
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60808

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Parties

Representation Summary:

Essential the policy is based on good evidence and genuine consultation with the communities.
This has not been the case in the past and resulted in gross under-estimate of accommodation need.
Concerned the company carrying out the assessment will have been unable to establish much contact with the communities.
Welcome “the needs assessment will seek to identify the needs of Gypsies and Travellers that no longer travel” as this was a serious emission previously.
The Plan should prioritise delivery of sites for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and ensure they meet their needs, are sufficiently spacious, affordable, and are in locations that are desirable to this community.

Full text:

It is essential that this policy is based on good evidence and on genuine consultation with the communities
affected. This has often not been the case in the past. The 2011 Cambridge Sub-Region Gypsy and
Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment was a desk-based exercise, dependent on existing data but
with a number of dubious assumptions applied. This resulted in a gross under-estimate of accommodation
We are aware that the updated Accommodation Needs Assessment has been delayed by the impacts of the
pandemic and will reserve detailed comment on this policy until the results are available. We are however
very concerned that the private company carrying out the assessment will have been unable to establish
much contact with the communities in question. We also hear that there is uncertainty over the exact terms
of reference and area being covered by the assessment.
We welcome the statement that “the needs assessment will seek to identify the needs of Gypsies and
Travellers that no longer travel” as this was a serious emission in previous assessments.
The national context for this policy is a shortage of pitches on Traveller sites [1]. Gypsy and Traveller people
are estimated to have life expectancies of between ten and 25 years shorter than the general population.
Pupils from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller ethnic groups have the lowest average score in GCSEs of any
ethnic group. Gypsies and Travellers are more likely to experience housing deprivation than any other ethnic
group [2].
Many current sites are in areas of high air pollution or and/or poorly connected. The chronic shortage and
poor quality of sites provided nationally can be corrected at the local level by local authorities. The Local
Plan should therefore prioritise delivery of sites for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and ensure that
they meet their needs, are sufficiently spacious, affordable, and are in locations that are desirable to this
[1] Research by Friends Families and Travellers -
uploads/2021/01/Availability-of-pitches-on-Traveller-sites-in-England FINAL.pdf).