
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60724

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: BDW Homes Cambridgeshire & The Landowners (Mr Currington, Mr Todd, Ms Douglas, Ms Jarvis, Mr Badcock & Ms Hartwell)

Agent: Optimis Consulting Ltd

Representation Summary:

Land West of Beach Rd, Cottenham (HELAA site 59409)

Policy should allow for the removal of sites from the Green Belt for residential development where it can be show that this would not prejudice the purposes of Cambridge’s Green Belt.

Full text:

Policy makes it clear that the purpose of Green Belt identified around Cambridge is to:
• Preserve the unique character of Cambridge as a compact, dynamic city with a thriving historic centre;
• Maintain and enhance the quality of its setting;
• Prevent communities in the environs of Cambridge from merging into one another and with the city.

A Green Belt Review of Land off Beach Road has been undertaken. Having specific regard to the above purposes of the Cambridge Green Belt it is considered that this parcel of land only partial contributes to maintaining and enhancing the quality of its setting. On this basis it is concluded therefore that there would only be limited effect therefore from releasing the land from Green Belt for development.