
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58368

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Frank Gawthrop

Representation Summary:

The policy of expanding provision for expanding employment is fundamentally flawed. In essence it is developer and Cambridge University led for their own profit with no consideration of the wider implications of the impact on the housing needs of local Cambridge people and the environment of our City. The local plan should be resisting further commercial development which is driving further inroads into the green belt and the destruction of the unique nature of Cambridge

Full text:

The policy of expanding provision for expanding employment is fundamentally flawed. In essence it is developer and Cambridge University led for their own profit with no consideration of the wider implications of the impact on the housing needs of local Cambridge people and the environment of our City. The local plan should be resisting further commercial development which is driving further inroads into the green belt and the destruction of the unique nature of Cambridge