Question 1. How do you think we should involve our communities and stakeholders in developing the Plan?

Showing forms 121 to 126 of 126
Form ID: 52355
Respondent: The Landowners
Agent: Miss Simone Skinner

4.2 We agree that it is essential to reach out to wider groups in the consultation process and ensure that stakeholders are fully aware of the approach to development within the area. Development is often viewed as having a negative impact by existing communities, and it is essential that the positive aspects of growth are appropriately presented.

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Form ID: 52356
Respondent: Ms Claire Shannon

Our clients have no specific comments at this stage but, generally, it is a fact that the more consultation that is carried out and the greater detail that is undertaken at, then the longer the local plan process.

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Form ID: 52358
Respondent: Deloitte LLP
Agent: Deloitte LLP

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Form ID: 52370
Respondent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd
Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

"The Local Planning Authority have a duty to involve and consult with the community including local residents, businesses, interest groups and landowners in the formation of policies that will shape the Local Plan for Greater Cambridge. This is asserted at Paragraph 16c of the National Planning Policy Framework where it states that Plans should; ""be shaped by early, proportionate and effective engagement between plan-makers and communities, local organisations, businesses, infrastructure providers and operators and statutory consultees."" It is considered important to ensure that Local Plan documents including background information is easily accessible on the Council's website and it would be helpful if e-mail alerts were provided to Planning Consultants and Developers to make them aware of when each stage of the Plan is available for comment. It is important the Council ensures that the ongoing Plan preparation process is open and accessible to all, identifying the most appropriate times for public commentary which will provide significant local insight to the Plan process and practical requirements for local communities. Summary of Comments: Preparation of the emerging Local Plan must ensure accessibility for all and provide means of commentary throughout the process."

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Form ID: 56182
Respondent: Ms Cathy Parker

· Please take careful consideration of the contributions from Camcycle and include them in ongoing development on the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 56456
Respondent: Dena Dabbas

Grosvenor supports the innovative and extensive approach the Councils have taken to the Local Plan consultation and use of alternative tools and methods for gathering responses and engaging local stakeholders. Grosvenor has a successful record of working with the Councils and local employers. Furthermore, as part of its Corporate Responsibility principles, Grosvenor has been exploring ways to encourage broader and deeper engagement on its development proposals

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