
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59458

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Caroline Amory

Representation Summary:

Not enough attention has been paid to the deleterious effects on the bio-systems, the chalk streams , the predicted sea level rise in the next few decades and the harmful effects of very high CO2 emitting use of vast swathes of cement.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the closing of the Consultation on this plan until there is better representation of residents and environmentalists and scientists who for the most part are horrified that so many large issues have been swept under the carpet and not addressed.
I am not a specialist, but I live by the river and take a keen interest in its health and wellbeing as well as that of all home dwellers in the area.
Not enough attention has been paid to the deleterious effects on the bio-systems, the chalk streams , the predicted sea level rise in the next few decades and the harmful effects of very high CO2 emitting use of vast swathes of cement. All the foregoing will be substantially affected by such a large and ill- considered building programme. There is already overuse of natural water sources for the proposed growth in the county and plans to supplement this appear to ignore a similar case in Lincolnshire which has not enough spare water of its own to be called upon to pump a supplementary supply to our area..
All these concerns are deeply concerning and have not had adequate representation in your consultation process. Please halt all decision making in the light of COP26 and its urgent finding and review the plan in order to secure a safe and clean and unpolluted environment so future generations can thrive here.