1 The Affordable Housing SPD

Important Note to the Reader

This is a draft document for consultation. It has been written to support the emerging Cambridge Local Plan 2014, which the council expects to adopt in early 2015.

The final version of this document will be amended prior to adoption to reflect some or all of the following:

  • comments received on this draft document during consultation;
  • any amendments to relevant policies in the newly adopted local plan;
  • any governmental policy changes.

This document will be adopted at the same time as, or shortly after, the local plan is adopted. It will not be adopted before the local plan is adopted.

(3) The need for affordable housing

1.1 Demand for housing in Cambridge is high, with high private rents and high house prices. Providing the right types of housing in the right places at the right times is critical to support both the national and local economy. This understanding is backed up by long-standing market needs analysis. The provision of affordable housing is integral to meeting and maintaining a balanced mix of the different types, sizes and tenures needed to meet the wide range of housing demands in the city.

(2) Purpose

1.2 A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) can be prepared to support policies and objectives found in a local plan.

1.3 This SPD supports the following Local Plan strategic objectives to:

“8. meet the housing needs of the city within its sub-region, delivering an appropriate mix of housing types, sizes and tenures to meet existing and future needs, including affordable housing”

“9. assist the creation and maintenance of inclusive, environmentally sustainable communities.”

1.4 This SPD has been prepared to support Policy No. 45: Affordable housing and dwelling mix as set out in the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission. The full policy as drafted is set out in Appendix 1 of this SPD.

1.5 The SPD has been prepared in line with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Alongside the council’s emerging Planning Obligations Strategy SPD and Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule, which support the delivery of different forms of infrastructure across the city, this SPD provides advice on the delivery of affordable housing and financial contributions towards affordable housing.

1.6 The intention is that this SPD will help all parties involved (such as the council, developers, landowners and registered providers) deliver affordable housing through new development. The SPD seeks to provide greater clarity and certainty, particularly in terms of:

  • the planning process leading to submission of a planning application;
  • when the policy applies;
  • the specification sought;
  • the type/mix required.

1.7 The purpose of this document is to help guide the delivery of affordable housing in Cambridge which will help to meet the strategic vision and objectives of the Cambridge Local Plan 2014 by supporting the creation of a sustainable long-term future for communities in Cambridge.

1.8 This SPD will replace the following document:

  • Cambridge City Council Affordable Housing SPD, January 2008

(2) Consultation

1.9 The SPD will be the subject of public consultation for a period of six weeks. The consultation for this SPD will run from:

9am on 2 June 2014 to 5pm on 14 July 2014

1.10 There are a variety of ways to respond to the consultation:

1.11 The final version of this document will be amended prior to adoption to reflect some or all of the following:

  • comments received on this draft document during consultation;
  • any amendments to relevant policies in the adopted local plan;
  • any governmental policy changes.

1.12 This document will be subject to final consideration and approval by the council’s Environment Scrutiny Committee before its adoption.

1.13 A Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report has been carried out and consulted upon for the Cambridge Local Plan 2014. This consultation took place between 19 July 2013 and 30 September 2013. These documents will be available to view during this consultation. As the draft SPD supports the Cambridge Local Plan 2014, there is no further need to undertake a separate Sustainability Appraisal or Habitats Regulations Assessment for the SPD itself.

1.14 An Equalities Impact Assessment will also be made available during consultation, which includes updated information relevant to this SPD.

Status of this Document

1.15 This is the draft version of the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), agreed for consultation at Development Plan Scrutiny Sub Committee by the Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change on 25 March 2014.

1.16 Once adopted, the SPD will be a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications.

1.17 This draft SPD has been written to support the Cambridge Local Plan 2014. This SPD will be adopted at the same time as, or shortly after, the local plan is adopted. It will not be adopted before the local plan is adopted.

1.18 It is important to note that the SPD supports Policy 45: Affordable housing and dwelling mix of the emerging Cambridge Local Plan 2014 and does not allocate land for housing or any other form of development. This will be undertaken by the Cambridge Local Plan 2014.

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