Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

S/RRA: Allocations in the rest of the rural area

Representation ID: 58194

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

S/RRA/CR Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn (HELAA site 40490 - Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn)

Countryside support Policy S/RRA that allocates sites for homes and employment in the rural area. The Local Plan should seek to allocate a component of its housing needs towards growth at existing villages. The allocation of Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn makes an important contribution to this component of the spatial strategy through providing an opportunity to deliver affordable and market housing, alongside employment opportunities in a sustainable location. Melbourn is classified as a Minor Rural Centre and is one of the most sustainable villages in Greater Cambridge.

Full text:

Countryside support Policy S/RRA that allocates sites for homes and employment in the rural area. The Local Plan should seek to allocate a component of its housing needs towards growth at existing villages. Sustainable development in rural areas makes an important contribution to ensuring the vitality of villages and supporting existing rural services and facilities. This approach is supported by the National Planning Policy Framework (2021, NPPF), which at paragraph 79 states that to promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services.

The allocation of Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn makes an important contribution to this component of the spatial strategy through providing an opportunity to deliver affordable and market housing, alongside employment opportunities in a sustainable location. Melbourn is classified as a Minor Rural Centre and is one of the most sustainable villages in Greater Cambridge and lies outside of the Green Belt around the City. The site presents a prime opportunity to grow the village, sustaining existing and delivering new facilities and infrastructure, supporting local shops and businesses and meeting affordable and market housing needs.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

S/DS: Development strategy

Representation ID: 58196

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Land west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn (HELAA site references 40489, 40490 & 40490a)

Countryside support the principle of the proposed development strategy and the approach to directing development to locations where active and new public transport is the natural choice, where green infrastructure can be delivered alongside new development, and where jobs, services and facilities can be located near to where people live. Countryside support the inclusion of allocations for housing and employment in the rest of the rural area as part of the proposed development strategy. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn aligns with approach taken to the development strategy and will support the objectives of the Local Plan.

Full text:

Countryside support the principle of the proposed development strategy for Greater Cambridge and the approach to directing development to locations where active and new public transport is the natural choice, where green infrastructure can be delivered alongside new development, and where jobs, services and facilities can be located near to where people live. This approach is consistent with the NPPF, which at paragraph 11.a) states that all plans should promote a sustainable form of development.

Countryside support the inclusion of allocations for housing and employment in the rest of the rural area as part of the proposed development strategy. The Local Plan should seek to allocate a component of its housing needs towards growth at existing villages. Sustainable development in rural areas makes an important contribution to ensuring the vitality of villages and supporting existing rural services and facilities.

This approach is supported by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which at paragraph 79 states that to promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services.

Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn aligns with approach taken to the development strategy and will support the objectives of the Local Plan through:

● Delivery of affordable housing, including the potential for an element of build to rent. This would allow people to up scale and downsize subject to their needs over time whilst also meeting affordable housing need within the District;
● Locating residential development adjacent to one of the village’s largest employment sites, Melbourn Science Park. Melbourn Science Park is now delivering a recently granted permission for a substantial extension and provides a unique employment source which is of great importance to Melbourn and the surrounding area. Furthermore, the site presents an opportunity to expand or support the Science Park, providing additional local employment opportunities. The development would provide people with the opportunity of living and working in the same village and encouraging sustainable modes of transport;
● Countryside has recently committed to becoming a net zero company by 2030 and have released a report ‘Pathfinder: Marking out the route to Net Zero’2 which sets out the principles that Countryside will follow to respond to the global call to arms for climate action. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn will benefit from the action plan set out within Pathfinder report .
● The delivery of a walking route which is easily accessible to current and future residents and employees of the village. It will create a new recreation asset for the village and provide a walking opportunity for those that may have otherwise considered the need to travel to SSSIs for that activity, therefore protecting nearby SSSI’s from increased recreational pressure;
● The delivery of a pedestrian route from the West of the site along ‘the Drift’ which links to Moat Lane. This will provide new residents with enhanced pedestrian connectivity to the adjacent Science Park and the Melbourn High Street, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport;
● Locating development in a sustainable location, whereby future residents would not be reliant on the private car for their daily needs. Melbourn is one of the largest villages in the District and has a wide range of services and facilities, including Meldreth station, which are within walking and cycling distance of the site; and
● Supporting Melbourn’s economy, including local shops and services. The Economic Benefits Statement submitted with the outline application, found that there would also be a significant and positive impact upon Melbourn's economy with residents of the new development supporting existing local shops and services within the village. This benefit is recognised in the Delegation Report at page 30. As a result of the proposed development, approximately £248,000 per annum is expected to be spent at local shops and services, potentially supporting an additional three jobs. This assessment was based on a residential only scheme of up to 160 dwellings, nevertheless a mixed-use scheme which delivered approximately 120 homes would still provide a comparable and substantial economic benefit locally.

The site will therefore support active and public transport being the natural choice of travel, deliver on-site green infrastructure and provide homes close to jobs, services and facilities.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

CC/NZ: Net zero carbon new buildings

Representation ID: 58199

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside support the inclusion of a policy to control energy usage, utilise renewable energy sources and account for whole-life carbon emissions in new developments. Such a policy will be an important tool in ensuring energy efficient developments are delivered and that objectives regarding the mitigation of climate change impacts can be realised.

Full text:

Countryside support the inclusion of a policy to control energy usage, utilise renewable energy sources and account for whole-life carbon emissions in new developments. Such a policy will be an important tool in ensuring energy efficient developments are delivered and that objectives regarding the mitigation of climate change impacts can be realised.

Whilst the policy should set clear and evidenced based requirements it should also provide flexibility to include for site-specific circumstances and changing standards, legislation and technology. This can ensure that the most suitable approach can be taken for each site at the point in time that it comes forward, supporting delivery but also climate change objectives. The policy should also recognise the important contribution that a ‘fabric first’ approach to the design of new buildings can make to achieving energy efficiency.

Countryside has recently committed to becoming a net zero company by 2030 and have released a report ‘Pathfinder: Marking out the route to Net Zero’3 which sets out the principles that Countryside will follow to respond to the global call to arms for climate action. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn will benefit from Countryside’s action plan set out in the Pathfinder report to deliver its commitments. To achieve their targets Countryside are examining their construction and manufacturing operations and also the design of their homes and development. Measures include improving fabric efficiency, installing renewable energy and recovery systems, switching from diesel to hydrotreated vegetable oil for on-site plant machinery, using suppliers with similar climate change targets, increasing tree planting and reducing embodied carbon by using timber frame homes. Such measures can be incorporated into the proposals at the site to satisfy the direction of this policy.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

CC/WE: Water efficiency in new developments

Representation ID: 58203

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside recognise the importance of protecting water resources in Greater Cambridge and support the proposed policy to set standards for water efficiency. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn can incorporate a range of measures to ensure the delivery of a water efficient development, with homes and buildings using water efficient fixtures and fittings. Water re-use measures will be explored for the site and could include for the implementation of surface water and rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling.

Full text:

Countryside recognise the importance of protecting water resources in Greater Cambridge and support the proposed policy to set standards for water efficiency. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn can incorporate a range of measures to ensure the delivery of a water efficient development, with homes and buildings using water efficient fixtures and fittings. Water re-use measures will be explored for the site and could include for the implementation of surface water and rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

CC/DC: Designing for a changing climate

Representation ID: 58210

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside support the proposed policy and agree that developments should take a holistic approach to their design to account for climate change and weather events. This approach is consistent with the NPPF which requires Local Plans to take a proactive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change. Countryside has recently committed to becoming a net zero company by 2030 and have released a report ‘Pathfinder: Marking out the route to Net Zero’4 which sets out the principles that Countryside will follow to respond to the global call to arms for climate action.

Full text:

Countryside support the proposed policy and agree that developments should take a holistic approach to their design to account for climate change and weather events. This approach is consistent with the NPPF which requires Local Plans to take a proactive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Countryside has recently committed to becoming a net zero company by 2030 and have released a report ‘Pathfinder: Marking out the route to Net Zero’4 which sets out the principles that Countryside will follow to respond to the global call to arms for climate action. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn will benefit from the action plan set out in the Pathfinder report to deliver its commitments. A key element of the approach is to follow a fabric first approach to the design of dwellings to achieve high levels of efficiency through improving window glazing, air tightness, roof insulation, wall thickness and improved floor insulation and underfloor heating.

In addition to adopting a fabric first approach to reduce heating demand, Countryside will also apply the principles of their energy hierarchy to help reduce both regulated and unregulated energy usage. This includes supplying only A-rated energy efficient appliances, using smart meters and smart thermostats to reduce energy consumption by learning living and heating patterns, developing a suite of e-learning packages and support material to help households reduce consumption and live more efficiently.

The site also presents an opportunity to provide significant landscaping as shown on the Illustrative Masterplan. This can contribute to urban greening and increasing tree canopy across the site, which is currently an arable field, reducing climate risks through landscape design. In relation to sustainable drainage, it was confirmed through the previous outline application that a suitable drainage system can be delivered as part of the proposals that incorporates the use of SuDS doesn’t increase the risk of flooding on or off site and accounts for climate change allowances.




Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity

Representation ID: 58219

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside support the inclusion of a policy to secure measurable biodiversity net gains. The policy should set a minimum net gain percentage target based on evidence, legislation and national guidance. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn presents an opportunity to deliver biodiversity net gains. An indicative biodiversity net gain assessment has been undertaken taking into account the proposed development highlighted within the ‘Framework Plan’ which has concluded that the development can deliver an overall gain of 10.02% for habitat units, a 11.15% gain for hedgerows/linear features and a gain of 59.10% for ‘river’ units.

Full text:

Countryside support the inclusion of a policy to secure measurable biodiversity net gains as part of new developments. The policy should set a minimum net gain percentage target based on evidence, legislation and national guidance. Whilst a preference can be set for net gains to be delivered on-site, there should also be sufficient flexibility in the policy to allow for off-site solutions to delivered as well, to not unduly restrict development and to release the benefits that can be delivered through strategic and coordinated initiatives
Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn presents an opportunity to deliver biodiversity net gains. The site is currently arable fields of low ecological value and the development proposals, through a landscape-led approach, will seek to deliver open space that is functional whilst also creating resilient habitats. The proposed scheme will seek to preserve and enhance existing boundary vegetation where practical to do so through the development of the site. In addition, the walking route to be delivered will incorporate habitat creation, in the form of field margins, meadow grassland and woodland copses which will provide important habitat for a range of wildlife and plant species.

An indicative biodiversity net gain assessment has been undertaken taking into account the proposed development highlighted within the ‘Framework Plan’ which has concluded that the development can deliver an overall gain of 10.02% for habitat units, a 11.15% gain for hedgerows/linear features and a gain of 59.10% for ‘river’ units. The development is expected to deliver more of a gain when ‘material’ enhancements are included at a more detailed design stage, such as bird and bat boxes.

The proposed walking route will also create a new recreation asset for the village and provide a walking opportunity for those that may have otherwise considered the need to travel to SSSIs for that activity, therefore protecting nearby SSSI’s from increased recreational pressure.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments

Representation ID: 58225

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside support the inclusion of a policy which seeks to ensure that health considerations and principles are applied to new developments. Health and wellbeing is a key issue and high quality new development can contribute positively to the physical and mental health of individuals through delivering high quality housing, well designed and laid out streets and spaces and access to transport, shops, community services and facilities and green and open space.

Full text:

Countryside support the inclusion of a policy which seeks to ensure that health considerations and principles are applied to new developments. Health and wellbeing is a key issue and high quality new development can contribute positively to the physical and mental health of individuals through delivering high quality housing, well designed and laid out streets and spaces and access to transport, shops, community services and facilities and green and open space.

Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn presents an opportunity to deliver a healthy new development. The site is located adjacent to one of the largest employment sites in the village, the Melbourn Science Park, and is within walking and cycling distance of a range of services, facilities and public transport modes. Future residents and employees will benefit from easy access to employment, on-site green space, shops and education and community facilities, maximising opportunities for positive influences on their overall health and lifestyle.

The proposals also seek to deliver affordable housing which would be tenure blind, providing a significant amount of affordable housing in a sustainable location.

In addition, as part of their sustainable business approach, Countryside have developed a ‘Building Communities’5 strategy, which Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn will benefit from. This approach seeks to create places where people love to live, with sustainable communities built to last. It looks beyond building houses to also thinking critically about social and digital infrastructure and transport and green spaces to meet local needs, engaging and empowering communities.

The strategy incorporates four principles: Engagement; Empowerment, Partnership and Stewardship, which are followed from masterplanning through to building and aftercare. The principles enable Countryside to:

● Build a stronger sense of community by delivering solutions tailored to the local area
● Increase local economic growth and maximise social value
● Improve community prosperity and resilience
● Foster better public and community relations which are based on trust
● Facilitate the management and nurturing of the communities over the long term

The approach helps in delivering inclusive, vibrant and sustainable communities which positively impact on the health and wellbeing of residents.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

GP/PP: People and place responsive design

Representation ID: 58228

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside support the proposed direction of Policy GP/PP in seeking to set a strategic vision for achieving high quality design in Greater Cambridge across both urban and rural areas. Countryside support the inclusion of design criteria across the themes of community, connectivity, climate and character, reflecting the Cambridgeshire Quality Charter for Growth, which Countryside have a track record of delivering high quality proposals in accordance with.

Full text:

Countryside support the proposed direction of Policy GP/PP in seeking to set a strategic vision for achieving high quality design in Greater Cambridge across both urban and rural areas. Countryside support the inclusion of design criteria across the themes of community, connectivity, climate and character, reflecting the Cambridgeshire Quality Charter for Growth, which Countryside have a track record of delivering high quality proposals in accordance with. The proposed policy also accords with the NPPF which states that the planning process should achieve high quality, beautiful and sustainable buildings and places.

Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn addresses these design themes as follows:

● Community – Through delivering a landscape led development which responds to its context by retaining and reinforcing landscape buffers and delivering high quality open and green spaces. The proposed looped walking route will create a new recreation and landscape asset for the village. The proposals will also provide a range of house types within close proximity to services and facilities, and through applying their Building Communities strategy, Countryside will engage with and empower the community to ensure the development meets local needs;
● Connectivity – The site is in a sustainable location, whereby future residents would not be reliant on the private car for their daily needs. Melbourn is one of the largest villages in the District and has a wide range of services and facilities, including Meldreth station, which are within walking and cycling distance of the site. In addition, the proposals include for the delivery of a pedestrian route from the West of the site along ‘the Drift’ which links to Moat Lane. This will provide new residents with enhanced pedestrian connectivity to the adjacent Science Park and the Melbourn High Street, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport;
● Climate - Countryside has recently committed to becoming a net zero company by 2030 and have released a report ‘Pathfinder: Marking out the route to Net Zero’6 which sets out the principles that Countryside will follow to respond to the global call to arms for climate action. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn will benefit from Countryside’s action plan to deliver on its commitments. To achieve their targets Countryside are examining their construction and manufacturing operations and also the design of their homes and development. Measures include improving fabric efficiency, installing renewable energy and recovery systems, switching from diesel to hydrotreated vegetable oil for on-site plant machinery, using suppliers with similar climate change targets, increasing tree planting and reducing embodied carbon by using timber frame homes.
● Character - a landscape-led approach is central to the design and layout of the scheme, as shown in the Illustrative Masterplan which shows how the site could come forward. Furthermore, the promoter, Countryside Properties, are a leading national housebuilder who have won numerous design awards and are committed to delivering a high quality development.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

H/AH: Affordable housing

Representation ID: 58231

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside supports policy H/AH in seeking to secure affordable housing provision as part of residential developments and that the 40% requirement will contribute to meeting the affordable housing needs of Cambridge. It is agreed that affordable housing should be distributed throughout new developments, however the policy should also acknowledge that appropriately sized clustering can also assist with the delivery and on-going management of affordable homes. There is a substantial need for affordable housing across Greater Cambridge due to past under delivery and worsening affordability ratios and new development is needed to help address this unmet need

Full text:

Countryside supports policy H/AH in seeking to secure affordable housing provision as part of residential developments and that the 40% requirement will contribute to meeting the affordable housing needs of Cambridge. It is agreed that affordable housing should be distributed throughout new developments, however the policy should also acknowledge that appropriately sized clustering can also assist with the delivery and on-going management of affordable homes.

There is a substantial need for affordable housing across Greater Cambridge due to past under delivery and worsening affordability ratios and new development is needed to help address this unmet need. In relation to Melbourn, there are a significant number of households on the SCDC Housing Register. It is likely that some of this demand will be met through development which has already been granted permission, however there will be existing households that remain on the register, alongside new households that aren’t yet identified. Greenfield development where there is a less infrastructure burdens mean that policy aspirations for affordable housing provisions are normally more easily met.

Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn presents an excellent opportunity to deliver a substantial number of affordable homes in a highly sustainable location. Affordable housing would comprise a range of sizes, types and tenures, in a genuinely tenure blind manners, increasing the supply of high quality affordable housing to meet local needs. The proposals could also deliver an element of build to rent, helping to increase accessibility to housing for different sections of the community.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

H/BR: Build to rent homes

Representation ID: 58234

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Countryside support the inclusion of a Build to Rent (BTR) policy within the emerging Local Plan and consider that is has an important role to play in meeting the housing needs of Greater Cambridge. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn presents an opportunity to deliver BTR homes as part of the overall market and affordable housing provision.

Full text:

Countryside support the inclusion of a Build to Rent (BTR) policy within the emerging Local Plan and consider that is has an important role to play in meeting the housing needs of Greater Cambridge. Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn presents an opportunity to deliver BTR homes as part of the overall market and affordable housing provision.

Proposals should seek to avoid large clusters of BTR homes, however the policy should acknowledge and make an allowance for appropriately sized clusters, as these assist with the viability, delivery and on-going management of a high quality BTR proposal.

The policy could seek to set an upper limit for the proportion of BTR homes that can be delivered as part of a development proposal, and if so this level should reflect a proportion that allows for high-quality BTR homes to be delivered and managed. Any proposed upper limit should be properly evidenced and justified. The proposed upper limit of 10%, is unlikely to support the delivery of BTR homes on individual sites across the Greater Cambridge area which are seeking to deliver an element of BTR as part of the overall housing offer. A higher upper limit should be explored to understand what proportion would best support delivery on individual sites. Alternatively, the proportion of BTR homes could be determined on a site-by-site basis to ensure that a proposal would respond to its context appropriately and enable a deliverable proportion of BTR homes.

With regards to affordable housing, Countryside support that BTR homes which are provided at discounted market rent can contribute to the overall affordable housing requirement of 40%. The policy should also include for the flexibility that if the 40% affordable housing requirement of a development is being met through different tenure types that any BTR element would not be expected to provide affordable housing above the 40% requirement. The supportive text for the policy should acknowledge the following statement made at Annex 9 of the evidence base for the emerging Local Plan that Build to Rent:

“…does not cover stock built for sale where a developer/investor or registered provider decides to retain a number of the homes for use as private rented stock. It also does not cover for-sale homes that are purchased on completion of a private for sale scheme.”

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