4.2 Low carbon energy and associated infrastructure

To deliver a low carbon city district, an integrated approach to identifying the energy needs of the development, the appropriate technologies and opportunities for decentralised energy, and the infrastructure required to support rapid decarbonisation is needed. This policy ensures that this approach is embedded at an early stage, via the development of a site-wide energy and infrastructure study and energy masterplan, to support carbon reduction targets for the site.

  • You told us that there were opportunities for the development of a site wide approach to energy. You asked us to consider the embodied impacts of buildings and infrastructure as well as opportunities for the promotion of circular economy principles, embracing and supporting innovative smart-tech and infra-tech.

How your comments have been taken into account

  • We have developed the policy below to maximise the opportunities that the area presents in relation to site wide energy and aims to ensure that the infrastructure to support development and the transition to net zero carbon is identified and provided early in the development of the site.

(8) Policy 3: Energy and associated infrastructure

To support the transition to net zero carbon and achieve energy efficiency, an Area Action Plan wide approach to energy and associated infrastructure should be investigated and, where feasible and viable, implemented.

Relevant Objective: 1

To support the role that North East Cambridge has to play in delivering a low environmental impact city district, the Shared Planning Service have commissioned the development of an Energy and Infrastructure Study and Energy Masterplan for North East Cambridge. This will consider the energy options and associated infrastructure requirements needed to support the energy demands of the development and the transition to net zero carbon, giving consideration to energy use in buildings, battery storage and that required for transportation. It will also give consideration to the development of local energy communities and local collaboration and options for community ownership of decentralised energy opportunities that may arise from the energy masterplan.

The energy masterplan will help to identify opportunities for decentralised energy, including district energy systems, and overcome infrastructure constraints at an early stage in the development of North East Cambridge and promote innovative smart energy approaches to overcoming such constraints. This work will be subject to viability testing as part of the preparation of the Area Action Plan and further policy development.

  • Installed capacity of renewable and low carbon energy alongside storage capacity and electric vehicle charge point capacity
  • Amount of additional grid capacity required
  • Other indicators to be confirmed

Cambridge Local Plan 2018

  • Policy 28: Carbon reduction, community energy networks, sustainable design and construction and water use
  • Policy 29: Renewable and low carbon energy generation
  • Policy 85: Infrastructure delivery, planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy

South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018

  • Policy CC/1: Mitigation and adaptation to climate change
  • Policy CC/2: Renewable and low carbon energy generation
  • Policy CC/3: Renewable and low carbon energy in new developments
  • Policy TI/8: Infrastructure and new developments
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