
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59786

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Barrie Hunt

Representation Summary:

Whilst the core policy is entirely reasonable, it is another example of where consideration of the needs of the clinically vulnerable appear to be an afterthought. For many with respiratory and compromised immune systems, public transport is potentially dangerous and not advisable. This policy has potential to exclude their participation in aspects of society.

Full text:

) Electric vehicle charging points There is no mention of supply of charging points for existing residents, particularly those whose homes have no parking space. This appears to be a serious omission.
(P309) Policy I/EV: Parking and electric vehicles. Why is this policy needed states: “The Greater Cambridge Partnership are also preparing an Integrated Parking Strategy looking at the management of on- and off-street car parking as part of wider ambitions for achieving modal shift away from the private car. As part of place-making we need to make places where people want to move around by walking and cycling, so they are not car dominated, and where people access their destinations by public transport.” Whilst the core policy is entirely reasonable, it is another example of where consideration of the needs of the clinically vulnerable appear to be an afterthought. For many with respiratory and compromised immune systems, public transport is potentially dangerous and not advisable. This policy has potential to exclude their participation in aspects of society.