Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.

Showing forms 661 to 690 of 710
Form ID: 51722
Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Land South of A428 and West of the A1198


Site 51722 map

No uploaded files for public display


Not Developed



Residential development

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Retail

Market and affordable housing and associated Public Open Space.

TBC - Site subject to a current technical appraisal

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Multiple access arrangements available. Technical appraisal ongoing to establish suitability.


Further investigation required to confirm absence of these constraints.


Further investigation required.

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

Further investigation required.

Available now

Also listed Next 5 years and Next 6-10 years. Taylor Wimpey are in contact with the landowners in order to bring the site forward as soon as possible.

Enquiries received

Cambourne as a location is an area of significant interest to Taylor Wimpey.


TBC - Further investigation required






No answer given


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 51737
Respondent: Strutt & Parker
Agent: Strutt & Parker

Land east of Ashwell Road, Guilden Morden


Site 51737 map

The site is currently comprised of three single-storey agricultural buildings and associated farm equipment.

Agricultural store and equipment use.

Reference:S/1107/01/F Type: Full Planning Application Location: Townsend Farm Ashwell Road Guilden Morden Cambridgeshire Description: Use of Land and Buildings for Storage of Bumpers Decision: Approved Decision Date: 01-08-2001 Reference:S/0650/03/F Type: Full Planning Application Location: Townsend Farm Ashwell Road Guilden Morden Cambridgeshire Description: Use as Car Repair Workshop Decision: Approved Decision Date: 04-11-2003 Reference:S/2123/04/F Type: Full Planning Application Location: Townsend Farm Ashwell Road Guilden Morden Cambridgeshire Description: Continued Use as Car Repair Workshop Without Complying with Condition 1 of Planning Permission S/0650/03/F Decision: Approved Decision Date: 13-12-2004

Brownfield site.

Erection of up to 10 units.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

The development could provide much needed local housing within a sustainable location in a rural village within the district.

Up to 10 units.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing access into the site from Ashwell Road to the west of the site, this would need to be widened and enhanced as part of any development at the site. Please refer to the Site Location Plan. A full transport assessment would be undertaken as part of any planning application at the site.


There are no significant changes in ground level. The ground level remains at approximately 50 AOD.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 and therefore at a low risk of flooding. The site is not under any land designations. Additional surveys including full ecological surveys would be undertaken as part of any planning application.

The site benefits from good access to key services in Guilden Morden, Steeple Morden and Ashwell.


If any further information is required, the applicants are happy to provide details.

Available now

The site if of a modest size, which could be delivered quickly, without the need for substantial infrastructure to be provided. As it is a Brownfield site there will be the need to demolish and remove existing agricultural buildings and equipment which could slightly delay the process.

Enquiries received

The site is located in a rural desirable location with attractive countryside views. As stated within the cover letter Guilden Morden and nearby villages are comprised of wide-ranging services and facilities that will benefit from a small residential development. The site benefits from being unconstrained in planning terms and is well-related within the settlement.


The landowners are fully committed to bringing the site forward for residential development.

No, this if the first time the land has been promoted for residential development.



2 year




No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 51758
Respondent: Axis Land Partnerships
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land north of Haverhill Road, Stapleford CB22 5BX


Site 51758 map

Arable agriculture




Retirement/care village (C2) - 108 units and 5,000 sq.ft. of community facilities OR residential development (up to 90 units) including affordable housing (C3) and open space, landscaping and new vehicular and pedestrian site accesses from Haverhill Road. New footpath between Hinton Way and Haverhill Road offered by way of planning gain (to create new circular walking route for village).

Market and affordable housing , Residential care home

Public open space

Retirement/care provision and/or market and affordable housing to meet local needs Further social benefit in the form of a new footpath between Hinton Way and Haverhill Road to create a new circular walking route for the village Economic benefits associated with construction of development Economic benefits associated with additional spending within local community from new households Environmental benefits (ecological/biodivderisty) would be provided by: - carefully desinged landscaping to enhance the site's green belt setting - new open space and landscaping

See attached feasibility layout 92 houses, 16 flats and rertirement/care units (135,000 sq. ft.) and 5,000 sq. ft. of community facilities OR Gross site area: 3.9ha Net site area: 2.93 Dwellings @ 30 dph: 88 Say up to 90 dwellings OR Combination of both of the above

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Site has existing agricultural access and 217m long highway frontage within which a new access could be formed. Existing access could become pedestrian, cycle and emergency access to site and a new access could be created along the site's frontage (see feasibility layout).


No answer given


Flood risk: site is located within Flood Zone 1 so is not at risk of flooding Drainage: proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage Landscape: no development proposals will be prepared for the site without a comprehensive baseline LVIA having been carried out first - baseline data will be used to inform the scheme design Ecology: site's arable agricultural use means site is likely to be of low ecological value - this will be confirmed via assessment and mitigation and enhancement measures will be implemented as part of any development Arboriculture: all trees and hedgerows on the site will be retained and protected Contamination: site is greenfield thus contamination is unlikely - absence of contamination will be confirmed through a phase 1 assessment Overall: no environmental constraints that can't be overcome

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

Details: Water, electricity and sewerage are understood to be located within the adjacent highway Extra capactity/reinforcements may be required but are likley to be deliverable and viable should they be necessary A new gas connection may be required depending on energy approach/design for new dwellings - new connection likely to be deliverable and viable should it be necessary

Available now

Site is greenfield and can be taken out of agricultural use as and when necessary Landowner supports development of the site Site is under the control of Axis Land Partnerships, a promoter, who have the resources, expertise and capacity necessary to pursue a suitable planning permission upon allocation of the site Please choose

Site is under option by a developer

High Site likelly to be attractive to the market because other sites in Stapleford and other villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders Limited supply of suitable development sites such as this in Stapleford and surrounds drives demand Site's proximity to and relationship with/accessibility to and from Cambridge are also demand drivers


No answer given


2023 (taking into account plan preparation/adoption process)




No answer given


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52057
Respondent: SmithsonHill

Land to the east of the A1301, south of the A505 near Hinxton and west of the A1301, north of the A505 near Whittlesford, CB10 1RG (Option 1)

No answer given

Site 52057 map

No uploaded files for public display

Mixed - farmland, parkland and residential dwelling

No answer given

A planning application was registered on 21 November 2017 ref. S/4099/17/OL. It was refused on 13 March 2018. The site is now subject to a planning appeal lodged 24 August 2018 and an inquiry is scheduled for June 2019.


The development of an AgriTech technology park comprising up to 112,000 sqm (gross) employment floorspace, supporting infrastructure, amenities and landscape works including publicly accessible informal open space, enhancements to parkland; vehicle and cycle parking; service areas; bus / cycle interchange on land west of the A1301 / north of A505; and infrastructure works including new vehicular accesses, highway improvement works, pedestrian and cycle links with bridge crossings over A1301 / A505 and River Cam, site re-profiling, drainage works, foul and water pumping stations and primary electricity sub station; telecommunications infrastructure and other associated works

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Retail , Other

Employment (Sui-Genesis) Recreation and Leisure - Gym Retail - Café As set out in the documentation submitted with planning application S/4099/17/OL the development will create a globally significant park for AgriTech that hosts a vibrant community of commercial companies to address agricultural productivity and sustainability challenges. Positively impacting global food security, environmental sustainability, agricultural supply chain sustainability and economic sustainability, the AgriTech Park's potential contribution to building a Britain fit for the future. AgriTech contributes £14.3bn to the UK economy and employees 500,000 people. The project will directly create 4,000 (FTE) AgriTech jobs, 1 million square feet of commercial AgriTech cluster space and around 200 jobs per year during the 10-15 year construction period with a smaller number of jobs created in off-site enabling construction works. Circa 2,145 jobs on site (of the 4,000 referred to above) are anticipated to be filled by residents of South Cambridgeshire. On site and wider job creation is estimated to increase regional GVA by around £277 million per annum by 2030, and a 7% increase in employment in the agricultural technology sector at the UK level. In summary, the proposals will deliver: • A mix of occupiers from large anchor AgriTech tenants, to start up and grow-on space for companies in a location at the heart of the agricultural industry and its direct supply chain (e.g. agricultural machinery, seed companies etc.) • A mix of offices, laboratories, workshops and field trial facilities to help companies develop, commercialise and market agricultural technologies (the precise balance of accommodation types being responsive to occupier interest, specific requirements and market conditions) • Ancillary supporting facilities such as a café, nursery and gym for use by employees located on the AgriTech Park • Access to supporting business infrastructure to help AgriTech companies grow and develop e.g. specialist consultancy, investment capital, trade and inward investment services by tapping into local expertise in the Cambridge technology community as well as national services such as the Agricultural Technology Organisation at the Department for International Trade • Network of green and blue infrastructure including a series of publicly accessible routes within and around the site for walking, cycling, running, horse riding and dog walking • Significant improvements to the highway network, along with a range of sustainable transport measures to maximise usage of other modes, including a shuttle service to Whittlesford Parkway and enhanced linkages to the station via foot and cycle, including across the A505 • The promotion of linkages between commercial and local community so that the area South of Cambridge reinforces its role as a location which is attractive to residents, those who work or invest in the area and which sustains high quality, knowledge-led jobs. Positively impacting global food security, environmental sustainability, agricultural supply chain sustainability and economic sustainability, the AgriTech Park's potential contribution to building a Britain fit for the future. AgriTech contributes £14.3bn to the UK economy and employees 500,000 people. The project will directly create 4,000 (FTE) AgriTech jobs, 1 million square feet of commercial AgriTech cluster space and around 200 jobs per year during the 10-15 year construction period with a smaller number of jobs created in off-site enabling construction works. Circa 2,145 jobs on site (of the 4,000 referred to above) are anticipated to be filled by residents of South Cambridgeshire. On site and wider job creation is estimated to increase regional GVA by around £277 million per annum by 2030, and a 7% increase in employment in the agricultural technology sector at the UK level. In summary, the proposals will deliver: • A mix of occupiers from large anchor AgriTech tenants, to start up and grow-on space for companies in a location at the heart of the agricultural industry and its direct supply chain (e.g. agricultural machinery, seed companies etc.) • A mix of offices, laboratories, workshops and field trial facilities to help companies develop, commercialise and market agricultural technologies (the precise balance of accommodation types being responsive to occupier interest, specific requirements and market conditions) • Ancillary supporting facilities such as a café, nursery and gym for use by employees located on the AgriTech Park • Access to supporting business infrastructure to help AgriTech companies grow and develop e.g. specialist consultancy, investment capital, trade and inward investment services by tapping into local expertise in the Cambridge technology community as well as national services such as the Agricultural Technology Organisation at the Department for International Trade • Network of green and blue infrastructure including a series of publicly accessible routes within and around the site for walking, cycling, running, horse riding and dog walking • Significant improvements to the highway network, along with a range of sustainable transport measures to maximise usage of other modes, including a shuttle service to Whittlesford Parkway and enhanced linkages to the station via foot and cycle, including across the A505 • The promotion of linkages between commercial and local community so that the area South of Cambridge reinforces its role as a location which is attractive to residents, those who work or invest in the area and which sustains high quality, knowledge-led jobs.

The development of an AgriTech technology park comprising up to 112,000 sqm (gross) of employment floorspace.

Not Specified

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There are a number of existing access points from an adopted public highway. A number of new access points and additional cycle and footpaths are proposed over the land. Please refer to the transport related documentation associated with the outline planning application S/4099/17/OL for further details. Discussions are ongoing with the County Council, highway authority, in respect to transport matters in relation to the appeal inquiry. Please refer to attached Access Points Plan.


There are no significant physical constraints in respect to topography or ground conditions that would preclude the development of the proposed AgriTech Park at this location.

Yes (Please give details)

There are no significant environmental constraints in respect to flood risk, drainage, contamination, biodiversity, heritage or other matters that would constrain the proposed development. The proposals have been subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment and details of proposed mitigation are set out within the Environmental Statement and outline planning application documents (ref. S/4099/17/OL).

Through the outline planning application, key utilities providers have been consulted and it has been confirmed that the proposed development would have access to the required utilities. A new proposed on-site energy centre forms part of the Agritech Park proposals which will also benefit the wider area and support the near-capacity substation at Sawston. Please refer to the outline planning application (ref. S/4099/17/OL)

Yes (Please give details)

Through the outline planning application, key utilities providers have been consulted and it has been confirmed that the proposed development would have access to the required utilities. A new proposed on-site energy centre forms part of the Agritech Park proposals which will also benefit the wider area and support the near-capacity substation at Sawston. Please refer to the outline planning application (ref. S/4099/17/OL)

Available now

The site is immediately available and has been prepared for development as part of the application process. The land is owned primarily by the developer SmithsonHill and the owners of Hinxton Grange (Mr and Mrs Mighton). A subject-to-planning legal agreement exists between these parties to facilitate the AgriTech Park development.

Site owned by a developer

An in-depth market research exercise has been undertaken, underpinned by agents with extensive local market expertise, into the commercial attractiveness of the site and the need for the emerging AgriTech sector. This has concluded that there is a strong demand for bespoke facilities to serve the growing AgriTech sector and that this site is ideally located in respect to Cambridge and the south east Cambridge cluster of science parks. Please refer to: Environmental Statement Chapter 5 COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS AND TECHNICALAPPENDIX C: COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS report ix_C_Community_social_economic.pdf submitted with outline planning application (Ref. S/4099/17/OL).


No, the site is free from any legal or land ownership constraints that would prohibit development coming forward.

No answer given





The need for, and cost of providing, required supporting infrastructure has been carefully considered through the outline planning application. The mechanisms for delivering the necessary infrastructure to serve the site will including undertakings and/or agreements under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1991 and s278 of the Highways Act 1980.


Form ID: 52058
Respondent: SmithsonHill

Land to the east of the A1301, south of the A505 near Hinxton and west of the A1301, north of the A505 near Whittlesford, CB10 1RG (Option 2)

No answer given

Site 52058 map

Mixed - farmland, parkland and residential dwelling

No answer given

A planning application was registered on 21 November 2017 ref. S/4099/17/OL. It was refused on 13 March 2018. The site is now subject to a planning appeal lodged 24 August 2018 and an inquiry is scheduled for June 2019.


The development of an AgriTech technology park comprising up to 112,000 sqm (gross) employment floorspace, supporting infrastructure, amenities and landscape works including publicly accessible informal open space, enhancements to parkland; vehicle and cycle parking; service areas; bus / cycle interchange on land west of the A1301 / north of A505; and infrastructure works including new vehicular accesses, highway improvement works, pedestrian and cycle links with bridge crossings over A1301 / A505 and River Cam, site re-profiling, drainage works, foul and water pumping stations and primary electricity sub station; telecommunications infrastructure and other associated works

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Hotel , Retail

Employment (Sui-Genesis) Recreation and Leisure - Gym Retail - Café As set out in the documentation submitted with planning application S/4099/17/OL the development will create a globally significant park for AgriTech that hosts a vibrant community of commercial companies to address agricultural productivity and sustainability challenges. Positively impacting global food security, environmental sustainability, agricultural supply chain sustainability and economic sustainability, the AgriTech Park's potential contribution to building a Britain fit for the future. AgriTech contributes £14.3bn to the UK economy and employees 500,000 people. The project will directly create 4,000 (FTE) AgriTech jobs, 1 million square feet of commercial AgriTech cluster space and around 200 jobs per year during the 10-15 year construction period with a smaller number of jobs created in off-site enabling construction works. Circa 2,145 jobs on site (of the 4,000 referred to above) are anticipated to be filled by residents of South Cambridgeshire. On site and wider job creation is estimated to increase regional GVA by around £277 million per annum by 2030, and a 7% increase in employment in the agricultural technology sector at the UK level. In summary, the proposals will deliver: • A mix of occupiers from large anchor AgriTech tenants, to start up and grow-on space for companies in a location at the heart of the agricultural industry and its direct supply chain (e.g. agricultural machinery, seed companies etc.) • A mix of offices, laboratories, workshops and field trial facilities to help companies develop, commercialise and market agricultural technologies (the precise balance of accommodation types being responsive to occupier interest, specific requirements and market conditions) • Ancillary supporting facilities such as a café, nursery and gym for use by employees located on the AgriTech Park • Access to supporting business infrastructure to help AgriTech companies grow and develop e.g. specialist consultancy, investment capital, trade and inward investment services by tapping into local expertise in the Cambridge technology community as well as national services such as the Agricultural Technology Organisation at the Department for International Trade • Network of green and blue infrastructure including a series of publicly accessible routes within and around the site for walking, cycling, running, horse riding and dog walking • Significant improvements to the highway network, along with a range of sustainable transport measures to maximise usage of other modes, including a shuttle service to Whittlesford Parkway and enhanced linkages to the station via foot and cycle, including across the A505 • The promotion of linkages between commercial and local community so that the area South of Cambridge reinforces its role as a location which is attractive to residents, those who work or invest in the area and which sustains high quality, knowledge-led jobs.

The development of an AgriTech technology park comprising up to 112,000 sqm (gross) of employment floorspace.

Not Specified

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There are a number of existing access points from an adopted public highway. A number of new access points and additional cycle and footpaths are proposed over the land. Please refer to the transport related documentation associated with the outline planning application S/4099/17/OL for further details. Discussions are ongoing with the County Council, highway authority, in respect to transport matters in relation to the appeal inquiry. Please refer to attached Access Points Plan.


There are no significant physical constraints in respect to topography or ground conditions that would preclude the development of the proposed AgriTech Park at this location.

Yes (Please give details)

There are no significant environmental constraints in respect to flood risk, drainage, contamination, biodiversity, heritage or other matters that would constrain the proposed development. The proposals have been subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment and details of proposed mitigation are set out within the Environmental Statement and outline planning application documents (ref. S/4099/17/OL).

Through the outline planning application, key utilities providers have been consulted and it has been confirmed that the proposed development would have access to the required utilities. A new proposed on-site energy centre forms part of the Agritech Park proposals which will also benefit the wider area and support the near-capacity substation at Sawston. Please refer to the outline planning application (ref. S/4099/17/OL)

Yes (Please give details)

Through the outline planning application, key utilities providers have been consulted and it has been confirmed that the proposed development would have access to the required utilities. A new proposed on-site energy centre forms part of the Agritech Park proposals which will also benefit the wider area and support the near-capacity substation at Sawston. Please refer to the outline planning application (ref. S/4099/17/OL)

Available now

The site is immediately available and has been prepared for development as part of the application process. The land is owned primarily by the developer SmithsonHill and the owners of Hinxton Grange (Mr and Mrs Mighton). A subject-to-planning legal agreement exists between these parties to facilitate the AgriTech Park development.

Site owned by a developer

An in-depth market research exercise has been undertaken, underpinned by agents with extensive local market expertise, into the commercial attractiveness of the site and the need for the emerging AgriTech sector. This has concluded that there is a strong demand for bespoke facilities to serve the growing AgriTech sector and that this site is ideally located in respect to Cambridge and the south east Cambridge cluster of science parks. Please refer to: Environmental Statement Chapter 5 COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS AND TECHNICALAPPENDIX C: COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS report ix_C_Community_social_economic.pdf submitted with outline planning application (Ref. S/4099/17/OL).


No, the site is free from any legal or land ownership constraints that would prohibit development coming forward.

No answer given





The need for, and cost of providing, required supporting infrastructure has been carefully considered through the outline planning application. The mechanisms for delivering the necessary infrastructure to serve the site will including undertakings and/or agreements under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1991 and s278 of the Highways Act 1980.


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52059
Respondent: SmithsonHill

Land to the east of the A1301, south of the A505 near Hinxton and west of the A1301, north of the A505 near Whittlesford, CB10 1RG (Option 3)

No answer given

Site 52059 map

Mixed - farmland, parkland and residential dwelling

No answer given

A planning application was registered on 21 November 2017 ref. S/4099/17/OL. It was refused on 13 March 2018. The site is now subject to a planning appeal lodged 24 August 2018 and an inquiry is scheduled for June 2019.


The development of an AgriTech technology park comprising up to 112,000 sqm (gross) employment floorspace, supporting infrastructure, amenities and landscape works including publicly accessible informal open space, enhancements to parkland; vehicle and cycle parking; service areas; bus / cycle interchange on land west of the A1301 / north of A505; and infrastructure works including new vehicular accesses, highway improvement works, pedestrian and cycle links with bridge crossings over A1301 / A505 and River Cam, site re-profiling, drainage works, foul and water pumping stations and primary electricity sub station; telecommunications infrastructure and other associated works.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Hotel , Retail

Employment (Sui-Genesis) Recreation and Leisure - Gym Retail - Café As set out in the documentation submitted with planning application S/4099/17/OL the development will create a globally significant park for AgriTech that hosts a vibrant community of commercial companies to address agricultural productivity and sustainability challenges. Positively impacting global food security, environmental sustainability, agricultural supply chain sustainability and economic sustainability, the AgriTech Park's potential contribution to building a Britain fit for the future. AgriTech contributes £14.3bn to the UK economy and employees 500,000 people. The project will directly create 4,000 (FTE) AgriTech jobs, 1 million square feet of commercial AgriTech cluster space and around 200 jobs per year during the 10-15 year construction period with a smaller number of jobs created in off-site enabling construction works. Circa 2,145 jobs on site (of the 4,000 referred to above) are anticipated to be filled by residents of South Cambridgeshire. On site and wider job creation is estimated to increase regional GVA by around £277 million per annum by 2030, and a 7% increase in employment in the agricultural technology sector at the UK level. In summary, the proposals will deliver: • A mix of occupiers from large anchor AgriTech tenants, to start up and grow-on space for companies in a location at the heart of the agricultural industry and its direct supply chain (e.g. agricultural machinery, seed companies etc.) • A mix of offices, laboratories, workshops and field trial facilities to help companies develop, commercialise and market agricultural technologies (the precise balance of accommodation types being responsive to occupier interest, specific requirements and market conditions) • Ancillary supporting facilities such as a café, nursery and gym for use by employees located on the AgriTech Park • Access to supporting business infrastructure to help AgriTech companies grow and develop e.g. specialist consultancy, investment capital, trade and inward investment services by tapping into local expertise in the Cambridge technology community as well as national services such as the Agricultural Technology Organisation at the Department for International Trade • Network of green and blue infrastructure including a series of publicly accessible routes within and around the site for walking, cycling, running, horse riding and dog walking • Significant improvements to the highway network, along with a range of sustainable transport measures to maximise usage of other modes, including a shuttle service to Whittlesford Parkway and enhanced linkages to the station via foot and cycle, including across the A505 • The promotion of linkages between commercial and local community so that the area South of Cambridge reinforces its role as a location which is attractive to residents, those who work or invest in the area and which sustains high quality, knowledge-led jobs.

The development of an AgriTech technology park comprising up to 112,000 sqm (gross) of employment floorspace.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There are a number of existing access points from an adopted public highway. A number of new access points and additional cycle and footpaths are proposed over the land. Please refer to the transport related documentation associated with the outline planning application S/4099/17/OL for further details. Discussions are ongoing with the County Council, highway authority, in respect to transport matters in relation to the appeal inquiry. Please refer to attached Access Points Plan.


There are no significant physical constraints in respect to topography or ground conditions that would preclude the development of the proposed AgriTech Park at this location.

Yes (Please give details)

There are no significant environmental constraints in respect to flood risk, drainage, contamination, biodiversity, heritage or other matters that would constrain the proposed development. The proposals have been subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment and details of proposed mitigation are set out within the Environmental Statement and outline planning application documents (ref. S/4099/17/OL).

Through the outline planning application, key utilities providers have been consulted and it has been confirmed that the proposed development would have access to the required utilities. A new proposed on-site energy centre forms part of the Agritech Park proposals which will also benefit the wider area and support the near-capacity substation at Sawston. Please refer to the outline planning application (ref. S/4099/17/OL)

Yes (Please give details)

Through the outline planning application, key utilities providers have been consulted and it has been confirmed that the proposed development would have access to the required utilities. A new proposed on-site energy centre forms part of the Agritech Park proposals which will also benefit the wider area and support the near-capacity substation at Sawston. Please refer to the outline planning application (ref. S/4099/17/OL)

Available now

The site is immediately available and has been prepared for development as part of the application process. The land is owned primarily by the developer SmithsonHill and the owners of Hinxton Grange (Mr and Mrs Mighton). A subject-to-planning legal agreement exists between these parties to facilitate the AgriTech Park development.

Site owned by a developer

An in-depth market research exercise has been undertaken, underpinned by agents with extensive local market expertise, into the commercial attractiveness of the site and the need for the emerging AgriTech sector. This has concluded that there is a strong demand for bespoke facilities to serve the growing AgriTech sector and that this site is ideally located in respect to Cambridge and the south east Cambridge cluster of science parks. Please refer to: Environmental Statement Chapter 5 COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS AND TECHNICALAPPENDIX C: COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS report ix_C_Community_social_economic.pdf submitted with outline planning application (Ref. S/4099/17/OL).


No, the site is free from any legal or land ownership constraints that would prohibit development coming forward.

No answer given





The need for, and cost of providing, required supporting infrastructure has been carefully considered through the outline planning application. The mechanisms for delivering the necessary infrastructure to serve the site will including undertakings and/or agreements under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1991 and s278 of the Highways Act 1980.


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52115
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Land at Beach Road, Cottenham (Phase A)

No answer given

Site 52115 map

No uploaded files for public display

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

No answer given

70 units (Phase A).

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

No answer given


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

No answer given

Available now

No answer given

Don't know

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52116
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Land at Beach Road, Cottenham (Phase A and B)

No answer given

Site 52116 map

No uploaded files for public display

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

No answer given

70 Units Phase A 100 Units Phase B TOTAL - 170 Units

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display




No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

No answer given

Available now

No answer given

Don't know

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52643
Respondent: North Barton Road Landowners Group
Agent: Carter Jonas

South West Cambridge - Land north of Barton Road and Land at Grange Farm, Cambridge


Site 52643 map

The site comprises agricultural land and includes farm buildings and playing field


No planning history

Mostly greenfield

The vision for the proposed development is a landscape-led urban extension to Cambridge to be delivered by a consortium of Colleges and the University of Cambridge, all being permanent stakeholders in the local community / economy and seeking to retain a signifcant long-term interest in the project. The aim for the proposed development is to deliver a high quality development with high sustainability standards, delivering a net gain in biodiversity. The consortium is highly committed to such aims and their long-term stewardship of the site will assist in delivering these. The proposed development is anticipated to comprise the following mix of uses: - Between 2,400 and 2,800 dwellings, including market and affordable / social housing with a range of tenures, housing for University and College staff, housing for elderly people (including care) and student accommodation; - community facilities including primary school, community centre, health centre; - neighbourhood centre including supermarket and other shops, services and facilities; - connections to the existing and planned walking, cycling and public transport network in the local area, and a development which places the needs of pedestrians and cyclists ahead of car users; - a comprehensive new green infrastructure network comprising open space and sports pitches, a new country park with potential connections to Coton Countryside Reserve, wildlife areas and biodiversity enhancement, and strategic landscaping; and, - sustainability measures including a water recycling system, district heating system and underground waste collection system.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Student accommodation , Custom or self build housing

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Retail , Other

The benefits of development at land north of Barton Road and to the west of Cambridge, include the following: - the provision of housing and affordable housing for key workers, including but not limited to University and College staff; - the provision of residential accommodation for the elderly, including care provision; - an accessible country park with potential connections to Coton Countryside Reserve offering significant scope for biodiversity enhancement; - delivery of a green 'wedge' of publicly accessible open space providing access from the City to the countryside to the west of Cambridge; - other green infrastructure and strategic landscaping to address visual impact and provide a buffer with the M11 to address noise and air quality impacts; - improvements to walking and cycling routes to encourage travel by non-car modes of transport (which is far more attainable from an edge of Cambridge site than from more distant locations away from the city); - potential to provide land for the Cambourne to Cambridge High Quality Public Transport Corridor, which is a Greater Cambridge Partnership project; - potential to contribute towards the planned for Western Orbital Route, which is a Greater Cambridge Partnership project; - the creation of additional north south public transport and cycle routes, and the provision of connections to existing developments at NW Cambridge, West Cambridge and Addenbrookes/Cambridge Biomedical Campus; - the potential provision of land for park & ride / park & cycle; and - the provision of a new local centre for the west Cambridge area as well as additional health and education infrastructure.

The land north of Barton Road was previously promoted for approximately 1,500 dwellings. The quantum of development proposed at that time was based on the outcome of an illustrative masterplan process. This fed into the previous review of the two Local Plans for the area. Section 3.5 'Compact City - Urban Extension' of the National Infrastructure Commission's (NIC) Final Report (February 2018) references land north of Barton Road and to the west of Cambridge as a prime case study to illustrate the sustainable delivery of an urban extension while maintaining the concept of a compact city. The case study acknowledged the opportunity to deliver a design and landscape-led development to the west of Cambridge, which includes medium and high density development around green wedges providing access to the countryside, in a location which is accessible to the City by walking and cycling. Moreover, the Cambridge & Peterborough Independent Economic Review (CPIER) report (September 2018) identifies in Section 2.3 the benefits of 'fringe growth' allowing large numbers of people who work in the city to be housed not too far from their place of work, with positive effects on well-being. Against this emerging economic background, a revised illustrative masterplan will be prepared for the proposed development to take into account the matters raised in the NIC case study for this site and as touched upon in the CPIER report i.e. a design and landscape-led development, including a substantial green wedge and medium and higher density development. Having regard to development densities achieved on other sites on the periphery of the city, it is considered that a development of around 2,000 dwellngs might be achievable; however, this will need to necessarily flow from the masterplanning process and will not be the driver or starting point.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The promoted development includes two vehicular accesses from Barton Road and one vehicular access from Clerk Maxwell Road. The promoted development includes additional access points for connections with existing and proposed public transport routes and with walking and cycling routes.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

A number of technical documents were prepared for the previous promotion of the site, including an Ecological Appraisal, Initial Landscape & Visual Appraisal, Transport Report, Flood Risk Assessment and Archaeological Desk Based Assessment. The Landscape & Visual Impact Appraisal concluded that, in landscape terms, the land to the north of Barton Road located closer to the existing urban edge is suitable for development. The proposed development will incorporate strategic landscaping and other landscape enhancement measures, alongside open space and recreation facilities. In terms of the Green Belt, the site has only a localised effect on the setting of the City and it does not give rise to any material effect on the coalescence of Cambridge with the outlying villages of Grantchester and Coton and it does not form a significant part of the setting of Cambridge. The Ecological Appraisal of the site concluded that a sensitively designed development can be delivered at the site without significant ecological impacts, subject to implementation of appropriate mitigation measures. A wildlife reserve and country park could be provided as part of the development, either within the site or in the surrounding area to provide ecological enhancement. The promoters of the site are committed to enhancing the site's biodiversity and intend to promote the development having regard to the Nature Tookit as recommended by the Natural Cambridgeshire Local Nature Partnership (LNP). The Transport Report concluded that the location of the site and local transport services available means that future residents of the proposed development would have a wide and realistic choice of travel modes for trips to shopping, work and leisure purposes. It is concluded that in transport terms development at land north of Barton Road would meet appropriate national and local policies aimed at securing sustainable development by reducing both the need to travel by private motor vehicle, and the length of motorised journeys. This provides distinct sustainabilty advantages compared to more dispersed sites, located away from the city of Cambridge The Drainage & Flood Risk Report assessed the extent to which flood risk may be a constraint to development at the site. All of the buildings within the proposed development would take place on land within Flood Zone 1 which equtes to low flood risk areas. There is sufficient land available to include flood storage areas within the proposed development, in order to manage surface water run-off from the site. Any access roads across the flood zones can be designed to Environment Agency requirements to ensure that the roads themselves are safe and do not cause any increase in flood risk by restricting river flow or displacing flood water storage. An Archaeological Desk Based Assessment was prepared for the site to determine the presence/absence of known archaeological sites within the study area and immediate environs, and to assess the potential for archaeological remains surviving within the development site. The possible areas of greatest archaeological potential are the area of Iron Age settlement south of Barton Road, land either side of the Roman Akeman Street, a gravel outcrop adjacent to the Bin Brook, and the higher ground around “Aldermanne Hill” and “The Clint” on the northern and western edges of the site. It was concluded that the impact of the proposed development on any archaeological remains would be off-set by design to preserve those remains in situ or by excavation to preserve by record. There are no constraints to the principle of development at the site. The main conclusions of these reports are unlikely to have altered since they were undertaken. Those reports will nevertheless be updated to support the promotion of the site through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process and will feed into the preparation of a new masterplan. This will be particularly so in relation to landscaping and biodiversity, whereby the need to protect and enhance the site's natural capital will be an absolute driver for the development. Updated information submitted at Issues & Options stage in February 2020 – see following documents: - Vision Document (David Lock Associates) - Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Green Belt Review (The Landscape Partnership) - Initial Noise Assessment (WSP) - Air Quality Constraints Report (WSP) - Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (Cambridge Archaeological Unit) - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (The Landscape Partnership) - Flood Risk and Drainage Appraisal (Peter Brett Associates) - Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory Analysis (Bidwells) - Greater Cambridge Housing Market Economics Analysis (Bidwells) - Initial Heritage Impact Assessment (Bidwells) - Greater Cambridge Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (Iceni Projects Ltd) - Transport Technical Note (WSP)

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure.

Next 5 years

The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development. It is likely that, as with other previous strategic allocations on the edge of Cambridge, there will be a requirement for a supplementary planning document and a masterplan to be prepared, submitted and approved in advance of any planning application for the proposed development at the site. The assessment of site availability reflects the process that will be required, consultation with statutory consultees and the local community, the determination of the outline application and subsequent reserved matters, and the delivery of primary infrastructure.


The landowners within North BRLOG are experienced at promoting land within their ownership for development, and as such it has not been necessary to engage a developer at this stage. The University of Cambridge is managing the delivery of the North West Cambridge development. The development at North West Cambridge and other strategic sites on the edge of Cambridge demonstrate that such sites are attractive to the market. A report was prepared for the previous promotion of the site which demonstrated that urban extension sites on the edge of Cambridge are deliverable and viable, which is typically not the case for strategic sites in other locations including new settlements. In due course the previous report on deliverability and viability will be updated.


There are no legal or landownership constraints to development at the site. The site is promoted by like-minded organisations.


2027 - 5 years after adoption of Greater Cambridge Local Plan


10 years (at 200 dwellings per annum)




Form ID: 52678
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Land to north of North Road, Whittlesford

No answer given

Site 52678 map

None - not used for over ten years



Greenfield - shed on area where old cottages were located

One or two medium sized houses and possibly one smaller house. The area is not large enough for any proper agriculture.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

To provide interesting village house for growing families

2 - 5 houses of different sizes


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Large farm entrance


No answer given


Nothing known

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

There is an electricity sub-station on one corner of property.

Available now

The site has been mainly unused for twenty years.


It is unused land which could provide housing.


No answer given




One year from permission




No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52679
Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Land south of 142 Ditton Lane Fen Ditton Cambridge CB5 8SS


Site 52679 map

Informal parking to paved area as well as an green open space. It is also used as an extensive accessway to the adjacent Anglian Water Pumping station.


Not known

Developed as paved/green area for informal parking and access to Anglian Water Pumping station - brownfield site.

The proposal comprises up to 5 self/custom-build/modular plots to be provided by the Council.

Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide self/custom-build plots for new housing in Fen Ditton. The site may also be used for the installation of up to five modular units. SCDC is a Vanguard Authority for Self and Custom Build Housing. There are in excess of 480 applicants on the Council's Self-Build Register. The needs of these applicants are currently not being met by the limited number of plots available in the SCDC area. The associated landscaping will provide ecological benefits to the area. The proposal will support the existing services and facilities in Fen Ditton, including convenience stores, public houses and bus services. The Parish Council and local Members are concerned with alleged drug dealing on the site and other anti-social behaviours and have suggested the vacant plot should be used to provide housing.

The site could provide up to five Modular units with a GIA of between 70 and 100 sq.metres. Alternatively, the site will also prove suitable for up to three self-build plots.


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Yes (Please give details)

The existing access is used by large 'tanker' vehicles in order to service the adjacent Anglian Water pumping station. Due to the size and layout of the existing access, improvements will not be necessary. Please see attached plan.


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

Anglian Water sewers pass through the site. However, these will easily be avoided through the strategic location of proposed buildings.

Available now

The plot is in ownership of SCDC.

Enquiries received

There have been requests from the Parish Council and the local Member to develop the site for housing. The demand for parking is minimal as most residents have created parking bays to the front of the properties and the Parish claims the site is being used for drug dealing and anti-social behaviour. The site is located close to important employment centres in nearby Cambridge (e.g Marshalls) and will offer suitable accommodation for people who wish to cycle or walk to work.


No answer given








Form ID: 52680
Respondent: Mr Simon Lewsley

Land at Hazlewell Farm, Lolworth


Site 52680 map

No uploaded files for public display

Commercial uses and agriculture


S/2255/06/F, S/1919/87/F, S/0827/07/F, S/1199/07/F, S/1230/07/F, S/0328/92/F


The land currently has office, residential and storage development on it and is suitable for further office (B1), Industrial (B2 & B8), Hotel (C1) and roadside retail and leisure uses.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Hotel , Retail

Employment and leisure uses

No residential. 10,000 m2 of employment uses.


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

New road under construction as a result of A14 works with access point to this and adjoining land.


At present the land has been moved to implement new road but when works completed a flat site is anticipated.


No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

Available now

No answer given

Site is being marketed

It is a prominent roadside site with excellent access.


No answer given








Form ID: 52688
Respondent: Mr Simon Lewsley

Land at Phypers Farm, Oakington


Site 52688 map

Commercial uses, Agriculture and amenity land.


S/0844/00/F, S/1250/13/VC


Land is suitable for further office (B1), Industrial (B2 & B8), Hotel (C1) and roadside retail and leisure uses.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Hotel , Retail

Employment and leisure uses.

No residential. 10,000 m2 of employment uses.


No uploaded files for public display


No answer given


At present the land has been moved to implement new road but when works completed a flat site is anticipated.

Yes (Please give details)

A small portion of the site is in a flood zone 3.

No answer given


No answer given

Available now

No answer given

Enquiries received

Demand has been established by existing Oakington Business Park.


No answer given






No answer given


Form ID: 52689
Respondent: Mr Robert Harvey

131 High Street Harston Cambridge


Site 52689 map

Horticultural Nursery





Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial

Nothing chosen


6 houses - same density as neighbouring plot


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access for existing bungalow and nursery


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


All major utilities present in main road

Next 6-10 years


Enquiries received



No answer given








No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52690
Respondent: Mr Robert Harvey

Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5HJ


Site 52690 map

No uploaded files for public display





Housing Light industrial

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Nothing chosen


25 houses @ 6 per acre inc. roads


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

100 metre road frontage 1 gate


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

All major utilities present in road frontage

Available now


Enquiries received

Clear site


No answer given








No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52691
Respondent: William Arnott

The Pyghtle Little Gransden Cambridgeshire


Site 52691 map



None/Not known


Market housing

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

Quality housing in keeping with part of Little Gransden

3/4 private houses


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Immediate access to public highway


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

Available now

No answer given

Don't know

Rural location in village


No answer given


No response

No response

No response


No answer given


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52692
Respondent: William Arnott

Banks Field Primrose Walk Little Gransden


Site 52692 map

Grassland Hard standing and tractor sheds



Mixture - Greenfield and an area of hardstanding with tractor sheds

Market housing

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

Infill and improvement of unadopted road along Primrose Walk

Depends on private housing or private plus affordable


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Two accesses exist: 1. Along Primrose Walk where we have Right of Way. 2. Entrance to left of Village Hall


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

Available now

No answer given

Enquiries received

It would improve an unsightly Primrose Walk


No answer given






No answer given


Form ID: 52693
Respondent: Mr Robert Brown

Fardells Lane Elsworth Cambridgeshire


Site 52693 map





The land is available for housing, should the village be obliged to offer additional land for housebuilding for local needs/requirements.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Student accommodation , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Enhance the future of local school and village businesses.

Minimum of 5 houses up to 80 houses.


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Indicated on site plan - colour Green


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


All nearby in village except Gas

Next 5 years

No answer given


Village location should expansion be necessary








No issues are foreseen


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Form ID: 52694
Respondent: Richard D Arbon

Foster's Field Hill Farm Road Whittlesford Cambridge


Site 52694 map

Agricultural - Grade 3b. Small hedgebound arable field



Greenfield - agricultural

Mixed development

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (other)

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Retail

Possible element of Affordable Housing - public open space, possible recreation ground (football field) - nearest public open space 600m away.

1 hectare at 30 dwellings per hectare possible and public open space/recreation ground.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Field entrance established for 30 years - tractors not cars. Entrance plus necessary sight lines all possible from Hill Farm Road

Yes (please give details)

Very slight slope towards the North, downwards to existing housing. A slight gradient but not significant as far as development is concerned.


Agricultural use not organic but chemical inputs much lower than average over decades. 1. Flood zone 1, 2. Drainage good, 3. Contamination zero, 4. Biodiversity limited, 5. Heritage - nothing previously found - No designated or Non designated sites.

No answer given


There are some infrastructure facilities in Hill Farm Road. Nearby housing and farm buildings served with water, electricity, gas and telephone/broadband. Mains sewerage close in Hill Farm Road.

Available now

No constraints or encumbrances. Land all freehold and mortgage free - can come forward immediately.

Site is under option by a developer

Site is sustainable - school walking distance - Bus route close - Good views - Recreation ground.


All 4 landowners agree to development of site - all freehold, no mortgage


Adoption of new Local Plan + one year

2 or 3 years after adoption of Local Plan



None apart from vehicle entrance work. Small site preparation costs - these should not be significant or delay delivery.


Form ID: 52726
Respondent: Richard D Arbon

Land r/o No.1 Wren Park Whittlesford Cambridge CB22 4LY


Site 52726 map

Agricultural. 1. Farm yard, 2. Rough grassland


S/1564/02/F; S/1605/94/F; S/1425/89/O; S/0173/95/F; S/1350/94/F; S/0579/90/O Appeal decision

Mixture - greenfield & agricultural buildings - 3 historic, 1 under permitted development & 1 under full planning

Mixed development

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (other)

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Retail

Possible element of affordable housing and housing for elderly. Public open space

Part of the 1.3 hectares previously developed - so possible 25+ units & open space

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Improvements: 1. Addition of footway, 2. Metalling of surface, 3. Re-define bell mouth on to West End.

Yes (please give details)

Very slight initial slope on access road. This access road has been used by 4 dwellings for the last 20+ years

Yes (Please give details)

Flood risk zone . Drainage - no issues. Contamination - I bunded diesel tank. Biodiversity - No issues. Heritage - No issues.

No answer given


Access to all utilities as described is currently available. An increase in supply or capacity should be easily achieved.

Available now

No constraints or incumberances. Land all freehold and mortgage free and can come forward immediately

Site is under option by a developer

Site is sustainable - school - within walking distance - Bus route close - offers public open space - railway access & M11 motorway


All three landowners agree to development of site - all freehold no mortgage.


Adoption of new Local Plan + one year

3 years after adoption of Local Plan

3 years


Demolition of farm buildings and removal of diesel tank - both minimal. There are minimal issues to overcome - small site preparation costs - these should not delay delivery.


Form ID: 52732
Respondent: Mr Robert Harvey

77 Hauxton Road Little Shelford CB22 5HJ


Site 52732 map


No answer given

No answer given



Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Nothing chosen

No answer given

8 houses with road space

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Right of way through 77 Hauxton Road


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


All utilities in road

Next 6-10 years



No answer given


No answer given

No answer given





No answer given


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52746
Respondent: Mrs Diane Loynes

28 The Green Eltisley St Neots


Site 52746 map

Laid fallow

Turkey farmer before we bought property




Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Mainly Starter homes/shared equity

Not stated

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

St Ives Road would need reinstating. 2 access gates from field into 1. St Neots Road + 2. The Green Road.


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given



Next 5 years

When the covenant runs out or before if the developers are willing to pay/take it on

Enquiries received

On the outside of a lovely small village


40% covenants until March 2025

In the last SHELAA the site was accepted

Not stated

Not stated

Not stated


No answer given


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52758
Respondent: Mr Peter A B Johnson

Primrose Walk Little Gransden Sandy


Site 52758 map

Old buildings brownfield

Derelict site




Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Primrose Walk is an unmade up road

8 houses

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access from Primrose Walk


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


Utilities already in Primrose Walk

Available now

No answer given

Enquiries received

Rural infill


No answer given


No response

5 years

No response


No answer given


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 52759
Respondent: Mrs Vicky Burton

31 West End Whittlesford Cambridgeshire


Site 52759 map

Fallow land





Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No response

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access would be gained from adjoining land (which is up for development. We have a verbal agreement with the landowner.


No answer given


No answer given



No answer given

Available now

Prime site at top of M11, train links to London. 7 miles from Cambridge. Good use of redundant land.




No answer given


No response

No response

No response


No answer given


Form ID: 52760
Respondent: Residential Development Land Agent Ltd

Land at Schole Road Willingham CB24 5JB


Site 52760 map

Paddock land for horses


S/1238/17/OL - Construction of 8 dwellings and new field access with all matters approved - approval dated 10 May 2018


Erection of up to 30 No. dwellings (market and affordable housing) with public open space and ancillary infrastructure and landscaping

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

A broad mix of dwelling types and tenures within walking distance of local amenities and public transport.

17 market dwellings; 12 affordable housing units; 1 self build or custom build

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Relevant extent of Schole Road to be improved to local highway authority requirements


Site is level and open paddock land


Site lies within flood zone 1 with low probability of flooding. Public foul sewer available in Schole Road. No known issues of contamination, Heritage assets or biodiversity or other constraints to development Note that Land area 'B' on the submitted Location Plan was granted planning approval Ref. S/1238/17/OL for the erection of 8 dwellings. This area was subject to a preliminary ecological appraisal and Great Crested Newts survey and was found not to pose a threat to the habitats of any protected species.

Site has access to key utilities - available in Schole Road.


The site has access to key utilities with capacity to serve the proposed development.

Available now

No response

Enquiries received

Land is in single unencumbered ownership with access and located close to centre of a Minor Rural Centre.


No answer given






No answer given


Form ID: 52761
Respondent: Countryside Properties

Land north of Wilbraham Road Fulbourn


Site 52761 map

Arable land


No relevant planning history


'Garden village' consisting of up to 2200 new dwellings including public open space/country park including affordable housing, primary school, community facility, retirement and care home facilities, employment and retail space, and the safeguarding of land for the potential reopening of the railway line.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Retail

Benefits to the local area: - New housing including affordable housing to meet demand and local need; - Public open space/country park, community facility to facilitate well-being and encourage access to the countryside; - Retirement flats and care home to meet the existing and potential needs of an aging population; - Education facility to meet demand; - Highway improvements and access to public transport including the provision for the safeguarding of land to facilitate the potential reopening of the railway line.

Up to 2,200 new homes with employment land. The total amount of employment and retail space will be proportionate to the site and level of need.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display


Access provision will need to be made for the proposed development. See indicative Masterplan and vision document.


No major ground level constraints. The site is relatively flat.

Yes (Please give details)

The site is not within a EA Flood Zone. There is no evidence of previous industrial/commercial use that would suggest the site is contaminated. There are no heritage assets within the site or in close proximity. The Green Belt boundary will need to be amended to accommodate the site allocation. Compensatory measures can be demonstrated to justify amending the Green Belt boundary. Preliminary phase 1 assessments will be carried out to understand the site conditions and habitat content.

Infrastructure and utility connections will be identified and provision secured to ensure the proposed development is facilitated accordingly.

Yes (Please give details)

There are commercial units and farmhouses adjacent to the south-east boundary. Therefore, it would be acceptable to assume the site will have access to key utilities and provision/created for to enable the development.

Next 5 years

The site is available and could deliver housing either as a housing allocation in the new local plan or through a planning application in advance of the new plan, which would make a significant contribution towards housing, education, open space, care provision in this part of the District.

Site is under option by a developer

The east of Cambridge has taken relatively little housing growth in the past 20 years, which is at odds with employment levels which have grown in the area. Housing here would help to rebalance the distribution of housing and employment uses. Fulbourn remains relatively affordable given the Cambridge villages have avoided the rapid price inflation seen in Central Cambridge. It's location and proximity to Cambridge City, which lends itself to a transport strategy using buses and cycling, is desirable.


No answer given


Early 2024




The site is available for development and a planning application could be prepared and submitted immediately to create a supply of housing over the next 10 years. However, assuming the Local Plan (Local Development Scheme Oct 2018) is adopted in the summer of 2023, a planning application could be submitted at the Post Submission stage of the Local Plan, subject to site being considered favourable, or shortly after adoption.


Form ID: 52991
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton


Site 52991 map

Agricultural land





Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The development will provide sensitively designed dwellings which will enhance the character of the area along with providing much needed housing. It will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities. There will be environmental benefits through additional landscaping which will create a biodiversity net gain.

25 dwellings which equates to 25 dwellings per hectare which is appropriate to the edge of village location.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access will be created along Bourn Road.

Nothing chosen

The land slopes to the south from Bourn Road. Additional landscaping will be provided

Yes (Please give details)

The southern edge of the site along Bourn Brook is in Flood Zone 2. No housing development will be proposed in this area.

No answer given


Provision can be made for key utilities. Access to key utilities can be created

Available now

The land can be developed immediately.

Don't know

There is a significant demand for a mix of housing within Caxton given it is well connected to surrounding towns and villages such as Cambourne, Cambridge and Northstowe.


No answer given




2 years


No answer given


No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 53262