Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.

Showing forms 151 to 180 of 710
Form ID: 40166
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Hawthorn Community Centre, Haviland Way, Cambridge CB4 2RA


Site 40166 map

The site is partially vacant and was formerly a children's home.



Previously developed land

Development of approximately 15 dwellings, including affordable homes and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing in a highly sustainable location in Cambridge. The proposed development could include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in the locality including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 15 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Direct access could be achieved from Haviland Way




The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other central sites in Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40167
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Toft Social Services, Comberton Road, Toft, CB23 2RZ


Site 40167 map

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The site is currently used as offices



Previously developed land

Proposed development of residential flats

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Toft. These could be in the form of a number of flats to make most efficient use of the land. Toft is partially surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Toft including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate a number of flats (at least 5 dwellings based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare).

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Yes (Please give details)

Direct access could be achieved from Comberton Road




The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Toft and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Toft, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40168
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land west of Baldock Way, Cambridge, CB1 7TX


Site 40168 map

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The site is vacant. It was formerly occupied as an annex to the Morley Memorial CP School.



Previously developed land

Development of a number of residential flats

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing in a highly sustainable location in Cambridge. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in the locality including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate a number of dwellings (at least 5, based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare).

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Yes (Please give details)

Direct access could be achieved off Blinco Grove.




The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 6-10 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40169
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Histon Infant School, New School Road, Histon, CB24 9LL


Site 40169 map

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The site is currently occupied by Histon and Impington Infant School.



Previously developed land

Provision of approximately 14 dwellings including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Histon. It is currently occupied by the Infant School. Should this move to north Histon the site will become available for redevelopment. Histon is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 14 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Direct access could be achieved off New School Road


Yes (Please give details)

The site is in Flood Zone 3, with a high risk of flooding. It should be noted that much of the village centre is in a flood zone.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 6-10 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Histon and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40170
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Histon Infant School [Playing field] , New School Road, Histon, CB24 9LL


Site 40170 map

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The site is currently occupied by a playing field associated with the Histon and Impington Infant School.




Provision of approximately 12 dwellings including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Histon. Histon is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 12 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Direct access could be achieved off New School Road.


Yes (Please give details)

The site is in Flood Zone 3, with a high risk of flooding. It should be noted that much of the village centre is in Flood Zone 3.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Histon and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40171
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Trumpington P&R Site, CB2 9NN


Site 40171 map

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The site is currently occupied by Trumpington Park and Ride facility, comprising extensive parking and a waiting area.




Provision of up to 290 dwellings including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The site currently comprises a Park and Ride which may relocate during the plan period. Should it relocate the site could accommodate a range of uses, including residential, employment, retail and leisure uses. It sits centrally within Trumpington, close to the village centre. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would provide significant amount of development in a highly sustainable location, supporting local services in Trumpington.

The site could accommodate 290 dwellings, which is based on a density of 40 dwellings/hectare and reflects the sustainable location of the site.

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Yes (Please give details)

Direct access from Trumpington Road



There are some designated heritage assets relatively close to the site. Development could take place without adversely affecting them.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and should the P&R facility relocate would be available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40172
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Bellerbys College, Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2LE


Site 40172 map

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The site is currently occupied by part of Bellerby’s College.




Demolition of existing buildings and provision of flats and landscaping

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional flats in a central brownfield location within the city. The site is currently a college building up to four stories in height and could be redeveloped at a reasonable density. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Arbury including convenience stores, public houses and bus services. We are aware the wider site is being promoted by North Cambridge Academy Trust.

The site could accommodate around 20 flats, which is based on a density of around 150 dwellings/hectare and reflects the central location and high density buildings currently on site.

The County Council as landowner has access rights from Arbury Road over adjacent land. Cambridgeshire County Council would be pleased to work with the adjacent landowner CMAT in bringing forward residential development of the site. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site area of the plan does not indicate access from the highway, however, it is assumed that this could be achieved from the existing access off Arbury Road into the college and that this land is also in the County’s ownership. The County Council as landowner has access rights from Arbury Road over adjacent land. Cambridgeshire County Council would be pleased to work with the adjacent landowner CMAT in bringing forward residential development of the site. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

There are some designated heritage assets relatively close to the site.

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in VILLAGE and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in VILLAGE, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40173
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Waterbeach Station Car Park, Clayhithe Road, Waterbeach, CB25 9HS


Site 40173 map

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The site is currently occupied by the Waterbeach railway station car park.



Previously developed land

Provision of 13 dwellings including affordable housing, and/or 180sq.m of employment floorspace.

Market and affordable housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Public open space

The site is previously developed and is likely to be vacated with the moving of Waterbeach rail station. It is well related to the village centre and would be appropriate for employment or potentially residential use. Waterbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing, affordable housing and employment space will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Waterbeach including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate approx. 180 sqm of floorspace. This reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto Clayhithe Road.


Yes (Please give details)

The site is in Flood Zone 3, with high risk of flooding, however, it is in an area which benefits from flood defences.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 6-10 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and will become available once the rail station has been relocated.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Waterbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40174
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Histon Early Years Centre, New School Rd, Histon, CB24 2RA


Site 40174 map

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The site is currently occupied by the Histon Early Years Centre.



Previously developed land

Provision of 6 dwellings and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Histon. Histon is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 6 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto New School Road.



The site is located mainly within a Flood Zone 3, with high risk of flooding. It should be noted that large parts of the village centre are in Flood Zone 3. The site is located outside of the village Conservation Area, although this is located adjacent to the site. Any development would not adversely affect heritage assets and TPOs.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Histon and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon, and the site is well related to Cambridge.

A restrictive covenant on the site relates to part of the site being used for educational purposes only.








Form ID: 40175
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Caxton Depot, Ermine Street, Caxton, CB23 3PG


Site 40175 map

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The site is currently occupied by a depot / commercial use.


In 2013 the site was approved for Change of Use from highways depot to B8 storage use for the distribution of farm and fencing equipment (S1337/13/FL).

Previously developed land

Provision of 19 dwellings including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The site comprises previously developed land and is a sustainable location for new development. The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Caxton. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. There are also few potential brownfield sites in the village. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Caxton including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 19 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto Ermine Street.



There are some designated heritage assets within the vicinity; development would look to enhance their setting.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 6-10 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Caxton and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Caxton, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40176
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Glebe and Fen Farm, Twenty Pence Road, Cottenham, CB24 8SL


Site 40176 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural (arable) use




Development of approximately 150 dwellings including affordable housing, and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Cottenham. Cottenham is bordered by the Green Belt to the south, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Cottenham including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 150 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

• Historic Environment: The site is to the north of the Grade I church and close to the village Conservation Area. The site is separated from the Church by several groups of mature trees, but the tower is a prominent feature within the landscape. Any development would have regard to these views. It is proposed to locate areas of public open space adjacent to the church yard, as well as providing sight lines of the tower through the development. Any development would respect the historic character of the area, with form and layout of the development informed by a detailed Heritage Assessment. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”. • Strategic Highways Impact: The site has scored “Amber” on accessibility to services and facilities. Cottenham is defined in the current Local Plan as a Rural Centre, the highest category of settlement, and the site has adequate access to key local services, transport and employment opportunities. The site is accessible by a variety of means of transport other than the private car. It will not have an adverse impact on the strategic road network. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.

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Yes (Please give details)

There is potential to provide vehicular access directly off Twenty Pence Road to the north of the site. This road is also served by an existing footpath leading into the village. There may also be scope to link the site directly to the footpath leading through the church graveyard, which should help to provide a pedestrian link directly into the village.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

Most of the site is in Flood Zone 1. Part of the site adjacent to the highway is in Flood Zone 3, which would be taken into account for any development. The site is adjacent to (north of) Cottenham Conservation Area and close to a number of designated heritage assets. The site could be developed without adverse impact on any heritage assets.

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Cottenham and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Cottenham, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40177
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Ashley Farm, West of Cow Lane, Rampton, CB24 8QG


Site 40177 map

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The site is in agricultural (arable and paddock) use with an existing farmyard.



Greenfield and part previously developed

Provision of approximately 217 dwellings and/or employment provision, with open space

Market and affordable housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Rampton. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Rampton including public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 217 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area. If developed for employment it could accommodate approximately 28,000 sqm.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has an existing access from Cow Lane, which could be upgraded as part of the development.



The site is in Flood Zone 1 and at low risk of flooding. There are no designated heritage assets close to the site, or other environmental designations nearby.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Rampton and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Rampton, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40178
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Ashley Farm, East of Cow Lane, Rampton, CB24 8QG


Site 40178 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural (arable)




Provision of approximately 183 dwellings including affordable housing and public open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Rampton. Rampton is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Rampton including public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 183 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)


Yes (Please give details)

The site is in Flood Zone 1 and at low risk of flooding. The site is close to a SAM but development would not affect it.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Rampton and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Rampton, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40179
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Belsar Farm, Sponge Drove, Willingham CB24 5JL


Site 40179 map

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Agricultural (arable).


The site to the south has planning consent for 25 dwellings (S/3145/16/FL). The northern part of the site would form a logical extension of the site.


Development of approximately 26 dwellings including affordable housing

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Willingham. It borders an extant consent to the south, and is a logical location for development. Willingham is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Willingham including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 26 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site seems to have suitable vehicular and pedestrian access through the consented 25 unit scheme



The site is in Flood Zone 1 and at low risk of flooding. It is not affected by environmental or heritage issues.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.

Enquiries received

It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Willingham and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Willingham, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40180
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land adjacent to Norman Way, Over, CB24 5QE


Site 40180 map

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The site is agricultural land.




Provision of approximately 1,400sq.m of employment floor space as an extension to Over Industrial Park.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide a logical extension to Over Industrial Park. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Over including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 1,400 sqm of employment floorspace.

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Yes (Please give details)

An existing track from Longstanton Road could be upgraded to provide access to the site.




The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


The site is well located for the B1050 and A14. There is a shortage of land for business/industrial uses in the District.









Form ID: 40181
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Willingham Road, Over, CB24 5PE


Site 40181 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural (arable) use




Provision of approximately 430 dwellings including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Over. It could include extensive landscaping and open space. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Over including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 430 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Vehicular and pedestrian access could be achieved from Mill Road.




The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Over and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Over, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40182
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Winfold Farm , East of A10, Waterbeach CB25 9TF


Site 40182 map

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Agricultural (arable)


The site has no relevant planning history. It is adjacent to Waterbeach New Town S/0559/17/OL.


Provision of 229 dwellings and/or 3,000sq.m of employment floorspace, and open space.

Market and affordable housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Public open space

The proposed development would provide a potential extension to Waterbeach New Town, with additional housing or employment space linked to Cambridge Research Park. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Waterbeach including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 229 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare, or 3,000sq.m of employment floorspace. This reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site has highways access onto the A10. There may be some potential to provide pedestrian links into the Waterbeach New Town.


Yes (Please give details)

The site is located directly next to Denny Abbey Scheduled Ancient Monument (located to the north east of the site). This would be taken into account in any future development proposals.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Waterbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers, employers and housebuilders. The site is well related to Cambridge and the New Town allocation.









Form ID: 40183
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land to the north of Cardyke Road, Waterbeach, CB25 9NW


Site 40183 map

No uploaded files for public display

The site mostly comprises agricultural land and scrubland.




Provision of approximately 60 dwellings including affordable housing and open space. There is also the opportunity to provide employment/roadside uses.

Market and affordable housing , Employment (other)

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Waterbeach. The site is well contained by roads and well related to the historic village by footways. It is adjacent to development to the north and west. Waterbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Waterbeach including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 60 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site can achieve access from Car Dyke Road or Cambridge Road.




The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Waterbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Waterbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40184
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land to the south of Cardyke Road, Waterbeach, CB25 9NW


Site 40184 map

No uploaded files for public display

The site is agricultural land.


The site has no relevant planning history.


Provision of approximately 174 dwellings, including affordable housing, and/or 23,000sq.m of employment floorspace.

Market and affordable housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Public open space

The site is well contained by roads and close to existing development and Waterbeach Village Centre. It could provide additional affordable and market dwellings, and/or employment floorspace. Waterbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Waterbeach including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 174 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare, or 23,000sq.m of employment floorspace. This reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site can achieve access from Car Dyke Road.



The site is located adjacent to the ‘car dyke’ SAM, which runs along the eastern boundary. Development could proceed without adversely impacting it.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Waterbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers, employers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Waterbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40185
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Walnut Farm, Landbeach Road/High Street, CB25 9FT


Site 40185 map

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Agricultural (arable) use


The site has no relevant planning history. The adjacent development at Walnut Close was approved in 2010, reference S/1174/10.


Provision of 102 dwellings including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Landbeach. Landbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Landbeach including public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 102 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

There is potential to achieve access either off the recent development at Walnut Close, or off the High Street.



Development could take place without adversely impacting the nearby Conservation Area.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Landbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Landbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40186
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Spalding Drive & Chapmans Close, Landbeach, CB25 9FG


Site 40186 map

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Grass paddock




Provision of 14 dwellings including affordable housing and open space.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Landbeach. The site is well related to the village and surrounding to the north, east and south by existing development. Landbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Landbeach including public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 14 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

There is potential to achieve access off Spaldings Lane.



The site is outside of but close to the village Conservation Area. Development could take place without adversely impacting nearby heritage assets.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Landbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Landbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40187
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at A10 & Green End, Waterbeach CB25 9FD


Site 40187 map

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There is a small farmstead on the site, although the majority of the site is agricultural land.




Provision of approximately 225,000sq.m of employment floorspace, open space and landscaping, and/or affordable and market housing

Market and affordable housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Public open space

The site is in close proximity to Waterbeach New Town and Cambridge Science Park. It is bounded by roads and would be a logical site for employment development, potentially with housing. Waterbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Waterbeach including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate approximately 225,000sq.m of employment floorspace, which reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

There is potential to achieve access off the A10 or off Green End.


Yes (Please give details)

The site is partly located in Flood Zone 3, and so suitable for employment uses rather than residential. The site is located outside of the Conservation Area.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Waterbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers, employers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Waterbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40188
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land south of Dry Drayton Road, Oakington, CB24 3YW


Site 40188 map

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Agricultural (arable) use




Provision of 4,500sq.m of employment floorspace, with open space

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Public open space

The site is well located for the A14 and is close to other employment uses. The development would provide additional employment floorspace for the District. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Oakington including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 4,500sq.m of floorspace and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct vehicular access onto Dry Drayton Road, which is also served by a footpath with direct links into the village.


Yes (Please give details)

The northern portion of the site is located in Flood Zone 2, with a medium possibility of flooding.

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Oakington and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and employers. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Oakington, and the site is well related to Cambridge and the A14.









Form ID: 40189
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land south of Water Lane, Oakington, CB24 3AL


Site 40189 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural (arable) use




Provision of approximately 30 dwellings including affordable housing, with the potential for additional care home provision, and open space

Market and affordable housing , Residential care home

Public open space , Recreation and leisure

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Oakington. There is the potential to provide a Care Home on site, and link open space with the adjacent Recreation Ground and School. Oakington is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Oakington including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 30 dwellings, on the northern part of the site, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto Water Lane, which is also served by footpaths.


Yes (Please give details)

Much of the site is in Flood Zone 3 and further assessment work will be needed to ascertain the developable area of the site. It should be noted that much of Oakington is at risk of flooding. The site is located in the village Conservation Area, although there are no designated heritage assets within close proximity.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.

Enquiries received

It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Oakington and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Oakington and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40190
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Mansel Farm, Station Road, Oakington, CB24 3AH


Site 40190 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural (arable) use




Provision of approximately 35 dwellings including affordable housing, with open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Oakington. Oakington is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Oakington including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 35 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto Station Road and will likely be possible to link to the existing footways along Water Lane. The site is well located in relation to the Guided Busway Oakington bus stops.



Much of the site is in Flood Zone 1, though eastern and southern portions are in Flood Zones 2 and 3. The site is located outside of, but adjacent to the village Conservation Area, which is located to the west of the site.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Oakington and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Oakington, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40191
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Thorpes Farm, Tipplers Road/A14, Swavesey, CB24 4RE


Site 40191 map

Agricultural (arable) land




Provision of approximately 30,160sq.m of additional employment floorspace, with potential for additional hotel/roadside uses, open space and landscaping

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Public open space , Hotel , Retail

The site is in close proximity to the A14 and adjacent to Buckingway Business Park, including Cambridge Services and a Travelodge. It is well contained by surrounding roadways and would be a logical location for development. It is understood that adjacent land to the west is also being promoted. There is a need for employment land in the district. The site could also provide additional hotel and roadside facilities if required. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.

The site could accommodate 30,160sq.m of employment, retail and/or hotel floorspace in close proximity to the A14, midway between Cambridge and Huntingdon.

No answer given

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Yes (Please give details)

An existing agricultural access runs through the centre of the site. Access could be achieved through Buckingway Business Park and it is understood the site to the west is also being promoted. Site Access: the site is immediately north of the detrunked A1307 and Cambridgeshire County Council is in discussion with Highways England regarding access to the site from the A1307. Access would also be possible from Buckingway Business Park to the west, through land within the County Council’s ownership. Development would have little impact on landscape. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.


Landscape and townscape: It is acknowledged that development in this location would encroach into the countryside, and for this reason it is proposed to amend the site area to only include the land between Buckingway Business Park and the wastewater treatment plant. Development would therefore be contained to the immediate north of the A1307. Whilst the site is open, the southern portion now proposed for allocation is already heavily affected by the A14 roadworks and the existing development to the east and west (wastewater treatment plant, hotel/services, and the Business Park). It is bound to the west west by proposed allocation S/RRA/BBP and an existing hotel, to the east by the sewage treatment works, and to the south by road infrastructure and services beyond. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.


Most of the site is located in a Flood Zone 1 with a low risk of flooding. The north eastern portions of the site are in a Flood Zone 3.

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible. Transport and Roads: Whilst the site is remote from any settlements, the nature of the use proposed (namely, a highways depot) is unneighbourly and is required to be a certain distance from residential areas. Moreover, the site proposed has excellent access to the strategic road network. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market due to its strategic location on the road network and proximity to other employment, retail and hotel uses.









Form ID: 40192
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land east of Glebe Way, Histon, CB24 9XP


Site 40192 map

Agricultural (arable) use




Provision of approximately 60 dwellings including affordable housing; a new school; recreation grounds and open space

Market and affordable housing

Schools and education , Public open space , Recreation and leisure

The site is in close proximity to the village centre and close to existing services and facilities. It could provide a new junior school site, as well as housing, recreational and open space. Histon is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 60 dwellings, which is a density of circa 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

Landscape and townscape: It is acknowledged that development would have an impact on the countryside and for that reason the site size has been amended to 2.32ha. The site is adjacent to the new school development to the south, and residential development to the north. It is not significant in terms of views or relationship with the countryside and has not been identified as such in the Neighbourhood Plan. Development would include areas of public open space and landscape buffers to provide an enhanced settlement edge to the east and link with the allocated open space at Buxhall Farm to the north of the site. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto Glebe Way. Strategic Highways Impact: The site is highly accessible to a range of services, including the newly built Primary School. The site is accessible by a range of transport means other than the private car, and the addition of 60 dwellings would not give rise to a significant increase in vehicle trips. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Histon and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40193
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land west of Cottenham Road, Histon, CB24 9ET


Site 40193 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural (arable) use




Provision of up to 40 dwellings including affordable housing and significant areas of open space/landscaping

Market and affordable housing

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

The site has been allocated as open space in the Cambridge Local Plan. However, there are currently no plans to provide the site as open space. Any open space or recreational facilities could be funded through affordable and market housing development. Histon is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate 40 dwellings. It is proposed to only develop the site frontage, to respond to the character of Cottenham Road and match existing development to the south and east.

is acknowledged that development in this location would encroach into the countryside. For this reason it is proposed to only develop the site frontage, to respond to the character of Cottenham Road and match existing development to the south and east. To the rear of the site significant new public amenity space could be provided. Whilst the site was allocated in the 2018 Local Plan it has not come forward and the site is not identified as open space in the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan sets out a need for formal open space, playing fields and sports pitches in Histon and Impington. Residential development to the frontage could enable delivery of open space to the rear, mitigating any landscape impact and providing valuable new services. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”. Green Belt Assessment: The promoted development at the site would have no adverse impact on the compactness or setting of Cambridge and it would not lead to the merging of villages. The site sits between existing development to the east and south. The site is well contained to the north, west and south. It makes limited contribution to openness. Therefore, it is considered that the site makes a limited contribution to the purposes for including land within the Green Belt. It is requested that the harm to the Green Belt from the promoted development is amended to ‘low’ harm.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto Cottenham Road, which is also served by a designated footway. Strategic Highways Impact: The site is highly accessible to a range of services, including the newly built Primary School, and scored “Green” on accessibility in the GCLP’s assessment. The site is accessible by a range of transport means other than the private car, and the addition of 40 dwellings would not give rise to a significant increase in vehicle trips. It is requested that the score be changed to “Amber”.


No answer given


No answer given

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.

Enquiries received

It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Histon and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon, and the site is well related to Cambridge.

Nothing chosen









Form ID: 40194
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land east of Recreation Ground, Girton CB23 0FH


Site 40194 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural (arable) use




Development of approximately 105 dwellings, including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Girton. Girton is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Girton including convenience stores, public houses and bus services

The site could accommodate 105 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site is accessed via a single track road from Oakington Road to the west.


Yes (Please give details)

There are some designated heritage assets located relatively close to the site, including the Grade II* listed Church of St Andrew. A proposed development could be carefully designed to preserve the setting of these assets.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Girton and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Girton, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40195
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Longfield Farm, Newmarket Road, Fen Ditton, CB1 9AT


Site 40195 map

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The site mainly constitutes an agricultural field. It does also include Longfield Farm.




Development of up to approximately 1065 dwellings including affordable housing and open space

Market and affordable housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Public open space , Other

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Stow Cum Quy. It could also support an extension to the East Cambridge development. The site is located off Newmarket Road and close to the A14 and airport, and offers an opportunity for strategic development including transport improvements or provision of a new Cambridge Metro hub. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Stow Cum Quy including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate approximately 1065 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site has direct access onto Newmarket Road.


Yes (Please give details)

The site falls mainly in a Flood Zone 1 with a low risk of flooding, a small strip of the site (along the river to the east of the site is in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a high risk of flooding. It is not covered by any historic designations but there are some designated heritage assets close to the site. The Wilbraham Fens SSSI is located close to site (to the east).


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
