
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60672

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Anonymous First Proposals Consultation

Representation Summary:

S/RRA/MF Land at Mansel Farm, Station Road, Oakington

The view to the guided bus stop in the distance is currently of a field often with sheep in it. Instead the view will be of this new housing estate.
I am concerned about flooding issues for which Oakington is renowned.
Will there be a good level of green separation between the site and Meadow Farm Close?
Has any consideration been given to the extra levels of traffic which will be caused by this development to the village of Oakington?

Full text:

I wish to comment on proposals for 20 houses at Mansel Farm in Oakington

I have tried commenting online and registered so I can make detailed comments but was unable to find the blue dialogue boxes you suggest I comment in, hence this email

I am (text redacted)

I have lived here nearly 20 years

The proposal is for 20 houses in the field alongside my bungalow

The view from my kitchen window of the guided bus stop in the distance is currently of a field often with sheep in it

Instead the view will be of this new housing estate

I am concerned about flooding issues for which Oakington is renowned

The field is large and only the part near Station Road is in the plan however the other part of the field regularly floods near Beck Brook when we have heavy rain

I’m concerned that this new development will exacerbate the flooding issues in this field as water run off from the site will add to the flooding as water will be prevented from going in to the ground as houses and roads and concrete will be there instead

If the 20 houses are to be built I would like to be told how it is planned that water run off from the site will not be allowed to flood my bungalow which is within 20 feet of part of the site

Will there be a good level of green separation between the site and Meadow Farm Close, and particularly my (text redacted) which (text redacted)

What measures will be in place to screen the new site from my kitchen window view which will look straight onto it?

Has any consideration been given to the extra levels of traffic which will be caused by this development to the village of Oakington?

Indeed, a road is planned into the new town of Northstowe from an area within 40 feet of this proposed site. This road together with the roads accessing this new site will put pressure on the road which is very busy already carrying traffic from Cottenham to the A14.