4. The big themes

Our Local Plan must provide a positive vision for the future of Greater Cambridge. The aim is simple: to ensure sustainable development. Sustainable development has three strands - social, economic and environmental. It means meeting the needs of the present population without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

To properly reflect the three strands of sustainable development, we must plan for homes, jobs and supporting infrastructure (transport, utilities, services and facilities) in the right places, alongside protecting and enhancing the environment.

In order to achieve this, we will need to balance many competing priorities and issues. We have grouped these into four 'big themes' that will influence how homes, jobs and infrastructure are planned, and draw on the feedback we have received from Councillors, communities and businesses while preparing this document. They are:

  • Climate change – how the plan should contribute to achieving net zero carbon, and the mitigation and adaptation measures that should be required through developments.
  • Biodiversity and green spaces – how the plan can contribute to our 'doubling nature' vision, the improvement of existing and creation of new green spaces.
  • Wellbeing and social inclusion – how the plan can help spread the benefits of growth, helping to create healthy and inclusive communities.
  • Great places – how the plan can protect what is already great about the area, and design new developments to create special places and spaces.

These themes are our initial suggestions and we want to hear your views on whether this is the right way to approach meeting our needs for homes, jobs and infrastructure in the new Plan.

Figure 11 Diagram illustrating the proposed big themes of the Plan

fig11 p


6. Do you agree with the potential big themes for the Local Plan?


7. How do you think we should prioritise these big themes? Rank the options below 1-4 (1 – Most Preferred 4 – Least Preferred):

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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