Chapter 5 POLICIES / Getting around Policy HIM15 / Safe, secure and successful Policies HIM16-17

Showing comments and forms 1 to 11 of 11


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 167934

Received: 24/06/2019

Respondent: Mrs Christine Few

Representation Summary:

Horse rider who has ridden in South Cambridgeshire for 45 years - do not think horse riders are considered in local plans.

Realise horses not allowed on cycleways but busier roads now making riding more dangerous. Riders wish to be off road but to access off-road tracks need to get to them safely.

Need as much provision for horse riders as for cyclists - horses should have legal access to cycle routes. Request pelican crossings to enable horse riders to cross roads. Works on Guided Bus Route where horses, cyclists and pedestrians share access road.
Few bridleways in Histon and Impington area.

Need to consider horse riders in future planning.

Full text:

I have been invited to look at the recent development plans relating to the above area. I am a horse rider who has been riding in this area and the rest of South Cambridgeshire for over 45 years and with all the building and re-design going on at the present time, I am noticing that horse riders are not being considered in many of the local plans.

I realise that horses are not allowed to ride on cycleways but due to the density of traffic now and the fact that a lot of the B roads are becoming much more utilised between villages as rat runs, where was once safe to ride to bridleways and byways are now becoming much more dangerous. Obviously as riders we wish to be off the roads as much as possible but in order to access these off road tracks we need to be able to get to them safely.

I would like to see just as much provision for horse riders as for cyclists, especially in ensuring that horses have legal access to any cycle routes proposed. I would also request pelican crossings to enable horse riders to cross the roads easier as it is often unsafe to dismount at roads to reach pedestrian buttons on the lights. This has worked very well on the Guided Bus Route where horses, cyclists and pedestrians share the access road beside the track.
There are very few bridleways in the Histon and Impington area nowadays and the farmers are (totally understandably) blocking off tracks that we have used for years due to off roaders and poachers. We would be grateful if you could consider our needs in any planning you put in place in these areas for the future of our and the next generation of riders' safety.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168099

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM15 Walking and Cycling Routes

a)Whilst policy is entitled walking and cycling routes it would appear from table 7 and Maps 20 & 21 that these concentrate on existing walking routes and bridleways for horse riders or are some cycle paths? Need local knowledge to understand linkages. Safer cycling links was top answer in parish's Big Community Survey - not clear how this Plan makes a difference.

b)Draft Village Design Guide SPD highlighted importance of connecting the villages with countryside - policy could mention this

c)Map showing desire lines might assist. Maps at different scales (within and outside villages) showing existing cycle and footpath routes with annotations explaining key centres where people want to go may assist this process. Would help show where linkages could be made.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168100

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM16 A14 mitigation sites

a)Some of the sites listed in green infrastructure in the policy are already protected as LGS or are within the Green Belt. Much of the land is within the Green Belt and SCDC is unclear what development may come forward within these areas to the south of the parish that would contribute towards environmental enhancement work of the green infrastructure.

b)There is no recognition in the policy that as part of the major works on the A14 Highways England will be carrying out two for one replanting on land alongside the A14.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168101

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM16 A14 mitigation sites
Particular sites designated
i.See comments made for Policy HIM12 LGS and HIM13INF relating to sites V33 and 34

ii.V32 South Cambridge Road Wood and Fields: Part of this site appears to be within the red boundary line of the DCO for the A14 scheme. It is worth mentioning in the Plan that Highways England is in discussion with the local community for a planting scheme on the eastern part of the site as part of mitigation


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168102

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM17 The Infant School Site

a)SCDC welcomes Plan considered future of this building for community use particularly for health facilities. No specific time scale included in wording if health facility does not come forward. Would reduce risk of building remaining empty if a time scale is set for safeguarding to allow for preferred use to be achieved. Would allow for other uses as set out in policy to come forward after this time.

b)Current criteria in policy relate to transport needs - missed opportunity to not have mentioned design criteria. Policy could mention Village Design Guide to provide guidance for the design of development in this site.

c)Alternatively, area would benefit from a design framework or brief which sets out a spatial design strategy.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168172

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: British Horse Society

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM15 Walking and Cycling Routes + Maps 20 and 21

Policy should include consideration of horse riding /horse riders.

Supporting text should mention needs of horse riders.

Map included with submission showing where horses are stable locally and wish list of routes for horse riders on Map 20 and 21 of Neighbourhood Plan


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168185

Received: 30/07/2019

Respondent: Chivers Farms Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM15 Walking and Cycling Routes

Chivers Farms Limited is supportive of improving and maintaining walking and cycling links within the village. Page 32 of MDVD seeks a proposed pedestrian and cycle link through our client's land to connect with village's existing footpath/cycle network maximising opportunities for convenient nonvehicular access and providing easy and safe routes to Impington village centre. The client would welcome opportunity to discuss improving connectivity links within village.

Chivers Farms Limited supports principle of enhancing walking and cycling routes for wider
community. Proposed walking and cycling route shown in MDVD, seeks to provide good
permeability and connectivity to and from village of Impington for proposed and existing residents to access open space, amenity and play spaces. This in turn would contribute to maintaining a strong sense of community and ensuring there are safe and sustainable modes of transport. Chivers farms Limited is willing to look at this further with the Parish Council.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168186

Received: 30/07/2019

Respondent: Chivers Farms Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM16 A14 Mitigation Sites

Our client would welcome the opportunity to discuss with the Parish Council the delivery of appropriate mitigation measures and recognises the contribution that green infrastructure and vegetation in the southern part of the plan area plays in mitigating the adverse impact of the A14 on the village.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168239

Received: 31/07/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

HIM15- Walking & Cycling Routes

Cambridgeshire County Council, as landowner, is willing to work with the local community, where appropriate, to support the inclusion of easy and safe walking and cycling routes or linkages to maximise opportunities for convenient non-vehicular access to one of the two village centre and/or other parts of the Community as part of a wider future development of its land assets.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168241

Received: 31/07/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

HIM17 - The Infant School

Cambridgeshire County Council, as landowner, objects to designation for site to be safeguarded for community use only. Proposals for a new school site are being developed at Buxhall Farm but there is no absolute guarantee that CCC will be successful in obtaining planning permission. Long-term plans for site, if CCC is successful in obtaining planning permission, have yet to be determined. Policy highlights a preference for health facilities to be located on site. No direct approach has been received from our health partners regarding site. Policy states that if during the plan period, it becomes evident that there is no demand for community facilities on this site, then alternative uses of benefit to the community, including an affordable housing scheme to meet prevailing Community needs, will be supported. CCC objects to inclusion of this wording as it is too prescriptive. CCC submitted site as part of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan 'Call for Sites' -will continue to promote it in future. CCC aware of community's interest in site - willing to engage to consider long-terms plans for area.


Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation

Representation ID: 168242

Received: 31/07/2019

Respondent: BDW Cambridgeshire

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Policy HIM15 Walking and Cycling Routes - Map 20

BDW control land know as Darwin Green 2/3 - allocated in Local Plan. BDW in process of preparing application for this site.

Policy SS/2 of Local Plan states Countryside Enhancement Strategy will be prepared to include public access enhancements including access via existing A14 overbridge to connect to wider public rights of way.

Map 20 of Plan includes aspirational routes which llink from Darwin Green 2/3 site over existing A14 overbridge and along existing farm tracks to Impington.

BDW supportive in principle of aspirational rout - mindful of this in preparing planning application, details and alignment to be confirmed and agreed with landowners concerned.