
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58117

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mr George Gardner

Representation Summary:

"This policy will seek meanwhile uses on vacant sites or in underused buildings as part of the phased development of major development sites and within other vacant sites and premises where a longer-term use is still being resolved."
This is something Cam-Skate can really get behind. Vacant sites are no good to anybody. Cambridge has a real lack of indoor skateboarding facilities. It seems private owners simply can't justify the risk of building an indoor one for fear of losing money. An indoor/covered park would be tremendous use of an otherwise vacant site for skaters during the winter months.

Full text:

"This policy will seek meanwhile uses on vacant sites or in underused buildings as part of the phased development of major development sites and within other vacant sites and premises where a longer-term use is still being resolved."
This is something Cam-Skate can really get behind. Vacant sites are no good to anybody. Cambridge has a real lack of indoor skateboarding facilities. It seems private owners simply can't justify the risk of building an indoor one for fear of losing money. An indoor/covered park would be tremendous use of an otherwise vacant site for skaters during the winter months.