Question 1. How do you think we should involve our communities and stakeholders in developing the Plan?

Showing forms 31 to 60 of 126
Form ID: 45792
Respondent: Mr Guy Jones

Cycling is critical to net zero carbon and improves fitness, air quality and congestion. It will be essential to heavily integrate responses from people who cycle and those who can represent them, such as CamCycle, both at the beginning and during ongoing assessments.

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Form ID: 45817
Respondent: Mr Jonathan Griffiths

I agree with all that CamCycle has to say on this entire form - please refer to their document;

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Form ID: 45850
Respondent: North Barton Road Landowners Group
Agent: Carter Jonas

The Issues & Options consultation material and publicity seeks to encourage a wide range of individuals and organisations to respond, all of which is positive and to be welcomed. It should be acknowledged that feedback from local communities and organisations is only one of the factors that should inform decisions about the strategy and policies for emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan (GCLP). For example, national planning guidance, technical evidence and feedback from statutory consultees will have a key role in informing decisions, and it would not be a sound approach to ignore these other factors. It will also be important that the emerging GCLP fully meets the development needs of businesses and organisations, and residents in terms of housing, employment space and community/social needs.

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Form ID: 45852
Respondent: North Barton Road Landowners Group
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land north of Barton Road in Cambridge (referred to as South West Cambridge) was promoted to the call for sites process in March 2019. A number of technical documents have subsequently been prepared for the site and are submitted with these representations to the Issues & Options consultation. The findings of the site-specific technical reports are referred to in response to some of the consultation questions.

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Form ID: 45854
Respondent: North Barton Road Landowners Group
Agent: Carter Jonas

The promoted development at South West Cambridge would include a comprehensive new green infrastructure network in conjunction with a landscape-led urban extension. The promoted development would include open space and sports pitches, a new country park with potential connections to Coton Countryside Reserve, wildlife areas, biodiversity enhancement, and strategic landscaping. It will be a development characterised by its strong environmental characteristics and will embrace fully the principles of natural capital.

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Form ID: 45873
Respondent: Mr Steven Williams

Opportunities for individuals to provide input, such as this consultation are welcome. However, for many people it is difficult to find time to adequately respond. Therefore, please take careful consideration of the contributions from organisations such as Camcycle (who represent significant numbers of local residents) and include them in ongoing development on the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 45946
Respondent: Mr Tom Mortimer

Please take careful consideration of the contributions from Camcycle and include them in ongoing development on the Local Plan

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Form ID: 45952
Respondent: Mr Peter J Brunning

It can be difficult to get comments from the public but there are several local organisation that can provide input and publicise the consultation. For example, Cambridge Past Present & Future (CPPF) and Camcycle. It might be helpful to involve schools, business organisations and those catering to older people such as Cambridge U3A.

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Form ID: 45987
Respondent: Mr Martin Harnor

Please take careful consideration of the contributions from pedestrians, cycling organisations e.g. CAMCYCLE and contributions from disabled people and organaisations and include them in ongoing development on the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 46005
Respondent: Mr Paul Taylor

• By calling a citizens assembley By taking careful consideration of the contributions from Camcycle and include them in ongoing development on the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 46047
Respondent: Hester Wells

As a mother of two toddlers, I have very limited time to respond as an individual, and find it difficult to attend any in-person events. My views are represented by Camcycle, who should be involved in all stages of public response and have expertise in the area of building for cycling for all ages and abilities. Camcycle consults all its members and comes to responses via consensus. I have found residents' associations in the area claim to represent residents, but do not consult and do not represent me. The average age of representative of residents' associations in particular does not reflect that Cambridge and the surrounding area has a comparatively young populace.

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Form ID: 46066
Respondent: Neil Laister

Camcycle have done a great deal of useful work in encouraging greater cycling, walking and public transport use to reduce dependency on private cars, so please include them in ongoing development of the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 46147
Respondent: Mr Rick Leggatt

All aspects of developing the local plan for Greater Cambridge, including consulting our communities and stakeholders, would be much less difficult if we had a Unitary Authority. Four different local authorities, plus the Greater Cambridge Partnership, are responsible for provision of local government services and infrastructure in our area. Very few people understand who is responsible for what. The authorities produce plans on different timescales, and these plans are not always compatible. This very week, the Mayor of the Combined Authority has declared that he is scrapping a public transport system being promoted by the GCP. How can the public understand what is planned and who is responsible in such a complicated and uncoordinated framework? There are many issues and problems to be dealt with in the local plan process: it would be so much easier to produce a coherent plan and involve the communities and stakeholders in that process if we had a unitary authority.

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Form ID: 46149
Respondent: Lori Passmore

I think you should contact as many individuals as possible you may gain attention through online (social media), mailing campaigns. Individuals can be contacted through personal contact or via employers for example. Representative organisations should also be consulted, eg CamCycle, as they provide a collective voice for larger groups.

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Form ID: 46166
Respondent: E Dangerfield

I think going out to speak to locals in widely advertised 'roadshow' style events would enable locals from across the areas included in the Plan to have their say. I also think surveys like this one are important as well as gathering reports from Parish Councils and other community stakeholders such as schools, GPs, businesses, etc.

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Form ID: 46215
Respondent: Mr adrian ruja

I am part of the local skateboard community and we have been in communication with the coucil about the donkey common site which has become obsolete for skateboarding to take place any longer. We need a proviion which creates a better updated space for the comminity, one in which social cohesion will thrive. A plaza with skatebording incorporated would be ideal and would bring life into what has become a dead space which is no longer fulfilling its intended use.

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Form ID: 46223
Respondent: Mr adrian ruja

Cmbridge currently has 6 skateparks which have become obsolete for the skateboard community. The skateparks lack any input from the skateboard community leaving spaces such as orchard park completly unused. It is vital that we are at the centre of any desighn ideas that will be put forward in the future, the lack of infrastructre for our sport is hindering the progress of our community. In the winter we have no indoor provisions leaving us feeling underfunded and isolated as a apose to any other sports which can be done locally all year round indoors. By providing us with indoor as well as outdoor open spaces it will lead to a better qaulity of life for our commniyty improving physicall and mental wellbeing.

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Form ID: 46230
Respondent: Miss Emily Boldy

Please take careful consideration of the contributions from Camcycle and include them in ongoing development on the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 46246
Respondent: Dr. Graham Spelman

Developing high quality cycling infrastructure should be key to the local plan. Camcyle has proven it's ability to engage on the behalf of the local community, and they should be envolved closely with the ongoing development on the local plan, and there suggestions given careful consideration

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Form ID: 46290
Respondent: M Winchcomb

The Plan should be presented through workshops with local stakeholders, like a citizen's assembly. This group of people must represent the diversity of our community. It is acknowledged that obtaining buy-in from some of those in areas of deprivation can be harder work, but with that effort the pay-back can be significant. Places of education, from nurseries to colleges, can be key places where people already engage and could be draw into further, and wider, conversation. These workshops could be useful for discussion of specific topics.

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Form ID: 46291
Respondent: Dave Fox

All the ways you list, plus take roadshow to community events. I strongly support consulting children and young people widely especially because this plan looks so far ahead. After collating responses to this first phase, please identify communities which seem to have made little or no input, reach out proactively and accept late submissions. (Your surveymonkey questionnaire about age & ethnicity etc aspires to "do better next time". Let's do better this time!)

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Form ID: 46300
Respondent: Friends of the Cam Steering Group

Set up a citizen's assembly. Otherwise you'll only get ideas from those who have most invested and those who most want to protect things.

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Form ID: 46328
Respondent: Mrs Sally Milligan

Please take careful consideration of the contributions from Camcycle and include them in ongoing development on the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 46422
Respondent: Mr Tony Booth

This form of responding is complex and largely inaccessible. You need to show that you change as feedback comes in. Many Cambridge organisations are very concerned about the dash for unsustainable growth in the area, which cannot meet carbon reductions targets or really care for biodiversity.

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Form ID: 46440
Respondent: Mrs Barbara Taylor

Involve communities from the outset with ideas BEFORE you have decided how you want them to answer. Respect the local communities who will know their area.

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Form ID: 46474
Respondent: Mr Dan Lee

To involve communities and stakeholders, could you involve them via a people assembly. For each community a people assembly, created from 10-20 local members of that community, would decide on what’s important.

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Form ID: 46538
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association

The Trumpington Residents’ Association considers that the Councils should continue with the current proposals, including consulting residents' groups and individual residents. It is important that sufficient time is allowed for responses: the Issues & Options consultation deadline was far too short for us to develop our response and consult our members, who would have had additional ideas to contribute. We regard this as a lost opportunity. Please ensure that there is sufficient time for residents' groups to consult their members in subsequent stages of the consultation.

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Form ID: 46563
Respondent: Ms Sophie Draper

Door-knocking. A random selection jury, paid to take time off work. Outreach to homeless people and refugees. Stalls in supermarket entrances. Grab parents waiting outside school gates. Go into workplaces and ask people while they work. People are too busy to attend some organised thing. You need to go to them. If you expect them to come to you then you only get the opinions of retired people and others with time/keen interest. Diverse views are needed, representing all who live/work here.

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Form ID: 46573
Respondent: University of Cambridge

Government policy as set out in the NPPF requires local plans to be shaped by early, proportionate and effective engagement between planmakers and communities, local organisations, businesses, infrastructure providers and operators and statutory consultees. The collegiate University operates in a number of these areas; we therefore request a workshop to discuss how the Greater Cambridge Local Plan can nurture and sustain the collegiate University, given its importance to the economic, social and environmental future of Greater Cambridge.

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Form ID: 46588
Respondent: jane dennett-thorpe

more outreach - especially on topics determined to be priority by this consultation. Go to where people are. help them understand the trade offs

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