8. Public Realm

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 Creating a well-used and active public realm helps foster a sense of community and reduces crime. The way buildings front on to public spaces, through proposed uses, functions and activity and the way open spaces are designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors is crucial to the creation of high quality and enduring places.

8.1.2 The Council is committed to ensuring that all new development proposals contribute to a high quality public realm.

8.2 Policy background

8.2.1 NPPF - Section 7 of the NPPF states that the Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. It is important to plan positively for high quality and inclusive design for all development, including individual buildings, public and private spaces and wider area development proposals.

8.2.2 Cambridge Local Plan 2014 Submission Version
Policy 85 – Infrastructure Delivery, planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy sets out the justification for planning obligations in relation to new development
Policy 56 – Creating successful places states that development proposals should create and improve public realm, open space and landscaped areas that respond to their context and development as a whole and are designed as an integral part of the scheme. Proposals should also use materials, finishes and street furniture suitable to their location and context.
Policy 59 – Designing landscape and the public realm states that high quality public realm must be designed as an integral part of new development and co-ordinated with adjacent sites and phases

8.2.3 The Council intends to set out more detail on how development can contribute to these improvements through the production of a City Centre public realm strategy supplementary planning document.

8.3 What can be funded by CIL?

8.3.1 Where necessary the Council will use CIL to fund or part fund strategic projects to improve the streetscene and built environment. This would be in relation to projects that have a citywide benefit, such as city or neighbourhood centre public realm improvements, but are not directly related to a development site.

8.4 What can be funded by planning obligations?

8.4.1 For developments large enough to have public space within the site most matters will be dealt with by planning condition.

8.4.2 Section 106 Agreements may be required to address issues in respect of site-specific on-site and directly related site public realm improvements. Examples of what might be required are provided below, the list is not exhaustive:

  • Carriageway surfacing;
  • New or improved footways;
  • Removal of street clutter;
  • Street furniture;
  • Street lighting;
  • Cycle stands.
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