicular accees from St Michaels Lane onto the site
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Direct vehicular access from St Michaels Lane onto the site
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The site enjoys water supply with electricity and telephone utilities adjacent to site. Connected to mains water supply and other utilities available in St Michaels Lane adjacent to the site.
Site could be available within 1 year. Seasonal grazing license is used for this site. The owner have a duty to maximize the asset value of the site in accordance with their obligations under the Charities Acts
There la a continuing demand for small residential development sites from locally based builders.
Assuming plannlng the site could be developed within 1 year of that grant
Within 2 years thereafter
2 years
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Willingham Road, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5PE/ CB24 5PF
Mixed Farming, Arable
Affordable Housing, Housing for rent And Market Housing for sale.
Additional needed dwellings or employment opportunities in the area of the village
80-90 Dwellings
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Direct vehicular access from Willingham Road onto the site. The site access would need to be improved.
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All services could be accessed from Willingham Road There is a pumping station in the comer of the site.
Site could be available within 1 year. The owner have a duty to maximize the asset value of the site in accordance with their obligations under the Charities Acts.
Thant Is a continuing demand for residential development sites with site large enough to attract competition from developers.
Assuming planning, the site could be developed within 3 Years of planning being granted
Assuming planning, the site could be developed within 3 Years of planning being granted
Assuming planning, the site could be developed within 3 Years of planning being granted
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