
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60075

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Charlotte de Blois

Representation Summary:

I welcome such aspects as tree planting in city centres and improved rail links. I do however wish to express reservations about other aspects of the proposed policies.

Ox Cam Arc - Creating good low carbon public transport links between important centres is good but this should be done in such a way that the natural environment and local ecology is impacted as little as possible. To upgrade this infrastructure into corridor developments for retail, commercial activity and housing will impact negatively upon the environment and will create 'soul-less dormitories' for resident workers; the only winners being developers and not local people. Natural environment cannot be 'enhanced' and it can only be replaced by an unnatural human-made environment, even if that new environment has some green credentials.

Water Pollution - My concerns are those eloquently expressed by the group 'Friends of the River Cam'.

Full text:

I have read the proposed local plan and welcome such aspects as tree planting in city centres and improved rail links. I do however wish to express reservations about other aspects of the proposed policies.

Ox Cam Arc

Creating good low carbon public transport links between important centres is good but this should be done in such a way that the natural environment and local ecology is impacted as little as possible. To upgrade this infrastructure into corridor developments for retail, commercial activity and housing will impact negatively upon the environment and will create 'soul-less dormitories' for resident workers; the only winners being developers and not local people. Natural environment cannot be 'enhanced' and it can only be replaced by an unnatural human-made environment, even if that new environment has some green credentials.

Water Pollution

My concerns are those eloquently expressed by the group 'Friends of the River Cam'.

Development in the East

The County Council's Highways Committee recently resolved that the levels of traffic on Cambridge's Mill Road are such that in the interest of health and protection from serious accident, its traffic volumes need to be controlled by creating a 'separate' albeit 'integrated' policy for Mill Road. This should be noted in the policy on development to the East of Cambridge.