2.2 Strategic objectives

Infographic illustrating the five strategic objectives for the Area Action Plan.

Figure 9: The strategic objectives for the North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

We want North East Cambridge to be an inclusive, walkable, low-carbon new city district with a lively mix of homes, workplaces, services and social spaces, fully integrated with surrounding neighbourhoods.

Our five strategic objectives to guide redevelopment at North East Cambridge are:

  1. North East Cambridge will be a low environmental impact urban district, addressing both the climate and biodiversity emergencies.
    • Development will support the transition to renewables, zero carbon and embed the challenge of climate change resilience.
    • It will be inherently walkable and allow easy transitions between sustainable transport modes (walking, cycling and public transport) with density linked to accessibility.
    • It will be a new model for low private car/vehicle use by maximising walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure, car club provision and electric/alternative fuel vehicle charging provision.
    • Green infrastructure will enable everyone to lead healthy lifestyles, and will protect and enhance biodiversity.
    • Low-tech green solutions will be coupled with smart city technology in achieving future-proofed and climate adaptable buildings and spaces.
  2. North East Cambridge will be a characterful, lively, mixed-use new district where all can live and work.
    • There will be a range of new homes of different types and tenure, including 40% affordable housing, alongside the services and facilities new residents need.
    • Mixed use, flexible and adaptable space for office, research and development and industrial businesses will create a wide range of job opportunities for people living across North East Cambridge and the surrounding areas.
    • Beautifully designed places, spaces and buildings will improve wellbeing and quality of life for everyone.
    • It will maximise opportunities for collaborative spaces which link educational and business uses reinforced by effective overall communication networks and supported by shops, cafés, leisure and cultural facilities.
    • It will make the best and most effective use of land through building to sustainable densities.
  3. North East Cambridge will help meet the strategic needs of Cambridge and the sub-region.
    • Development will make a significant contribution to meeting the housing needs of the Greater Cambridge area and the wider Oxford-Cambridge growth corridor.
    • It will create an integrated economy that meets the needs of people living and working to create a self-sustaining place.
    • It will help to unlock investment in infrastructure, innovation and economic growth in the Greater Cambridge area as well as the Oxford-Cambridge growth corridor.
    • Phasing will allow the continued use of strategic site assets such as the Cambridge North East Aggregates Railheads and ensure timely delivery of community facilities and other infrastructure, and management of transport impacts.
    • Development will deliver strong and competitive economic growth and prosperity that achieves social inclusion and equality for new residents and the surrounding neighbourhoods alike.
  4. North East Cambridge will be a healthy and safe neighbourhood.
    • North East Cambridge will apply principles used by the NHS Healthy New Towns (Putting Health First).
    • The health and wellbeing of people will help structure new development and inform decision-making, to create a high quality of life for everyone.
    • Healthy lifestyles will be enabled through access to open spaces, sports and recreational facilities, public rights of way, local green spaces and active travel choices.
    • North East Cambridge will have a clear urban structure with identifiable centres of activity and a strong sense of community.
    • Human health will be at the forefront of design by ensuring that noise, air quality, lighting and odour are key factors in determining the layout and functionality of North East Cambridge.
  5. North East Cambridge will be physically and socially integrated with neighbouring communities.
    • We will make a welcoming, safe and inclusive place that integrates well with surrounding established neighbourhoods and existing environmental constraints.
    • Development will be planned and designed to improve access to jobs, services and open spaces for existing residents of neighbouring areas, as well as new residents.
    • North East Cambridge will be physically well-connected to its local and wider context, through breaking down existing barriers to movement, and creating new routes for walking and cycling.
    • Existing and planned public transport connections will be integrated into the planning of North East Cambridge, enabling travel to and from the area without the use of the private car.
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