8.10 Monitoring

When this Area Action Plan has been adopted, it will be important to ensure that the policies outlined in this document are meeting the vision outlined for North East Cambridge and its stated strategic objectives. This means examining the targets set in each policy and whether they are being achieved according to the stated monitoring indicator. Monitoring will also assess whether the assumptions behind the policies are still relevant and valid, and this will change due to new evidence. The planning authority will therefore follow the progress of the policies contained within the Area Action Plan by monitoring how successfully the objectives are being achieved.

A monitoring framework for the Area Action Plan will be detailed to establish the indicators and targets that will be used to monitor its progress. These will, where possible, be the same as those already used within the statutory Authority Monitoring Report for the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan and the Cambridge Local Plan. However, there will also be some more locally specific indicators and targets. The monitoring framework will be drawn from the sustainability indicators and targets outlined in the sustainability appraisal.

The framework will be used to monitor the Area Action Plan annually, and the results will be reported in the Authority Monitoring Report for Greater Cambridge. If the monitoring indicates that a change is required, some changes to the Area Action Plan could be enacted to ensure that the strategic objectives supporting the vision are achieved.

8.11 Draft monitoring framework



Monitoring indicator

Policy 1: A comprehensive approach at North East Cambridge

Development should support the vision statement and strategic objectives

Monitoring of policies below

Policy 2: Designing for the climate emergency

All development to support the two Councils' climate emergency declarations by delivering sustainable construction.

An increase in the number of non-residential completions delivered at BREEAM 'excellent'/'outstanding' with maximum credits for water consumption;

Policy 3: Energy and associated infrastructure

Delivery of zero carbon site wide infrastructure plan

Installed capacity of renewable and low carbon energy alongside storage capacity and ev charge point capacity

Amount of additional grid capacity required

Policy 4a: Water efficiency

Developments to be water efficient, design out flood risk, and increase sustainable drainage.

An increase in the number of non-residential completions delivered with maximum BREEAM credits for water consumption;

All new residential completions will be designed to achieve water consumption levels of no more than 110 litres/person/day moving towards 80 litres/person/day

Policy 4b: Water quality and ensuring supply

Policy 4c: Flood Risk and Sustainable Drainage

Policy 5: Biodiversity and Net Gain

Deliver a minimum of 10% net gain in biodiversity value

Site wide and landowner parcel Biodiversity Net Gain from the 2020 baseline

Biodiversity Net Gain and habitat improvements to Chesterton Fen from the 2020 baseline

Biodiversity enhancements to City and County Wildlife Sites

Policy 6a: Distinctive design for North East Cambridge

Ensuring design quality of new buildings and creating principles for mixed use buildings.

Number of awards (shortlisted, finalist, winner) received

Positive recommendations made to Planning Committee

Floorspace approved

Policy 6b: Design of mixed-use buildings

Policy 7: Legible streets and spaces

Streets to be welcoming places that conform to the strategic layout for key pedestrian and cycle routes of spatial framework

Number of new trees planted (net increase)

Number and amount (m2) of new public space delivered

Policy 8: Open spaces for recreation and sport

Provision of open space in line with spatial framework

Monitor the amount and type of new and retained open space within North East Cambridge.

Update to the Councils' Open Space and Recreation Strategy.

Additional specific strategies for different types of open spaces may also be commissioned on a four to five year basis.

Open space delivered in relation to spatial framework

Open space usage with survey

Policy 9: Density, heights, scale and massing

Densities and building heights should not exceed those identified as part of spatial framework

Number of awards (shortlisted, finalist, winner) received

Positive recommendations made to Planning Committee

Floorspace approved

Policy 10a: North East Cambridge Centres

Establishment of distinct character areas in across the Area Action Plan.

Employment floorspace consented and delivered per centre

Residential units consented and delivered per centre

Retail floorspace consented and delivered per centre

Community and cultural floorspace consented and delivered per centre

Policy 10b: District Centre

Policy 10c: Science Park Local Centre

Policy 10d: Station Approach

Policy 10e: Cowley Road Neighbourhood Centre

Policy 11: Housing design standards

Inclusion of private amenity for new homes, maximising design quality, and provision of wheelchair accessible homes.

Percentage of homes meeting minimum private amenity standards

Percentage of homes incorporating dual aspect

Percentage of wheelchair accessible homes

Policy 12a: Business

Intensification of employment floorspace and consolidation of industrial floorspace with no net loss

Availability of industrial land measured through no overall net loss of industrial and warehouse floorspace (B2 and B8).

Amount of new employment floorspace permitted and delivered (gross and net)

Number of new businesses registered

Policy 12b: Industry

Policy 13a: Housing

Establishing high quality housing that fulfils local needs.

Net additional homes

Number of affordable homes delivered on-site

Net additional homes by district

Range of homes delivered

Number of homes delivered for local workers

Net additional Build to Rent dwellings

Proportion of Build to Rent dwellings that are affordable

Financial contributions secured and received towards off-site affordable housing

Number of custom finished homes delivered on-site

Number of visitor accommodation units provided on-site

Policy 13b: Affordable housing

Policy 13c: Housing for local workers

Policy 13c: Build to Rent

Policy 13e: Custom

Policy 13f: Short term/corporate lets and visitor accommodation

Policy 14: Social, community and cultural Infrastructure

Provision of new school capacity, retention of existing sports facilities, and provision of new community, leisure and cultural uses.

Catchment secondary school provision/capacity

Monitor the amount of net floorspace for D1 and sui generis uses that fulfil a community or leisure use.

Additional specific strategies for different types of formal sports may also be updated to monitor their delivery.

Policy 15: Shops and local services

Balanced provision of shops and local services across the Area Action Plan area in designated district centres

Monitor the balance of floorspace, both committed and completed for the three categories: Convenience, Comparison, and Other Town Centre uses, in each centre.

Policy 16: Sustainable Connectivity

Ensuring sustainable travel is the default option for residents and workers

Modal share for pedestrian, cycle, public transport users

Policy 17: Connecting to the wider network

Developers required to contribute to new and improved connections for non-motorised users

Number of new crossing points

Policy 18: Cycle Parking

Cycle parking to be provided in excess of the minimum standards set of the adopted Cambridge Local Plan (2018). At least 5-10% of cycle parking provision should be designed to accommodate non-standard cycles.

Number of cycle parking spaces provided for standard cycles and non-standard cycles

Number of cycle maintenance facilities provided

Policy 19: Safeguarding for Cambridge Autonomous Metro and Public Transport

Three locations to provide passive provision for new metro system

Modal share for public transport users

Number of mobility hubs provided

Policy 20: Last mile deliveries

Planning permission will be granted for delivery hubs up to 1,500m2, and consolidation of deliveries promoted for last mile deliveries to occur via electric vehicle or cycle courier

Number of delivery hubs provided

Mode share of delivery trips

Policy 21: Street hierarchy

Three different street types to promote sustainable travel

Number of vehicles using primary and secondary streets

Number of cars parking in undesignated places

Policy 22: Managing motorised vehicles

The maximum vehicular trip budget for the Area Action Plan area on to Milton Road is:

  • AM Peak: 3,900 two-way trips
  • PM Peak: 3,000 two-way trips

For access on to Kings Hedges Road, the maximum vehicle trip budget is:

  • AM Peak: 780 two-way trips
  • PM Peak: 754 two-way trips

Maximum total provision of 4,800 employment related parking spaces accessed from Milton Road, and a further maximum of 1,160 accessed from Kings Hedges Road. For residential uses, a maximum site-wide parking standard of 0.5 spaces per household.

Number of vehicular trips to / from North East Cambridge

Number of car parking spaces provided within North East Cambridge

Number of vehicles parking in adjoining streets within 2km radius

Policy 23: Comprehensive and Coordinated Development

Coherent development where different land ownerships relate to each other and contribute to delivery of site objectives

Masterplans to accompany planning submissions

Policy 24a: Land Assembly

Use of compulsory purchase powers if required to fulfil Area Action Plan objectives in public interest. Relocation of industrial floorspace to support consolidation and vision

Availability of industrial land measured through no overall net loss of industrial and warehouse floorspace (B2 and B8).

Policy 24b: Relocation

Policy 25: Environmental Protection

Good quality environmental health across North East Cambridge

Biodiversity net gain

Policy 26: Aggregates and waste sites

Maintain aggregates facility in North East Cambridge, relocate the Veolia Waste Transfer Station, and create buffer of industrial uses around aggregates

Continued provision and mitigation of impacts

Policy 27: Planning Contributions

Finance early delivery of infrastructure, secure affordable housing, and mitigate impacts of development

Delivery of affordable homes

Delivery of infrastructure to support development

Policy 28 – Meanwhile uses

The delivery of services and amenities on a temporary basis to support placemaking aims

Numbers of different land uses permitted

Policy 29 - Employment and Training

Increased local participation in workforce and increased opportunities for upskilling and training for local people.

Developer contributions collected for skills and training (from S106)

Number of Employment and Skills Plans secured through S106 agreements

Developers should provide monitoring reports of implementation of their ESP

Employment land take-up

Working age population

Policy 30: Digital infrastructure and open innovation

Development that supports open innovation and the development of digital infrastructure

Delivery of smart buildings as defined by policy

Delivery of smart street furniture as defined by policy

Delivery of future mobility experiments

Council collation of open data

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