2. Vision
2.1 It is important that we develop a strong vision and set of objectives for the area. We will use the vision and objectives to guide and help assess the options for development in the area and help select the preferred approach.
CNFE will be a vibrant and successful employment led, mixed use neighbourhood, shaped as a whole by the community, and embracing:
- Successful regeneration of the wider area;
- modern commercial business needs and buildings;
- sustainable urban living;
- the proposed new railway station and extension to the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway to create new high quality transport gateway and transform the area;
- opportunities to create a well-connected and vibrant place;
- opportunities to enhance the environmental assets.
The development will also ensure;
- the new area is supported with the right transport, water, energy, social and community infrastructure;
- the relocation of existing businesses and release of former industrial land for other uses is properly managed and contributes towards creating sustainable communities;
- the regeneration and development of CNFE contributes to the wider growth agenda and shared prosperity of Greater Cambridge;
- the continued presence of strategic aggregates railheads that will facilitate the wider growth of Greater Cambridge;
- existing and new waste management facilities can be safeguarded/delivered (including Household Recycling Centre and inert waste recycling facility).
The development will reflect both Councils’ visions for Cambridge’s continued growth as an innovative, integrated, fair and sustainable city, whilst supporting sustainable economic growth and providing a high quality of life. The area will be comprehensively planned, but wholly integrated into the fabric of Cambridge.
(28)Question 1
Do you support or object to this vision for CNFE? Do you have any comments?
2.2 The draft vision has been informed by and framed by CNFE’s location and relationship to nearby uses, the opportunities provided by the proposed new railway station and extension to the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway, and the emerging Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans, and the adopted Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Site Specific Proposals Plan 2012. The vision has also been informed by a visioning workshop with key stakeholders which took place on 12 April 2013, and the views of key stakeholders as a result of early evidence gathering and consultation undertaken since February 2014.
2.3 Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council will continue to work with the community and delivery agents to develop a shared vision.