7. Development Principles
7.1 The development objectives (identified in Chapter 3), informed by the site context and constraints, have been developed into the following more detailed key Development Principles, which will guide policy making and the preparation of the AAP.
Objective 1: Deliver a place that supports and fosters a strong new neighbourhood, well integrated with the wider community
A. Ensure that the needs of existing and future communities who live and work in and around Cambridge Northern Fringe East are met through development and that it is a place that can adapt to meet changing needs over time.
B. By creating a sustainable, cohesive and inclusive area through improving access to jobs, homes, open space, leisure facilities and other services within the development and to the wider community.
Objective 2: Provide a mix of land uses at densities that make best use of this highly sustainable location and regeneration opportunities
C. Increase the level of economic activity and vibrancy within Cambridge Northern Fringe East and the wider area, by accommodating an appropriate mix of office, R&D, industrial and other related employment uses supported by a range of commercial, retail, leisure, community and residential uses.
D. Focus higher density development around the transport hub and along public transport routes, taking account of the wider landscape and townscape context of the area.
Objective 3: Maximise the Employment Opportunities
E. Deliver additional flexible employment space to cater for a range of business types and sizes, and supporting a wide range of jobs for local income, skills and age groups
F. Manage the release of any redevelopment sites and where possible accommodate the existing businesses elsewhere within the CNFE area.
G. Support uses which are important to the operation of Greater Cambridge, including the strategic aggregates rail head, and the Water Recycling Centre.
Objective 4: Create a new local centre that meets the needs of the new community and which complements other facilities in the wider area
H. Create distinctive and well-connected mixed use local centre for Cambridge Northern Fringe East which provides a range facilities to meet the day to day needs of those live, work and visit the area.
Objective 5: Deliver high quality and well-designed buildings, streets and spaces that responds to the needs of the community and supports regeneration of the wider area
I. Create a distinctive local identity through development forms appropriate to the area and which create and improve the quality, appearance and function of the public realm.
J. Ensure the design, scale and location of new buildings help create streets and places that are safe, easy and convenient to navigate around, and which encourage social interaction.
Objective 6: Create an accessible, permeable, well-connected and well-integrated new neighbourhood
K. Create a gateway development that maximises the potential of the proposed new Railway Station and Cambridge Guided Busway as a transport hub.
L. Deliver enhanced connections for pedestrians, cyclists, buses, prioritise these modes to encourage a modal shift.
Objective 7: Enhance and protect the natural environment and existing and proposed open spaces
M. Create a network of green spaces and corridors to protect and enhance biodiversity and watercourses as attractive features, linking into the surrounding area.
N. Improve the setting of the area from key approaches including the route to the proposed new railway station.
O. Remediate land contamination.
Objective 8: Encourage a low carbon lifestyle & addressing climate change
P. Deliver sustainable forms of development, mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
(25)Question 9
Do you support or object to the Development Principles (A to P)? Please add any comments or suggestions.