10. Other Potential Development Specific Requirements
10.1 What may be required via planning obligations?
(1)10.1.1 Chapters 4 to 10 may not represent all possible planning obligations requirements that may be applicable to any individual development. The precise circumstances of each development will be different and therefore there may be additional development specific requirements, such as mitigation measures, that may be needed to address the impact of individual developments. Such requirements by reason of their nature will need to be assessed on a site by site basis. The list below sets out some additional potential planning obligations that may be applicable, depending on the individual circumstances and constraints of the development site and the nature of the proposed development. This list is not exhaustive. The relevant policy reference from the Cambridge Local Plan 2014 Proposed Submission are given in each case:
Arts and Cultural facilities (Policy 73, Policy 85);
In exceptional circumstances, where granting planning permission leads to the loss of community, sports or leisure facilities, the City Council will secure alternative provision to the existing scale, range, quality and accessibility for its users (Policy 73, Policy 85);
Impacts on the historic environment (Policy 61, Policy 63, Policy 85);
Pollution/Air Quality mitigation measures (Policy 36, Policy 85);
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) (Policy 31, Policy 85).