
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58795

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Redrow Homes Ltd

Agent: Savills

Representation Summary:

Summary: Land south of High Street, Hauxton (HELAA site 40283)

Policy S/JH: New Jobs and Homes, in respect to
‘Housing Needs’

With regard to the Housing Requirement (Section 2.1 of the draft Plan):
o The draft Plan, knowingly, focusses only on the ‘most likely’ of just two employment growth scenarios, with no weighting given to the scenario that is based on the most recent trends.
o Were weighting to be given to the scenario that is based on the most recent trends, it is likely that the associated housing requirement would increase by c. 9% to 48,300 homes.

Please see attached letter and enclosures for further detail.

Full text:

Policy S/JH: New Jobs and Homes, in respect to ‘Housing Needs’

With regard to the Housing Requirement (Section 2.1 of the draft Plan):
o The draft Plan, knowingly, focusses only on the ‘most likely’ of just two employment growth scenarios, with no weighting given to the scenario that is based on the most recent trends.
o Were weighting to be given to the scenario that is based on the most recent trends, it is likely that the associated housing requirement would increase by c. 9% to 48,300 homes.

Please see attached letter and enclosures for further detail.