
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60072

Received: 21/11/2021

Respondent: Dr Robert Evans

Representation Summary:

I have read about the themes and the interactions between the themes.
Water supply for the City and its environs is not mentioned. With regard to the themes on Climate change, Biodiversity, Wellbeing, Great Places, Jobs, Homes and Infrastructure; it is almost as though the supply of drinking water to the city has either been forgotten or ignored. The only time, as far as I can see, that water is mentioned is in the section on Infrastructure where it notes water should be delivered in the right places at the right time. It is very unlikely that there will be enough water for all the homes and developments proposed. The last Cambridge local plan, and consultations by Cambridge and Anglian water companies were informed many years ago that Cambridge would run out of water by 2035 and this was confirmed in the Stantec report recently and by the Environmental Impact Assessment of the last Cambridge local plan. The flow of the River Cam and its rare chalk springs and streams is in jeopardy because of the over abstraction from the chalk aquifer, as shown in the Report on the Water Crisis published by the city council and a later report arising from the Water Crisis publication. Until water can be supplied for all the homes and developments at the time of their building the developments should not go ahead.

Full text:

I have read about the themes and the interactions between the themes.
Water supply for the City and its environs is not mentioned. With regard to the themes on Climate change, Biodiversity, Wellbeing, Great Places, Jobs, Homes and Infrastructure; it is almost as though the supply of drinking water to the city has either been forgotten or ignored. The only time, as far as I can see, that water is mentioned is in the section on Infrastructure where it notes water should be delivered in the right places at the right time. It is very unlikely that there will be enough water for all the homes and developments proposed. The last Cambridge local plan, and consultations by Cambridge and Anglian water companies were informed many years ago that Cambridge would run out of water by 2035 and this was confirmed in the Stantec report recently and by the Environmental Impact Assessment of the last Cambridge local plan. The flow of the River Cam and its rare chalk springs and streams is in jeopardy because of the over abstraction from the chalk aquifer, as shown in the Report on the Water Crisis published by the city council and a later report arising from the Water Crisis publication. Until water can be supplied for all the homes and developments at the time of their building the developments should not go ahead.