Question 38. What do you think the priorities are for new infrastructure?

Showing forms 91 to 106 of 106
Form ID: 50580
Respondent: Cambridge University Health Partners
Agent: Cambridge University Health Partners

No response proposed.

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Form ID: 50669
Respondent: Thakeham Homes Ltd

Thakeham is of the view that priorities for new infrastructure should be improved sustainable transport links between villages and nearby towns/centre of Cambridge. This not only includes the proposed Greenways including ‘Comberton Greenway’, but also the proposed new East-West rail link from Cambridge to Bedford which will provide new stations west of Cambridge at Cambourne and St Neots/Sandy area, which is key to improving connectivity between villages like Comberton and Cambridge/Bedford. These planned routes will make outlying existing villages more sustainable, particularly where there are existing bus services, and reduce reliance on the centre of Cambridge. New development within villages like Comberton, which already have existing bus services, could provide financial contributions to improve existing services from villages to the new station at Cambourne. This will enable sites to be allocated for development in and adjacent to existing village settlements, which would deliver new homes, employment space and community facilities for the benefit of rural communities. This will enable the benefits of economic growth to be dispersed across the District. In addition, improved sustainable transport links that benefit both existing settlements and new homes will assist the Councils’ in meeting their zero-carbon aspirations for the Plan period. Please refer to the appended Vision Document titled 'Land east of Long Road, Comberton' produced by Thakeham

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Form ID: 50828
Respondent: Pigeon Land 2 Ltd
Agent: DLP Planning Ltd

Pigeon consider that it is important that there is an integrated approach within the Plan to the location of new development and the delivery of infrastructure to ensure it is sustainable. It will be important that infrastructure providers ensure appropriate supply is provided to support growth if development is to be sustainable, timely and affordable. This requires that the Councils have given infrastructure providers full details of the scale and program for growth over the plan period. Transport infrastructure is crucial to developing a sustainable development strategy and it is important that the extensive transport improvements being planned to connect Cambridge with the wider sub-region are delivered in the early part of the Plan period to support sustainable growth. Developers can design their developments in ways that help limit the demand for road space, power, water etc. and SPD’s and planning policies can help drive this.

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Form ID: 50864
Respondent: Jesus College
Agent: Bidwells

6.8 Jesus College are supportive of the promotion of non-car and active modes of travel and delivering a highly connected, and accessible development by walking, cycling and public transport. As outlined above the A10 strategic transport corridor improvements are considered to be important in the promotion of sustainable travel modes to reduce the reliance on cars in the area.

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Form ID: 50931
Respondent: The Landowners
Agent: Miss Simone Skinner

4.56 The priorities will be determined by the evidence base that comes forward and the nature of development proposed. If the councils focus on moving to a non-fossil fuel economy, the provision of electricity must be a critical part of the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 50983
Respondent: The Landowners
Agent: Miss Simone Skinner

4.55 The priorities will be determined by the evidence base that comes forward and the nature of development proposed. If the councils focus on moving to a non-fossil fuel economy, the provision of electricity must be a critical part of the Local Plan.

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Form ID: 51233
Respondent: Grosvenor Britain & Ireland
Agent: Deloitte LLP

3.82 Priorities for new infrastructure should promote a reduced reliance on cars and promotion of active and sustainable travel. There are a number of initiatives in the pipeline for new infrastructure, which are steering towards the right direction, including: • Cambridge South West Travel Hub • Cambridge South Railway Station • East-West Rail • Cambridge Autonomous Metro (CAM) • Smarter travel initiatives • Cambridge South East Transport corridor 3.83 Active travel corridors within and beyond developments should take priority over vehicles, prioritising walking and cycling. In addition, infrastructure such as a micro consolidation centre to help promote virtual mobility, a community concierge in a high profile location or a mobility hub are all alternative methods of promoting sustainable travel within new transport related infrastructure. These form part of the proposals for sustainable travel at Trumpington South, including the Cambridge South West Travel Hub which Grosvenor is supporting the delivery of.

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Form ID: 51274
Respondent: Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd (USS)
Agent: Deloitte LLP

3.82 Priorities for new infrastructure should promote a reduced reliance on cars and promotion of active and sustainable travel. There are a number of initiatives in the pipeline for new infrastructure, which are steering towards the right direction, including: • Cambridge South West Travel Hub • Cambridge South Railway Station • East-West Rail • Cambridge Autonomous Metro (CAM) • Smarter travel initiatives • Cambridge South East Transport corridor 3.83 Active travel corridors within and beyond developments should take priority over vehicles, prioritising walking and cycling. In addition, infrastructure such as a micro consolidation centre to help promote virtual mobility, a community concierge in a high profile location or a mobility hub are all alternative methods of promoting sustainable travel within new transport related infrastructure. These form part of the proposals for sustainable travel at Trumpington South, including the Cambridge South West Travel Hub which Grosvenor is supporting the delivery of.

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Form ID: 51319
Respondent: Varrier Jones Foundation
Agent: Bidwells

7.6 The accompanying Papworth Everard Village Assessment includes an assessment of the infrastructure needs within the village and identifies priorities in terms of what is required for infrastructure provision to support and enable the growth of the village. The following were identified as beneficial and should be prioritised as infrastructure items for Papworth as part of the benefits that allocation of land under the control of VJF could help to deliver: ● Community Infrastructure:  An additional nursery, either as a standalone facility or co-located with a one-form entry primary school, and contributions towards the expansion of the existing pre-school.  Contributions towards the expansion of Pendragon Primary School to three-form entry with increased play and sport space, or space for a single-form entry primary school elsewhere in the village.  Children’s play space.  Contributions towards the expansion of the existing GP surgery.  Future development could include further allotment space, or a community orchard. ● Transport Connections  Contributions towards the existing outdoor sports provision in the village and look at opportunities to increase participation, particularly amongst the older population.  A dedicated cycle way to Cambourne can be supported which could link with the Highways England proposals to provide a cycleway and footway at the Caxton Gibbet junction to enable connections with Cambourne.  Enhanced walking and cycling routes throughout the village. ● Meeting Housing Needs  The affordable housing element of the proposals can focus on tenures that would assist local residents in entering the housing market such as discount market sales and shared ownership models, linked to the affordability identified by this assessment.  A mix of dwelling types and sizes should be included but the focus could be on three-bed dwellings with only a limited number of larger dwellings to relate to the needs and affordability of the Papworth Everard community.  The proposals can include for provision of dedicated older persons development.

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Form ID: 51345
Respondent: Grosvenor Britain & Ireland
Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Priorities for new infrastructure should promote a reduced reliance on cars and promotion of active and sustainable travel. There are a number of initiatives in the pipeline for new infrastructure, which are steering towards the right direction, including: - Trumpington Park and Ride - Cambridge South Railway Station - East-west Rail - Cambridge Autonomous Metro (CAM) - Smarter travel initiatives Active travel corridors within and beyond developments should take priority over other forms of unsustainable transport. In addition, infrastructure such as a micro consolidation centres to help promote virtual mobility, a community concierge in a high profile location or a mobility hub are all alternative methods of promoting sustainable travel within new transport related infrastructure. The proposals at Whittlesford provide potential to provide or use a number of these initiatives to support new residents.

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Form ID: 51447
Respondent: Axis Land Partnerships
Agent: Bidwells

4.72 New infrastructure should be prioritised in accordance with the future growth plans of Greater Cambridge. 4.73 It is considered that a bypass at Foxton level crossing should be a priority infrastructure project in order to promote future growth along the A10 corridor, to improve air quality, reduce congestion and improve safety of road and pedestrian users. 4.74 Travel hubs located at existing transport nodes should also be made a priority for new infrastructure projects. This promotes and encourages the use of public transport, reducing congestion and air quality issues on Cambridge City.

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Form ID: 51581
Respondent: Hilson Moran

The following infrastructure upgrades are recommended to accommodate new homes and jobs: + Reinforced electricity infrastructure, utilising, renewable generation, smart management, energy storage, virtual trading and 5G; + Upgrade to 5G connectivity; + Support wastewater recycling at scale; + Require rainwater attenuation to greenfield levels and rainwater harvesting for reuse; + Produce a resource and waste management strategy and support initiatives that enable a circular economy to resource use.

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Form ID: 51706
Respondent: U+I Group PLC
Agent: Carter Jonas

2.71 The delivery of infrastructure in Greater Cambridge must be commensurate to the housing and economic development growth ambitions, and aligned to the broader sustainable development principles. The delivery of a high-quality public transport system, complemented by extensive new and improved foot and cycleways, and that connects a large proportion of the Greater Cambridge population with key employment, leisure and retail hubs, would seem to be one of the priority areas for infrastructure provision. This would help promote economic development, social inclusion, improve environmental quality (reduction in carbon emissions and air pollution), and wider health benefits for residents, visitors and businesses in the area.

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Form ID: 56204
Respondent: Ms Cathy Parker

· Safe, convenient and high-quality cycle routes everywhere, providing everyone with the opportunity to safely cycle for ever

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Form ID: 56248
Respondent: CEG
Agent: CEG

Please see section 5.0 of the accompanying representations document. There are a number of gaps in service provision in the south of Cambridge. CEG is committed to delivering community infrastructure and doing so in the early phases of development. This is not only to support ‘pioneer’ families that move into the first phases of development, but to also support the existing local communities surrounding the site. Land to the South East of Cambridge could include the provision on site of a new dedicated community hub, primary school and local centres including shops and services. CEG is also committed to ensuring community engagement in the design process. Community involvement in the designs of schemes can foster community support and community ownership of a housing development. CEG will therefore work in partnership with the Council and local groups as it has done successfully on other sites across the country, but also locally in the development of the GB1 planning application.

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Form ID: 56455
Respondent: Dena Dabbas

Priorities for new infrastructure should promote a reduced reliance on cars and promotion of active and sustainable travel. There are a number of initiatives in the pipeline for new infrastructure, which are steering towards the right direction, including: •Cambridge South West Travel Hub •Cambridge South Railway Station •East-West Rail •Cambridge Autonomous Metro (CAM) •Smarter travel initiatives •Cambridge South East Transport corridor Active travel corridors within and beyond developments should take priority over vehicles, prioritising walking and cycling. In addition, infrastructure such as a micro consolidation centre to help promote virtual mobility, a community concierge in a high profile location or a mobility hub are all alternative methods of promoting sustainable travel within new transport related infrastructure. These form part of the proposals for sustainable travel at Trumpington South, including the Cambridge South West Travel Hub which Grosvenor is supporting the delivery of

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