
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60035

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Helen Warnock

Representation Summary:

Object to the Draft Local Plan and the over-development in and around Cambridge.

Over abstraction of water and inadequate waste water infrastructure. More houses and businesses create a bigger demand on water resources.

This continual building in excess of local requirement and more than the Government's target, results in concreting over large areas of ground leading to more rain water running straight into the sewage system. More houses means more sewage. The sewage system is overloaded and untreated sewage is released into our rivers.

All this taking place when the Local Authority and Central Government profess to be caring for the Environment.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the Draft Local Plan and the over-development in and around Cambridge.

Over abstraction of water and inadequate waste water infrastructure.
Already Cambridge Water and Anglian Water are damaging our precious and world famous chalk streams by over abstraction of water from the aquifers. Some of these rare chalk streams have already dried up completely.
More houses and businesses create a bigger demand on these water resources. A proposal to pump water from Lincolnshire, another water stressed area, to Cambridgeshire is not a viable solution, not an environmentally sound solution.

This continual building in excess of local requirement and more than the Government's target, results in concreting over large areas of ground leading to more rain water running straight into the sewage system. More houses means more sewage. The WWTW at Milton has been recently upgraded to cope with "normal" sewage volumes, but as soon as there is heavy rain, the sewage system is overloaded and untreated sewage is released into our rivers. In 2020 spills from various companies' pumps and overflows resulted in overt 12000 hours worth of sewage being discharged into Cambridgeshire's rivers. What a disgrace!
All this taking place when the Local Authority and Central Government profess to be caring for the Environment.

Green Spaces and Recreation.
The provision of green spaces is woefully inadequate.
The recent pandemic has shown how much people value open green spaces for their physical and mental well-being. Wicken Fen and the surrounding countryside has provided a much appreciated "Green Space" during the last 20 months or so. Resiting the WWTW from Milton ( a Brown Field site) is not necessary on operational grounds. This proposed incursion into the Green Belt is completely out of character with the surrounding country-side and destroys the Wicken Fen Vision, a proposal which is valuable on both recreational and environmental grounds, helping to absorb carbon dioxide and so helping to reduce global warming. Concreting over farm land does not make sense either financially or environmentally - cement manufacture contributes 8% of global carbon emissions.

These plans and proposals were being made before the pandemic. During this time work practices have changed. The Government's targets for housing etc. need to be revisited.

It is difficult to understand how this continual over-development in and around Cambridge is consistent with the "levelling up" policy and the professed care for the Environment of this Government and of our Councils.
There are many sites around the country registered as "Brown Field" sites, and empty houses suitable for upgrading in the former industrial towns and cities of the North, where this investment would be appreciated.

The infra-structure to support these proposed developments is not in place nor is it planned for. The water supply and sewage facilities are inadequate. Public transport is poor so private car usage is often the only viable means of transport. The roads are frequently congested with road traffic accidents occurring daily. Addenbrook's Hospital and the Rosie Maternity Unit are at near capacity.

Please think again! Think more of future generations.

Please confirm that you have received my objection.