3. Vision & Objectives

Showing comments and forms 1 to 12 of 12


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 167733

Received: 21/06/2019

Respondent: Crime Prevention Design Team Cambridgeshire

Representation Summary:


Sustainable housing and commercial development can be achieved to create safe and secure working, leisure and home environment. Developers should, at an early stage, seek advice from Cambridgeshire Police Designing out Crime Officers

Full text:

This office supports the draft Bourn Airfield SPD and put forward the following comment for inclusion under Vision and Objectives:

Developers should ensure that crime prevention is considered as an integral part of the initial design of any development (both affordable, market and commercial properties) and not as an afterthought. Development should incorporate the principles of 'Secured by Design'. In particular they will need to demonstrate how their development proposal has addressed the following issues, in order to design out crime to avoid the creation of opportunities for crime:

* Natural Surveillance of public and semi-private spaces, in particular, entrances to a development, paths, play areas, open spaces and car parks.
* Defensible space and the clear definition, differentiation and robust separation of public, private and semi-private space, so that all the spaces are clearly defined and adequately protected in terms of their use and ownership.
* Consideration for some lighting, in particular shared parking courts and footpaths.
* Design and layout of pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes into and within the site, including how these integrate and support community safety.
* Landscaping and planting, in particular, potential hiding places and dark or secluded areas should not be created.


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168006

Received: 17/07/2019

Respondent: Shelford and District Bridleways Group

Representation Summary:

The third strategic objective should indicate access to the countryside for all users.

Full text:

3 Healthy, Active and Resilient Providing for the wellbeing of residents as an integral aspect of the village's fabric. Encouraging walking and cycling as a part of daily life, offering opportunities for physical recreation and social interaction for all, and supporting access to fresh and healthy food choices. Designing spaces that encourage social interaction for all and supporting the residents to
connect and form their own community.

Access to the countryside for all users should be included in this section. It is not included in any of the other Strategic Objectives.


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168018

Received: 25/07/2019

Respondent: Mr Peter Ashton

Representation Summary:

The development must have direct access to the A428 and it's own healthcare facilities.
Without these, the development will have unacceptable negative impact on the surrounding villages and its future residents.

Full text:

The development must have direct access to the A428 and it's own healthcare facilities.
Without these, the development will have unacceptable negative impact on the surrounding villages and its future residents.


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168032

Received: 23/07/2019

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:


Objective 4 on Page 27 should include greater reference to local character, identity and materials.

Full text:

SEA Screening Opinion for Bourn Airfield SPD
In terms of our area of interest, given the nature of the SPD and on the basis of the
information provided in this consultation, we would concur with your assessment that the document is unlikely to result in any significant environmental effects and will simply provide additional guidance on existing Policies contained within a Adopted Development Plan Document which has already been subject to a Sustainability Appraisal/SEA. Although there are designated heritage assets both within and around the site, these are listed at grade II, rather than in the case of Waterbeach where Denny Abbey is listed at Grade I and is a scheduled monument, where the proposed development was substantially larger and where the connection between the heritage asset and the landscape subject to the SPD was arguably greater. As a result, we would advise that it is not necessary to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment of this particular SPD.
The views of the other three statutory consultation bodies should be taken into account before the overall decision on the need for an SEA is made.

Comments on Draft SPD
We broadly welcome the preparation of the SPD. This is an important bridge
document between the high level policy in the Local Plan and any future planning
application. We made a number of comments on an initial draft in May 2019. Thank
you for making some amendments to the document in response to our comments.
We make the following comments:

Page 12, Paragraph 2.3
There are a number of designated and non-designated heritage assets within and
around the site. Page 12, para 2.3 mentions The grade II listed barns to the north of
the Grange lie within the red line boundary of the site, albeit to the south of the
southern limit of major development as defined by policy SS/7. The paragraph also
refers to the grade II listed Great Common Farmhouse which lies immediately to the
west of the site. The paragraph should be amended to include reference to the Bourn Conservation Area which lies to the south of the site and the three Registered Parks and Gardens nearby.

Page 17
We welcome reference to the Registered Parks and Gardens on p 17 We welcome the commitment to assessment of visual impact. Of course, setting issues for heritage assets extend beyond purely visual impact. These wider setting issues (noise, light, etc.) will need to be considered for these and other heritage assets in and near the site. This requirement should be included on page 17.

Page 18
We welcome reference to Bourn church, Bourn windmill and other landmarks as well
as to Great Common Farmhouse. Maintaining sight lines and key views of such
landmark buildings off site can be an important way to enhance the legibility of the site. We suggest that this should be referenced in the SPD at the end of the eighth
paragraph on page 18. No reference is made in this section (with the exception of the yellow star on one of the diagrams and the photograph on page 19) to the listed barn north of the Grange. This should be included. Reference should also be made to the need to preserve and enhance the listed buildings and their settings. This may be through an appropriate buffer of open space, landscaping etc.

Page 27 and 47,48
We welcome the reference to locally distinctive development. Part of this includes the need for building materials to reflect the local traditional vernacular and palette of materials to enhance the sense of place and provide character and identity to the new community. We suggest that Objective 4 on page 27 and page 47should include
greater reference to local character, identity and materials within the SPD.
We welcome the reference on p47 to responding to context including listed buildings
and WWII heritage. We welcome proposals to reflect the former airfield through a
linear park. Other tools such as street naming etc. can be used to reflect this former
use and provide local identity and connection with the past. This should be mentioned on page 47.

Pages 49 and 53
Care should be taken with regard to the location of taller buildings and ensuring they
do not compete with or dominate listed buildings of other landmark buildings offsite.
This requirement should be included on page 49 and/or 53.

Relatively little is mentioned in the SPD with regard to archaeology. We suggest that
greater reference be made to this in the SPD and encourage you to discuss the matter further with Cambridgeshire County Council.
Finally, we should like to stress that this opinion is based on the information provided by the Council in its informal consultation. To avoid any doubt, this does not affect our obligation to provide further advice and, potentially, object to specific proposals, which may subsequently arise where we consider that these would have an adverse effect upon the historic environment.


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168045

Received: 24/07/2019

Respondent: The National Trust

Representation Summary:

3 Vision and Objectives - 5:RESPONSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE

National Trust questions how creating a cleaner, greener and zero-carbon future for local communities will be evidenced and monitored. National Trust urges elaboration of a specific, measurable approach to monitoring which can be applied to all aspects of the development, including traffic generation, utilising appropriate 'carbon accounting' techniques. For example, as part of the proposed approach to facilitating 'zero carbon lifestyles', consideration should be given to monitoring vehicle movements, non-motorised trips, and travel choices arising from new development.


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168143

Received: 30/07/2019

Respondent: Cambourne Town Council

Representation Summary:


1. A WELL CONNECTED PLACE - Facilitating sustainable movement from, to and within the site, shaped around a network of traffic-free active travel routes, integrated public transport, and delivering excellent connections to Cambridge via a new guided busway route. How is this movement sustained once the fixed term bus subsidies have expired?

2. VIBRANT, PROSPEROUS AND INCLUSIVE - Meeting the needs and aspirations of a broad and diverse community with a village centre integrating a range of community facilities alongside convenient and independent retail, along with opportunities for local employment and entrepreneurship within the site. How will you encourage and support independent retailers?

3 HEALTHY AND ACTIVE - providing for the wellbeing of residents as an essential aspect of the village's fabric, encouraging, walking and cycling as part of daily life, offering opportunities for physical recreation and social interaction for all, and supporting access to fresh and healthy food choices. How will you support access to fresh and healthy food? How will you provide for the wellbeing of isolated or marginalised residents? Community Development Fund/Worker?

4 LOCALLY DISTINCTIVE: Responding to the existing context of the site and the inherited assets of the airfield and its landscape, whilst delivering a bespoke and modern built environment which includes unique and locally inspired buildings and public spaces.

5 SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT - Building in a manner that is sensitive to the environment, delivering enhanced outcomes for biodiversity and hydrology, and incorporating low-carbon buildings, renewable energy and low-emission travel beyond existing standards. How will you provide renewable energy and low emission travel beyond existing standards?

6 COHESIVE, WELL-PLANNED AND GOVERNED - Considering the lifetime of the village through conception, construction, completion and maturity, utilising tools such as masterplans and design codes to manage quality, supporting community building and ownership models, and creating community focused governance models allowing residents a strong and active role in how the village evolves. If the 'lifetime of the village' is a real objective, will lifetime homes and single storey dwellings be provided to accommodate residents through their life cycle and to provide housing for additional needs?


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168176

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: Aitchison Developments Ltd. on behalf of Savills Investment Management

Agent: Neame Sutton Ltd

Representation Summary:


We support the strategic objectives and particularly the desire to create a vibrant, prosperous and inclusive new village. Embodied within this objective the SPD seeks to secure opportunities for local employment and entrepreneurship.

Although the redevelopment of the existing employment site will deliver jobs located at the heart of a proposed new village, and is therefore well placed to fulfil the strategy's objectives of providing access to jobs within each reach of homes, Aitchison Development's vision and objective for the site go beyond local employment opportunities.

We are seeking to deliver a successful high tech business park comprising B1c and B8 uses that will become an asset to the local economy, attracting investment and local employers to the area, such that it could itself be identified as a Strategic Employment Location in the future.



Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168192

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: Dr Tumi Hawkins

Representation Summary:

The six key objectives are laudable and would result in great placemaking if those principles were followed.

The key to successful delivery of this new village is that it must be well planned as stated in objective 6.



Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168264

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:


The 6 Strategic Objectives are supported, in particular the inclusion of a strategic objective on "Healthy, Active and Resilient" which encourages walking and cycling, and access to healthy food is welcomed. In addition the SPD should considered the availability of fast food outlets in the vicinity of the site or options to limits A5 uses within the development site. I would therefore recommend that the recommendations and findings of the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) guidance on "Planning Healthy Weight Environments" are carried forward and are included within the Bourn Airfield SPD.

Full text:

The attached note sets out the County Council officer comments on the Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document in response to a consultation by South Cambridgeshire District Council. Whilst local County Members have been made aware of the consultation, this response does not include their comments or considerations or those of the Economy and Environment Committee which will endorse this response at its meeting on 19th September.

This response includes the comments of the following Council services and functions:
- Transport Assessment
- Education
- County Planning Minerals and Waste
- Historic Environment
- Local Lead Flood Authority
- Public Health


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168316

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:


The vision for the development states 'facilitating a move towards net zero carbon lifestyles through an innovative approach to planting, design and construction'. While CP supports the need to reduce carbon emissions we are concerned that this may introduce a target for development which is not currently supported by adopted local policy. To ensure this policy is sound CP believe this text should re-worded to make reference to a 'low carbon lifestyle' to be consistent with the adopted Local Plan policy. Stating the development is moving towards net zero sets an expectation which is beyond the requirements of the Local Plan and principles of development set out in the Draft SPD.


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168317

Received: 29/07/2019

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:


Strategic Objective 5, Responsive and Sustainable sets out a number of objectives, including the following statement -

'Incorporating low or net zero carbon buildings, renewable energy and low emissions travel, aiming to exceed existing Local Plan standards'

While Countryside is fully supportive of delivering development which exceeds the Local Plan standards this must be within what is feasible, viable and sound. The delivery of net
zero buildings goes well beyond the Local Plan requirements and has significant feasibility and viability issues. It is recommended that Strategic Objective 5 be amended to:
'Incorporating low carbon buildings, renewable energy and low emissions travel, aiming to exceed existing Local Plan standards where technically feasible and viable'


Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

Representation ID: 168361

Received: 26/08/2019

Respondent: Mr Stephen Jones

Representation Summary:


In recognition of impacts of climate change SCDC aspires to create a cleaner, greener and zero-carbon future for all its communities. Therefore necessary for all elements of new village to integrate with natural environment, be innovatively designed and planned to meet and where possible exceed sustainability policy targets, and to secure net gains in biodiversity. Any adverse environmental impacts will not be supported unless they can be appropriately justified and mitigated.

Would like an explanation in SPD of how Council can reconcile their aspiration for a zero carbon future with development of 3500 houses where 70% or more of residents will need to use cars to get to work. How much carbon will be generated each year by scheme?
