Question 3
The science park is mainly offices so no mix there. Health centre should include out of hours centre as there is no longer such a centre in North Cambridge
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The different areas seem very separate; the science park is predominantly offices and the Brookgate development does not seem to link/ serve the other areas.
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It is really disappointing there isn't a swimming pool or more sports facilities which will result in more demand on existing facilities and people needing to travel further. Eddington has a beautiful concert venue, why isn't one included for this development? I am not convinced this will attract a balanced community, the focus seems to be on shops and bars.
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What is the point of a district centre in the science park where no housing is proposed? The three centres to the east of Milton Road seem sensible. The district centre needs to have a supermarket sufficiently large to provide a range of goods to satisfy residents' weekly shopping needs. I don't know whether planning can constrain the nature of shop letting, but if this plan is serious about discouraging car use (see Q9) there should not be shops catering for car-borne customer i.e. the sort of shops found in the retail park..
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There appears to be very little mixing on the Science park side as this consists mainly of office blocks and some facilities but no housing. Planning permission has already been granted for the Brookgate development around the station and it is not clear how this will integrate with the rest.
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In these times with many shops, restaurants etc closing it seems odd that you are promoting the building of yet more?
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Again, the idea is vague and irreproachable: you need shops, especially by a busy station or in a densely-populated neighbourhood. But the Science Park 'centre' seems to be placed at some distance from everything else, off a busy road. Library, especially next to a school: wonderful, but who's paying for it when so many other local libraries are being shut or staffed by local volunteers? What exactly is a 'local centre'? There's not a lot of 'activity' in evidence. Sport? Galleries?
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Again, the idea is vague and irreproachable: you need shops, especially by a busy station or in a densely-populated neighbourhood. But the Science Park 'centre' seems to be placed at some distance from everything else, off a busy road. Library, especially next to a school: wonderful, but who's paying for it when so many other local libraries are being shut or staffed by local volunteers? What exactly is a 'local centre'? There's not a lot of 'activity' in evidence. Sport? Galleries?
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I think some of your plans have already fallen flat? The Science Park does not want homes built there. St John's has put in a planning application for more offices with a lot of extra car parking. It does sound like you are not working/listening to others in the area. You do not mention the industry areas or what industries there will be. To be so close to approximately 19,000 residents, all industry needs to be clean which means most of those already on this site will have to go. The plans are really lacking in lots of detail and just show the nice things. What are the community spaces? A bit of grass or a building where people can take part in activities, evening classes? Where is the Concert Hall that was talked about? This would be a perfect place to build it.
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The Brookgate development around the station will not integrate with the rest. The Science Park mostly consists of office blocks and only a few other facilities, and no housing, so no mix there.
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To ask for comments on points of detail like this, overlooks the fact that the entire development is grossly over-sized. It will become the next white elephant of Cambridge. Many promises were made about the CB1 development when that was in consultation, but the result is a huge disappointment. The development is too dense, too cluttered and architecturally illiterate. It is not a place that anybody would want to go to, unless they absolutely had to. I fear you will do the same with this North Cambridge development, all the time telling yourselves how wonderfully diverse, lively and fully integrated it is. To achieve a 'fully integrated' new area you need to do it very gradually, not by means of a huge over-sized partly high-rise building development plonked all at once near existing populations.
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The definition and discussion of the centres is too vague to meaningfully comment on. However, it all seems to be extremely high density and heavily focused on commerce.
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The density is o high this is unlikely to fit the population.
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There needs to be a large exciting playground for older children not just small playgrounds. There is not enough provision for teenagers and young people
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The Cowley Road and District centres are well-located on key cycling and walking routes with good access from neighbouring communities. Having a centre around the station also makes sense but will that vision be realised now because the station area is already being built out by a developer? The Science Park centre is not very central and appears to be very close to a busy road junction. It is surprising that there also appears to be no sports, leisure or cultural facilities provided for the wider community within the Science Park area.
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There appears to be lack of flexible sports and recreation space along the lines of Parkers Piece, Coldhams Common and Midsummer Common. The Science Park Centre is cut off from housing so does not appear viable.
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It seems all a bit unorganized. Perhaps a case of too many cooks. Why did you propose to develop the site with a) water works there, b) an aggregate mixing site and c) a bus depot? Who'd want to live near there? Developers wouldn't. The water works may be moved. Well, I believe the water works are exactly in the right place, showing good planning in yesteryear: between the railway lines and the (then) A45. Why should it have to upend one or other nearby village? The cement works cause dust, that's why it had been put there, away from a residential area. Now you intend to move people close to it. Your development needs to be on a much smaller scale.
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Since planning permission has already been granted for the Brookgate development around the station, and I think work has already started, how will integration with the rest of the district be ensured? In this new era (hopefully post covid 19) do we really need so much office space?
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It is good to see that the majority of centres are well-located on key cycling and walking routes with good access from neighbouring communities. However, I am concerned there is a lack of focus on well being and cultural activities and too high a focus on retail and restaurant units. A good option would be to include a cultural venue in the Science park, which appears to be lacking any form of cultural and community hub, acting as a barren divide between the housing, hubs and Cambridge Regional College facilities. I would also strongly support the introduction of further recreation uses such as swimming pool, sports pitches, allotments, community gardens etc. Furthermore, as set out in CPPF representation, I agree that the Industrial units and the aggregates railhead should not be at the heart of the development. It will create a hazardous and unwelcome mix of traffic on the main residential access road. This has the added benefit that it can result in the relocation of the housing away from the A14 area creating a better noise and air quality environment for the residents.
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How many schools? Will there be a new secondary school? Most new development around Cambridge have included a new primary, but not secondary school. There also needs to be more leisure facilities: sports centre, swimming pool, floodlit tennis/netball/basketball courts, astro pitches for hockey/football/rugby.
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Since planning permission has already been granted for the Brookgate development around the station, and I think work has already started, how will integration with the rest of the district be ensured? In this new era (hopefully post covid 19) do we really need so much office space?
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Since planning permission has already been granted for the Brookgate development around the station, and I think work has already started, how will integration with the rest of the district be ensured? In this new era (hopefully post covid 19) do we really need so much office space?
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The science park local centre should be similar to the district centre in terms of mix of activities. Considering its location near the regional college, it'd be useful to have a library there which could be easily accessed by students as well as professionals working in the area. Bars and restaurants there should also be considered so that they could be accessible to people working at the science park as well as people living in King's Hedges who have currently a limited choice of shops or places to eat or go to.
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