(1) Appendix 4 - Affordable Housing Checklist

A4.1 The list below offers a guide to what will be required in a planning application submission in relation to affordable housing. For outline planning applications, the list below will not be wholly relevant and submitted documents may show indicative information. This is a guide only, the list is not exhaustive. For further guidance please contact, the housing development team (see Appendix 5).

  • Site plan showing tenures (rented and intermediate);

  • Floor plans showing tenures with areas (rented and intermediate);

  • Floor plans showing the location of the wheelchair accessible unit(s), if applicable;

  • A schedule of accommodation showing number, size (number of bedrooms), type (houses, flats and duplexes) and tenure of units, including highlighting wheelchair accessible units;

  • Number of bedspaces;

  • Car parking plan showing tenures;

  • Phasing plan;

  • Elevations of affordable housing and private housing;

  • A statement detailing adherence to the Design and Quality Standards April 2007, Code for Sustainable Homes, Lifetime Homes and Secured by Design, or any subsequent standards the council requires for affordable housing

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