Question 6. Do you agree with the potential big themes for the Local Plan?

Showing forms 181 to 186 of 186
Form ID: 56216
Respondent: CEG
Agent: CEG


Yes. We agree with the big themes for the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 56254
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells


Agree - The four big themes for the Local Plan are considered suitable and all are important in the consideration of the spatial distribution of growth in the district, and for the determination of planning applications. The four big themes will generate a new way of planning, this may require a different way to make decisions; to allow other impacts to happen to achieve these four priorities. The Local Plan policy framework will need to allow for a clear planning balance to take place to assess and prioritise impacts. The need for homes and jobs remains as does the need to ensure development is viable and can come forward. As outlined in Question 2, the proposal for a new Community at Six Mile Bottom is of a scale that will allow the councils to achieve the four themes and contribute to the creation of new homes and jobs in a highly sustainable location. Our proposal would contribute to the four big themes as follows: ● Climate Change – internalisation of jobs, homes and key facilities reducing the need for motorised travel, rail improvements including a potential new stop on east-west rail line, potential extension of the CAM Metro connection, energy hub providing clean energy, new dwellings, employment buildings and community facilities will be designed and constructed in a manner to be energy efficient and incorporate renewable technologies. ● Biodiversity and Green Space – significant new provision of on-site green infrastructure and retaining including new multifunctional 3km long linear park with play parks, sports pitches, picnic areas, allotments, running and cycle routes. Expansive semi-natural area reserved for wildlife with managed access so that ecology can thrive. ● Wellbeing and Social Inclusion – the proposals would incorporate a mix of housing sizes, types and tenures, to help meet the needs of the District and local community. The proposals would also promote healthy lifestyles and wellbeing through the provision of on-site recreation and the Site’s accessibility to education, shops and public transport by active modes of travel, community stewardship model creating community empowerment; and, ● Great Places – a landscape-led approach that sensitively respond to the context of the Site, the new community would be set within and amongst an expansive network of multifunctional and characterful green infrastructure proposals will encourage active and healthy lives and an inclusive sense of community.

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Form ID: 56310
Respondent: First Base
Agent: Bidwells


4.2 The four big themes for the Local Plan are considered suitable and all are considered to be important in the consideration of the spatial distribution of growth in the district, and for the determination of planning applications. The four big themes will generate a new way of planning, this may require a different way to make decisions; to allow other impacts to happen in order to achieve these four priorities. The Local Plan policy framework will need to allow for a clear planning balance to take place to assess and prioritise impacts.

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Form ID: 56353
Respondent: PX Farms Ltd
Agent: Bidwells


4.1.1 Agree - The four big themes for the Local Plan (climate change, biodiversity and green spaces, wellbeing and social inclusion, and great places) are considered suitable and all are considered to be important in the consideration of the spatial distribution of growth in the district, and for the determination of planning applications. The four big themes will generate a new way of planning, this may require a different way to make decisions; to allow other impacts to happen in order to achieve these four priorities. The Local Plan policy framework will need to allow for a clear planning balance to take place to assess and prioritise impacts.

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Form ID: 56390
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells


4.2 The four big themes for the Local Plan are considered suitable and all are considered to be important in the consideration of the spatial distribution of growth in the district, and for the determination of planning applications. The four big themes will generate a new way of planning, this may require a different way to make decisions; to allow other impacts to happen in order to achieve these four priorities. The Local Plan policy framework will need to allow for a clear planning balance to take place to assess and prioritise impacts.

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Form ID: 56428
Respondent: Dena Dabbas

Nothing chosen

It is clear from the Sustainability Workshop Summary Report that the themes arise from local needs, the Councils’ priorities set out in the Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District corporate plans, and by taking into account national and local planning priorities and requirements. Grosvenor is committed to making a lasting contribution to the places in which they are active and have developed ambitious sustainability commitments to help tackle the climate crisis. Grosvenor and USS strongly agree that the four themes identified by Greater Cambridge are important matters to consider when planning for future growth. Grosvenor and USS wish to support the Councils as they plan for sustainable growth across Greater Cambridge, by promoting development at Trumpington South which can address all four of the Local Plan themes, whilst contributing to housing need and supporting the major employment hubs in southern Cambridge by providing local homes for employees. Theme 1 – Trumpington South is committed to addressing climate change through delivering zero carbon homes in operation and promoting active and shared low carbon travel, alongside resilient spaces which integrate sustainable design strategies. Theme 2 – Trumpington South delivers growth in a location which is exceptionally well catered for in terms of access to multifunctional and connected green infrastructure, with the ability for the site to provide 23 Ha of publicly accessible new parkland and a 25%+ net biodiversity gain. It provides opportunities to further strengthen the existing network and enhance the setting and approach to Cambridge City. Theme 3 – Trumpington South will develop an inclusive sense of identity, promote healthy lifestyles and active public spaces, share existing facilities already established in the Trumpington Meadows community and provide access to new community facilities (including a new primary school and mobility hub) which would support a diverse demographic. Theme 4 – Trumpington South will draw on its location as a gateway to Cambridge City and the surrounding natural and historic landscape. It will draw on the positive change taking place in South Cambridge as a highly accessible location to build on this identity and purpose, and be guided by high quality design principle to secure sustainable living.

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