Draft Affordable Housing SPD
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Draft Affordable Housing SPD
Representation ID: 28500
Received: 11/07/2014
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills
The document sets out that it is to assist all parties, yet uses jargon that must people will not be familiar with. This should be clarified or the document aimed as technical and not for everyone.
The document sets out that it is to assist all parties, yet uses jargon that must people will not be familiar with. This should be clarified or the document aimed as technical and not for everyone.
Draft Affordable Housing SPD
Representation ID: 28501
Received: 11/07/2014
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills
information already required as part of a planning application. These references should therefore be removed.
The level of information required at the early stage is too high and unreasonable given the very limited certainty to a developer prior to any granting of planning permission. This should be reviewed to ensure that requested information is proportionate and necessary and not simply ideal.
information already required as part of a planning application. These references should therefore be removed.
The level of information required at the early stage is too high and unreasonable given the very limited certainty to a developer prior to any granting of planning permission. This should be reviewed to ensure that requested information is proportionate and necessary and not simply ideal.
Draft Affordable Housing SPD
Appendix 4. Affordable Housing Checklist
Representation ID: 28502
Received: 11/07/2014
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills
Appendix 4 requires adherence to the Design and Quality Standards 2007 and other standards. This is not consistent with the housing standards reviews and should be deleted.
Appendix 4 requires adherence to the Design and Quality Standards 2007 and other standards. This is not consistent with the housing standards reviews and should be deleted.
Draft Affordable Housing SPD
Representation ID: 28503
Received: 11/07/2014
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills
Whilst the Government has made an "indicative" announcement, the direction of policy is clear. Matters to do with buildings standards are to be left to the Building Regulations and do not need to be considered through the planning system.
Whilst the Government has made an "indicative" announcement, the direction of policy is clear. Matters to do with buildings standards are to be left to the Building Regulations and do not need to be considered through the planning system.
Draft Affordable Housing SPD
Representation ID: 28504
Received: 11/07/2014
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills
Open book viability approach is accepted, but timing is crucial and documentation should give indication of timeframes.
Clarification required as to what constitutes a 'well recognised' tool and whether well recognised necessarily means good.
Open book viability approach is accepted, but timing is crucial and documentation should give indication of timeframes.
Clarification required as to what constitutes a 'well recognised' tool and whether well recognised necessarily means good.
Draft Affordable Housing SPD
Example scenario
Representation ID: 28528
Received: 11/07/2014
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills
Example Scenarios
These scenarios do not test normal costs of development, and make no allowance for land purchase price and then already losing a proportion of that land to infrastructure, open space, bin storage, revised space standards etc. and therefore are not accurate in approach. CIL and other planning policy considerations are not included within the approach.
Example Scenarios
These scenarios do not test normal costs of development, and make no allowance for land purchase price and then already losing a proportion of that land to infrastructure, open space, bin storage, revised space standards etc. and therefore are not accurate in approach. CIL and other planning policy considerations are not included within the approach.