Melbourn - Designation of a neighbourhood area - March 2016

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Melbourn - Designation of a neighbourhood area - March 2016

Melbourn -designation of a neighbourhood area

Representation ID: 166240

Received: 18/04/2016

Respondent: Gladman Developments

Representation Summary:

No specific comments to make on the application. Taking opportunity to highlight key requirements which neighbourhood plan should have regard.

Offering assistance to Melbourn in preparing their plan.

Sets out national guidance and legislation relevant to neighbourhood planning including Basic Conditions a plan must meet..

Plan should seek to align itself with emerging Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire. Sets out implications of Woodcock judgment where there is no local plan in place nor a five year housing land supply as is the case in South Cambridgeshire.

Neighbourhood Plan cannot introduce policies that would prevent development - need to plan positively. Policies to be supported with evidence base. May need Strategic Environmental Assessment if plan proposals significant - consider at early stage.

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