
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58844

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: R Donald

Representation Summary:

Reconsider numbers of new homes required close to the city centre due to changes in commuting habits, accelerated by the covid pandemic.
Object to large scale housing developments to the west of Impington (NIAB land) due to
This land is greenbelt land therefore should be protected.
Out of scale and different in character from Impington.
Huge increase in traffic through a quiet, residential area of historical significance.
Increased pressure on a GP practice already struggling with patient numbers.
Land already prone to flooding and down-stream from the new, large development of Darwin Green which will increase pressure.

Full text:

I question the proposed scale of any new developments on the edge of Cambridge due to changes in commuting habits precipitated by the covid pandemic. The proportion of people who will permanently work from home, full-time, or at least part-time has increased hugely, thereby reducing the need for additional homes close to the city centre; I think the numbers should be reconsidered.
I do object to proposals for larger scale developments to the West side of Impington (NIAB land).
This land is greenbelt land and should be protected as such.
This is a large-scale development, very out of scale and different in character from Impington.
It would cause a huge increase in traffic through a quiet, residential area which has historical significance, once being Chivers orchards has a special character with an abundance of old fruit trees.
Increased pressure on a GP practice already struggling with too great patient numbers.
Increased pressure on the water drainage system, on land already prone to flooding and down-stream from the large development of Darwin Green which is likely to cause greatly increased pressure as it is.

I do not object to development of site S/RRA/H/1, as long as it is a small development, to provide additional housing whilst maintaining the character of Impington and keeping it as a separate entity from Cambridge city and Milton.
I do not object to the development of the small area of land North of Primrose lane.