
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59021

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Deal Land LLP

Agent: Fisher German LLP

Representation Summary:

Land east of Haverhill Road, Stapleford (HELAA site 40546)

We believe that Great Shelford with Stapleford has the ability to deliver more new homes than the 100 currently proposed.
The land east of Haverhill Road, Stapleford, is considered to be a logical and appropriate location for a mixed use scheme benefitting from enhanced public transport connectivity. we wish to amend the portion of the site submitted, to reflect a parcel that has been drawn to cluster around the proposed stop location to the south-west of the site and deliver strategic landscape planting and a new Country Park to enhance the edge of Stapleford.
Please refer to attached documents.

Full text:

*Great Shelford with Stapleford*
At present the Plan is only proposing to allocate one site in the village. Known as S/RSC/HW, Land between Hinton Way and Mingle Lane, Great Shelford, this site is proposed to deliver a development of approx. 100 dwellings.

Whilst we do not wish to object to the allocation of this site, we do note that access constraints mean that the site is only capable of delivering circa 100 dwellings. We therefore consider that if this site is allocated, there is a risk that once further detailed highways work is undertaken, the full number of homes may not be deliverable onsite. We therefore believe the Authority should request further evidence from the site’s promoters to fully assess how many homes the site is capable of delivering.

Notwithstanding our concerns with site S/RSC/HW, we also consider that Great Shelford with Stapleford has the ability to deliver more new homes than the 100 currently proposed. We believe this is necessary as there is an acute need for new dwellings to come forward within Greater Cambridge as soon as possible, in order to help address the identified trends of high house prices and large numbers of commuting from outside of the area to access the employment opportunities within the area.

Great Shelford with Stapleford is ideally located to deliver new homes as it is very close to existing employment sites, good transport links and it will feature two stops on Phase 2 of the Cambridge South East Transport Route. This project will further enhance the settlement’s connection with employment opportunities at Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Babraham Research Campus and Granta Park.

*Land east of Haverhill Road, Stapleford SHLAA Ref: 530*
As noted within our comments on other areas of the Plan, we have previously promoted land on the edge of Stapleford, east of Haverhill Road, to the Greater Cambridge SHLAA (Ref: 530). This site was put forward as it will contain a stop for the Cambridge South East Transport Route. Consequently, we consider the site provides an opportunity to deliver a mixed use scheme which will benefit from the enhanced public transport connectivity which will result from the transport route.

As part of the current representations, we wish to amend the portion of the site submitted, to reflect a parcel that has been drawn to cluster around the proposed stop location to the south-west of the site and deliver strategic landscape planting and a new Country Park to enhance the edge of Stapleford (please see attached document).

In addition, the attached Landscape and Visual Technical Note (LVTN) and enclosed Development Framework Plan has assessed the existing landscape and visual character of the site and identifies a sensitive, landscape-led approach to the design of the proposals. Therefore ensuring that the scheme can be integrated into its surroundings without significant/long-term adverse landscape or visual effects. The proposed Country Park will enhance the transition between Stapleford and the surrounding countryside.

Furthermore, the Authority will also be aware of the proposed retirement care village on land between Haverhill Road and Hinton Way, Stapleford (App Ref: 20/02929/OUT). Whilst this application is now subject to a planning appeal (PINS Ref: APP/W0530/W/21/3280395); should this scheme gain planning permission, this will further extend the built form of Stapleford northwards along Haverhill Road. Therefore, making any development on the land east of Haverhill Road appear as a ‘rounding off’ to the built form of the village.

The LVTN outlines that the proposed development could be successfully integrated with the village on its own merits, whilst also outlining the potential for it to seamlessly tie in with the care village development and the new Cambridge SE transport route and stop.

*Green Belt Assessment*
At present, the land east of Haverhill Road is designated as Green Belt land.
The Greater Cambridge Green Belt Assessment (2021) assessed the site as part of a larger parcel known as GS8.
Overall, Green Belt Parcel GS8 was assessed as having a ‘very high’ harm rating by the Green Belt Assessment.
The Green Belt Assessment has assessed the parcel against three ‘Cambridge Green Belt’ purposes. Which are:
• 1 - to preserve the unique character of Cambridge as a compact, dynamic city with a thriving historic centre
• 2 - to maintain and enhance the quality of Cambridge’s setting
• 3 - to prevent communities in the environs of Cambridge from merging into one another and with the city
Whilst the Assessment attempts to explain how these are linked to the five purposes of Green Belt as defined within the NPPF, we do not believe the assessment is robust as it does not clearly assess the sites against the five purposes as detailed by paragraph 138 of the NPPF.

We therefore request that the Authority update their Assessment to also assess the parcels against the NPPF Green Belt purposes.

In addition to this, we also believe the Assessment should be updated to assess the smaller parcels of land that have been proposed for housing.

In terms of the land east of Haverhill Road, we request that the Council assess the smaller parcel, put forward by these representations on its own, independent from the other land in parcel GS8.

To assist the Authority with their assessment of this smaller parcel, we have completed our own assessment of the site against the NPPF’s five Green Belt purposes:

a) to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
The proposed development east of Haverhill Road will be contained by the route of the proposed South East Cambridge Transport Route, new landscape planting and the existing built form of Stapleford. Due to the creation of new defensible boundaries to the development, it will not result in ‘unrestricted’ sprawl of the village.

b) to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
The site currently performs no real role in preventing Stapleford from merging with surrounding settlements. The built form of Cambridge (Cherry Hinton) is approx. 4 km to the north of the site and therefore any development on the site will result in no significant reduction in the gap between Stapleford and Cambridge.

c) to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
As noted above, the proposed development will be clustered around the proposed stop on Phase 2 of the South East Cambridge Transport Route. As a result of the transit route and new landscape planting carefully containing the site, it will not result in a significant encroachment into the countryside.

d) to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
The site performs no function in preserving the setting and character of a historic town and or designated heritage asset. Moreover, as noted above, the site is approx. 4 km from the edge of Cambridge and therefore it is not considered reasonable to assess the site as forming part of the setting of Cambridge.

e) to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
As is evidenced by the need to allocate land for housing on the edge of the settlement, there is no suitable derelict of urban land within the settlement which could be developed in preference to this site.