6. Any other issues?

6.1 How will we develop the plan?

The choices set out at this stage explore the high-level principles. In the coming months we will gather further evidence to inform the full consideration of choices, and take account of the feedback you offer us at this stage, to help us develop a preferred strategy and a draft Local Plan. This will include:

  1. Confirming how many homes and jobs we need to plan for.
  2. Assessing the sites available to deliver the development: we will produce a Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment to explore the options for development in Greater Cambridge, including drawing on the results of the Call for Sites in Spring 2019.
  3. Creating more detailed growth location options that reflect different approaches to balancing growth across the different areas described above.
  4. Testing the transport and other impacts of those growth location options.

We will continue to involve you at key stages as the new Local Plan is developed.

6.2 Learning from the adopted 2018 Local Plans

The two adopted 2018 Local Plans contain a lot of detailed strategic and development management policies. In bringing these two plans together into one, we will have to decide which policies to keep, which policies to amend, which policies to delete and what new policies to create.

Our overall aim is to create a succinct Local Plan that does not unnecessarily repeat national policy, but does contain the right policies for making decisions on planning applications in Greater Cambridge. We want to make sure we have well-worded, useful policies that help everyone make clear and consistent decisions across the area.

We want to know which of our existing policies you think are effective, and which are not so effective, so we can learn from this for the next Local Plan.


49. Do you have any views on any specific policies in the two adopted 2018 Local Plans? If so, what are they?

6.3 Any other issues

In this consultation we have tried to identify the big themes and issues that we think are important to consider as we prepare the new plan. However, you may have other ideas of this we need to consider, or ideas for the new Local Plan.

This is the opportunity to tell us about anything you think we should be considering, which is not covered in this consultation.


50. What do you think should be in the next Local Plan? Are there issues, ideas or themes that you don't feel we have yet explored?


51. Generic Question

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