Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

GP/GB: Protection and enhancement of the Cambridge green belt

Representation ID: 58553

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Land to the east of the Airport, Cambridge

This policy rightly recognises that Cambridge Green Belt plays an important role in maintaining the special qualities of Cambridge as a historic city and the surrounding area. Marshall’s representations identify that the Greater Cambridge Local Plan could go further in relation to its growth targets if the economic potential of the Greater Cambridge area is to be truly realised. If land is to be released from the Green Belt to accommodate future needs, land to the east of the Airport is a primary candidate due to the accessibility of the site and the excellent sustainability benefits that could be generated.

Full text:

This policy rightly recognises that Cambridge Green Belt plays an important role in maintaining the special qualities of Cambridge as a historic city and the surrounding area. National planning policy reiterates the importance of protecting Green Belt for its openness and permanence and it is recognised that Cambridge's capacity for growth is constrained by its Green Belt designation. The NPPF is clear that Green Belt boundaries can be reviewed in response to the need for sustainable development where exceptional circumstances exist and that the process for doing so should be through the preparation of a Local Plan (Paragraph 140 of the NPPF). In addition, Paragraph 141 of the NPPF states that exceptional circumstances for releasing Green Belt land may exist where all other reasonable alternatives for meeting identified needs have been fully examined. This includes the following:
“a) makes as much use as possible of suitable brownfield sites and underutilised land;
b) optimises the density of development in line with the policies in chapter 11 of this Framework, including whether policies promote a significant uplift in minimum density standards in town and city centres and other locations well served by public transport; and
c) has been informed by discussions with neighbouring authorities about whether they could accommodate some of the identified need for development, as demonstrated through the statement of common ground.” (NPPF Paragraph 141)

Marshall’s representations to the ‘Development Strategy’ section identify that the Greater Cambridge Local Plan could go further and be more ambitious in relation to its growth targets if the economic potential of the Greater Cambridge area is to be truly realised, in line with the commitments in the Devolution Deal and as outlined in the CPIER. In the first instance, in accordance with NPPF Paragraph 141, the GCSP should seek to optimise the density of development on non-Green Belt land and, as identified in our representations, there is an opportunity to further optimise the development on the safeguarded land at Cambridge East.

In the longer-term, Marshall considers there is potential to build on the excellent accessibility of the location and to extend development to the east of Airport Way without causing harm to the character of the City of the function of the Green Belt. The development would be landscape-led and will incorporate a green infrastructure strategy that responds to the site’s setting and protects surrounding Green Belt land.

If land is to be released from the Green Belt to accommodate future needs, land to the east of the Airport is a primary candidate due to the accessibility of the site and the excellent sustainability benefits that could be generated. Although the Green Belt Assessment (2021), which supports the Local Plan, identifies areas east of Airport Way as ‘Very high’ harm rating to the Green Belt, this is the same of land on all sides of Cambridge. Actually, when the contribution that land east of Airport Way makes to each of the separate purposes that were considered in the Assessment, it is clear that land on other sides of the City are more sensitive and are of a higher landscape quality. The Green Belt studies / assessments that were prepared from 2002 onwards in support of the previous and current adopted Local Plans all recognised that land to the east of Airport Way has landscape value and is important to the setting of Cambridge. This was true, however, of all Green Belt land around Cambridge. What these studies appeared to indicate is that releasing land to the east of the city would have a lesser impact in Green Belt terms than directing development towards more sensitive edges of the City. It is felt that perhaps the rating of ‘very high’ level of harm in this latest Green Belt Assessment is not wholly accurate or consistent with previous Green Belt reviews, and should be re-considered, particularly taking into account the GCP’s intention to relocate the Park and Ride into this area.

Marshall are very mindful of the need to respect the setting and separation of existing communities surrounding the site, particularly Teversham and Cherry Hinton. Proposals for Cambridge East will be sensitive to this and will be compatible with Green Belt objectives in this regard. However overall, when considering the sensitivities of Green Belt land around Cambridge as a whole, the east of Cambridge is considered to be less sensitive in Green Belt terms than other locations around the edge of Cambridge and the release of land here, as part of a comprehensively planned urban expansion, would maximise the scale of the opportunity and secure additional benefits from the synergy which the land can have with development of Cambridge East.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

GP/QD: Achieving high quality development

Representation ID: 58558

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Marshall has a long and proud history in Cambridge, being one of the largest employers over the past 110 years. Marshall has a strong vision for Cambridge East and it sees the redevelopment of the site as an excellent opportunity to create the next stage of its contribution to the city’s social and economic life. Therefore, Marshall has a strong interest in creating a high quality development and is committed to delivering a scheme that improves the quality of life for all and that achieves strong legacy benefits.

Full text:

Marshall has a long and proud history in Cambridge, being one of the largest employers over the past 110 years. Marshall has a strong vision for Cambridge East and it sees the redevelopment of the site as an excellent opportunity to create the next stage of its contribution to the city’s social and economic life. Therefore, Marshall has a strong interest in creating a high quality development and is committed to delivering a scheme that improves the quality of life for all and that achieves strong legacy benefits.

Marshall has appointed a full consultant team to help deliver this vision and the team wishes to work with the GCSP and local communities / stakeholders to develop design principles and a design process that can inform a positive Local Plan policy for the site.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options


Representation ID: 58566

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Marshall’s vision for Cambridge East aligns with the Local Plan’s aim to encourage a flourishing and mixed economy in Greater Cambridge. As a successful business that has been rooted within Cambridge for over 110 years, Marshall is keen to deliver a scheme at Cambridge East that is truly mixed-use and provides employment opportunities at all levels across a range of uses. Cambridge East will build on the established and respected Marshall Apprenticeships by providing a wealth of skills, education and lifelong learning opportunities for people of all socio-economic backgrounds and academic abilities.

Full text:

Marshall’s vision for Cambridge East strongly aligns with the Local Plan’s aim to encourage a flourishing and mixed economy in Greater Cambridge, which provides for a wide range of jobs whilst maintaining the area’s global reputation for innovation. As a successful business that has been rooted within Cambridge for over 110 years, Marshall is keen to deliver a scheme at Cambridge East that is truly mixed-use and provides employment opportunities at all levels across a range of uses.

Marshall has a long legacy of investing in skills. Cambridge East will build on the established and respected Marshall Apprenticeships by providing a wealth of skills, education and lifelong learning
opportunities for people of all socio-economic backgrounds and academic abilities, equipping them for a life of self-sufficiency and ensuring that everyone is able to fulfil their true potential.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

J/NE: New employment and development proposals

Representation ID: 58570

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Marshall supports the intended purpose of this policy, which is to identify suitable locations for employment proposals and potential uses that might be acceptable in these locations. There are clear sustainability benefits to focusing employment development at appropriate and accessible locations that are well-linked with existing and committed transport links. Cambridge East has characteristics that make it a unique opportunity for the area and can deliver a development that offers economic and sustainability benefits that cannot be delivered elsewhere. It will make a significant contribution to the target of doubling GVA by delivering both more jobs and more productive jobs.

Full text:

Marshall supports the intended purpose of this policy, which is to identify suitable locations for employment proposals and potential uses that might be acceptable in these locations. This Local Plan provides an opportunity to truly maximise the scale and quality of the opportunity to add to the Cambridge story through the realisation of the area’s economic potential, whilst integrating with and serving the local population. There are clear sustainability benefits to focusing employment development at appropriate and accessible locations that are well linked with existing and committed transport links.

Cambridge East has a number of characteristics that make it a unique opportunity for the area. The potential exists for a combination of a research hub, space for all levels of education and the commercial space to accommodate both large scale global occupiers and the flexible, affordable space for the small, high growth businesses for which Cambridge is renowned. Cambridge East can include maker spaces to provide spaces for creative industries and entrepreneurs, space for growing sectors that require mid-level skills, and the leisure and retail offer will provide opportunity for entry level jobs. This will create a mix of employment and training opportunities suitable for residents of different skill levels as Marshall can expand the offering of the Marshall Apprenticeship programme.

Cambridge East can deliver a development that offers economic and sustainability benefits that cannot be delivered elsewhere. It will make a significant contribution to the target of doubling GVA by delivering both more jobs and more productive jobs. It will attract and grow jobs in higher productivity sectors, transport investment will increase agglomeration effects across the city and investment in training will help existing residents boost their skills and productivity. The mix of jobs and types of employment floorspace to support these jobs at Cambridge East will be the subject of further discussion and testing with the GCSP.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

J/PB: Protecting existing business space

Representation ID: 58577

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Marshall has recently announced that its preferred site for relocation of its aerospace and defence business is at Cranfield Airport and has begun the process of preparing an outline planning application, with submission planned in Autumn 2022. Development of Cambridge East has two consequences of strategic importance. As well as unlocking the development of a world class anchor development at Cranfield, the relocation then paves the way for the delivery of a truly mixed-use scheme in Cambridge East that will provide the range and mix of jobs Cambridge needs.

Full text:

The purpose of this policy will be to protect employment land from loss to other uses and in this context, Marshall wishes to comment in respect of its existing business at Cambridge Airport and its relocation proposals. As identified, Cambridge East is one of the largest and most sustainable brownfield sites in Greater Cambridge. Its location and the scale of the opportunity make it an important part of Greater Cambridge’s growth strategy over the next 20+ years.

Marshall has recently announced that its preferred site for relocation of its aerospace and defence business is at Cranfield Airport. The evidence prepared confirms that there is no obvious commercial, planning, technical or regulatory impediment to a move to Cranfield, a position which will further crystalise through the preparation of the Outline Planning Application. Marshall is confident that the proposed site at Cranfield can meet its current space and operational requirements. As such, Marshall has begun the process of preparing an outline planning application, with submission planned in Autumn 2022. Marshall is aiming for the planning permission to be issued in early 2023. Planning permission would give the GCSP and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities further confidence that Cranfield is a deliverable option for Marshall and that this in turn would enable Cambridge East to be delivered.

Whilst the aerospace and defence parts of the business need to be relocated due to reliance and need for an accompanying, there are other parts of the business that are able to function without a runway. On that basis, Marshall are considering options for retaining elements of the business in either Greater Cambridge or wider Cambridgeshire, which would align with the positive intention of Policy J/PB.

Therefore, the development of Cambridge East has two consequences of strategic importance. As well as unlocking the development of a world class anchor development at Cranfield that builds on significant synergies with Cranfield University, the relocation to Cranfield would significantly contribute to sustainable economic growth in the East. The relocation then paves the way for the delivery of a truly mixed-use scheme in Cambridge East that optimises the use of the land and will provide the range and mix of jobs Cambridge needs.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

J/AW: Affordable workspace and creative industries

Representation ID: 58580

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

It is proposed that affordable workspace is required to be delivered through the larger commercial developments. Marshall is supportive of this policy intent and is committed to providing a scheme that offers a broad range of opportunities. The delivery of a wide range and mix of employment floorspace is an important consideration in the evolution of the design of Cambridge East to ensure that the development is both fit for today’s requirements, but is also sufficiently flexible to ensure it is future proofed.

Full text:

It is proposed, through this policy, that affordable workspace is required to be delivered through the larger commercial developments. Marshall is supportive of this policy intent and is committed to providing a scheme that offers a broad range of opportunities. The delivery of a wide range and mix of employment floorspace is an important consideration in the evolution of the design of Cambridge East. Marshall has instructed specialist commercial advisers to provide advice on what mix of uses Cambridge East should be looking to deliver. This advice will also serve to ensure that Cambridge East is both fit for today’s requirements, but is also sufficiently flexible to ensure it is future proofed.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

J/RC: Retail and centres

Representation ID: 58581

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Marshall is pleased that the GCSP recognise that there is opportunity at Cambridge East to provide a range of retail and leisure services and facilities to serve the Greater Cambridge population and looks forward to collaborating with the GCSP, local community and local stakeholders to flesh out the range, scale and mix of uses that Cambridge East can accommodate.

Full text:

The intent of this policy is to identify the approach to retail and leisure uses across Cambridge. In Marshall’s work to date, proposals for Cambridge East include the potential to develop a local centre, but also accommodate complementary (rather than competitive uses) which cannot fit within the City Centre but which would enhance the overall Cambridge experience and offer. Within the ‘First Proposals’ consultation document and supporting evidence base, there is strong support for the type and mix of uses that Marshall is proposing. Section 3 of Part 2 of the Strategy Topic Paper notes that Cambridge East can provide:
- “A mix of employment uses, including offices, workshops and other uses, providing a variety of opportunities to support not only Cambridge’s high technology clusters, but also industry and creative uses, including local jobs to provide for existing communities and help contribute to community integration.” (page 114, Strategy Topic Paper)
- “A new centre for retail, cultural and other uses that will serve the urban quarter and wider area whilst complementing and not competing with the historic City centre.” (page 115, Strategy Topic Paper)
- All necessary supporting community infrastructure including primary and secondary schools” (page 115, Strategy Topic Paper)

It also states that:
- “Land at Cambridge East has long been recognised as having significant potential to be a sustainable major new eastern quarter for Cambridge, that is well connected to the rest of the City, with a mix of homes and a range of jobs and services and supporting infrastructure” (page 118-119, Strategy Topic Paper)
- “At Cambridge East there will be an opportunity to provide a range of new employment space that meets the needs of our key sectors identified in the ELR, including office / R&D floorspace and space for businesses that would provide local job opportunities for residents previously employed at Marshalls, as part of a mixed- use development, to help contribute to community integration.” (page 86, Strategy Topic Paper)

Marshall is pleased that the GCSP recognise that there is opportunity at Cambridge East to provide a range of retail and leisure services and facilities to serve the Greater Cambridge population and looks forward to collaborating with the GCSP, local community and local stakeholders to flesh out the range, scale and mix of uses that Cambridge East can accommodate.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

J/VA: Visitor accommodation, attractions and facilities

Representation ID: 58584

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Please refer to the response in relation to Policy J/RC.

[Marshall is pleased that the GCSP recognise that there is opportunity at Cambridge East to provide a range of retail and leisure services and facilities to serve the Greater Cambridge population and looks forward to collaborating with the GCSP, local community and local stakeholders to flesh out the range, scale and mix of uses that Cambridge East can accommodate.]

Full text:

Please refer to the response in relation to Policy J/RC.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options


Representation ID: 58588

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

Marshall is strongly supportive of the principle of planning for enough housing to meet the needs of Greater Cambridge including the provision of significant quantities of housing. Whilst Marshall is supportive of the GCSP’s approach to deliver more homes than are required by the standard method, it is Marshall’s view that there is a significant opportunity for the GCSP to consider increasing this target as a positive response to the evidence base and the scale of potential employment growth. The development of Cambridge East provides a significant opportunity to tackle the affordability crisis that exists within Cambridge.

Full text:

Marshall is strongly supportive of the principle of planning for enough housing to meet the needs of Greater Cambridge including the provision of significant quantities of housing. There is an opportunity, through the preparation of this new Local Plan, to be ambitious and the GCSP should therefore be seeking to identify a suitable housing requirement that balances with the economic growth ambitions of CCC/SCDC and the wider area. Whilst Marshall is supportive of the GCSP’s approach to deliver more homes than are required by the standard method, it is Marshall’s view that there is a significant opportunity for the GCSP to consider increasing this target as a positive response to the evidence base and the scale of potential employment growth.

The development of Cambridge East provides a significant opportunity to tackle the affordability crisis that exists within Cambridge through accommodating a wide range of homes, of different sizes and tenures. The final mix will be determined by the latest market advice and will be discussed and agreed with the GCSP through future discussions, affordable housing policies and guidance, as well as site specific negotiations relating to a scheme of this scale.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

H/AH: Affordable housing

Representation ID: 58590

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Marshall Group Properties

Agent: Quod

Representation Summary:

This policy sets out that a 40% affordable housing requirement will be required from new developments coming forward. New housing developments of 10 or more dwellings will be required to provide an appropriate mix of housing sizes (number of bedrooms), with the proportions of dwellings of each size to be guided by the housing mix for each tenure. Marshall supports this policy direction and intends to deliver a policy compliant development at Cambridge East that offers wide ranging housing benefits, including to those in greatest housing need.

Full text:

This policy sets out that a 40% affordable housing requirement will be required from new developments coming forward. Further work is underway, including consideration of the implications of the introduction of First Homes on the provision of other affordable tenures. New housing developments of 10 or more dwellings will be required to provide an appropriate mix of housing sizes (number of bedrooms), with the proportions of dwellings of each size to be guided by the housing mix for each tenure. Marshall supports this policy direction and intends to deliver a policy compliant development at Cambridge East that offers wide ranging housing benefits, including to those in greatest housing need.

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