
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60701

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: NIAB Trust

Agent: Strutt & Parker

Representation Summary:

Land West of South Road, Impington (HELAA Site 40232)

This site (revised) should be allocated for development. We have also demonstrated that the site could be delivered without any adverse impacts on landscape or the road network.
Previously the site covered an area of approximately 20.62 hectares and was considered to be suitable to deliver a development including 450 dwellings. However, following feedback the decision has been taken to greatly reduce the area of the site and quantum of potential development. The revised site is approximately 5.2 hectares in area, and can accommodate 78 dwellings.
The HELAA excludes the Land West of South Road from allocation for 3 main reasons. It has been demonstrated in the supporting information provided that the allocation of this site would not have a significant adverse impact on the landscape or road network, and as such that the site should be put forward for allocation.

Full text:

This representation has been prepared by Strutt & Parker on behalf of NIAB Trust to support the promotion of Land West of South Road, Impington as part of the Greater Cambridge First Proposals Consultation 2021.
In September 2021 Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service (GCSPS) published the Greater Cambridge HELAA, which provided an initial assessment of the sites put forward for allocation as part of the Call for Sites consultation within Greater Cambridge.
Since the Call for Sites and Issues and Options consultations feedback received has been considered and changes have been made to the Land West of South Road site. Previously the site covered an area of approximately 20.62 hectares and was considered to be suitable to deliver a development including 450 dwellings. However, following feedback received at the First Proposals the decision has been taken to greatly reduce the area of the site and quantum of potential development. The revised site is approximately 5.2 hectares in area, and can accommodate 78 dwellings.
It is noted that the NIAB Trust has also put forward two other sites at Park Farm (Villa Road and Redgate Road).
This representation provides a response to the ‘First Proposals’ Consultations. The representation has been structured to respond to relevant questions as set out within the First Proposals Consultation. In addition, a detailed assessment is provided in respect of the HELAA Assessment for the site.
The HELAA excludes the Land West of South Road from allocation for 3 main reasons: a) In relation to Landscape and Townscape: “The site is isolated from the main part of the village and is outside the village framework. Any development of the site would have a negative landscape impact because of the extensive views from the north west and south”. b) In relation to Site Access: “The proposed site does not to have a direct link to the adopted public highway” and there is “No possibility of creating a safe access”. c) In relation to Strategic Highway Impact: “Within Highways England Zone 3 - A14 CNB. No capacity for growth. Sites would need to ensure no net increase in vehicles trips on the Strategic Road Network”.
A Prospective Site Feasibility Study, prepared by pHp architects has been produced to support this representation (Appendix B). As set out in the study, in relation to Landscape and Townscape, the site would be smaller, and would be read as part of the existing village. The smaller site would also have less of a negative landscape impact as it would be well aligned with the existing western edge of Impington. Additionally, the density of the dwellings has been greatly reduced, increasing the openness of the site, and reducing landscape harm. In relation to Site Access, as shown on page 7 of the study, a safe site access could easily be provided to South Road/Mill Road where there is an existing field access to the north of the existing Green Space. A large additional area of green space could be provided directly to the south of the South Road Green Space to compensate for land required for the widening of the access link. In relation to Strategic Highway Impact, the number of dwellings proposed has been greatly reduced, minimising any potential harm. Additionally there is an opportunity to provide a new pedestrian/cycleway link over the existing A14 crossover. This new link would provide a sustainable transport link which could even reduce overall pressure on the Strategic Road Network. It is considered that the revised site addresses many of the issues previously raised, and that several of the assessment criterions used to assess the site should be re-categorised. It has been demonstrated in the supporting information provided that the allocation of this site would not have a significant adverse impact on the landscape or road network, and as such that the site should be put forward for allocation. Further analysis of this is set out within section 7 of this report.
In support of this report, the following document has been prepared;
• Prospective Site Feasibility Study, produced by pHp architects.

QUESTION: Are there any sites which you think should be developed for housing or business use, which we haven’t got on our map so far?
Yes, Land west of South Road, Impington should be allocated for development and would be a sound allocation as part of the emerging Local Plan. The land west of South Road, Impington site was promoted originally at call for Sites Stage. We have also demonstrated that the site could be delivered without any adverse impacts on landscape or the road network.