
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60179

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Jane Stevens

Representation Summary:

S/RRA/ML The Moor, Moor Lane, Melbourn
This field is on many levels unsuitable.
The junction of the Moor and the High Street is very dangerous and already has more traffic than it should.
This field is a horse field and has been since time out of mind. This means that its ecology is unique. It is home to rare plants, animals and insects. Once it is gone so has another link with our past and it can never be recreated. I hope that the Council will see sense and not allow this precious piece of land to be built on.

Full text:

I would like to register my opposition to one of the proposed sites for development in Melbourn. I fully understand that more houses are need though where the water, in particular, and other over stretched utilities are coming from I am not sure. I do wonder if the Council is really facing up to this huge dilemma, water in particular in this area is finite and more extraction from our precious chalk rivers and steams would lead to their destruction. This would be a terrible loss to the whole world as the vast majority of chalk rivers and streams are in the UK, we have a duty of care to look after them.

The piece of land labelled for building which is on the Moor really is totally wrong. This field is on many levels unsuitable. On a purely practical point, the junction of the Moor and the High Street is very dangerous and already has more traffic than it should. More important though is that this field is a horse field and has been since time out of mind. This means that its ecology is unique. It is home to rare plants, animals and insects. It offers habitat to birds. This is the last of the many horse fields that would have been in and around Melbourn and as such is part of our heritage. Once it is gone so has another link with our past and it can never be recreated. Think of 60s urban planning and the blight that caused, this is worse as it is destroying natural habitats which we should be nurturing not covering in concrete. The orchards are being built over, this field should not go the same way. I hope that the Council will see sense and not allow this precious piece of land to be built on.