Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

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Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations at New Settlements

Representation ID: 168484

Received: 11/10/2019

Respondent: Southern & Regional Developments

Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

Representation Summary:

Waterbeach New Town

The Section 106 is yet to be signed. No Reserved Matters for the first wave of development has been agreed. The agents have identified that delivery of the first housing will be in 2020/2021. This is an unrealistic given the time required for consideration of such large-scale proposals and for their implementation in line with other pre-commencement requirements.

Will also impact on the delivery of housing after 2020/2021 which would represent a significant impact on the housing numbers of the trajectory.

Delivery of 250 dwellings per annum is not realistic and requires review.

The eastern part of the site is also reliant on the relocation of a railway station and therefore infrastructure requirements will underpin the delivery of new dwellings on this part of the site. Although the Councils recognised that housing delivery on this part of the site will be from 2021, given that outline consent is yet to be issued, this anticipated delivery timeframe is not realistic.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations at New Settlements

Representation ID: 168485

Received: 11/10/2019

Respondent: Southern & Regional Developments

Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

Representation Summary:

Bourn Airfield New Village

The outline application is currently under consideration. The trajectory strategy identifies that the outline consent will be issued in 2019 and that development will begin in 2020, with houses themselves delivered from 2022. Whilst the current strategy provides 2 years for the first housing to be delivered, there is a particular risk of delay which should be more appropriately considered within the trajectory and delivery strategy. The strategy establishes that this site will deliver up to 300 homes per year, which is not practical or realistic delivery rate. The delivery of these 300 dwellings per year also includes 150 dwellings from Cambourne West. Provides a more robust position given that these numbers are from separate sites, but does give rise to issues regarding a dilution in demand and competing in same market.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations on the Cambridge Fringe

Representation ID: 168486

Received: 11/10/2019

Respondent: Southern & Regional Developments

Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

Representation Summary:

Cambridge East - Land north of Newmarket Road

Although an outline consent has been issued, there remains the first Reserved Matters to be resolved. Additionally, the Section 106 provides explicit requirements for the delivery of the first wave of housing by November 2020. As such, the trajectory where it identifies delivery from 2020/2021 reflects this requirement, but the quantum established of 110 dwellings seems overly optimistic. A reduction in this quantum for the first wave of delivery, or an appropriate re-attribution of numbers across a longer period would be a practical option which would allow for a greater extent of flexibility in the case of a delay in implementation or unforeseen increase in delivered numbers.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations on the Cambridge Fringe

Representation ID: 168487

Received: 11/10/2019

Respondent: Southern & Regional Developments

Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

Representation Summary:

NIAB (Darwin Green)

Whilst it would appear that the trajectory for this particular site is realistic at present, there remains concern of the deliverable quantum identified by the developer. It is stated that the delivery of 200 dwellings per year is possible on the site. However, this risks the trajectory from being exposed to external influences, including market changes that can have significant impacts on the viability of such developments. Therefore, the trajectory should take this into due account if it is to continue the anticipation that 200 dwellings can be delivered towards the latter part of the 5 year period.

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