
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58477

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mr David Moore

Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Representation Summary:

South of the High Street, Graveley (HELAA site 40231)
Land at Manor Farm Site, Graveley, (HELAA site 40229)
Land adjacent Ponds Farm Cottage, Graveley (HELAA site 40234)

The Greater Cambridge Local Plan should help to meet its housing need by having a combination of large
and small sites and this site would be key to achieving this aim and enable sustainable development in
accordance with paragraph 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021

Full text:

Small sites in rural villages can provide excellent opportunities for self-build and custom built houses which would see councils meeting the demand for this type of housing as well as meet the needs for local housing, whilst fulfilling their obligations in line with the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015. This policy makes no reference to meeting this obligation. Focusing on offering self-build plots within larger housing developments is not proving to be a successful strategy, and by allocating smaller sites in rural areas this demand would be met and
contribute to the sustainability and vitality of rural villages. Self-build and custom-build development will provide sensitively designed dwellings which will enhance the setting of the village along with providing much needed housing. This will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities.
When undertaking the consultation of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan, the Council proposed to
allocate a site on Toseland Road, Graveley, for residential development. This site is outside of the
settlement boundary, whereas the proposed sites of south of the High Street, Graveley (site ref: 40231), land at Manor Farm Site, Graveley, (site ref: 40229) and land adjacent Ponds Farm Cottage, Graveley (site ref: 40234) are all better placed to offer housing sites as they are contiguous to the settlement boundary. Although the site on Toseland Road was not allocated, this demonstrates that previously the principle of development outside of the settlement boundary was acceptable. Furthermore, although the site on Toseland Road was supported by the Council, during this time, the land at Manor Farm Site (site ref: 40229) was also considered for development and received local support.
The National Planning Policy Framework 2021 sets out in paragraph 79 that to promote sustainable
development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of
rural communities. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive,
especially where this will support local services. Where there are groups of smaller settlements,
development in one village may support services in a nearby villages. The land off the land south of High
Street, Graveley, land at Manor Farm Site, Graveley, and land adjacent Ponds Farm Cottage, Graveley are
all ideally placed to offer housing.
The Greater Cambridge Local Plan should help to meet its housing need by having a combination of large
and small sites and this site would be key to achieving this aim and enable sustainable development in
accordance with paragraph 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.