Melbourn - Designation of a neighbourhood area - March 2016
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Melbourn - Designation of a neighbourhood area - March 2016
Melbourn -designation of a neighbourhood area
Representation ID: 166237
Received: 07/04/2016
Respondent: Historic England
No objection to designation. Initial advice sets out details of the designated heritage assets within proposed neighbourhood area which include Melbourn Conservation Area; 2 Grade ll* and 69 Grade ll listed buildings; 7 scheduled sites. Neighbourhood Plan should include strategy to safeguard these elements. Historic buildings conservation office at South Cambridgeshire District Council best placed to assist and advise on this strategy.
Suggest Parish Council contact County Council's Archaeology Service for advice and to look at Historic Environment Record. Also useful to involve local groups with interest in historic records.
Links provided to heritage information and guidance from Historic England.