6. Next Steps

This report will be consulted on alongside the CNFE AAP Issues and Options consultation document at the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015.

The findings of the SA and the comments received will be taken into account within the next stage of work which will involve the development and appraisal of a preferred option for the CNFE. This will form Stages B3-B6 of the SA as set out in Table 2.1.

Technical work is scheduled to take place within forthcoming months and the findings of this work will provide information to inform the SA and the development of a preferred option for the CNFE AAP. The SA has so far identified that a lack of information has meant that there are uncertainties at present with regards to potential impacts on townscape, traffic, air quality and noise. The technical work is as follows:

  • Landscape character and visual impact assessment with regards to the Cambridge Green Belt and the City townscape is due to be commenced by Cambridge City Council at the end of 2014;
  • Cambridge City Council is undertaking borehole surveys of ground contamination in order to provide additional information to feed into the development of the draft AAP; and
  • Transport modelling based on the detailed options. Once the transport modelling is completed potential impacts of traffic on the local network and in relation to air quality and noise impacts can be considered.
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