
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59896

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Dahlia Pereira

Representation Summary:

S/RRA/MF Mansel Farm, Station Road, Oakington

Objection to proposed allocation at Mansel Farm.

Full text:

I write to provide comments to the First Proposal consultation document being considered by the Council, and in particular comments relating to proposed housing at Mansel Farm, Station Road, Oakington. This has the reference of S/RRA/MF and is within policy S/RRA. For information, I live at (Text redacted), opposite the site and would be directly impacted upon new houses on this site.
I object to the proposed allocation of land on two grounds. These are:
1. The site forms part of a wider parcel that was considered to cause Moderate High harm to the Green Belt. No assessment is available for the smaller parcel, but it is assumed the harm would remain Moderate High. If houses are needed in the Green Belt, surely there are more appropriate sites within the City or District?
2. The site forms part of a wider parcel that was assessed as having significant Landscape and Townscape, and Historic Environment impacts. The allocation is a smaller area of land, but theses concerns must remain, especially given the relationship with the Conservation Area. Again, surely there are more appropriate sites elsewhere.
I am therefore very concerned that the site has been chosen despite significant impacts being identified. From the sites put forward, there are a high number of other sites that are considered more appropriate, so it is very difficult to understand how Mansel Farm has been selected. The cynic in one would suggest this is because it is a County Council owned. That suggests that selection of the site has not been undertaken using a sound process. I recommended the site be removed and be replaced as necessary by land elsewhere.